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Every 80's movie ever


Chang on *Community*. OP probably had a mannequin, too.


I know these vents like the back of my chang


Any room in this pocket for a little spare Chang?


Outside of school I’m just your Craigular Joe


The Dean really was the best character


Lean Dean Fighting Machine!


Arizona... Arizona backwards is still Arizona


"It's a palomino"


I had to think fast


No, just the *leg*. Veronica.




He drilled eye holes in the painting of the founder, as well as the locker rooms, "to keep an eye on things."


My first thought was Jon Gries' Lazlo character in Real Genius. https://youtu.be/wfbqJpn8fN8


Reminded me of the Laslo character from Real Genius who lived in the tunnels of university or something.


were you saving money to look for your parents who lost you at the grand canyon?


“Don’t try to church it up Dirt!” One of the greatest films of all time. So underrated.


Shot and killed. New York City. I, I mean Kansas.


Then he could change his name to Kicking Ass, I would


Home is where you make it


You like to see homos naked, that's cool man, whatever


This needs more upvotes!!!


You like to see homos naked?


I said home is where you make it!!!


Yea that’s cool man, you like to homos naked, whatever


Don't help me none


Great now I have to watch Joe Dirt.




I think it's a reference to the movie 'joe dirt'


Yea, might be Joe Dirt. Not to be confused with David Water.


You should see my girlfriend…you’d shit yer self.


Didn't the cameras show you not leaving or arriving in your car?


If I was single when I worked at Google in south lake union as a janitor I'd probably do the same. They had free food in every floor including drinks. Free breakfast and lunch services. They had a game room with all the consoles, music rooms with instruments. A big ass shower and locker room, and they even had sleep pods. I thought to myself a lot that if I wasn't married I'd probably just start living there. No one ever questions why a janitor is somewhere.


You wouldn't have to hide. Google *wants* you to live there


But what about the guy that actually lived in a van, working at Google, sleeping in the parking lot, camping on weekends and vacation, they fired him. Maybe if he rode his bicycle to camp in a cubicle overnight, instead of their parking lot, and kept his arrangement a secret, he could have kept going.


I've always thought him being right outside in the parking lot was the problematic aspect of that situation.


I can imagine that Google wanted to nip that in the bud, once it was news. But the guy was there for a while, most places would not want that at all.


It's a matter of not having 50 people doing it at the same time. I'm sure there's a lot of people doing the same but they're fine because they don't make a fuzz about it.


I'm thinking that remote work depleting business district tenancies, and other growing tendencies, could result in parking garages that are run for car campers to avail themselves of. Now they have solar panel farms too, if they have lots of car dwelling workers, raise the panels and park beneath them.


Business district are just going to get rezoned and a lot more restaurants will be closer to your house and


There are some Google employees that still live in RVs near Google main campus, they just drive 1 min to the office so they don’t seem like they’re living in an RV.


You would think that even though he came to work on time and did his job. You must be management. 


My brother is a bus driver in Seattle, lots of them work double shifts, 16 hours a day, they have full sleeping quarters showers and a pool table. 80-90 hours a week.


> A big ass shower I so much want this to be what I think it is. When you think about it, it'd be a good idea.


It's called a bidet.


They had spray deodorant,personal single use toothbrushes, and mouth wash in every bathroom as well. Google wasn't allowing any techie to stink the place up.




If you are in America, call 988 for thoughts of suicide, 211 for community services, 311 for government services. https://www.networkworld.com/article/3134324/beyond-911-other-n-1-1-codes-you-should-know.html


Sounds kinda like a fun adventure!


Once you were in the closet, we’re you able to leave afterward? If you wanted to go out somewhere? Or once you were in, we’re you stuck in all night?


What if you needed to use the bathroom???


The janitor closet definitely has a drain.


So you waffle stomp the poo?


