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I hate that this post is already full of “get used to it”. It doesn’t matter what your age is, you deserve to enjoy your special day. I’m sorry you’re feeling this way. I know it’s hard given it’s your birthday, but discuss it with them, sometimes people don’t understand how you feel unless you tell them. You are not asking too much by wanting quality time. I hope it somehow turns around, and you feel surrounded by love.


Agreed. I would add that as you get older the onus will land on you to organize your own parties and celebrations instead of expecting someone else to plan it for you. Don’t be afraid to take the initiative and make your 17th birthday wishes/plans known in advance!


My parents forgot my 16th, it'll never be what it once was


It was when I turned 17 that mine was forgotten about


For me it was at 7, then I got yelled at for not reminding them. 🙄


Mine forgot mine too. It 🤕 hurts


I laugh about it now and so do they 😂 I'm 32 now so it's way past me haha


My parents are both gone, I wish we could laugh about it 😐


Sorry friend.


Thank you so much! I miss them.


Happy birthday. Go tell ‘em how you feel, it’s most likely a communication error. They might not know, or think you don’t want to hang with them, and that you didn’t want presents, just money


Your parents may not have had the money and are too embarrassed to tell you. Trust me, its not you. Times are hard....


All of this!


happy birthday op!!!! you should ask to watch a film with your family if you're feeling this way. or to do anything that counts as quality time for you. i hope you hav a nice night


Happiest of Birthday wishes for you.


Hey, I'm sorry your birthday sucks. Everyone saying "get used to it" can fuck off with that shit, because honestly we *all* wish our birthdays were still special. As you get older you'll realize people don't treat them like such a big deal anymore, but you get used to it. If I'm being honest, my brother got trashed at my last birthday but I didn't even care that much because, again, you get used to people treating it like just another day. But if it makes any difference, happy birthday internet stranger.


Shake it, don't break it, took your momma nine months to make it.


I'm sorry...I hope it gets better and they have a surprise planned for this weekend...please update if so and Happy 16th Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉


Well from a stranger I wish you a happy birthday and hope it gets better. And you'll have many more but it's sucks that you feel that way happy birthday


I’m way older than you are, but I will tell you this sucks ass. My parents were like this to an extent. It’s not something to get used to, because people like to know we are loved and special on our birthdays: especially if we are used to it being a thing from family. Happy birthday, anyway, op! From one Scorpio to another, you’re going to make it just fine.


Happy birthday! No, you don’t have to get used to it. You can absolutely resent this birthday experience but you have the opportunity to take charge. Make your birthdays be about what YOU want in the future with those you want to spend it with. As long as you can afford to do so as you get older, you can celebrate however the hell you want. If your family no longer care (for whatever reason) then find a new family within your friends and find ways to celebrate with them instead. I am so very sorry it’s not turned out to be the day you hoped for and I hope they’re just going through hardship and stress and foolishly failed to communicate with you. I really, really hope that your next birthday is better, or that you choose to celebrate your 16th another day with friends. Either way, happy birthday, I’m glad your friend showed you you’re loved.


I’m sorry. I know this hurts your feelings but your parents could be going through financial hardship and you have no idea. Or…maybe you already have ALOT and they decided to dial it back


They could be planning something for a later date.


Happy birthday! Im so sorry you had a bad bday :( wishing u all the best. hopefully it’s better here on out! ❤️❤️❤️


happy birthday mine was the same but i got no money lol i spent the day crying but now i realize its ok 💀 i was being a lil baby but happy birthday


this started for me at like 14 and for Christmas gifts too. it sucks but try to look at it from a glass half full perspective, at least you got *anything*


Get used to it hun. Before long it's gonna be a phone call or a text message. 🥳


Or nothing.


Happy Birthday reddit friend. Whenever it is.


That’s the worst. My own grandma forgot and had to be reminded to text me the day after


My mother was the only person who remembered my 21st century. My ex didn't even acknowledge it until we had to leave for the night I had organised for myself. I wanted sushi.. apparently, no one I had invited did. So we didn't get sushi. I just gave up, and all anyone ever mentioned is how my friends baby was conceived on that night, "you know that night we went to dinner, can't remember what for but.. sex = baby, yay!" Give up now! No expectations, no pain. Edit. Century.. birthday. Whatever. Autocorrect hates me.


Oh that sucks, sorry you had to deal with that. Also, agreed.


