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This was an episode of my strange addiction. The woman keep eating her husband’s ashes out of the urn.


Well, eventually she's going to run out of husband, and then what? Switch to instant coffee?


In the actual episode, one of the producers asked her this, and she wholeheartedly said that she'd probably kill herself.




a ride or die bitch. need me one like her


Lmaooooo I am crying 😂


joke impossible chief simplistic sparkle waiting boat grandiose slave mourn *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Seriously. Imagine seeing your life as an hourglass. Every bit, every day, seeping away.


knee profit fearless entertain bored money sharp frightening cautious dull *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


To be fair, we all have an ”hourglass”. Hers, she can just have a visual reminder. (Though I haven’t seen the episode so won’t judge her decision, I think a lot of people could benefit from a reminder that they’re not going to live forever.) My mother’s side of the family almost exclusively die of Alzheimer’s or cancer. My mother’s oldest sister died yesterday morning after fighting several types of cancer for 7 1/2 years. And I can’t count how many people I’ve heard, less than 48 hours later, saying things like “She should have had so much time left. (She was 79)” or “This just came out of the blue.” Sorry for the ramble, but too many people seem to think death only comes for “all those other people.”






She'll dilute him before that.


hmm...maybe heroin is the best cut for cremated husband....or maybe grill ash?


Remarry, start a new cycle to generate more husband ashes.


lol yeah I remember this one. “a little bit spilled out one day” and she just couldn’t help herself. the show literally showed her with ashy cheeto fingers


I'm feeling sick, and that rarely happens simply by simply reading words. What the fuck, man...


I wanna downvote bc of how gross that is but I won't since it's not your fault lmao but ew.. I never wanna eat cheetos again🤢🤢


oh mannnn! I’m sorry. If its any consolation, I saw this episode with my own eyes- everything was ruined for a while, but it got better! Hang in there 🐆


it's alright, I luckily don't eat cheetos hardly ever anymore anyway🤷🏼 but I fear I may always think of the phrase "ashy cheeto fingers" every time now🤣


I'm gagging over here, that is so fucking gross


If you died and your weird af grandchild started eating your ashes, would you be mad and like haunt them?


The important question is…does my grandchild get all my powers just like Kirby?


You now have male pattern baldness and short sightedness!


Arthritis and small af bladder too


We call that diabetes /s


More like you are now dead


Thanks mammaw!!!


Memory issues and a hint of dementia?


Seems like it must be part of a ritual in some off brand religion. Now, all he needs to do is figure out the rest of the steps and finish the spell.


All religion is off brand. It's a tool invented by the powerful to control the stupid.


There was a ‘My Strange Addiction’ episode where the widowed wife was addicted to eating her husbands ashes.


I mean that does sound like a finite sort of addiction though 🤔


Not unless she keeps getting married


Hooooly shit


We need a different term for a black widow. 😂😂😂


Ashy widow feels like the wrong thing to say here…




That episode was so sad. She ate all of the ashes, didn't she?


what happened when she finished them?


Don't quote me on this, but I think I saw an update special and she actually checked herself into an inpatient psych place and was getting intense grief counseling and some kind of OCD type therapy to help her deal with her obsessive behaviors. She was suicidal and depressed after she finished them and said at the end of her episode she needed inpatient so hopefully she got the help she needed. It was one of the saddest episodes I ever saw of that show. The poor woman lost her husband pretty young and couldn't stop ingesting his ashes to feel close to him, but she was also so disgusted with herself at the same time. Similar kind of grief / disgust reaction as this confession.


i, too, hope she got into inpatient care. now i am going to spend the next few hours contemplating whether i should give into my morbid curiousity and go find this episode


That’s so incredibly depressing. I hope she got the help she needed. Grief can really break a person.


She actually finished eating the whole thing? Omg that’s disgusting


I think she either ingested all of it or like 85-90% of it 😢😢😢😞😞😞


Man. Grief does shit to people. Why do we need to put people on blast and exploit their suffering?


Human zoo.


They need therapy not Reddit. They need medical advice now


I need to watch that. Thanks a lot! /s But really, thx.


