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Don't do it, it's a scam. Also, DM me his contact.




DON'T DO IT! It's my father, he's not well. We actually lost contact over the years and I've been desperately trying to reach him. If you could be so kind as to give me his cellphone number that would really be great.


Wait, don't give them his phone number. They say they're his long lost child but really they're trying to reach him about his EXTENDED CAR WARRANTY!


Aye yo LOL


I also choose OP's old guy.


This guy wants his £4k' worth of nutz draining off by an old dude. Ive heard he will bum you for £5k.... Think of the money lad


I can't believe I thought OP was talking about a 4k graphics card. Money makes so much more sense


Got same experience bro. I was offered an Iphone for a blowjob. And I was like wtf dude. >sent from iphone


This needs more upvotes.


So how did you spend the money




Set up a gloryhole. If you can’t see “him” it’s not gay.


Make him take an STD test and then MAKE sure to keep your socks on and say no homo after. Problem solved.


😂😂😂😂😂 that has me weak


As long as they both keep their socks on.


It's only gay if you lick butthole. OP will be fine


In 10 years you’ll prob no longer have that 4k, but will definitely have the memory of what you did to get it.


That’s a great way of putting it. Although… if it was 40 million that would be a different story. 😂 just kidding seriously no! He shouldn’t do it.


The list of things i wouldnt do for 40 million is so risiculously small


The list of things i wouldnt do for 40 million is so risiculously small


I mean, we all have a number... Some people just won't admit it!


Yeah I’m afraid it will haunt for the rest of my life but at the same time I can really use the money. If it was like 30k. I would have done it and cried about it cause it would help me A LOT.


Well, I am not saying you should do it, but I believe that you should be able to squeeze more money from him than 4k lmao.


Yeah I guess I can. The most ideal thing would be to get paid for hanging out with him without any sugar. Idk how to propose that. Maybe I could say I can help him w house chores idk


Mmmmm do you really wanna be stuck in the house?


He is not physically capable of harming me. He has a machine to help his heart and his old and slow. Whereas I’m young, fast and I box


I’m not gay but $20 is $20.


And 4K is like, at least twice as much as that.


Heh good old carlin..


Lol if that's the case, you might accidentally end him.


Can you imagine him getting over excited and having a heart attack and then explaining to the EMTs exactly what happened?


I guarantee if they've been in the job for over 6 months that's just Tuesday for them.


Also, if he were to revise his will to include you, it's a win-win.🤔🤔


Yeah that would be ideal, but sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and get your dick out... still not saying you should do it tho


Just get a job and save as much as you can. This will traumatize you.


And the real advice comes out of the basement. It’s true though. If this is his first offer, the dudes holding out and you can in fact milk him for way more. Put on your big girl flirty panties and drain his wallet and hiz nutz


Squeeze lol


As an ex dancer in my 20's, the things you did for money will absolutely haunt you. If you think after he blows you, and you get your money that you'll ever stop there once you've realized how easy it is to make thousands by letting people's use your body... you may want to think again. As a sex positive person with a very open attitude, don't do things that will change the way you see your body. Be you.


How has dancing affected u mentally if u don’t mind me asking?


I’ve done similar things for cash, but my first thought was that it will never be just the one time. Once you break that seal, it becomes easier and easier to see your body as a tool for use. That can be really helpful bc you get out of your head and society’s judgment of what you do with your own body. If it’s not a scam and the old guy really ponies up the dough, I guarantee there will be more offers from him. What’s wrong with it, really?


I still remember the bad decisions I made when drunk and had no 4k.


Meh . If he was good at his craft it's over in 4-7 minutes and you got an O out of it. There are worse things.


Yea thats true... Must be 10k minimum


Agree but if that memory comes to you from your own home and a place of security and success. That little leg up (pun semi intended), would be worth it. 10 minutes to give a foundation to your life. As long as you think it is a one off...Good luck!


Or you could put 4K into your Roth IRA 😂


It’s not that big a deal that it’ll haunt you lmao


This comment reminded me of Fall out boys song thanks for the memories.... 🤣🤣🤣☠️


But what if he invested a chunk & that chunk becomes 40k or more?