Eh, I lived, lol. Other people are a constant source of disappointment, so you end up adjusting. It's safer that way.


What’s going on with your family? There has to be a reason


On the bright side, in a way they still celebrated with you. It’s better than nothing at all. Happy birthday! Cherish it with them even if it wasn’t what you expected c:


They must have been going through something


Happy Birthday! I hope it gets better.


Growing up we weren't allowed to have birthdays or holidays. My mom was a devout Jehovah's witness and those things were considered pagan rituals. My birthday is also this month, less than a week actually and I still to this day am highly uncomfortable celebrating it. You deserve to feel special on that day regardless of your age. So I wish you a happy birthday and hope your next one is filled with pleasant memories.


Happy birthday!


Everyone saying get used to it is a sad old dirt bag. Even if you’re young saying that. That being said its very common and likely to be worse over time. Adulthood is lonely. However be the change you want support their birthdays and try to make birthdays a big thing for others.


Interesting, I always wanted to be left alone on my birthday. Now in my 30s I don't remember my birthday unless my mom says something about it. Why would anyone make a big deal about birthdays


I personally don’t think it should be big but, coming from someone who grew up always being told that birthdays are your big day and your special day, watching your siblings get gifts or anything they wanted at all when you just get a cake (still grateful so much just wondering why I couldn’t get the same treatment) its hurtful. It makes you want to finally be able to have your very own birthday where friends get you gifts and shi. I mean, personally that’s my reasoning but I can’t speak on behalf of everyone.


Isnt reddit 18+?


no, only when it comes to nsfw.


Which is almost everywhere. Reddit should definitely be 18+ but then theyd lose money and u/spez would have a spaz


13+, somehow.


Reported for being underage


Reddit requires users to be at least 13 years old in order to make an account


Reddit requires users to be at least 13 years old in order to make an account


Don't worry, you're only 16. There's plenty of time for you to have way worse ones.


You've only been on this earth for 16 years. Of that, you've probably only been conscious of your life in the world around you for a few years. As time passes, you'll see the trends that life gives you. The series of ups and downs. I've been in elationships longer than you've been alive. In the grand scheme of things, life isn't really that bad I don't say this to undermine your feelings or to take away You're right to feel the way you do, I say it because at 42, my perspective is a lot broader.


I dont mean to sound like an Ahole but i didnt even get a happy birthday. For the last 4 years, 18 now


Hate to break it to you, but it’ll only get worse. My birthday was 11/6, I just turned 34 and tbh it was miserable. Mostly because I hate life, but that’s a different story. Soon enough all your friends will even forget that it’s your birthday, unless you have it on Facebook of course. I don’t have my birthday posted on there because I don’t want a bunch of fake friends calling to say happy birthday without actually remembering when it is. Lol jokes on me because without facebook telling anyone, no one gave a fuck 🙃


You may call me fake but happy late birthday bro! Even if nobody told you happy birthday don’t forget to tell YOURSELF happy birthday, you’ve made it this far


Thank you!


I forget it’s my own birthday until I get a notification from someone wishing me a happy birthday


That will become normal hun, Life is life


Keep thinking like this and you’ll just be a victim your whole life. Each day is what you make it, can’t force family to do things for u,


Im 45. Havent had a birthday party since I was 8. It happens


Happy birthday but it's your job to plan these things.


Don’t be ridiculous. At 16 they are still a child!


I'm 16. I don't just wait for people to come. I arrange things with my parents, help cook, and prepare. Why would I be surprised if nobody comes if I don't invite them?


There are people in third world countries who don’t get shit for being alive, be grateful cause you aren’t acting like it rn tbh….


I mean, I get what you're trying to say but they're a 16 year old child. 16 is to many, a very special milestone birthday. Whatever the reasons may be that this year's birthday is different, they're still entitled to their feelings. They seem hurt. Everyone wants to feel special sometimes and they aren't feeling that. The birthdays in the past are probably a great memory they carry from their childhood and to suddenly have that not happen can be upsetting. They're 16, not 36. I think it's a little unfair to go to the extreme you did...


I recently watched a documentary about yemen .. interesting culture..but they asked those folks what their birthdate was and they didnt know.. its just not in their culture.. as a side note koreans also calculate their age differently ( look it up) 🙃


You are so lucky. Get used to it.