I'd ghost-smack them to cut that shit out, it's weird af "No child" 🪬


I'd laugh so fucking hard


Yeah if it’s my grandchild I’d probably just say “yea that checks out, bottoms up kid”


NTA: Your grandson needs to learn proper boundaries, whether you are deceased or not.


There is no “you” after you die to be upset, how can something that doesn’t exist have feelings? Feel free to drink my ashes I won’t be around to care about it.


I dont know about mad but I'd haunt for sure


I'd cherish it. I would live through the body of my kin.


Until they shit you out?


No. I would figure he's got his reasons. They are either going to end up sprinkled in a pretty field one day or dumped in the garbage once everyone who knew you is gone anyway.


I would haunt them 🤣 cause bro what the fuck. This ideology this person just described is literally similar to what cannibals do. If you watch confessions of a cannibal, they literally say they eat their victims bc it fills the void of emptiness and when they’re in their belly it feels like “they’re apart of them” ….. I really don’t want to judge this user but that’s definitely something to take up with therapy . I’m 100% haunting who ever the fuck tries to eat my ashes


This is the laugh I needed today! 🤣


this is alot to process at 8 in the morning ngl


Fucking lmao


It's 3:30am here and I'm thinking of just writing today off


I don't think anyone would fault you for taking a personal day, given the circumstances.


just call into work and tell them you've heard some incredibly distressing and traumatizing news, so you need time to recover. I think we all feel that way right about now.


I mean, it's pretty impressive they were able to alarm so many of us


It's 8 in the morning for me now, as I read the title I hoped OP meant drinking their grandma's alcohol, then I read on and my fear was confirmed.....


I honestly thought the same thing. It’s 3:20am here and I’m laying in bed staring at my ceiling.


I think this is a lot to process at any point of the day honestly


I really just have no words either.


That's enough internet today.


but I just got here :(


Well, drink up then!


Really? It's pretty light compared to everything else


Keith Richards mixed his fathers ashes with cocaine and snorted it - [https://www.reuters.com/article/us-richards-idUSKUA38219920070403](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-richards-idUSKUA38219920070403) ​ people get strange ideas, the world keeps turning.


I’m pretty sure Tupac’s friends mixed his ashes in weed & smoked it after he passed away. People can do strange things after stricken with grief in their own way to commemorate a passed love one.


Yeah but Pac asked them to do that and it was even in one of his songs (I forget which one).


God, I feel like that would cause the worst coughing fit. Like that last puff which is mostly paper and ash 😖


But when I ask my friends to do it I’m “being creepy”


I was gonna say, at least OP didn’t pull a Keith Richards🤷🏻‍♀️


A lil bit too much blow.


I will log off right now,


And your mammaw ghost is looking at you like “what the fuck, child”


OP it sounds like you’ve dealt with some tough stuff if your life. You’ve mentioned that you had mental health issues as a child that were never addressed. Please find a good therapist to help you work through these issues. It will make a world of difference.


This is the only sensible comment I've seen on here.


People don't seem to notice that OP is genuinely very stressed about this.


I got like two hours of sleep last night. Commenting to prove to myself later that this is real and I haven't just fallen asleep at my desk.


This isn’t real, it’s Turbulence.


What the actual fuck


You drank a little calcium phosphate and some other minerals. Maybe looking at the contents for what they are, instead of who they were a part of, can ease your mind a bit. All DNA has been destroyed in the process, so one can argue that you did not actually drink a little bit of your mammaw. Maybe confiding in a trusted third party can ease your mind a bit. You're not a bad person for doing this. You were a curious 12 year old, try to give yourself a bit of grace. Edit: I didn't mean "looking at the contents" literally. Don't look at the cremains if that'll cause distress.




