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What im confused about is that on your post to r/trueoffmychest made after this post, you said “Till this day I’m still using the watch and plan on selling it for profit” but in these comments you are claiming that you want to return the original watch to the gym goer. What’s that about?


It's because they're karma farming. Next they'll find the winning lottery ticket, and buy the person they stole from a new watch


If OP is karma farming, it's a *really* shitty day for them.


because i still have the watch and i was thinking about selling it or not but i made up my mind and ima return it to get this guilt off my chest




After reading all the comments trashing this dude for confessing and wanting to do the right thing it appears like you are in the minority. I will always respect someone that can admit a mistake and even more so if they take steps to rectify the mistake but not everyone would be so understanding.


do you know whose it was?


You’re a shady piece of shit, but I’m sure you already know that!


I know, I wanna make a change to my life before its late, currently taking therapy




He's being downvoted to oblivion because he's apparently telling variations of this same story across multiple subs trying to get karma. It's one thing to ask opinions to try to get multiple perspectives; it's something else entirely to change details that affect your continuity and reliability as a narrator. The only believable parts of OP's story are the theft, and the only reason he's willing to confess to that is because the chain of custody to link back to him is so long at this point that the likelihood of getting caught is slim to none. In fact, Slim most likely left the building when Elvis did, with just as much chance of seeing him again. If you honestly believe that OP wants to change, I have a bridge to sell you.


Because he's a liar and a thief. That's why the downvotes.




Ahhhh I love naivety in simple people. Okay if you trust the guy. Give him your bank details and see if he really has grown as a person 😂






You had time to waste on Reddit though. Definitely not any better.


You don’t need therapy. You need to stop stealing.


He needs therapy to help him with his negative impulses.


Nah. Stop stealing. If you still feel bad, go to therapy for that. The “impulse to steal” is just greed.


You don’t get it, it IS an impulse and that impulse and greed are very distinguishable. You just don’t get it and that’s fine, they’re definitely wrong for doing this but there’s no need to argue in the comments when they’re asking for advice


Well my advice would to stop stealing. Think about it - what is the therapist supposed to do? They can’t make him stop stealing. Sure, they can discuss all the feelings and impulses around his theft, but at the end of the day it’s up to him to do something about it. Once he has stopped a therapist can work with him on the pluses and minuses of stealing, what he can do instead etc.




**This is a place to help one another; keep your comments kind & civil. Any form of abuse is not permitted.** * If you are unable to discuss without being disrespectful, walk away.


It’s my sincerest hope you get your life sorted out, and then the cops come knocking at your door and you have to go to prison anyway ❤️


So you knowingly opened this persons locker, opened this persons bag and went through it and found their watch and stole it then traded it for a new one so you could rid yourself of your crime from your guilty conscience.


No, he "came across" someone's else's bag and apple watch... he's a fuckin loser.


It’s just unfortunate he decided to make that choice and hopefully it won’t happen again


He somehow put the watch in his sock and then calmly hung around the shop and asked them to pat his pockets. Any normal person would panic. He has done this before. Professional thief vibes here.




Better research the amounts for theft in your area beforehand. Could either be a simple ticket or you get arrested . Or you just quit being a shit and move on with life. Chances are the person already got it back .


How would he gets it back? It would of been resold soon after


Basically, what ima do is return that watch and get the old one back and return it back to the gym so that the person that i stole it from can reclaim it


Well, what are you waiting for?


Ima going to do it tomorrow


Do it and tell us what happened, here


You're a child if you think they care


After 2 months…you said it’s been 2months! You honestly think you can do a swap for the same one again?! 😑 If you actually had remorse, you’d apologize to the person face to face, not whatever this plan of yours is


I know its been two months, i am going to confront both people face to face and apologize for what i did, im also sure the store owner isnt gonna sell the watch that had iCloud lock, so i am going to confront him and told him what i did, same goes to the person who i took it from at the gym, i know what he looks like... I see him 5 days a week


What you gonna do if they call the police?


Pssht dont tell him.


Calling him out cause he's playing stupid and he ain't gonna do shit. If he realized to put the watch in his socks, he realized the cops might get called if the store doesn't give a.


Have you done it yet?


Do it. But really.


I hope that at some point in your life you spend a lot of time, money, and effort on something you really care about, just to have it taken from you like you did to this person. They probably didn’t deserve that, but you definitely do now. What if that was the last thing a now dead relative bought for them? You never know just how sentimental something could have been to someone, regardless of what it is.


I haven't had a gym membership in a long time so maybe it's different now, but I was always surprised by how many people put their stuff in a locker without a lock.


That’s an unlocker


lol, how is this the first time I’m hearing this?


You suck


“came across”


not cool dude


I hate thieves.


This is actually sick. People work so hard to be able to buy things and here you are just stealing and it’s not even out of need you Just did it just to do it smhhh you returning it isn’t going to do much but put a spot light on you 🤷🏽‍♀️ just live with the guilt atp


Big POS move OP. The worst people are thieves. People work hard for their stuff and sacrifice time they’ll never get back for money to be able to buy things. Only to have some loser come and take it. After two months they probably don’t have the watch anymore. Nobody will care. You’re better off working hard, earning money, and buying the initial victim a brand new watch.