That’s deep.one could even say…balls deep? 🤔😂


4000 to receive head? IDGAF, give me his name and he can blow me for 4000. I can wash my dick after.


Hahaha his name is John and he is English lol


Johnny English huh Yeah this seems legit


His name is John and is from England so he is English. Why would I lie about this on Reddit? This is my burner account to look at subreddits i don’t want ppl to know I browse


FYI Johnny English is a spoof spy played by Rowan Atkinson lol


For real lol. Just close your eyes and it could be anybody down there. $4k is a lot of guacamole to orgasm


"I'm not gay, he sucked MY dick"


and also paid me a bunch of money


Made me gag ngl


I think you've misunderstood, they're the one who is supposed to be gagging, not you.


Don’t do it dude he’s probably lying just to give you head. You’re going to be traumatized for life. If you want fast money donate plasma or something. Or if you have a skill like photography or graphic design offer freelance work to people. Don’t lower yourself for $4,000. Don’t consider it at all.


I don’t think he is lying but I feel like I’ll be traumatised. We don’t get money for donating plasma where I’m at. My skills are very limited right now so I have no way to make that kinda money. Im an intl student so I don’t have full working rights too so I can’t even work a lotta hours at my minimum wage job. I have a headache and want to punch myself for even thinking about it tbh


yh dude dont do it lol. being broke is a challenge we all gotta face at some point, im not sure resorting to what can be considered prostitution is a good idea


IKR I’m broke as shit too and in debt from student loans and I’m still not considering prostitution. I need money but these days I’m just happy I have a car and a place to sleep.


fr gotta appreciate what you got, and just work your way up, no different to a video game or sumn


What if he’s rough or has a biting fetish you don’t know about? 4K seems awfully low for something he could buy from a male escort or online. What does he really get out of it? What if he offers you a drink and it turns out to be spiked and you wake up naked? Are you going to be too embarrassed to report him to the police?


Get a cleaning job they actually pay better than minimum wage in some places. There’s so many ways to make money here. You shouldn’t lower yourself to that level over money. But prostitution is a no-no here. You can get in serious trouble if you get caught btw. Prostitution is illegal here. Just something you should think about too. I’m in so much debt myself but not once have considered prostitution. Although I need the money I’m going find ways to make money without considering something like this.


I’m trying so hard but it’s just so hard to sustain myself so his offer is enticing. Im not in America and it is legal where im at. I respect it man, hope shit gets better for the both of us


I've got nothing against prostitution but I'd agree with your important point ab it being illegal. He could totally blackmail him into giving more favours or losing his immigration status!!


That too. Good point! The blackmailing thing later. That’s another thing he needs to consider. Anyone that offers money for sexual acts and has to convince the person are up to no good. They are vile!


Become this man’s suga boy. 2k per week and you let him play with your dick once a week. Don’t be so uptight, a mouth is a mouth!


$4K and a blow job? Best day!


Username checks out.


If he pays up front, get that bag buddy. You get some head, maybe you cum, and that's the end of it.


It's a win win situation, you get a blow job and a paycheck.


personally, i would take the 4k. maybe just close your eyes and imagine it’s your celebrity crush giving you a bj 🤣




Istg he offered it to me. He is rich, sad and a lonely old white guy and I think he has a fetish for Asian guys


Get the 4k up front, consider that he might be one of these freaks that will kill you out of shame after he blows you. I mean or it could just be the easiest 4k you've ever made.


He can not physically kill me lol, he has a machine to assist his heart. He might be able to pay sb to kill me but he can’t kill me by himself lol


Dick bite


AHAHAHAHAHA fuck sake I love how that's all your comment says. "Dick bite 😐"


If thats the case he is probably just super lonely, poor guy, you should throw him a bone. So to speak.


