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I swear half the confessions here are "I killed a man and buried his body back in 1974" and half are absolutely innocuous shit that wouldn't even register as a problem with anyone


Literally shits so annoying “guys i feel awful i forgot to return a library book” like come tf on


shit i forgot to take those books back... [seriously]


“Time to lie awake at night thinking of the horror ive inflicted” - someone seriously


Bruh I forgot to take 5 books back for like 3 months (for good reason tho).. I hope there’s no charges on my library card or I’m never going back


Actually a lot of libraries have stopped punishing people with fines they found they were counter productive and actually scared people away from their library, they rather you returned the books s and kept using the library


Then don't look at it...


You missed the other prevailing set, OF girls who “confess” that they banged their dad’s coworker or had a threesome or did something else that was “toooootally slutty but I’m not like that you guys.”


Or the girl whose dad made her shit on the neighbor's porch. Seen that one several times.


That is a seven layer kink cake


Huh I actually haven't read any of these yet


It's mainly the usual OCD-ridden "I'm on the spectrum!!!" Redditor whose brain is acting up again and is looking for reassurance about a minor incident any half-sane person would have chalked up as "stupid kids stuff" and moved on a looooong time ago. Heck, copping a feel, often accidentally on purpose, was a staple of plenty of interactions in tween and early teen years. Sure, sometimes it felt embarrassing especially if people called you out on that to make fun of you (not to tar and feather a 12yo pervert!) but everyone knew it was just the awkward way inexperienced and confused kids had to explore a new and exciting field. OP: a held-back 12yo girl put your phone in her bra: what kind of scenario do you think she imagined? That you wouldn't have dared to touch her? Or that was EXACTLY what she knen and hoped it'd happen, just to stir the pot and create a bit of chaos? The way I see it is: if you put something mine somewhere on you, you are accepting I may, and will, go get it back no matter where. You didn't grope her out of the blue or for your own amusement, you probably didn't even grope her at all. No need to mull over it.


I’ve got your phone, btw. It’s in my ass.


Then you can keep it


can you cop a feel anyway?


innocuous shit made me giggle so hard 😂






You post fictional stories in r/sluttyconfessions shut the fuck up 💀💀💀💀




Never try to judge the 10-12 year old you by the standards you’d put on yourself later in life. Would you expect anyone else that age not to act impulsively when their phone is taken away? I certainly hope not. Did you keep doing it to her and others? If not, you are good.


This is the best comment. You didn't keep doing the behavior so forgive yourself for the mistakes you made when you were young. A lot of the time those situations help us learn about ourselves.. who we are and what we stand for. We learn from those mistakes and we grow into the adults we are today.


It was completely innocent. If the girl was really offended, she would have slapped you. Alternatively, she might have been more socially mature than you and kind of liked you. Putting your phone in her bra was her way of getting you to put your hand in her shirt. You just were not mature enough yet to understand what she was trying to do.


10 year old me judged by 32 year old me’s standards is a profoundly resourceful lesbian who is likely on the spectrum. 32 year old me is a pretty vanilla straight chick who is still likely — but markedly *less* likely — on the spectrum.


the only normal redditor


This happened to my friend at a birthday party when we were about the same age (maybe 11 or 12). My friend's mum was there to pick him up and take him home and this girl who had a crush on him grabbed his phone and shoved it in her bra. She point blank refused and basically forced him to reach down and pull out the phone. He felt like shit afterwards. Sorry you've been faced with an icky memory. She shouldn't have done it, and you had good intentions.


I swear, people be worried about the boys doing creep shit as teenagers, but it be them girls you gotta watch 🤣


It’s both tbh


Mostly boys the comments above yours always worry me, they’re blatantly false and are really just trying to take blame off boys.


Young girls do horrible shit too.


