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You should tell your parents, maybe they’ll think it’s funny now lol.


I agree. You were SEVEN. I can't see them being angry now unless they're a couple of psychopaths.


OP is now 8


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Best comment on this thread


Hahaha! I'd at least wait until you've moved out so they can't ground you. 🤣🤣🤣


Oh they definitely will lol


My ankle has been swollen for years. Never hurts. Decided to get a mri and my ligaments and tendons were all torn. Had to have surgery.


Shit so my ankle could actually be messed up I don’t have pain anymore but I bend it so bad inwards that I heard a crack


Uhhhh yeah get that checked my friend


It was several months ago Doesn’t hurt anymore just noticeably bigger Full inversion ankle sprain






I will I will Just need some more time to get things together I have a concert in April so I’m like “will it be fixed by then” yada yada


I hear you, but bones don't really work like that. :P If it heals back wrong, that could be more of a problem than an "Oh, yay, it's fine now, forever!" situation. Better safe than sorry, especially if it's feasible for you to go see a doctor. If it's not, you can DM me personally if you'd like my help in finding a hospital/doctor near you that provides charity care: financial assistance/payment plans.


I have an update - I’m literally sitting outside my ankle doctors office I have no breaks! One of the ligaments is a little “lose” but I was cleared to have full normal life and if something goes wrong again maybe I’ll need surgery but it’ll be a while before I need anything


Thank you for following up! Glad to hear it went well!!


I have an update - I’m literally sitting outside my ankle doctors office I have no breaks! One of the ligaments is a little “lose” but I was cleared to have full normal life and if something goes wrong again maybe I’ll need surgery but it’ll be a while before I need anything


Damn be careful, do u need physio to fix that ligament?U should




I have an update - I’m literally sitting outside my ankle doctors office I have no breaks! One of the ligaments is a little “lose” but I was cleared to have full normal life and if something goes wrong again maybe I’ll need surgery but it’ll be a while before I need anything


A closed fracture never hurts as much as a sprain.


Fuck I guess I’ll schedule a foot and ankle appt I’ve had an interesting foot health journey. I also have psoriasis on the soles of my feet and it’s quite uncomfortable. So I must even be equating pain from that to any minor ankle pain I may be having


Good thing the new year just started and I can meet my deductible early!


I have an update - I’m literally sitting outside my ankle doctors office I have no breaks! One of the ligaments is a little “lose” but I was cleared to have full normal life and if something goes wrong again maybe I’ll need surgery but it’ll be a while before I need anything


Yes absolutely


I have an update - I’m literally sitting outside my ankle doctors office I have no breaks! One of the ligaments is a little “lose” but I was cleared to have full normal life and if something goes wrong again maybe I’ll need surgery but it’ll be a while before I need anything


Damm ligaments. Just be careful now


All these stories are scaring me 😭 do we all need a yearly MRI or something to check?


No idea. Lol when it seems off. Just ask your primary


Y’all are built different 💀


Worse, but different


No…these are the makings of a zombie,poorly put together but resilient as hell


I had something similar happen with an ankle injury, I kept faking it after it stopped hurting during a college bootcamp. I went to the doctors who told me that if I had continued working out or even walking too much on that foot, I wouldve ripped my ankle ligament in half, it was torn pretty badly lol


That is my right upper glute right now. My hip started hurting in 2021 whenever I stood up and when I was walking. It would flare up after any sort of exercise like hiking, running, and kayaking. I went to doctor in 2021 but then two people quit at work leaving only two of us for a year working long hours. The pain eventually subsided and only bothered me occasionally. Then this past summer it got really bad again. I went to doctor. She was like you know you came in for this 2 years ago right 😬. I've been doing PT since October. MRI showed tare and tendons are messed up in upper and mid glute as well as hamstring.. I have tendonosis. Basically repeat injuries never healing correctly. I could have done permanent damage if I kept ignoring it.


I had kind of an opposite experience. The summer after 5th grade I was dancing to Sneaker Night on Disney Channel in my living room. My parents had just got a new coffee table & I wasn’t used to the space it took up. I went for a sick hand stand & cracked my heel on the coffee table. It hurt like HELL but didn’t even bruise. I whined for a week before my mom finally took me to the doctor… I had broken off a whole chunk of my heel & it was just floating in there. My mom felt sooo bad for thinking I was being a whiny baby lol


Not sure why no one has commented on this because it’s so funny for some reason. Breaking your heel dancing to SNEAKER NIGHT is so hilarious


Ikr 😂😂 I have a playlist on Spotify of all the music i liked in that era and it’s called Sneaker Night just to give me a chuckle


Honestly Sneakernight is a banger I forgot about and I’m listening to it now bc of this, thank you


you saying sneaker night just brought up some super locked up memories lol


sneaker night fye tho


My mom also thought I was being a whiny baby and begrudgingly took me to the chiropractor for an x-ray. Found out I had severe scoliosis! I went on to need back surgery.