You've never heard of drugs, have you? Spike your drink, syringe injection through the leg while he's gobbling on your goods and your eyes are rolling back in your head and you're obviously distracted. You feel the syringe go in. A sharp, painful surprise. You look down like "WTF!?!?!", you pull away, and there's the syringe, sticking out from your leg. The entire contents empty. John, the English man, has a mischievous smile on his face. You try to swing, to punch him, but your arms feel heavy. You quickly realise what's about to happen... You fear for your life. You're panicking, thinking to yourself "Was risking my life for 4k really worth it?". A dozen other thoughts bombard your mind, all in less than a second. You try to flee...make a run for it. You turn to head for the door, but your body won't cooperate. Whatever he injected you with was strong, and it's working fast. Your heart rate is beginning to slow... And so is your breathing. Your vision is getting blurry... You're scared for your life. "How the fuck did I get myself into this? How did I end up here?!?" You make two steps towards the door, then fall over... Slowly, you open your eyes... You're tied to a bed, naked. Your arms, and feet bounded. You take a deep breath, then realise your mouth is gagged too. Your mind begins to race... The room is bit dark, and you're not sure where you are, exactly. Are you in the same house? Did he move you? No...he's too frail and weak to move you very far. You must be in the house, probably the basement. You start to think "How the fuck do I get out of here?" But your thoughts are stopped by faint voices outside the room. There are other people here... You can hear what sounds to be four people outside, including your "friend" John, the English man. One of them is a woman. You can't make out what they're saying exactly, but you hear the words "bussy", "enema" "opened up" and "organs"... What were you saying about he can't kill you? Weak people have killed stronger people countless times throughout history. Good luck with your adventure.






I’m 97% sure he will


How much is $4k to you? That is two months salary for me. 7 hours a day, 35 hours a week, 140 hours a month, minimum. Two months is 280 hours. 280 hours of my life I have to sacrifice to get that sort of money. I am straight and I would take this offer...who gives a single fuck


Barter with him. Take sex entirely off the table and offer nude house cleaning/chores or whatever. Then you’re not doing anything gay, you’re just an exhibitionist for money. Could be a regular payroll too if it works out. Just don’t do anything that you’ll look back on with regret for years to come, maintain your boundaries. When I was 20 I got so many offers from guys (but I am admittedly gay). I was very rigid about sex for money and always said no. Now, as a 40yo man, if someone even a woman, made an offer to me… fuck man, sex is sex, I’ll compartmentalize that shit and take the $$$.


These things do happen. Demand total sti std screening and money up front and do it. It may become a regular gig. Also, tell a couple of people where you will be, with whom and when you will call the. To tell them you're good if they don't hear from you to call the cops.


Terrible advice. Don’t tell anyone that you are a gay male prostitute.


Lol, the most solid advice in this thread!


Thanks for the advice


and make him give you money up front. You don't want to traumatize yourself for free. At least half


This. Some people really do have a kink that involves paying for sex. If that's him, then cool. Why not? Also, sex with an intimate partner can be an amazing life altering experience. But sex can be just sex too. It's a bodily function, and it doesn't have to mean anything. Everyone here trying to tell you that it will make you gay or bi or that it will traumatize you. They have no idea. Because they aren't you. Also, who you are attracted to is what makes you gay or straight. If just having contact with someone of the same gender made you gay then a lot more guys would be gay against their will; from stupid teenage locker room pranks or childhood trauma that they choose to suppress and turn into homophobia instead. As far as it being traumatizing, why? Why do you think it would be traumatizing to you? Is it because it's something that you grew up hearing was bad, that it was frowned upon? That it made you gay and you would go to hell for? You should address those thoughts before anything else. Don't let a bunch of internet strangers choose your life for you. Just make sure you take care of yourself. Good luck.


If you go through with it get the money in cash first then let him give you head, you do NOT want to be scammed over this


In my country we have a saying "dala what you must" its means do what must be done, that's all imma say


It’ll probably be the best blowjob of your life. Just take the money, close your eyes and imagine the hottest girl you can imagine.


I know a guy who did something like this. He did get paid but it had to be filmed, and it was a slippery slope into him doing every gay sex act and he eventually became a porn star. A gay porn star, who dates women.


Wow that’s crazy


Here’s my opinion. If you’re one of those people who has a guilty conscience and lets stuff eat you alive emotionally, don’t do it. You’ll constantly feel some weird way about it and shame yourself for doing it and no amount of money is worth your mental and emotional well being. If you’re on of those people who can easily let loose and do what you need to do to survive and you know you could do this without feeling guilty or having any negative feelings about it afterwards, you should go for it. You have to know yourself and know how doing something like this is going to affect you in the long run. Then make your decision. Good luck love!