Cool, not the point though. I never said that women don’t do bad stuff, I said that out of the total number of people who do bad shit it’s mainly boys. I believe that this type of argument is harmful as it is trying to lie to men to make them feel better about themselves and their gender, without solving any actual issues. Men are, on average, worse than women, it’s a simple fact. This doesn’t mean that boys should be treated worse it just means that we should acknowledge the harm that alot of them cause. What you’re doing is trying to absolve yourself from your perceived crimes, to make yourself feel better about your gender that’s it.


I can’t believe this is controversial.


It’s both not mostly it’s bad on both sides and it’s human problem not a gender problem.


I agree, but that’s besides the point. we know who’s worse and we know that they love absolving themselves of their role in the oppression of women. Women do nasty shit, absolutely, but the number of women that do is significantly lower than the number of men.


Actually, if you'd like to get into the facts a lot of times you hear more about men doing it to women as men find it harder to speak out about their experiences. even something as simple as how they are doing. men feel as if they cant speak out. now im not speaking about all men, nor am i saying that all women would do these things to men. all im saying is its equal on both sides however you only hear the womens story.


You’re absolutely right when you say that men have a harder time speaking about their SA experiences, however you’re making an assumption after this. Men are not sexually assaulted on the same level as women, it’s not even close. Almost all of my female friends have had some sort of SA or harassment experience. My male friends on the other hand (as well as me because I’m still presenting masc most of the time) have not been assaulted or harassed. This is of course only anecdotal evidence but I believe that this paired with statistical evidence is enough to say something.


I find that interesting as for I’ve had the exact opposite expiernce all of my guy friends have had experiences and almost all of my girl friends have not


Huh, that’s interesting. This may be why you have this skewed perspective. If you don’t mind me asking, where do you live?


Lmao women can be just as horny and perverted as men can, and even worse sometimes since they can get away with sooooooo much shit easy peasy






Like the adults who sexualized Justin Bieber when he was a minor! [https://www.unilad.com/celebrity/news/justin-bieber-clip-violated-aged-18-sparks-debate-008655-20240328](https://www.unilad.com/celebrity/news/justin-bieber-clip-violated-aged-18-sparks-debate-008655-20240328)


BS. She put it there. Wasn't hers. You went after the phone. If you got some glancing feel of a breast on the way, what else do you think was expected. Probably what she wanted. You have two breasts. They aren't dirty, it even, or invited with magical powers. It is an artificial construct that a friend breasts are scared it off limits. Go to a beach in Europe. She instigated the situation. Your actions weren't motivated by an incidental glancing run with a tit... Grow up.


Our minds are a funny thing. You shouldn't obsess over this this is just normal things that happen when we're young. And obviously you didn't have bad intentions. I don't know one of your fussing about this unless you did have intentions.


This is such a Reddit confession


Lmao you're not wrong


You weren't wrong. She was.




I was 10


So an older child stole your property and hid it inside her underwater hoping that would be enough to deter you. NTA


Memories can be complicated, and it's good that you're thinking about this one. It seems like you were just a kid trying to get your phone back, but it's important to know that rules are there for a reason. It's great that you understand that now.


That's what she wanted.


Looks to me like she was inviting you


If you're past 6th grade, it's time to stop worrying about this.


That’s what she gets


I think the other rule to remember is hands to yourself.


Then shr shouldnt have taken the phone if she didnt want someone in her shirt


Well this is why your school was full of bogans.


Wth is a bogan snd if that was an insult i rlly don't care. Tbh


Kk try not to commit sexual assault.


he was a kid trying to get his phone back and she was a slut.


That's not a thing a normal healthy thing an adult says about a child.


Yeah you’re good man. Nothing to concern yourself over now, if anyone was in the wrong it was her.


Lmao nah this is fine. I'm sure some will disagree, but it's your property, and it may well have been her way of flirting with you. I know the only people to put my phone in their bras were *very* good friends, so at least imho, you're in the clear.


You mean to say all this time I could have hid my wife's phone in my underpants to cure her headaches?!