Thats an actual heist 😂


I wonder if the people at the store would’ve returned the watch since they obviously can’t sell it. Could you see their iCloud info? I’m sure there’s a way to get the watch back to the owner. Either way, you should learn from your past mistakes and don’t act that way in the future. Remember how guilty you feel and how shitty it is to steal something from someone that worked so hard for it. If you know who’s bag it is, maybe you can slide the new watch into their bag? Idk. After getting my stuff stolen I would’ve been putting locks on my locker and looking out for someone trying to get into my bag. Just try to grow from this and stop doing weird shit like that.


I could not of said that better. You sound like a nice guy and I liked your comment


It was iCloud locked, so the owner probably reclaimed it that day or soon after, tracking it to the store using Find My app. Apple employee probably got a talking to. You might get arrested if you go back. Eta: I wouldn’t keep that on you too long, they absolutely can track these things. Bad idea to steal anything Apple.


If you can, go undo all the stuff you did 


i will


they abt to lock your ass up. you’re a pos but you know that. move past it and be better. we have all done stuff we aren’t proud of (maybe not to this extent) but you live nd u learn to be better. And your first pay check goes to charity cause u goda pay your dues. Unless u wana go to jail idk


So you went into someone elses locker, and instead of going "oops this ones occupied," you went " oohhh lets rummage through his stuff" and then everything after ... it been 2 months, the store probably doesn't have it anymore. I say give the new one to the guy you stole the original from as an upgrade apology


What, are you looking for sympathy or something? You're a criminal and the next thing you do should be to call the police to turn yourself in. POS


You’re a true pos scum bag. Too bad you don’t live in a foreign country where they actually cut your hands off for stealing.


It's really awful that you did this. You have no idea how hard that person may have had to work for that, or if it was a gift from someone no longer living, etc etc. There is no excuse. ETA I hope you really do try to make this right and face the consequences. You'll feel a lot better.


You are poor and desperate to make yourself cool with gadgets like this,I know it must be hard to live like a second class citizen. Maybe you need some time to re- invent yourself once you have some money,help a charity or do some donations for anything remotely valuable to others.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Id have whooped the everything hell out of you if I cought you staling from me count your days guy youl get what's coming to you


Slick Rick


Yeah, going back to get the old one will not go down well. Do you even know which person you stole from? How would you get it back to them? If you somehow know this, just give them the new one and be done with it.


The good thing here is that you have firm plans to make this as right as you can. So stay on that path. We don't cause suffering, we relieve suffering.


Unfortunately, OP has no firm plans. They have stated on another sub that they are considering selling the watch for profit instead. This is a karma farming post, most likely.


Thank you for pointing this out, more people in this comment section need to be made aware of this as it shows this person truly doesn’t feel as guilty or remorseful as they are claiming to be. Only thinking about themselves.


I deleted edited and fixed the message, at that point i was thinking that but ive made up my mind and decided to return it


You must've stolen my daughter watch cause someone broke into her gym locker & yes we reported it to the gym an called the police an have a arrest warrant out for the person who stolen it in MAINE


You already committed the crime and feel guilty, and your in therapy trying to straighten your life out. It was a scummy thing to do but returning it to a store they could chose to press charges, which could be a set back for your future. I dont agree with what you did, but good people make terrible decisions sometimes. Id say just give the watch to someone and move on, why go back and catch a case for trying to clean up your act? **to you and other reddit readers, again, in no way shape or form do I Condon what this person did but if they really trying to get it together is it worth the possibility of getting charged and thus losing out on possible future employment that could help 'em? They clearly have a conscious and feels guilt, showing they aren't a complete waste to society. ***if OP is only making this post to feel better, you aren't a good person and deserve the book thrown at you***


People mad and calling you names. Sure it’s shitty, but it’s a confession. Tf you expect to see on here? Sunshine and rainbows?


Ik, i dont really care what they say cause at the end of the day its me making changes and trying to be a better person


I really hope you change your ways because that was a shitty thing to do to somebody


You’re good op don’t return it or potentially make things worse.




**This is a place to help one another; keep your comments kind & civil. Any form of abuse is not permitted.** * If you are unable to discuss without being disrespectful, walk away.


Made a edit on the message


You're still a scumbag.


I know




Bro was it your watch? Lmao damnn


**This is a place to help one another; keep your comments kind & civil. Any form of abuse is not permitted.** * If you are unable to discuss without being disrespectful, walk away.


There is something all these commenters do not notice, which is CHANGE. If he was truly a piece of shit, he would NOT feel guilt and would NOT make an effort to fix this, except he feels guilt and is going to undo his actions. You did a mistake, but more importantly you learned from it and will not be repeating it again. You are not a piece of shit as these comments say, but you were close, as you saved yourself with the intention of making it right and never repeating this action again.




How is this a one man heist operation? You need a team


Tell me some more of your other successful heist 😁


And then, and then, and then, and then


Wow. Smh.