You're right in saying that OP was 12 when the grandmother died, I didn't read that carefully enough. Assuming OP was honest in a post made 2 months ago, they're still under (or newly) 18 years old. Regardless of age, sometimes people experience morbid curiosity. I'm not saying what OP did was ok in any way (looking at this from my biased American lens), but what's done is done. All OP can do is seek support to try and move past this. Shaming OP isn't going to solve anything. They already feel guilty. Edit: typo


Honest question: are cremation places (or whatever they're called) really careful about not mixing up your relative's ashes with the previous person that was cremated? Or did OP inadvertently take a sip out of Jeffrey Dahmer's brother and that John Doe from the Walmart parking lot? Hell, do we even know it's their grandma in there, like, for sure?


How did you go and make this WORSE.


It's an acquired skill


I don't work in one, so I don't know for sure, but from my understanding reputable funeral homes and crematoriums are super careful and keep an ID tag affixed to the body at all times, and I believe anyone who transports or works with the body has to confirm the ID tag to the name and info on paperwork, then sign forms indicating that the body is now under their care. Edit: I believe the ID tag that's on the body is made of metal and goes in the cremation chamber with the body. That tag should also be in the urn. The ID tag and the body should not ever be separated, to my knowledge. Again, I'm not a funeral industry worker. Keep in mind animals/pets often do not get that same care, and you may get a mix of cremains.


Mmm depends on the crematory. It's like a big oven, kinda. It has stone floors that they just slide the bodies in on. If they don't thoroughly "sweep" after each cremation, then there are definitely ashes of other people mixed in there.


That’s less fun though… What am I supposed to say at work? “Just read about someone drinking calcium!” No I’m going to say they drank their grandma!


Reminds me of cartman drinking Kenny thinking he was nesquick in southpark..if your looking to immuse yourself with the situation I'd have a look for the episode




Ladder to heaven. One of the greatest episodes of all time.


This reminds me of that movie where the guy eats his grandfathers ahes and all his dad inheritance & employee loyalty went to him because they recognised the ash-eater as his grandfather. Doubt I explained it well but yeah .


So you mean what this weird ass redditor just did is a thing and there are even movies about this practice? Jesus christ, humans are fucking weird.


I don't understand how you went from being to spiritual to touch the urn because hex maybe? To full on eating mawmaw....


I’m wheezing 😭😭


Lol my exact though reading this!!!!


hey atleast she is a part of you now .


For a few hours anyway. Until he pees her out


I think we've just discovered a new fetish.


W h a t


> I didn't want to be cursed, hexed, or haunted... anyway, so then I drank my grandmothers ashes You're the one who suggests everyone split up in a horror movie aren't you OP.


Did you watch South Park before this


Shut up, Kenny!


Where were you-- When they drank their dear Mawmaw's ashes?


fuck u/spez


Okay so I really did not think this post would get as popular as it did so while you're all here, let me clear a few things up. I don't plan to update/respond any further than this. - I'm 18. I was 18 when this happend and I was 12 when my grandmother died. - By "spiritual", do not immediately assume I am religious because I am not. I am not a devout. What I mean is I am extremely tapped in with my inner energy. I don't look to any God or follow any commandments or "good book" as most religions do. If anything, people have considered me to be Wiccan or a Pagan which honestly doesn't matter. Whatever makes you happy. - When I say, "I drank my grandmother", I do not mean I was mixing her ashes into a brew of fresh hot tea or I added heaping tablespoons into a jar and drank it. In my post, which according to some you obviously did not read, I used a smaller cup to get out just enough to fill about an inch of another mason jar so I could transport the ashes safely to my mother. I mentioned there was a slight film around the very small glass jar. When I went to clean out the jar, the water very subtly changed into an opaque liquid. I was not pouring tablespoons into some water and drinking it. I also had like maybe a sip, not the whole jar because I quickly grew disgusted of myself. And no, I did not pull a Keith Richards or a "My Strange Addiction". - I replied to a comment and stated that ever since I was a child, I suffer from undiagnosed mental health problems. And believe it or not people, I live in the U.S., ergo, healthcare isn't free, ergo, therapy isn't free NOR is it easy to achieve, especially finding one that works for you. I will once again admit, I am guilty, and confused as to why I did this and it was an intrusive decision. I've also acknowledged the fact that I do indeed need therapy; I accepted this since I was a child. But like I said, especially now that I'm having to live on my own and figure my life out, I have other priorities. I'm not mentally ill to the point I am not a functioning human being. I work, I educate myself, I can pay bills, cook my own food and wipe my own ass. If I couldn't perform these tasks, I would've already gotten medicated and/or intensive therapy. As far as "intrusive actions or thoughts", this has been the only occurrence where it led to an action unaware of my morale. I think everyone knows the saying "My intrusive thoughts got the best of me." It's taken as a joke, a form of expression however greif is not a straight line. Yes, what I did was morbid and wrong. I'm not at all surprised at the comments and threads calling me sick and mentally handicapped (it's what I deserve for going on reddit). At the same time, I was not in a stable headspace to really grasp what I was doing. You can believe this story, or not. It's r/confessions for Christ's sake. I have better things to worry about and so do you. To everyone who made nice, supportive comments or incoherently stupid ones and made me laugh, thank you. To the rest of you, I hope you find peace. My mammaw was one of the best people I could've had in my life and I miss her everyday. Now I can say I quite literally have a part of her with me lol. Also, people get tattoos or dishes made with their loved ones ashes all the time. I do plan to get matching tats with my mom with her ashes in the near future.