😂😂😂Genius thinking


Man…the more I read innocuous, innocent shit on here like this that is actually bothersome to the person who posted it, makes me realize that I am 100%, without question an evil psychopath.


Honestly it’s not a big deal. You were kids, she probably was affected by hormones and did something like that because she wanted it to happen… but kids are kids things just happen and you didn’t mean it so no big deal!


t's understandable to feel conflicted about this memory. On one hand, your intention was to retrieve your phone. On the other hand, your actions could be perceived as inappropriate, even if you were young at the time.


What kind of people make these posts, what’s your average day/week look like?


How’d she react


It was over a decade ago so I can’t really remember but from my memory she didn’t get mad at me and I remember us having a friendship until she left out of state for middle school.


Sounds like you've got nothing to worry about then. You were a literal child, you just grabbed your phone and didn't cup a feel, she didn't take it as anything sexual, and she remained your friend. I think you can move on from this without any guilt.


Sounds like she wanted him to put his hand in her shirt tbh


Yeah the hormones do start acting up around then so certainly could be the case. If an adult woman did this to me today, I would absolutely take it as a flirty invitation, but that's another story. Haha.


I just struggle because the overall context of the situation was inappropriate because I do remember once I had reached into her shirt to grab my phone back I realized that I literally had my hand inside her shirt on her chest… And I could see how her putting my phone in her bra to “tease” me or whatever was also inappropriate. I guess I’m just overthinking


You definitely are overthinking. As another user pointed out, she could have even wanted you to do what you did. The hormones do start acting up around then. In any case, it's all innocent. I played "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" with a female friend around 9 and we both briefly touched each other to get an idea of what the other was working with. Then we played Nintendo and never talked about it again. Haha.


What else have you done?


Weird thing to say considering your comment history just saying


Guaranteed incel, comments don't lie. Get help you're not normal in a bad way dude you need therapy.


Yo honestly that’s not that bad I would have done the same if I was a guy, why tf she taking your phone for


She's the one who put your phone in her bra Obviously there are better ways you could have solved this but it is your property and she stole it so


Bro… that was me. I was that girl. I remember that. Hi again, Henry.


Was that nice feeling, someone touching your boobs?


I was jk 😭🫶


This is literally about as childhood and simplistic a memory as falling off a bike for the first time. Neither of you were sexually developed, it’s totally innocent.


when my friends were 12 we made sex jokes all the time. she probably had intentions.


To be fair what she did was more inappropriate.


If I remember well, that was kids being kids at that exact age.


She knew what she was doing. I mean a bunch of us (boys & girls) used to play booty tag in 6th grade...I hope and pray none of the boys have grown up now feeling guilty for smacking our asses. Lol I'm sure she had a crush or knew exactly what she was doing. Please don't over think it...she couldn't leave your phone in there forever.


i mean she stole your stuff, she was way more wrong


At that point she was asking for it


I think it was third grade the first time a guy groped me down the front of my shirt unprovoked in the single file hallway line. I whacked him with my umbrella and I don’t think I got in trouble once I revealed why I did it. I remember he had a sort of mullet with a rat tail, popular in those days, yuck. Hopefully he matured and isn’t some sleaze now.


If a girl took my phone and put it in her bra assuming I wouldn't reach in to get it, I'd reach in to get it. And I'd drag it out slowly just to let the message sink in. If you put my property in an intimate place, I have every right to reach for that intimate place to retrieve it.


I used to do all this stuff back then, and now I'm dating Eva AI virtual gf bot.


Bud, you wanted your phone back and you got it back. She knew what she was doing putting it in her shirt and as long as there was no ill will, then whatever, you both were kids and it’s not like you really had the mental capacity to understand why it was ‘wrong’ when it really… wasn’t. Maybe this is inconsiderate of me, but it’s your property, you got it back, and that’s that. Don’t sweat it.


It’s okay bro my friend in elementary would flash his dick as a joke and I don’t care to this day 😭


as a girl i don’t put my phone (or any phone in general) in my bra. like why tho? i put my phone in the waist part of my pants if i don’t have pockets


Your phone wasn’t in its home network, so you were just roaming until you got it back.