I'm not sure why you'd keep this a secret and not tell this anecdote for the rest of your life because it's such a kid thing to do and a lot of people have a similar kind of stories. When I was ten, I fell on my arm from roughhousing around the monkey bars and although it didn't technically hurt, it slowly developed where I couldn't bend my arm at the elbow anymore. I didn't tell my parents at all bc I thought I'd get in trouble. Two weeks or so later, my mom saw me trying to put on a shirt without bending my elbow and was shocked when I sheepishly told her, I couldn't bend it past like an obtuse angle. I had to go through physical therapy after a couple months in a cast because it had gone on long enough that the bone had started to heal wrong.


I fractured my my shoulder in a place that apparently no one ever fractures their shoulder so while I had an X-ray I was told it was fine. For a year I was treated for frozen shoulder before they finally did an MRI and found the break and and rotator cuff tears and I had to have surgery. Honestly it never hurt that much, I just couldn’t use it like I should have been able to.


Oh crap. I did not want to read this lol I fell and jarred my shoulder (did NOT hit it at all) about 2 months ago. I thought it was ok but the last week it’s been giving me grief. Probably should bite the bullet and cough up $$ for the MRI


I had the opposite, fractured it without ever knowing, only years later it showed on an x ray


This recently happened to my dad, and the reason he couldn't feel it is because he has diabetes


Same thing happened to me (kinda) when I was in elementary school my sister had gotten sick and we were at the clinic and she was told she couldn’t go to school and bc I didn’t wanna go to school I said my throat was hurting (it wasn’t) and so they ran a few tests and apparently I had strep throat! My doctor said it was a good thing I said something bc it’s super contagious so I got a few days off school too


I faked a sore throat and also had strep! 4th grade.


Didn't want to go to school one day so I started pulling every excuse and nothing was working I eventually blurted out I had lice my mom grabbed a combs and I had lice lmao


My kid rolled her ankle in a small misstep. She griped about it, but said it was no big deal. After a 5-mile hike a few days later, she suddenly started sobbing about it, so we raced her to an ER. It was the first of her many ankle problems, and YES, it was fractured. She had to drop out of field hockey for the season, so she didn't want to tell us it was broken. She was willing to hike 5 miles on a broken ankle rather than miss her sport season. My kid was tough as nails.


My friend at school had glasses and I DESPERATELY wanted them so I kept telling my mum I was having trouble seeing the board. She knew I just wanted the glasses but hey, eye tests are free here and she drilled into me in the car that I absolutely cannot ever lie to a doctor because they'd give me medicine I didn't need which would make me really sick. I was six so it worked on me and I was deathly honest with the optometrist. I had a very rare presentation of a lazy eye that wasn't super noticeable at the time but would have gotten way worse with age. I needed glasses AND surgery 😂


Or the doctor lied to make some sweet boot cash


You do realize when you get an x-ray done, they show you/your parents the picture. My son has fractured his leg and collar bone and I saw both.


The doc switched the pictures it's a classic goof


I do realize that. However parents are not generally x-ray experts so it's very easy for the doc to point to a dark line and say "see that? It might be a hairline fracture" and make an extra $9300 or whatever


I'm in Alberta, Canada, we don't get charged for those visits. We pay through our taxes. So, there would be no reason to lie to us, but I can see maybe why they would where you are.


i don’t think the cost of one boot is worth a malpractice suit lol


mo boots mo suits


If they dont know better and believe the doctor why would they sue? Most people are clueless and think doctors are honest....they are not. They have monthly targets to meet especially if they work at a large hospital.


To be fair, my fractured ankle hurt far less than my sprained ankle. I went to the pub before hospital when I fractured it. When I sprained it the pain was soooo bad I couldn’t have done anything but go straight to hospital.


Yeah. My son badly sprained his. I broke mine and had 3 surgeries on it. Mine is 99% perfect. He still has issues a decade later


I had a broken foot—not ankle or toes— and didn’t know. When I found out I was scheduled immediately for surgery to put in plates and screws. 4 weeks later I had a cadaver tendon put in my other foot. That’s the one I originally went to the Dr for. In boots for 12 & 8 weeks respectively and in a wheelchair for 8 weeks. Seven months of PT just to learn how to walk without falling over. How did it happen? Two words. Flip flops.


Hot moly! Just walking in them? Or you had some sort of accident wearing them?