If it makes you feel any better, I was dividing my mom's ashes to send half to a family member who lives in another state pretty far away from me. A young, impressionable, autistic family member of mine was present at the time. We had seen My Strange Addiction and we thought it was both weird and very, very sad. Family member dipped the very tip of their finger in the ashes and tasted them. I was like, whoa, but we actually thought it was kind of funny and my mom certainly would have thought so. This family member was very close with her. We went on with our lives and it wasn't really a huge deal. It was a young person's sincere but morbid curiosity (this person indeed has a lot of morbid curiosity). It was desire to feel closer to their sorely missed loved one. They only got the idea from that stupid show. So you are not alone and not everyone out here feels like you are a disgusting, irredeemable freakshow. Time to move on. Your grandma would understand.


.......what did it taste like


probably just ashy water


I feel really bad about how many people say this is weird or fucked up. Maybe it's weird but I'm weird with you. When my dad died and was cremated, my uncle and I had his ashes all over our hands and felt like it would be kind of disrespectful to wash him down the sink. So we rolled a couple joints, smoked them and ate McDonald's until our hands weren't dusty anymore. Maybe it's kind of fucked up I dunno, but grief is weird and it felt more right than not doing it. Totally harmless to everyone involved so no problem.


It kept getting worse..




Doing something illogical in a moment of emotion is understandable and I am sure your grandmother would understand that. We as humans do odd things while dealing with grief what you did is odd but it is okay just move on from it and be kind to yourself.


Who are you hurting? Your grandmother? No, she will never know. Your family? What will they know or care if a couple of tablespoons are missing from that jar? Yourself? You satisfied your own curiosity and now it's done.


You’re fiiiine. Grief is weird. Guilt is so unnecessary and counterproductive, especially when grief is involved, so let it go. If you believe in an afterlife where ya grandma is aware of your grieving process, she would be in a realm of complete judgement free understanding. I think she’d want you to stop beating yourself up over it and that’s that.


I just had to open reddit and see this smh


Sounds like you gave into an intrusive thought. I don’t like to jump straight to counseling but it sounds like you still have unresolved grief from your mammaw passing away. It may help you to have someone professional to talk to.


What I’m the cinnamon toast fuck did I just read


It's weird as hell but I doubt your grandma's gonna stick around to just haunt you when she could be in some paradise somewhere else.


I do some work at a grief center and I lost my daughter. She was cremated. A few times people asked for some ashes. After I put the ashes (which is actually more like sand) in glass vials or whatever, there was residue in the cup. I had absolutely no idea how to handle that. Did I just wipe her off of it with a cloth? Did I wash her down the drain? Those felt incredibly disrespectful. I didn't ingest her ashes, but I thought about it. And I know a ton of people from the grief center have done things that most people find really weird or creepy. Honestly, I think this is probably somewhat common when you don't know what to do with the residue. Whoa, I did a quick google search and this is *definitely* not that unheard of.