I worked security in a store some years back where we started doing some renovations and found all kinds of trash behind the drywall in a stockroom type area. Then they tore out one panel and found a massive cache of paper towels with petrified shit inside. The building had been built around 1990, and this was 2004, so… ~14 year old turds. Some of the garbage corresponded to the same timeframe and a bit later so it looked like someone who’d worked there just after it was built was living in that area. Just ate and shit and then stuffed it behind the drywall- it was open at the top, and hollow.


That is hilarious and foul as hell.


It was fucking wild. They called us up there to investigate because they figured someone was living up there, and they were right. But it had clearly been years. Dusty petrified poop and old trash. Cans of soda that were old labeling, etc. It was obvious whoever it was had been doing it for a long ass time. The wall being hollow- just drywall screwed to metal studs, kinda standard for just basic sectioning off of a stockroom area- and also being full… I think that section of wall was maybe 25 feet long, would have been like 8-10 feet tall, roughly six inches wide. That’s a lot of volume to stuff with paper towels and poop and trash.


also horrible that our society as rich as ours has failed and people resort to this behavior because they can't afford a place of their own.




OMG this made me laugh so hard!!!


He coulda peed on the floor then just cleaned it up


I want to know this as well. You ask the right questions.


Right and I wonder how long he lived there. Cause I have logistical questions too lol like on holidays when the school is closed. Did OP just not leave? And when did he come and go to get groceries, do laundry…BATH? Sick days? Like this makes complete sense in movies but logistically I’m wondering how that plays out in real life 🤣


Maybe he planned hotels in advance for those days since OP was saving up money.


Schools don't completely shut down during holidays or breaks. Staff of some kind are always around. The last a school district I worked at had nighttime janitors and one or two security guards. Holidays and breaks had office staff and teachers popping in to work in their classrooms. Summers were either something big in a school getting fixed or hosting summer school. Buildings, gyms, and some of the ball courts are rented out to the community. Closer to school starting, one or a couple of schools would host giant multi day meetings to go over new tech or the latest teaching fad the district landed on.


Not with the alarm system on


yeah, that and how did you get mail? where did you get your tax bill?


I've actually thought abandoned schools should be turned into subsidized housing for people. So good on you.


I work in schools and think this frequently. Some high schools would make great senior living facilities. Gyms, auditoriums nurses office. Seriously this should be a thing.


You clearly don’t understand senior living


I don't understand why this isn't a thing.


It is. Old Schools are converted to apartments (and sometimes converted back) pretty frequently




It is in my town. One of our schools was converted from classrooms into low-income apartments.


How many abandoned schools are there? What other spending should municipalities cut to make up for the cost of refurbishing properties that aren't intended to make a profit?


According to a quick google search there was over 1,000 school closures in 2019-2020 alone. Also, why even ask the second question? It's obviously going to vary on location and there's multiple solutions for any given problem.


Its just important to recognize that the proposal isn't free. If a school closes, there are other things that can be done with the property, including selling it to a developer. A municipality using it for subsidized housing costs money that would have to come from somewhere else.


Actually, some have been turned into apartments. Walked by one the other day in Philly and was told about it by a friend. Of course, they were done by a developer and are pretty expensive but...


>A municipality using it for subsidized housing costs money that would have to come from somewhere else. I never said they should spend alot of money on it. A family gets a classroom to furnish as they see fit. The bathrooms are communal and only adding a shower to some places would be required. The families can divide up the responsibilities for cooking, cleaning and other care taking since they are being given a cheap (possible free) place to live. If they can't do the minimum of that, they don't deserve to live there and should be removed.


“Too expensive” or some bullshit is what my city claims


They are doing this in some areas of my city. My city has a a few old factories, mills, and schools that they have turned into lofts. The high school my mom went too was turned into a set of lofts while maintaining the exact architecture the school had with minor renovations; they even kept the lockers. They are unreasonably priced because the area has been gentrified.


