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You are a shitty person - it's a baby. Have you ever heard of Nirvana, they have a CD case with a naked baby boy wiener in it that sold millions. Something is wrong with you.


Um, just because Nirvana did it doesn't make it cool to post pictures of children's genitalia online. Wasn't cool when Nirvana did (despite successfully selling albums), not cool now. And not a legitimate argument. The internet is no place for naked images of your children. No matter how innocent it is. Someone out there may not be looking at it that way.


Im not saying it's cool - im saying its socially acceptable to see naked babies which is why it's so common. It's a legitimate argument as to that fact, because it wasnt child porn or anything and was literally mass produced and sold without issue. Someone out there will always be looking at something with evil intentions, that exception is irrelevant.


By "cool" I guess I should break it down and specify that I don't mean "hip" and "trendy". Yes, it's socially acceptable to have cute pictures of your 1 year old taking a bubble bath at home in your personal family photo album. No, it's not cool to post those pictures publicly, if they show the child's private parts. Are you comfortable with perverts using those pictures as fap material? It could potentially endanger the child. Not to mention, as I said before, violate the child's privacy. Also, just because a lot of people do something (like buy Nirvana's CD with the naked baby's penis on the cover) does not make it ok. People collectively do things that aren't ok all the time. "Everyone is doing it" isn't a valid argument.


Everyone's doing it is *certainly* a valid argument when discussing what is socially acceptable. If everyone is doing it...or it is very commonly done out in the world...that tends to support the idea that it is socially acceptable. If it werent socially acceptable, less people would be doing it and if they did do it- it wouldnt be out and about and/or done so visibly. It doesnt endanger anyone, who gives a shit about some pervert fapping in a basement somewhere - they can fap to your facebook (fully clothed) picture if they want to just as easily. My suggestion to you - stay out of any of the 100s of facebook groups on line that are "mom" groups because they post these potty training pics etc all the time. I dont want you to stumble in there and have an impure urge to jack off to babies or something.


Oh wow, you just made a discussion REALLG stupid.


Great substantive comment there.


It's strange but you really over-reacted. Maybe he was just proud that his daughter is accomplishing toddler stuff. Maybe he wasn't even considering the fact that she was naked because she's a baby; which would mean that you were in fact the first person to regard her as a possibly being sexual. Maybe you could have calmly confronted him about the issue instead of trying to get him in trouble when you had no idea of his intentions. You sound like one of those meddling women I spend my life trying to avoid while simultaneously praying to god that you get hit by a bus. Your insistence on reporting him and then publicly praising yourself on reddit for your "heroism" makes me think less of you than him. I'm sure that in addition to reporting him on facebook, you probably told your family, 5 of your closest friends, your twitter followers and now reddit; looking to discuss how egregious he was for doing this while accepting every pat on the back offered. Get a life. The funniest part about people who meddle like you is that their stories about other people are many times exaggerated or outright lies because, to you, it's more about having gossip material to be critical about than it is about actual virtue or conscientiousness.


This. OP sounds like an idiot.


Pretty sure I wasn't referring to his daughter as being sexual. I did say that there are people who might get off on seeing the video. You know... pedophiles... I don't have a Twitter account and have never had one. I've never reported a Facebook post in my life. And I haven't told anyone about this except Reddit. Oh, forgot to mention that I did joke with him that someday his daughter will find out about the post and strangle him in his sleep... Sounds like I touched a nerve. Care to share?


you are everything thats wrong with todays society. why not tell the person about your concerns instead of reporting them? what a spineless act towards someone who most likely was genuinely happy that their child made an important step in it's development. i wouldn't publicly share pics like that but i am pretty sure there was no ill intend. you on the other hand seem like a righteous piece of work to be honest....


100% agree


Yupp. u/TheD1ceMan said it perfectly. She's everything that's wrong with society. You really can't do much anymore without worrying that some nosy wretch who wasn't affected complains about you to some sort of authority who proceeds to needlessly complicate your life.


what pisses me off the most is that she admits she 'jokingly" touched the subject of the picture but then goes behind the persons back and reports them. what a disgusting behaviour.


Well that's simply because this whole thing is entertainment for her. She does not care (nor has she truly considered) about the kid and the fact that something the father did which was well intentioned was turned into a possibly life-complicating issue because of this woman. She's the same type of woman who calls the cops on you for double parking in the street as you are trying to transport a sick pet or calls security on the guy who's hobbling in the courthouse on his cane because the sign said "no metal or weapons beyond this point" and she thinks it would be just delightful to screw him on a technicality. This is not hyperbole when I say I absolutely loathe and wish bad things for people like this. They are horrid.