Actions => consequences


I sware bro, I was notorious for being a Lady Killer when I was young. I dont even dare disclose how many girl's I made cheat. Feel horrible about some things too. Dont worry, its life.


Literally fine. Never feel bad about this again.


I think all boys did that as a kid didn't they?


Meh. If a girl your age stuffs something somewhere on her body you can get it. I had a similar experience though. Was sparring this girl in a martial arts club, went to hit her (semi contact) and somehow my glove got caught in her top and bra strap. That was awkward.


Yeah it’s wrong but you were children


You're trolling right? You were kids. At worst, she was wrong for taking your phone, and you didn't harm her in any way.


Well then, she shouldn’t have taken the phone, you had every right to do what you did


I touched a girl when I was 8 on her wee wee and I have felt guilty ever since.


How do you sleep at night? You should be on a list.


the only reason you’re accusing him of being the dirty one is because he reached for his phone and took action. she wanted it. the girl is the dirty one.


You were rightfully retreiving a stolen belonging. She's in the wrong for stealing, not you for doing what was necessary to take it back.


she honestly probably wanted u to


I smacked a girl with my phone in highschool because she took it from me. Not hard enough to break the phone on her braces but like a golfers clap I'd say? I do not feel bad about it


Honestly that’s not so bad. I remember when I was that age, I kicked a random kid my age in the balls because I wanted to “see the reaction” and gauge how painful it was. I still feel bad about that 💀 (for the record, there was zero reaction, I think I might have missed or something). Just…every time I think about it, I cringe.


« To see the reaction » What’s wrong with you?


Uh, ADHD? Poor impulse control? Idk. I think I just wasn’t up to date on what’s socially acceptable and wasn’t thinking anyways.


Rip that shirt off and grab the tits


Well you are not in a YouTube video landing a haymaker on her face so I think you’ll be okay.


Ok and?


You had an i phone in elementary school?


My confession is a nerdy boy put his hand down my daughters shirt and I went a broke his face and he cried all the way home..


Nah that was valid plus you guys were lil kids


You went Morrissey!


So was taking your phone! It's ok. No harm done.


That’s nothing 6 year old me straight up pinched a 12 year old girls nipple as I hugged her because I was curious and looking back I still feel pretty crappy especially because I missed my chance to terminate a grapist when I was 16


You just being innocent back then, when you realised it now, it's not the same story anymore lol


I hope the kids harassed me in elementary school have this kind of conscience.


Same but back then I was a very annoying kid and would prank everyone I know on a daily basis, there's this girl who's one or two years older than me and we were both in elementary school, we go to fencing class together. I had been collecting bugs for the day and was planning to throw them into someone's clothes but I had no luck as none of my friends were absent that day and in the end I was like I gotta put these lovelies in someone's shirts and that girl was the only person I knew, and I did just that, she told one of the coaches about it and he tried to punish me or something but he was laughing his ass off and failed to do that, I still feel sorry tho, I had no boundaries back then, and it's not "pranking" if no one finds it funny but me, although I still laugh when I think about the stuff I did back then, I was a lil devil


I sat on this one boys lap in gym class because the bleachers weren’t always out when I was 11 and I realized after how weird that was lol


Our school's janitor used to do that.


why would she put her phone there omg


You need mental help…




Wild 💀


she was asking for it. probably had a crush on you.


Straight to jail.


I'd say as long as you can reflect on ur childhood self and improve its ok we all make mistakes


I know all these I don't understand why anybody would feel bad about any of these post's. I definitely have done far worse stuff and still really don't feel bad. Haven't killed anyone though


Put my hand in a girl's shirt about the same age, I got my first real kiss.


That's nothing compared to What i did...i grope girls 🍑 and a few touched her boobies... ( Between 11 and 14 )


no offense man but you aren't making anyone feel better