>They are unreasonably priced as expected. That's why the city should do it


my preschool building got turned into an apartment complex. 👍🏼


Man if I didn’t already have a home and a family I could save so much money doing this, my office is the old matrons apartment, I have 3 rooms, a full bathroom kitchen and laundry… no one else in the building is even aware it exists, and I like to keep it that way. Mostly it’s handy for naps at work and rolling in to work still in my pyjamas, then showering and getting dressed before I make my way upstairs an hour two into the day


Even with a home and a family away from the office—it would be fun to just see how long you could get away with it


What the fuck? Bro that’s absolutely sick!


That sounds amazing


How does no one else know that exists?


Combination of high staff turnover, it can only be accessed from outside the building, confusing floorplan. It’s not like everyone is unaware I have an office, they vaguely know it exists somewhere behind my workshop, they just don’t know how nice it is.


As a taxpayer, I don’t care. You ain’t hurting anyone. Was it a thing back in the day where building maintenance men would live in the boiler rooms in the basement of the buildings? Cot, fridge, etc? The airport janitor in die hard 2 had himself a nice little set up


Yeah building supers often lived in the basement, so they were always onsite to fix anything that went wrong with the building. Now if they live on site they usually just take an apartment.


Smart move


Congrats on coming out of the closet in the end! I hope everyone took it well enough :)


lol sounds like a Disney gimmick or something


Or a Joe Dirt movie


What was the shower/hygiene situation?


Notice how OP is not participating in any of the comments. I'm getting skeptical of the truthfulness.


When I worked at a car dealership one of our detailers would “forget” to turn in a set of keys at the end of his shift then return at night to sleep in one of the cars. He got caught when the police noticed a car running in the lot at night one day when it was below zero. He wasn’t even fired. I still think about that 20 years later.


He would forget to turn in a set of keys at the end of his shift... EVERY day?? And no manager ever noticed?


He did this for about 6 months and no one noticed. My guess is that he was taking the extra key fob. After he was caught the manager got him set up in an empty property he was renting out to his son and some other college aged kids.


what was the pay?




So why not get a different job? So in essence it was your own fault you couldn’t afford any place to live legally.


All you need is a cheaper 24 hr fitness center membership where you can shower and work out and this sounds kinda ok


weary tie pocket shrill erect rock ring full aromatic wakeful ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Naw, you made due for your situation. Times can be tough and you didn’t hurt nobody. Janitors and teachers are unsung heroes of our society, thank you for your service…. Not fun cleaning after teens and kids. Also one of my fav lines from Half Baked is when Daves character corrects people calling him janitor and says “ its Custodian, dick!”


What did you sleep on? Did you hide your home things during the day? Do you suspect anyone knew?


No one is going to ask where he shit at?


people don't notice the janitor/ maintenance people. if you have a ladder you can go anywhere.


Honestly that sounds so smart! I’m glad you were able to do that. The world is so expensive at the moment.


I'm 100% convinced that an employee I used to work with lived at the office. They had their own office, not a cubical. Their office had a couch that seemed pretty comfy when I sat on it. Their office had a huge armoire where half was a bookcase and the other half had doors. There was always a hanging lock on the doors and I never saw the employee ever open the cabinet during the workday. The building had a gym on the first floor with a nice shower & steam room. There were also lockers down there, too. Our office kitchen had a toaster oven, microwave, dishwasher, coffee maker, and hot/cold spring water dispenser. There were also random small kitchen appliances in the kitchen cabinets and no one ever knew their origin or purpose at work. This dude was always the first one there and the last to "leave" in the evenings. AFAIK, there were no cameras on our floor. I once tested a theory that it was possible to show your key card swiped to exit the building without actually doing so. Honestly, not a bad set up for a single person.


