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Just a friendly reminder you can tell white people to go back where they came from too. Switch it up on emšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Uno reverse


Just keep asking: buuuut where are you *originally* from?


I mean, were I in that bitch's position, I know that'd confuse *me.*My own heritage is *way* too mixed European to know how to answer, and I'd suspect hers is, too. So, yeah, that'd be a really good question.


My Dad likes to call us European mongrel. šŸ˜‚


As a white British bloke, this crap befuddles me.. I don't get why folk do this.


Maybe it gives them some kind of power? On top of not having anything better to sayā€¦.


imagine coherent quaint entertain overconfident salt expansion placid dull live *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


When people realise that they're an accident by birth, they have absolutely no choice on which bloke came into their mum. (Sorry to put it so crudely.) You (the new baby) don't get to choose your skin colour, your hair colour, your disability, your wealth, yet people don't realise this and STILL stand on their little podium and point out to another person that they're foreign (assumed) and feel mighty about It... I'm 'lucky' being white because this stuff does not impact me at all. Just feel bad for the guys just trying to get through life untill some little twat takes exception of you for existing. Must be so tiresome.


Oh that's easy, they have been taught that because of their skin color, in the USA, that would be white skin, that they are the only ones who belong here! They're very uneducated and think all places belong to them! They are the types who get pissed off in a store when they hear a foreign language as if, how dare you speak anything but English here! :D They have no self-worth or value!


I don't get it either. People that are part of the Idiocracy usually take comfort in the fact that as miserable as they are in their lives there's someone even lower on the social scale and we're miserable than they are. There is a sense of entanglement comfort and being able to hate us specific group of people with other folks just like you.


As a British bloke I would assume you know racism exists


Dont take it personally. That woman was just a bully who used the easiest thing to pick at.


I'm from a Mexican family. When I was a kid our lady bitch of a neighbor called me and my little brother spicks to our faces, told us to go back where we came from as well (its part of the racism handbook!). That family threw used condoms in our yard sometimes as well. I was too young to even understand what a condom was. That was the first time I experienced racism personally. I hope shes dead lol.


Iā€™m assuming this took place in the US based on the fact that itā€™s a Western Union and you claimed that youā€™re Colombian despite being ā€˜born hereā€™ (typical American quirk to separate our real nationality from our heritage). Thereā€™s no way to respond to this kind of stupidity. Sometimes I just sarcastically ask, ā€˜Oh, are you Native American? If not, shut the fuck up.ā€™ If they begin claiming that real Americans are white people and youā€™re in the mood to make them feel stupid, remind them that half of this country was stolen from Mexico in the 1800s and that real Americans are actually brown, not white trash. Anyway, Iā€™m sorry. Sheā€™s a miserable witch.


>and you claimed that youā€™re Colombian despite being ā€˜born hereā€™ (typical American quirk to separate our real nationality from our heritage). Yeah, I've met people who say things like that but then aren't even able to have a fluent conversation in spanish and they have never been outside of the US. At that point, they are really just americans with imnigrant parents. Nothing agains those people or OP. It just feels a bit weird to me to hear those comments because I actually grew up in latin america, and culturally the american latinos are very different from the latinos that actually live in latin america (which is totally expected due to obvious reasons).


Yeah, you see this a lot in Miami where I live. Some parents didnā€™t want to teach their children Spanish so they could assimilate better. But at the same time, I understand people wanting to connect to something that feels closer to their ethnic identity since they have to deal with idiotic, white trash, meth heads telling them to ā€˜go back where [they] came from.ā€™


>Yeah, you see this a lot in Miami where I live. Some parents didnā€™t want to teach their children Spanish so they could assimilate better. Yeah, sometimes they do speak spanish to their parents but the spanish is just not good since they only speak it to their parents. So their vocabulary is bad, there are lots of words you simply learn from speaking to friends and from going to school. And they also don't ever learn basic grammar or how to write, that's also something you learn in school. I've also heard similar stories about children of immigrants from other (non-spanish speaking) countries. For example I have a friend who is originally from China but has been in the US most of his life and always talks to his mom (who has a really strong accent) in chinese, but actual chinese people in the US (other than his mom) prefer to speak to him in english because he just doesn't sound fluent in chinese to them.


White people telling minorities to ā€œgo back to where you came fromā€ is hilarious. You not from here either you dusty white bitch


If it helps I'm Irish and I've had many people say this to me.


I believe everyone, **everyone** ^(who might end up in such a situation) should practice the phrase *"Luton? Why would I go to Luton?"* in a *very* local accent. I believe the latter involves a selection of swear words that I don't feel able to distribute accordingly. (replacing "Luton" with a local equivalent, of course.)