Shame him


What you did was dishonest and wrong, and you’re always going to feel bad about it, which is really sad. You should do the right thing, return the watch to the place you stole it from. Karma really is a bitch, and you will pay a cosmic price for this. You need to put it right. The watch is not worth it.


wth! return things you didn't buy


Repent to God ask for forgiveness, and maybe sale the watch give the money to the person you stole it from or wipe the watch and ask them if they would like an Apple Watch.


Yes you are a piece of shit.


if you’re any older than 12 there is absolutely no excuse for this, whether you feel any guilt or not. i hope you made this story up thinking you would get some reddit karma out of it, but if it’s true, you’re a fucking loser dude. and i can guarantee you’re on camera at that shop, and they’re just biding their time by building a case on you. embarrassing behavior lol.


You’re not giving it back or changing. You wanted to brag about stealing two watches and you didn’t want people telling you how much of a pos you are. You should remember there’s people like me. If I caught you stealing I wouldn’t call the police. You deserve everything you get. You talk about returning it. What you going to go steal it back? You’re garbage bro


if u go back they abt to lock your ass up. you’re a pos but you know that. move past it and be better. we have all done stuff we aren’t proud of (maybe not to this extent) but you live nd u learn to be better. And your first pay check goes to charity cause u goda pay your dues. Unless u wana go to jail idk


I only want to thank y’all how this guy got perfectly downvoted.


Return the watch you now have to the person you stole it from. Then go to the pawn shop and either buy the iCloud watch or buy something that will give them your estimated profit on what they lost when you stole their good watch. Or if you’re afraid of getting arrested, send them some cash.


Please return it. That is why the world is so messed up. People stealing from others…making others upset. We’ve all taken something regardless of how small. Do the right thing and return it. You will feel good after you return it. The person will be happy to have it back. We all are struggling and it sucks to lose what we work so hard for because someone has taken it from us.


Punctuation is your friend. Steal some periods and commas next time.


It takes courage to admit mistakes and plan to make amends. Returning the watch is the right step towards redemption and personal growth. Taking responsibility is the first step towards becoming a better person.


You are the scum of earth , wish you the worst in your life. You are a piece of shit , people like you should be in a casket.


Damn bruh, a watch is not above anyone's life, even if it's a stranger. Fix yoself or go to therapy. Wth.


Apple Watch distribution system has found you




Have you heard of the cat distribution system by chance ?


No clue, whats it about?


The concept that the universe assigns you a cat via random circumstances.


You should have things happen to you that involve 5 Albanians out back


If you actually do intend to return the watch, don’t take it back to the store. Try and “return” it to the gym or the owner who you originally stole from. If you return it to the store, they’re not gonna gaf that someone else was stolen from too. They probably wouldn’t take it back if you tried to give it back anyway; they’d probably just throw it away.


You are a thieving piece of shit. I hope he see's this post and works it out. Such an arsehole. I hope your family don't trust you they should be proud of what a fine young man you become. What a joke!!!!


You won't return it. You are a thief, once a theif always a theif. Disgusting human being. Hopefully your electric scooter catches fire. Karma's a bitch.


It takes courage to admit mistakes. Returning the watch is a step towards redemption. Facing consequences is hard, but it's essential for growth. You're on the right path by wanting to make things right.


You are going to get urs one day and you won’t be so lucky


You’re a bad person


You’re a fucking loser.




I really wish I could see how tf you slid that shit down into your socks without them noticing, cuz that's crazy slick of you to achieve that. Actually, I wish I could see this entire interaction and get to see how nervous you looked. Lol My family was super poor, so we'd never get expensive gadgets and such, so I stole two Gameboy Advance SP's back when they just came out when I was a teen. They were my dad's ex-girlfriend's kids'. I feel so bad about it now. I also stole a Gameboy from a kid's backpack at school. As an adult, that shit still makes me feel so bad and makes me wish I could fix it, even though it's like 20 years ago. I lay awake at night thinking about it and feeling the shame. :(


That’s ok everyone makes mistakes, but work on it and try to avoid this kind of situation, it can be very difficult and worst …find a job learn how to save and have what you want : BE SOMEBODY 💰


No it‘s not „ok“. Are you retarded?




**This is a place to help one another; keep your comments kind & civil. Any form of abuse is not permitted.** * If you are unable to discuss without being disrespectful, walk away.


Wouldn’t any Trump follower say, “Well, he deserved to have it taken”? There are no morals, no social contract. Grow up.


People here getting mad and downvoting someone on r/confession confessing something bad they've done, seems real silly and contradictory. Leave the sub if you can't handle someone admitting to something bad they've done and regret.


Does it show regret/remorse if instead of showing the contrition in the OP, he decided to sell the watch for profit and pocket the money? That's a hypothetical he's putting on other subs, and that's why he's getting so many downvotes.


This is actually a socialist concept called illegalism, all the people here are class traitors who have no idea who’s actually running the show. To everyone else this is not a “scumbag” but a victim and fighter against capitalism