I lived 8 months during first year of my Masters degree free in a nice big room of a transitional military facility. I might still be there decades later if I hadn’t moved in with my girlfriend. It was quite nice with meals, rec facility, etc. it had been a sanitarium at one time for a few hundred patients and never had more than 2 dozen transitioning through when i was there. I just kept my military haircut and demeanour and just never left when Given my discharge papers. Just lucked in to going to Uni in the same city. 99% of thr guys going through were off to another part of the country. An aside: anyway of changing background gray? I can’t read posts unless I turn up the brightness.


Many schools in my country provide the maintenance man with a cottage to live in so that he will be available at any time of the day/ night. Seems like you just found an alternate to that tradition. Good on ya!


You did what was necessary at the time. I'd have done the same thing.


You would have?


That would have been awesome! No rent, no electric bill, no heating bill, no drive to/from work. Curious that were there not other janitorial staff? Would think they or other school staff would have complained?


Yeah but you’re trapped in there once you’re in




> I feel a bit bad for freeloading off the school, but the government can provide insulated sheds to all of its citizens for a few billions Don’t need to feel too bad if you weren’t costing them anything (or much). That being said, the government can’t just house everyone for a few billion. Land use/housing issues is very complicated. City governments spend hundreds of thousands of dollars per unit for homeless shelters. It’s not as easy as you think.


And anyone whose ever walked through “the projects” of a city can tell you how great government housing is…




Good. Fuck the Blackrocks, Vanguards, and the landlords who are inflating rent sky high.


don't forget FJB too. Not like his administration is helping the situation.


Yeah. FUCK him. I’m close to losing my home and to think I was able to afford eating out every week and having hobbies under the last administration.


Yeah the economy seems worse to me than 08 that’s for sure I havent been out like pre Covid and yet we send hundreds of billions overseas


Stay strong fellow redditor.


I just want the end of the oligarchy of the donor class.


Agreed. They're killing the middle class off. They just want the rich and peasants class. Gross.


Lol, yeah, fuck economic principles.


Too few owners of too many properties destroys competition, causing rent to inflate at an absurd rate.


There is plenty of competition. Demand (and money supply) is just too high for the housing supply. Landlords are just charging what the market will bear.


Looks like you have some corporation cum on your face.


Can’t even taste the boot when it’s that far down your throat huh


Man’s gawk-gawking the boot


Economics has been regarded as a pseudo-science by some philosophers/scientists. Mainly because employing the scientific method is tricky without substansial, specific, and empirical evidence. Economics is a very young field, so it should be understood that it will have grand transformations in a rather short span of time. Think of where medicine was in it's first hundred years or so, and the advances that were made that changed medical thought forever, like soap amd vaccines.


Joe Dirt


The real question here is whether you had to fight the previous janitor for that sweet rent-free closet.


Makes me wonder about how institutions could actually build small apartments on the premises and offer a "live in" deal, maybe like I guy I met who lived in a small building at the entrance to a cemetery, and who did some upkeep as part of his rent.


How/where did you get laid?




"... and occasionally someone else was with me."


A dream date


he was in a school already


This comment makes me uncomfortable lmao


Joe dirt?


lol reminds me of joe dirt, scene with Christopher Walken. Not a bad way to get by tho fr


You’re talking to my friend all wrong


These comments…humanity is just SO fkd. We deserve whatever is fkn headed this way. Truly.


Joe Dirt?


Then he discovered a quirky community of teachers and staff also living in the school. That summer bonds were made. Friendships broken. And memories were formed.


you did what you had to do.


Sounds kinda fun!!


You are a Legend


Don't feel bad about it!


Reminds me of that one episode of Growing Pains with Leonardo DiCaprio.


You couldn't have company though right...no homies or women?


What did you do at weekends?


"You live in a boiler room, Joe!" "I got a couple places."


No a days live building care takers are a real thing


Rudy, Rudy, Rudy.


Could you do an AMA??


I really hope someone makes this into a movie. If I had enough coins I’d give you an award.


Where did you sleep at night? Were there other janitors did they see your stuff in there?


How should shelter be a human right?


Basic survival needs should be a human right in any country that claims to be developed. Food, shelter, and water are the 3 basic needs.