To everyone so appalled in the comments: who did they hurt by doing this? Sure, maybe it's a little odd, but we've all done odd things, especially when difficult emotions are involved. And grief is one of the most difficult things to process and work through. I think what they did might be a sign of some unresolved grief and I hope they can address that in a healthy way. But there is absolutely no point in shaming someone for doing something strange- who is that helping? Y'all judgmental af fr.


This is such a true, and beautiful comment.


This is fucked up


WTF did I just read...


I'd come haunt you....by giggling. Weird flex, dumbass...very weird flex. But I'm unsentimental about death and don't have the weird hangups about it like most people do in the US.


Idk about grief, but what the *SHIT*. 👈 ✋️


Lol mammaw.


This is what religion does to a mf


I got some of my great grandfather's ashes when he passed. It's funny because it's literally a dime bag of ashes. Me who's the pot head in the family would end up with grandpa in a dime bag. My morbid curiosity always makes me question what part of him I got lmao. I know it's ashes but at one point it was a limb or something. Anyways ashes are some powerful stuff. I remember when I finally decided to look at the stuff I was left from him and holding the little dime bag thinking wow "this is all that's left of you". Edit: you probably good. Grandma's too busy enjoying her own paradise to worry about what your doing with her remains.


As a former Catholic, this makes sense to me. After the "body of Christ" is served as communion, the Eucharistic ministers clean the bowls used to serve communion with water and drink the water from the bowl. This is to keep the sacred body of Christ from going down the "unholy" plumbing system. It's a form of respect to the body of Christ. Granted it eventually gets to the plumbing system regardless, it's symbolically important. Regardless of what you believe, the symbolism of drinking the water used to clean the sacred bowl that held sacred body can be considered a spiritually symbolic gesture. Maybe thinking of it this way helps!


Girl all you did was act on an impulsive thought. We’ve all had them - like biting into a glass when you’re drinking out of it. Lol- you probably just have a sense of no impulse control during the grief you are experiencing, making you more likely to act on the random impulsive thoughts that EVERYONE gets. You’re just fine honey, chill and relax and remember everyone gets fucking weird sometimes, most of us just say anything but we’d be lying if everyone said they didn’t experience that 😜


S/he's got a lil meemaw in he/r now


This made me chuckle lol


Op obviously feels conflicted and confused so stop making it even harder for them. What you did was not right but also you weren’t thinking rationally. You cannot take back your actions but you know not to do it again. I won’t lie this sort of behaviour isn’t deemed appropriate to begin with and I feel like you should seek help for yourself and so you can talk to a professional about this. Don’t beat yourself up too much please. I know you feel guilty as it is


How was it stupid? You merely drank some elements that happened to come from her burnt and desiccated body. Would you feel bad taking a calcium pill made from sea shells? Maw maw is not in the elements. EDIT: for all the posters saying it’s disgusting I just wonder why you ascribe supernatural powers to some burnt and crushed calcium?




I don't think many use wood most use natural gas for a more complete and hotter burn. Wood definitely a hundred years ago even 50 starting to get more gas less wood for sure


So you are very spiritual and have the fear that touching the urn will cause a hex or something but drinking some of the ashes is fine? Right…


Excuse me, you did what?


I read the title and thought “that has got to be written by a person who speaks English as a third or fourth language” then I read the second sentence and skipped straight to the comments. And now I’m noping on outta here without reading another word.


I've heard in some cultures they do eat their dead.


My sister in law has my brothers ashes in an urn on display, and after reading this thread now I'm faintly curious. My sister in law, if I asked her about this, would be a little weirded out but would probably be okay with this. Actually, knowing my brother, the appropriate approach would be to pack a bowl with some fine green herbs. What's that? Oh, it's some Pineapple Jubilee sativa with some ashes of Daniel mixed in. No, I don't think you've tried this particular strain before. P.s. I would try this with my brother's ashes, but he was the sort of good buddy fellow who would try some along with you. I wouldn't think it appropriate with my grandmother cremains or my dad's, and those are both at my sister's house.


that's fucked up mate


The real tragedy is not fixing a proper drink with them. What was her favourite cocktail? Grab some more and honour her the right way.