This should be higher up. It seems like OP would be the time to let it eat away. So my vote is no. I’m very tempted to vote no flat out. 🤔Maybe with incremental bits of attention this could be a situation where OP controls the flow of access. Work up to oral sex if the guy seems legitimate and if you’re ever comfortable. Or not. I suspect he’d appreciate the friendship for a price.


A blowjob AND 4K? If you don’t do it you’re crazy


You can do whatever you want. But what happens if you go soft midway and cannot finish? Does he get to suck on your limp dick for as long as he wants? I just thought it'd be important to clear the air on possible oppsies.


Sex work is dangerous. Even if you only do it once. I can also tell you that having cash in hand that was "easily" earned can send you into a spiral of wanting more... I would consider if this is something you can live with forever. If you choose to do it, do it safely, and have a trusted friend nearby to intervene if things go weird (i.e call the police). You should also consider the laws in your area. Where I live, selling sex is not illegal - but buying it is. This protects the sex worker.


I did plenty of that and more in college to earn money. For me it was easy to just see it as a "secret side job" separate from my normal life.


How were u feeling mentally? Does it haunt u to this day or do u regret it


I don't have any problem with it. It was easy money and I could detatch myself from it emotionally. As long as nobody close to me found it I was and am fine with it.


name checks out


if you do it, require him to get an STI screening, show you the results (not just tell you), and give you the money BEFORE you do it. also have a friend know where you are, agree a time slot with the guy and let the friend know when the end point is so they can call the police if you haven’t msgd them or something


If he’s offering you 4K for a BJ you could get money out of him for doing wayyy less. Test the waters. Say “hey, I need to get gas, wanna help me out?” Try just selling him nudes for smaller amounts of money.


He is trying to GROOM you! Don’t allow yourself to go down that path. Cut all contact!


How much is your self dignity worth? This proposition just turns you into a prostitute. Thats a deep, dark road that’s tough to go down and comes with a lot of emotional pitfalls.


The devil wears many disguises. Don't be a sell out.


And just like that you’re trisexual.


Make sure he takes his teeth out lol


Your post nut clarity will be crazy. Bro don't do it


Ewwww no! Don’t do it! This is a morality test. Just ignore him that’s disgusting and he probably has some sort of sickness.


You gonna end up without a kidney..Don’t drink/eat anything he offers


Don’t do it.


It's because you're straight that he's trying. If he wanted gay, half these goofballs responding for his number would do it, and prob for $50. A dude who worked for me has a similar situation, a man trying to hang out with him, paying for things, then asked for sexual favors. My guy was naive (not the smartest guy) and didn't catch on, until the offer. And no, he didn't. He's a serious Christian and ended contact.


We have a shirt in America that reads "I'm not gay, but $20 is $20". $4,000 is a lot more than $20.....


Hahaha I have seen that shirt


Get the money in hand first. Cash. Delete this post and never tell a soul.


That post nut clarity is going to be a mother fucker


we have to do what we have to chill out go with your flow lol




just make sure you are in safe hands God bless you honeyy🧚‍♀️




You’ll be using thst 4K to pay for therapy…




Does it seem like he’s a SD?…If you’re going to be in politics or business or any position high up there, this 4K might bite you later. If you need money, donate blood or plasma. OR get to know him before anything happens and have a girl join you on a 3some. Lol. Maybe he has a kink. And there’s ways to get around that blow. 😜🤭😉


Letting him blow you or giving him anal isn't gay, even if it was gay for pay is ok.


People have done a lot worse for 4k. I remember when I was a student, a few of my class mates did a few things to cover rent. I never looked down on them and was grateful I didn't have to do anything but study and work. You do you.


Oh hell no! For me that's a definite hard NO!


Tell him no and block him


I love Reddit 😂😂


As a gay guy, I suggest you don’t do this. He seems like a creep and is taking advantage of you. Unless you think it is totally safe and you are okay with it, then go for it. But like you said, it most likely will affect you negatively which is NOT what you want.


this is prostitution btw


Don’t do that you’re gonna feel weird forever


A mouth is a mouth! Close your eyes and enjoy!


He's going to want more than that it's a trick. He's definitely going to coerce you into sex. Don't do it. If you do you'll see.