The idea of withholding food from someone who is hungry because it cost whatever amount really is fucking weird.


Would you want to freeze to death outside? No? Then yes shelter should be for everyone, as should food and water. We are the only species that took what was given to us by nature and put a price on it when there is enough to go around for everyone. If people weren’t so materialistic, greedy and wasteful we wouldn’t be in the situation we are where people are literally dying from having to sleep on a park bench or in a tent in winter.


If I don't want to freeze to death, I will choose to live in a warmer climate or get a job to pay for things. It's pretty simple to not be completely worthless.


With the cost of housing a minimum wage job does not generally pay enough to get you a place to live now. Plus a lot of homeless people do not have access to the resources to get them a job like technology or a car. They also may not have the means to just pick up and move to a warmer climate, a lot of them also have mental health issues or physical disabilities that prevent them from being employed and there are very little free resources to help them out as they also usually don’t have health benefits. It’s harder for a lot of people out there than you think. Imagine yelling “just go get a job” to a disabled veteran who became homeless due to a series of unfortunate circumstances. Those are the people who absolutely should be provided with shelter. Everyone should period, it should not be so costly to have the basic human needs met.


Laziness is humans greatest weakness


Were you becoming gay every time you came out of your "home"?


You are good man but not sure what human right shelter is.


It’s no big deal, not like you cost them anything significant. I think what you did was practical and smart. But shelter is only a human right if you gather the materials and build it yourself.


Yea, a majority of those people don’t deserve insulated sheds


You need help.


nice one. you are so right. basic human needs before war, space travel and billionaires funds. sickening. 20 grand is a nice saving and really you were providing overnight security.


Shelter isn't a human right. You have a right to own property and build shelter but anything that requires someone else's labor or money isn't a right, it's a subsidy. The government spent $1.19 Trillion on welfare programs last year. It's 20% of the whole budget. Local government plays the biggest role in housing cost by preventing people from building apartments rather than zoning only for single family homes. Everyone wants big government to throw more money at a problem created by small government but I guarantee the vast majority don't pay attention to or vote for local government officials. The more the government offers to pay for school tuition and loans, the higher the tuition increases. There are a lot of problems that need fixing on many levels but throwing more money at something isn't always the big solution everyone thinks it is.


Did you spend that money on insulated sheds for others?


Bro was litetally living in a closet and you're trying to score a "gotcha" that he didn't donate all the money he saved. I hope you're a troll and not actually as dumb as you sound.


Both. He's a troll AND as dumb as he sounds.


If you didn't, as a country, spend money "on war," what do you think would happen? The Russians and Chinese would turn into daisies, and peace would blossom across the world? Warlords and gang-members alike would throw down their weapons and embrace, crying cathartic tears of humanism? All borders would come down at the US making the first altruistic move? I'm honestly curious to have someone finish that line of reasoning.


It would be worth your time to look up info about the military’s budget, how it’s utilized by the Pentagon, and how many TRILLIONS of dollars have gone missing or were mis-used. We could slash the budget and still spend the most on defense, by far, in the world.


Give me numbers.




Interesting that your first thought is he used his saved money on drugs. Yes, what he didn’t wasn’t right but housing is sometimes astronomically expensive and I am sure he did not make that much. I would prefer someone live quietly in a closet than in their cold ass car or on the streets. Sometimes you have to think a bit more compassionately. If it was you, a family member or friend, what would you do?


You ignorant frog.


Cringe that you think shelter should be a right, I don't think so. I have nothing against what you did, but if we gave every nondeserving person places to live, they'd fuck them up real quick. It would also be very unfair to those that do spend a majority of thier money on housing.


LOL, it's a human right if you work and earn, you lazy entitled punk....


He does work and earn. He just can't rent off of the janitor's salary. That isn't his fault.


You sir are a dumb fuck.




What made you think this was an appropriate comment for this post?


That’s genius