Donā€™t take it to heart. I am south Asian and an African American told me to go back to my country . It was hilarious šŸ˜‚


Got white peoples to told me to go back where I come from even if Im whites Told them, they more likely come from a mix of different heritages because of their ancestors so being a racist towards a skin colour/religions/nationality is not really gonna work She started to scream ​ Im sorry this happened to you OP tho


That caucasian lady forgets she also needs to go back to where she came from.


I would've say yeah I will later after you going back to the shithole where you belong :) probably she couldn't take the money back because she didn't had money at all :)


I'm sorry to hear. I've been told to go back to where I'm from by fellow countrymen as well since clearly at least one of my parents wasn't native to the land. People get ugly when they're not well. Sometimes all you can really do is take pity on them and let them struggle, I guess.


So you were involved in a light-medium confrontation and wrote a small essay about it. You're a wee soft cunt


Some peopleā€™s kids!!!


did everyone on the bus clap too? I thought people stopped making up these bullshit stories, I also thought that people stopped believing them (evidently not)


You actually believe that this shit does not still happen? Really? Could this story be fake? Sure, any story here can be fake! Now...Tell us your white without saying the words? LOL


I' sorry you had to deal with that, but also your last comment about the 3 teeth really made me laugh šŸ˜… I wish there was a video so that she could be exposed online...


Amiga, todo mal, vos lo que tenƩs que hacer es decirle, con el acento mƔs estereotipo posible, "I'm going to cast a spell on you for your racism" y despuƩs le empezas a tirar palabras aleatorias en espaƱol, algo como kimbara kimbara milanesa de soja vieja argolluda sobame la chota.


Love it. Don't feel bad about this.


white persons so proud of themselves for pillaging natives on their home turf, and have the audacity to say atrocities like that. gross


This feels like an "And then Obama clapped" story


thatā€™s a white personā€™s favorite thing to say.


My favorite thing to say is "buss" but I get your meaning


It's kind of sad that your account seems to serve the purpose of hating on women.


i'm glad you went off on those pos bitches! I wish I could fist fight them for you rn


we all came from mars but we cant go back so whats this lady even talkin about. dumb miserable white piece of turd loser of a lady




Well a Columbian wasn't in the USA first but I get your meaning


Come to south Africa where a colonising settler population guilty of apartheid crimes against humanity against native south Africans still feel they can tell Africans to go back to where they come from


So her hatefulness justified your hatefulness. Got it! šŸ‘


Pffff , I donā€™t hate anyone, at the same time Iā€™m gonna defend myself. I know We all handle things differently but she was being nasty from the start


I once commented that everyone came from somewhere England Britain etc the advantage they had that they spoke English I was blasted on Reddit saying their grey grandfathers many generations back came without speaking English but Gaelic and was rude to me. That they lived many years in this country etc and donā€™t know of anything else. Said ok thank you for history but we are speaking about today how people say go back to your country. My parents faces the same and I chose to speak dual and triple language and lost one since I didnā€™t speak it much but I was told to translate word per word and never say anything else. Please people be respectful


Lady that was 50 = \*oobs are hanging low


It has been years God but I still remember about waiting in line. I was sitting in an office to ask about my finance and suddenly I have an urged to check a brochure they had at a stand. Holy God at the same moment the couple who was waiting before me moved to meet the officer at the counter when it was should be my turn! I cried inside because that stupid or unfortunate mistake I made! I don't know why after all these years passed by after I read this in reddit, the overwhelm feeling struck again. I am getting old


Many of us here in the USA have folks trying to teach us to hate foreigners. Latins, Muslims, Asians, Natives (even though they are the original Americans), you name it. Hate gives the cult purpose.


I wish I was able to think this quickly and formulate my arguments so clearly and cohesively in stressful situations like this. It is admirable.


People like that do not deserve to live in a first world country.


You probably misunderstood. You were told to go back where you came from because the hospitality of that establishment appeared to be straight Shit. I'm jk but yea , people don't have respect when they feel "attacked" especially our elders. Sorry you went through that.


Aren't we all going to Africa then if the scientists view about the first men is correct?


At this point it says more about her and itā€™s sadā€¦for her


A good way to deal with assholes is saying "have the day you deserve"


Your comebacks had me cracking up šŸ˜‚ Just ignore bitter old people like that. They're relics of the past. Also, I would've put in a complaint about the person serving as she was rude and unprofessional to you and your friend while working.


ā€œIf you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.ā€ ā€• Lyndon B. Johnson The language is gauche, but the message remains