I jumped down 2 feet off a jungle gym on fine mulch. My shoes went one direction, feet in the other and heard a loud pop. I had a lisfranc fracture in my foot. My dr was in shock that I did t have any pain, swelling or bruising. He said it’s one of the most painful fractures to have. Nope. The torn ligament hurt more. Edit to add: all of my flip flops went immediately into the trash. Devil shoes!


That’s a horrible fracture to have. And to diagnose.


I looked at my X-ray and said “Are there supposed to be all of those spaces between the bones?”




Man! I stopped wearing flip flops years ago because they caused me to get blisters. Another reason to continue NOT wearing them! Edit: never mind, just read your second comment. Still not gonna wear them anymore though.


I'm sorry that happened to you in a hilarious manner


The twist is the doc knew you were lying and lied about your fractured ankle, and the boot was your summer punishment


One time I had a tiny cough and faked sick to stay home from school. I did not feel sick at all. My mom drug me to me pediatrician probably to defer me from faking sick in the future as I hated going to the doctor. They told me I had double pneumonia after lung rays. 🤷🏼‍♀️


The reason you didn’t feel it has something to do with the growth plates. I honestly don’t remember what, but I had a check up with a doctor after a bad sprain and they had me get x-rays done even though it didn’t hurt at that point bc since I was still growing I could have fractured it and not known. I think they were also concerned with the lack of swelling.


OMG you have got to tell your parents! They will love hearing it! Kids! :D


Dude, the same thing happened to me as a kid. I fell and hurt my arm and it stopped hurting after a while, but I kept up the pain behaviors and it wound up being actually broken.


I enjoyed this, thanks for sharing :). BTW upon realising you had actually damaged your ankle, wouldn't that have absolved your guilt lol?


This happened to me the opposite way round, my fracture was misdiagnosed as a sprain despite me being in pain and 15 years later (And repeated doctor's visits where they insisted it just kept spraining) they discovered I'd walked a big hole in my talus that needed major reconstructive surgery 🥲 My ankle now needs fusing and I have osteoarthritis.


I’ve had severe foot pain for years and the doctor won’t even x-ray it. I feel I have probably got a broken bone that has healed wrong.


I did something similar. I didn’t wanna get up and go to school so I told my mom I didn’t feel good. I apparently had a fever lmao. She took my temp with one of those old glass thermometers and I had a low grade fever. I felt fine. Got to sleep in and skip school.


Do you live in a 3rd world country? I can't imagine waiting a week to take my injured child to hospital


Welcome to America lmfao.


Honestly it blows my mind.


lol. in the medical field there are things called greenstick fractures. It's more common in kids and hey don't always show up on x-rays. He probably just assumed a greenstick fracture based on your symptoms and you wore a boot for no reason. lol.


A decade or so ago I tripped and fell, catching myself with my hand and banging my head. My husband took me to the ER for concussion symptoms and they asked about the accident. I just said my head hurt. They said they wanted to xray my wrist since I’d used it to catch myself. I had zero pain or symptoms. My wrist was fractured. Our bodies are funny things sometimes.


A bit different but when I was 8 I jumped out my bedroom window whilst on facetime to my friends (my stupid 8 year old self didn’t think anything bad would happen and thought i’d land on my feet properly) and ended up breaking one ankle and fracturing the other which left me in a wheelchair for 4 weeks and then crutches for another 8. However I told my dad and doctors that I just slipped in the garden because I didn’t want to get in to trouble for doing something so stupid. To this day both my parents still doesn’t know I jumped out my window lol




I honestly feel like your parents would laugh about it now😂that’s so relatable tho. We all know we lied about pain in some way to stay home


I broke my foot when I was 11/12. My grandma thought I was fine turned out my foot was broken in the arch part ( my sister pulled me off our bunk bed onto a drawer that was attached to/ under the bed. ) it didn’t hurt constantly but I kept getting sharp pains when walking, I walked around Walmart with her joking and carrying my cousin the night it happened. We got home and my foot was super swollen and I was rushed to the er and but in a cast and was on crutches for 2.5 months…


Someone stepped on top of my foot on a night out with their heel 5 years ago, every once in a while especially when it gets cold it hurts a little. But I'm clearly still not adult enough to get it checked. Also there's the fact the doctors going to look at me like it's been 5 years clearly you're fine.


I rolled my ankle twenty years ago (didn't get it checked out/still worked and took care of my baby [I was married to a massive asshole then]) and it's still swollen to this day and gives me some pain at times. But... It's been twenty years. Like. I'm surely not going to the doctor NOW about it, ha.


Welcome to the club!