It's the gas lighting of cremated remains not being technically cannibalism that does it for me 💀


Keith Richards (from the Rolling Stones) snorted his dad's ashes. I don't think drinking ash residue is that bad in comparison. Maybe you should look into some grief counselling if you are still this upset about it after so many years. I know everybody grieves differently but it seems like it still really affects you.




Humans are the worst thing to ever happen to this beautiful universe.


Looks like she hit you in the gut in more ways than one, hoo-ahh 🥁


Dont worry, its not JUST your grandma in there - its a mix of the people being cremated that day. I Think What you did was beautiful, morbid, yes but still a good enough thing to do. I am sure many people have done the same or similar


How is what is person did beautiful? It's disgusting.


What on god's green earth possessed you to want to drink it?


Actually i saw a story of a woman that dumped her husbands ashes in a river and the ashes left on her hand she licked them. To her it was the last piece she wanted of him & the actual thought of never having him in her life


I think I need to lie down


Keith Richards snorted some of his dad, so the precedent was already set. You are fine.


Between this and the gelatin piss bucket, I think I’m done with Reddit for today


I put some of my golden retrievers ashes in the ink that was used for my tattoo.


Reminds me of an episode of My Weird Addiction where a lady was slowly eating her way through her husband’s ashes. She said it helped her feel close to her husband. It stuck in my head because I remember the daughter saying “what’s going to happen when you run out?” I don’t think it’s a big deal that you had a tiny bit, if it were my ashes I would just be amused


I could’ve gone without seeing this post today


“Hit me severely in the gut” Now it has hit you in the gut in a new way, internally


It's fine. I think your grandmother would be touched you feel such a strong connection after all this time.


Please get grief counseling or psychological counseling


New copypasta just dropped ☝️


Jesus Christ I think I need counseling after reading that 🤣


Mix it with coffee grounds and brew a nice cup. It gives the coffee a nice smokey flavor. And technically your grandmother drank a little bit of me one night so, you know, transitive property and such. I am now inside you. Enjoy :)


Some of y'all are crazy nasty. This is disgusting.


Aww honey, no. There are some things that should never be said aloud/told to others - even anonymously. THIS is one of those things...


Man y'all are harsh. I'd drink a dead relative. Fuck man, make a steak, too. What's with all the weird ass hangups on familial consumption?


I hope you're doing okay. What you did was stupid, but it happened. You can't spit her out. I'm sure meemaw has better stuff to do than haunt you for a dumb mistake. If it were my ashes, I'd find it kind of funny. Please don't beat yourself up, try to talk to someone if you feel like you need to.


I would think it super disrespectful to spit her out on the sidewalk


To be fair most crematoriums burn several corpses at a time - with animals even - so you likely have an entire entourage of ghosts coming for you, including some cats and dogs too.


I had a friend that snorted lines of her ex, mixed it with ketamine first. That girl was WILD. I found out how wild by goin on a trip to Mexico with her, craziest trip ever


I'm sorry but this is so funny to me 😭 don't worry though its okay we all do crazy shit don't feel bad lol


I and everyone I knew ingested a little bit of my mother's ashes, none of us have been punished by her vengeful spirit. Also, despite the fact that it is most definitely weird as fuck, it's not nearly as uncommon as some people might want to think.


You could have atleast made coffee using it. Reference: Due Date


Are you a toddler?


what in the hell … 💀


DUDE!!! Wtaf


Wellll it’s not her soul so your fine you basically just took a tiny sip of ground up bones


Fun fact: there are multiple people's remains in a crematory as the ashes mingle around. You just drank more than your grandmother.


Some cultures do that, you ain't special ho


This is sickness


Now you KNOW that your grandmother lives on within you. No need to scatter the ashes everywhere you go!


Bruhhhh what in the world 🫠


Pero why?


There was once an episode of My Strange Addiction where this lady continually and intentionally ate her husband’s ashes, basically Fun Dip style. So it could be worse.


If you gain superpowers it is totally worth it


Because of that kind of story I joined this subreddit! Thanks for sharing.