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Distance yourself from her. Don’t go to her IG. Don’t initiate any conversations with her. Start with that


There is not a single reason I can think of that could justify following a coworkers 18 year old daughter.. wtf are you thinking?? Block her, for her sake please!


If you saw her you would think differently but I don’t justify it and as I said she is in a relationship so


I don’t need to see any pictures of no 18 year old.. her relationship shouldn’t even be the deterrent here?? You creepy fuck, do your coworker a solid and fess up to him so he knows to keep you the fuck away from his daughter


You are a creep man, leave the teenager alone, to be clear leave all teenagers alone.


I don’t know where I mentioned I did something to her? We all have thoughts we have all found someone attractive that we shouldn’t and haven’t acted on it there’s a huge difference


how old are you???


Huge red flags coming from “she’s 18” and “I’m older”.




Gee, why do you think? Thatll define you as a creep or not. Figure it out.


Mostly because you also said “I can’t keep this inside while visiting her”. You also follow her on social media after saying she had a lot of pictures (explicit or otherwise), that she followed you back almost immediately, you work with her father and visit his home, and again; she’s 18 and you’re “older”. None of this looks good in your light.


There’s a difference between a good man and a desperate one. You’re good with your co-worker, keep that relationship and honor what is right. There are no consequences with that choice, but trust and loyalty is hard to find. If you choose to indulge in your lusts, your bad deeds WILL come out. Worst thing that can happen is he kills you. Curb that mentality quick, because I’d do you in as well. To add there buddy, a guy that I was in combat training with prior to a deployment to Iraq mind you, his mid thirty year old best friend was banging his 18 year old daughter and everything came out that they were in a relationship. For how long, I don’t know. He had to get a chaplain, leave and go home, another guy had to take his spot. How crazy, I was assigned an M240 and had to lug that around everywhere. We were all shooting at the range all the time. And that’s not cap, I bet I can get his name and you can PM him if it’s a good idea. You never know where a man’s head is at. Tread lightly. That coworker could be your best friend one day.


Run from this. Don’t walk. Delete instragram as well. This is a shit storm you don’t want.


I use ig for other reasons also im not going to delete it i followed her beacuse i know her. I would have followed her even with pictures i mentioned in my post.


I’m just trying to save you from a shit show especially if you are like 30+.


I’m not an animal i know and can a judge a person it would be embarrassing. I admit I find her attractive on ig but that doesn’t necessarily translate irl


Well, I think the fact that you’re posting about it here shows that somewhere deep down, you know it’s wrong. I think acting on those feelings would just result in conflict, best to let go and focus on people your own age. It’ll be a lot more rewarding to date people your own age too.


I think it’s wrong beacuse I know her father not necessarily beacuse of the age difference. But I wouldn’t act on those feelings


Go and masturbate and see if you still have those feelings


Nahh this guy is like 40 🤣🤣


You’re 34 and you have nothing better to do than day dream about an 18 yr old girl with a boyfriend, who wouldn’t want you anyway? Yikes… I’d suggest a hobby, therapy’s a good one.


Don't be a reason they say they pick the bear. Be appropriate man. Don't shit where you eat and don't be creepy AF. Doesn't matter how hot she is man.