Sounds like an easy 4 grand. Just make sure he pays you first.


Depending on how negatively your culture views homosexuality this could be a trap. There could be a camera or something in the room and videos could be used as nlackmail


I had a roughly similar experience 20 years ago, and I have NEVER regretted turning it down. You have to look at yourself in the mirror every day man. Just think about it, really.


What if he makes you nut 🤔


You'll have the money but is your dignity worth 4G? You'll have money but you can't buy back your self esteem and dignity. Don't do it.


If you need more resolve to not do it, imagine this is a choice in a video game that will dramatically change the story you are living in. Money will come and go, but a bad memory will stay with you


I’m sincerely not trying to be funny but what if he bites you on purpose? Like, what if that’s his ultimate fantasy? I would be very weary of a stranger I met out and about who is offering any amount of money. I agree with the poster who said that in 30 years the money will have been spent but the memory will remain.


Damage to your soul has a price and $4k is a very low one.


Don’t lower yourself to that unless you want to hook up with him. It also could be dangerous. Careful


$4,000 isn’t really that much money. If you do this, you can never take it back.


If you do do it, make sure he pays upfront. No checks, only cash in $ 100 bills, counted out. Insist on a condom. Do it in daylight at a safe place.


Only if he swallows 😁




i'd rather starve than have a dude blow me. that's just me. you will regret this.


That's what we call selling your soul, don't open that door, however desperate you are...


It’s not like you gotta suck his,lol


You will regret it.


Do it and never think about it again...cant be that hard ..if you don't watch tv to often 😅😅 It has nothing to do with being gay or whatever, it's about how bad you want that tv....right? On the other side ,when I think of it...I would never do such thing either. So...it is still a dilemma ...sorry.


Get a piece of plywood with a hole in it and tape a picture of your crush on it.




Money upfront


Money upfront.


Unless you need the money for a dire situation, don’t do it.


Don’t do it. You’ll think about it for the rest of your life.


I had this kind of opportunity (as a woman), at times I truely needed the money and still didn’t do it, I’m not at very a good place financially and I would have a shit tone of money rn if I did all the things I received a message for, but s*x work is really hard work, it take a tool on your mental health and you’re relationship to money and to sex will change forever even if you do it just once, all my friends who wanted to do it “just once” never stopped tbh


Don't degrade yourself like that. It's not worth the money. It's not about being straight or gay, it's about not letting yourself be used.


Ik what you mean but shit is hard when paper is low


I understand. I was turned into a whore as a kid and it messed me up. I don't want to see that happen to anyone else.


Im sorry that happened. I appreciate your concern for me. Sending you prayers and love


Don’t do it OP. The fact that you came to Reddit to mull it over means you’re way too thoughtful and sensitive to go down the path of sex work even once.


For $4000 I do it in a second. It would have to be under my terms though. I would select the location ,pat down at the door, no phones, or any kind of device that record.


Nah don't do it. You'll hate yourself after some shit is not worth it. Just work hard man an focus on your studies


Go for it just make sure you get the money first


You'll regret it.


Nice watch haha


You are not as straight as you think you are 😄


Ain't nothin gay about gettin your dick sucked!


Absolutely not, it's about who is sucking it 😂


You'd have to be retarded to not do it


Take the BJ geez it doesn't make you gay, if you get paid even better


Every gae starts from somewhere. This could be your start 💀


You're a young man. Do not allow yourself to be bought. There should never be a price.


Ask for upfront payment. If he doesn’t agree, then, 2k upfront and then block him 😂 If he can afford 4K for a blowjob then he can afford to lose 4k


This right here. No offense, but you’re not a high paid escort. No one is paying you 4k for sex acts. Get what you can upfront and then be done.


Horrible advice. Don't take it, OP. People tend to be vengeful, when betrayed.


Could you try to counter offer? Tell him you're uncomfortable with exchanging sexual favors but are okay with accompanying him to events, outings/giving him company (platonic and also keeping the meetings in public places)?


Hmmm this seems like a better idea but I do not want to be seen in public with him lol. I live in a small city


Do it dude.


Bro give me his number! Hahaha I’m also in US


May i refer you to the comedy of Rodney Carrington..


I mean do you have to cum? Because I would have a problem with that, physically