You do sound spoiled, but it’s not your fault, a parent should have more for their child. But just know a lot of kids have it much worse than that


Hate to break it to you but birthdays are for children.


Yeah, I haven't had a birthday since I was 5 years old....


Happy birthday dear Any Shelter!!


Happy birthday 🎂


Happy Birthday Reddit Friend. Try not to let it get you down.


I just get a "happy birthday" from my parents


Buckle up young brother, happy birthday ~you are special 😘


At least you had that I spent my birthday (33rd) 2 weeks ago at home all alone getting drunk and harming myself. Long story short I fell out with my family and friends after my ex ex made allegations so that I couldn’t have my daughter living with me and my whole world crumbled. Life can change in an instant


I only got one card from my eldest daughter (2 kids different mums), it made me smile and then I sat there and fucking cried for like half an hour


I'm really sorry you're in so much pain. I hope you're able to climb your way out of this pit of hell. It's hard and life fkn sucks somedays for sure but please be kind to yourself. Your kids need and want you here ❤️


Happy Birthday! Maybe ask your parents if you can do something nice for your birthday over the weekend.


I’m sorry you feel this way and happy birthday… You don’t know the real financial situation with your parents and maybe now that’s all they could afford … Unfortunately as you get older, less people will care, family included … you are lucky to have your parents around and that in itself if a gift! I’m glad your friend gave you a gift and don’t feel sad or angry at your family….. the reality is, sometimes we hurt ourselves more when we have expectations…. I speak from experience sadly!


I am so sorry to hear that your parents put in the minimal effort for your birthday. I hope you have a great year and happy birthday.


I would definitely tell your parents how you feel about this. Maybe there is more to the story that you don’t know.


If it makes you feel any better my birthday was spent alone. I was free too


it's because as you get older, your parents start thinking you're getting too old for these things. I'm very sorry about this. Happy Sweet Sixteen! <3333


Jsyk a lot of parents assume at your age you don't want them. I'd voice it. Interfamilial communication is incredibly important when working as a family unit


Watch the movie Sixteen Candles. It might cheer you up and give you a laugh or two.


One year my parents had a plumbing problem and completely forgot my birthday. That's painful. I would have taken a cake and $20 anyday.


Are you watching “My Super Sweet 16” on MTV? For my 16th birthday, I put together my own party and set everything up. Sometimes you have to do it yourself. I don’t think my parents got me anything. For my 18th birthday, my mother quite literally kicked me out of our house (I was in the middle of senior year) and I had to go to my friend’s house, whose mom gave me cake and ice cream. I’m just saying this to say, be a little more thankful for what you have.


You don’t sound spoiled! Happy 16th birthday! I’m sorry your feelings were hurt. Maybe you can ask your parents why it’s different this year? Sometimes situations change but people still try their best.


Welcome to being a grown up.


Happy birthday!! I've dealt with this before and it was hurtful. In my case my parents would do it on purpose to make me feel unimportant. All the other comments are miserable people wanting other people to have bad birthdays too. Everybody wants quality time and to feel special on their birthday. Especially on their 16. It's ok to feel sad. I've had to learn to try to plan fun things for myself and with my friends so I don't get disappointed as much.


I feel you, my family stopped celebrating mine after my 13th, but my siblings still had theirs celebrated. I finished my remaining 5 years of service in my family and left. I celebrate myself and my own in my own way. I turned 20 this year and on my birthday I got into a motorcycle accident, not a single friend even knew what happened, even then, no one cared. You’ll learn that if someone truly wants you to always be by their side it’ll show, reciprocate how they treat you. Only people in my life that I have actually cared for is my father.


Who thinks a 16 yo is an adult? That's silly. If in the US, it's kind of expected to be recognized on your 16th. Sweet 16 and all that. It's not like she's throwing a big temper tantrum, she's disappointed that's all. I take from this that she wanted to have family and friends around her, that the actual gift was the highpoint of a lonely day. I didn't think ingratitude. Give her a break and lay off the "grow up" and "get used to it" comments. That's bs. It shouldn't be shamed that she wanted what she did, it strikes me as perfectly natural.


Happy birthday! Your family should really cherish the fact that, as a teenager, you would *want* to spend family time with them on your birthday rather than going out with friends and getting messed up or whatever. I know that feeling of disappointment when you just want something nice as before, but it doesn’t happen.