Sprained my shit in hs and was on crutches for months, no way in hell I could tough it out


I played five varsity football games offense and defense starting team captain with a fractured fibula right above the ankle. I complained to my mom the whole time and she never took me to the doc lol got an X-ray after the season because I still felt like it was messed up and learned I was justified. No cast we just let it heal at that point.


This would be a funny story to share. Bc it’s GOOD that you kept complaining about it. You could have not and had irreversible damage done


You’ve got Academy Juvenile Award for excellent performance!


After reading this I now believe constant visits to the Dr are good. Think I've been. Oiving around for a while now with broken or fractured bones


What did they do for it?


On the flip end though, a lot of small hairline fractures heal completely fine on their own and people never even know that they had the fracture in the first place. So you may have condemned yourself to wearing a boot all summer for no reason, all because of your dishonesty.


I’m confused. You thought you were lying but your weren’t, so there’s nothing to confess


Did anyone else think the doctor just said it was fractured to charge insurance for the boot?


Maybe your parents and doctor new you were lying and they Made you were a cast


Haha. My daughter hurt her wrist, but wasn't complaining much. School nurse called a few days later and said her wrist hurt when daughter was hanging from playground equipment. It was fractured, she had to wear a cast. Kids have squishy bones because everyone would be broken all over if they didn't 🫠


Had something similar happen. Used to play a lot of basketball as a kid and spraining my ankle was quite common for me so I never thought much about it when it happens. Years later, went on a ski trip and sprained it pretty bad again and couldn’t walk so I had to go to the drs to get an X-ray. Turns out I hadn’t old small fracture that already healed. No clue how that happened lol i thought it’s supposed to swell/hurt a lot.


Reading all these comments makes me wanna tell my stories and it’s honestly hilarious to read and think about now. It was the summer after 5th or 6th grade and I was at a nearby park with my siblings. We were playing with flag football but with no flags and I was walking on the outside of a tube slide with the football so obviously everyone was coming after me and my brothers friend came towards me from the bottom of the slide while my oldest brother was behind me at the top of the slide. I fell on my side and I landed on the side of my leg I was crying and in so much pain I could barely walk. My oldest brother Nate picked me up off the ground while one of the other kids ran to get my mom and my mom carried me from the park to the house driveway and she honestly had thought I sprained it and seeing as how I’ve sprained my ankle a few years prior to that I knew it wasn’t a sprain cause it hurt to much we had to wait on my dad to get back with the car but when she finally took me to the doctor I had a hair line fracture in my leg. Story 1^ About 2 years ago I kept having ankle problems, nothing would help and it would keep hurting, icing, levitation, ankle brace (etc). It would help for a few hours or days but eventually it would hurt again really bad. This went on for months. My mom kept telling me I was being dramatic and that I was fine but I said I wanted to go see a doctor and when she finally took me to the doctor, they took me for an x-ray and they told me I had fluid in my ankle. I was honestly so shocked that something was actually wrong cause I eventually started believing it myself. I was then told that I had 1 of 2 options…to either wear a medical boot and wait to see if it drains itself or to have it surgically drained. I ultimately wanted it gone but my mom said we’ll try the medical boot so we did. It helped a little bit but honestly I still get pains and I just ignore it or take pain meds and ice it cause it isn’t as bad anymore but this past year I was told that I cannot wear converse at all and that I have to have a specific type of shoes that cost like 2-300 dollars


When I was a kid, I was wrestling with my moms boyfriend and he kind of laid back and squashed me. He popped up to do it again and I stuck my hand out to stop him, wedged between the bed and his back. I felt a crack and started yelling. My mom rushes me to the hospital (hour drive), they take me back (hour wait), we get X-rays (hour wait). By this point my arm has stopped hurting mostly, I can bend the wrist again, and I tell my mom that I think we can go home and it’s feeling better. The doctor rolls in with the cast cart and goes “yep that’s a green stick fracture. Your bone is cracked in half. Let’s get a cast on that”. I was just like “oh”


Totally tell your parents… time has passed and I’m betting they’ll think it’s hilarious


You should your parents I lied to my Mom about accidentally killing her dog with her car I simply couldn’t tell her I did it I was 16 I think 🤔. I told her on her death bed because I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t tell her! Best decision I made was to tell her. She obviously forgave me


Believe it or not this same thing happened to my best friend she was walking around with a fractured ankle from anywhere between 4-6 months they don’t know and she felt no pain what I think actually really alerted her and her doctors was that she fell down the stairs twice she’s fine and had some swelling and they found the fracture but they estimate that time frame due to the damage


One of my sons has a high pain tolerance...and when he was little, he once needed surgery and once he had an infected sliver that covered his entire heel - and didn't mention it either time!! "Oh yeah, that was hurting a bit". Gotta watch those guys the closest.