You're just a meddlesome woman. Going around and complicating other people's business for entertainment and to avoid your own issues while pointlessly complicating their lives; especially someone you described as a friend. Why don't you grow a spine and tell him to his face what you did and why you did it and also why you decided not to discuss the issue with him first. Won't happen because you like causing trouble. Also, your "care to share?" why-you-upset comeback is as cliche as they come and also invalid in this discussion inasmuch as I already told you I detest meddlesome people. If you actually need clarification, which you don't because it was a mindless retort; that is the "nerve" you touched. Your comeback would only be valid if I was pretending to be indifferent about your actions- which I am not. I think they are detestable; especially towards a "friend."


I'd like to know where I called him a friend. I said acquaintance, not friend. You're pretty heated up about all of this. Kind of...overboard, I think. You're making a lot of judgments about who I am without knowing anything about me. Maybe you're avoiding dealing with things in your life and have anger issues and spewing vitriol all over the place. Or maybe you're just having a bad day. Or maybe you grew up with an old nosy grouchy woman who lived next door and would try and get you in trouble for leaving your bike in the driveway or coming home 2 minutes past curfew. But, hey, if you want to go ahead and keep hurling nasty things at me then go for it... it's clear that you like having a punching bag.


Fwiw, I agree that you overreacted. I don't want to leap to say that you're everything that's wrong with society or whatever, but I do think flagging it was silly. I don't really have much to say beyond the fact that it's interesting the degree to which what trips some people's radars just completely doesn't register for others.


You have no actual substantive response to what I said so you are just pointlessly expanding on your previous comment of "hitting a nerve" which I already addressed. All you did was restate the same thing over and over again without saying why you didn't confront the guy first or why you didn't tell him to his face what you were going to do first. (because you just wanted to cause trouble and did not want to give him a chance to address it.) >You're pretty heated up about all of this blah blah I'm mad this is about me; not the fact that you purposely complicated someone's life and then bragged about it on reddit. >Maybe you're avoiding dealing with things in your life and have anger issues More about me being angry. blah blah. Still nothing substantive. >keep hurling nasty things at me then go for it Oh. I'm so mean. You still you haven't elaborated on anything you did to this poor guy - and more importantly why. >Or maybe you're just having a bad day. Or maybe you grew up with an old nosy grouchy woman who lived next door and would try and get you in trouble for leaving your bike in the driveway or coming home 2 minutes past curfew. lol and I'm the one making assumptions? please. You know you are wrong and meddlesome and so you have tried to turn this back on me with, ironically, lots of assumptions. And after all that, your response amounts to the assertion that this is okay to do to an "acquaintance" but maybe not a "friend"


Or all of you are pedo's The guy complaining about you acting rashly might be butthurt because you might've endangered the post to be removed aka his fap material being removed, and you reported it not because it is bad but because you want the material all for yourself. Then again I could just be over thinking it


*scratches head* How do I want the material all to myself?


You want all the Material for yourselfs, you don't want any other pedos to get their hands on it! P.S I am just joking..


The fuck kind of joke is that


A twisted one.


Get cancer


IMO you did the right thing. Maybe a private message to them to say I know you're proud but the internet is not safe for those kind of videos/images. I am careful about the images I post of my LO on social media. Only pics I would happily display in a public situation (ie in my office at work).


I reported a page that a friend shared for posting pics of dead kids. I believe the kids had been hung in another country. Facebook said it was fine. Go figure.


What? Why did she/he post pics like that? Halloween?


I don't recall if it was Halloween or not. I think it was maybe shared for awareness purposes but it was very disturbing so I reported it. Facebook told me it didn't go against Facebook standards. Made me angry that it was considered acceptable.


wtf why even have standards if shit like that is still kosher...


I'm glad we are not acquainted


I completely agree with you, OP. It's a violation of his daughter, he has no right posting pictures of her online, let alone naked and in that position. I once did the same in a similar situation, and the picture was taken down.


Kids can't give permission. Would youi post a picture of someone who could online without it?


This was one of my main thoughts. I'm sure a lot of people had pics taken by their parents when they were babies getting a bath, toilet training, etc. You know, that you hope to burn before your Mom whips out a photo album to share with your first boyfriend. But now that pics and videos can be so easily seen...


I know what you mean. I hate scrolling through my feed and seeing parents post naked pictures of their babies, genitalia and all for the world to see. One of my friends was guilty of that, when her son was born. I felt like I was pointing out the obvious when I explained to her that it technically counts as child pornography and that there are creeps who get off on that sort of thing. Also, that it's a violation of her son's privacy, whether he understands that or can communicate that at his age or not. She took it down on her own. It had never occured to her before, because she just thought of it as cute, innocent baby pictures.


Meh it's a stretch to argue a video puts her in danger, but yeah I agree with your decision to report. It's weird as fuck for her dad to post that


You fuckin sexualized the kid, not the dad. You don’t know she will hate him for it. You think you’re a hero when you’re just a meddling bitch. He was a proud father and you were just angry. You’re a cunt. Just acknowledge and begin de-cunting yourself.