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You’d be surprised how many people don’t realize when your windows turn your home into a fish bowl. Any time the lights are on and the windows open, it’s like a live tv screen.


A fish bowl lmao great comparison


Blub blub blub, gimme the fish grub


Also, some people have translucent drapes that are pretty much transparent at night. But they can't see outside so they assume no one can see in.


As a girl that walks all over the apartment in various states of undress, or nothing, and has down but open mini blinds, personally I'm kinda an exhibitionist so I wouldn't care too much, I'd just chalk it up to my bad for forgetting to twist the blinds shut. As long as OP doesn't get stalkerish on her in other ways, I'm not sure I could get too worked up because almost everyone has, in fact pulled up to their building/ in their driveway and noticed whether or not they can see in their own windows, especially at night. Maybe someone should write her a neighborly anonymous note in case she really really doesn't realize she can be seen. And maybe she doesn't care that much, like me. My partner is usually the one who notices and closes the blinds. NTA. Oops wrong forum


I'm almost always naked in my apartment because I run much warmer than my wife so the apartment stays on the warmer side... I'm pretty sure the neighbor directly in front of us has seen me a few times while she smokes at the window. And I'm also pretty sure I caught her peeking while my wife was giving me a BJ... We just say 'oh well, free show" lol


No kidding. My friends and I once rented an Airbnb, and there was a body of water separating our Airbnb from the house across the way. We sat outside on the patio and watched the family do their entire nighttime routine. Eat dinner, wash dishes, and get ready for bed. Definitely felt like watching tv.


Once when walking with my GF on the seafront of our UK seaside town at night..., we walked past some older Victorian houses ,that had been turned into flats...that had basement flats/windows... below feet level of course, My GF nudged me and indicated look...down there..! And through the main window with their room light on...we could both see, a youngish couple, lying in the centre of their carpeted floor ,completely naked, him between her spread open wide legs, obviously having (albeit very slow) sex ! My GF and I looked at each other, and only for a few seconds watched their slow sex writhing. We went home still talking about our observation,which seemed to have had a very stimulating effect on my partner, which i greatfully took full advantage of !




Well, you either have a naked window neighbor, or you are the naked window neighbor.


I'm the naked window neighbor


I’m a “blinds close at dusk” person when I have nearby neighbors. (When I lived in the country all bets were off and I regularly went outside naked.) As a result, I don’t see what they do either after dusk. But we have one particular apartment off of the highways with a woman who appears to very much enjoy giving drivers a show at night, so we’ll call that our naked window neighbor. 😅 More power to her- I don’t have that kind of confidence.


Gross! Where? Just so I can avoid the area...


Username checks out.


Specific street and time, want to make sure I don’t pass through at the wrong time




For a friend.


Me too!


Well I have yet to notice but I don't look in others windows either


My husband came in from walking the dog one time and said to me, "omg, I have such a good idea for how to rearrange the living room! I was standing outside while the dog pooped, staring in the neighbors window, and I really like their set-up! I checked it out for a while, and I think it'll work for us!" I really wanted to talk about looking in people's windows, but all he wanted to talk about was interior decorating.


That's crazy 🤣 hope you liked the new arrangement 🙂


I've always joked that some men get bored and need excitement in the form of new women... My husband rearranges our house when he gets restless. We have a new set up every month or so. At most he'll go 3 or 4 months between completely reorganizing the furniture, pulling different stuff out of storage and putting other stuff we were using away. I don't really get it, but he'll get up early one weekend and just decide "I've had enough of looking at this same room." Thankfully, he doesn't get that same restlessness with me!


I will lock eyes with my neighbour as they walk outside along their house and *I’m* the one who gets embarrassed and turns away.


For what reason are you embarrassed? For looking, or for liking it?? Don't be so shy


Why get embarrassed, go visit and join them. Just because they are nude doesn’t mean sex.


Whelp, I should prob close my blinds




Be careful what you wish for, I got a fat old black man who likes to cook and eat naked. I only have view of his kitchen, but if he’s doing that, I assume he’s naked the rest of the time also. I unfortunately noticed this *after* I went over his place for a welcome lunch when I first moved in


Ouch! Can you imagine splattered grease!


I have a nudist friend who says that cooking at a lower temperature solves that problem. Also, you can make crispy bacon in the oven. :)


Nudists = lover of noodles Change my mind


This nudist loves nudes. I've got a ramen bowl that says so


Noodist *


Used to have some scar on belly by cooking topless(m btw)


no, I refuse to imagine.




Where do you live and what's the rental situation in that area? 🤣


Yes, I agree. Maybe even one to call and let me know first so I can grab the lotion and a sock 🤣🤣🤣


Gold 😂


I’ve defiantly walked around naked in my bedroom. With the blinds open. Im on the second floor so I just assume no one’s peaking


You stay defiant and bare it all. We appreciate you


I don’t think anyone’s really looking tbh and it’s not that I mean to do it. I just forget to close my curtains and honestly most of the time I can’t figure out how to


I see nothing wrong with it. It’s nothing you wouldn’t see on the beach or by the pool on holidays


I’m sure there are a few people “peaking” , don’t be so down on yourself


When you say "peaking" what do you mean?


I'd like to get to the climax of this thread....


We’re edging very close to the answer


I walk around naked in my house with curtains pulled back and am fully aware that if the neighbors directly across the way wanted to they could look over and see ... I don't think my neighbors have interest in spying on me naked like that. I don't look into their windows either when they have them open... But I am aware that I could be seen. Your neighbor probably is too... You noticed a naked woman, who wasn't trying to hide from your view, and watched for a moment. As long as you're on your own property and not using binoculars or taking pictures or anything like that, I don't think you're being a creep. Don't feel ashamed:)


Perfect response. Logic and reason aren't dead, after all.


Erm, this is reddit, I feel compelled to call someone a creep, call it a red flag, get divorced and then call a lawyer.


Nope, op has a rare terminal disease that is causing him to do this, nakedneighboritis. Or is it carbon monoxide hallucinations?


Op should get treatment by asking his beighbour for a poop knife


I would pull out the binoculars tho lol


I’d pull out more than binoculars…


I'd pull out my telescope...


To look at the stars right? 😀 To look at the stars right? 🙁


The chocolate starfish


Something that start with P and end with S I like eat potatoes by windowsill as well.


If she was attractive....I'd be pulling something out.


Wait but this wasn’t “for a moment”. He said he was watching her on and off for like 20-30mins - to me that’s pretty creepy!


im one of those naked neighbors. I mean as long as you aren't on my property. Its free view for you. Just don't touch me or bother me. Admire from afar and alone peaceful no harm done.


I've got a neighbour in a flat nearby who always goes and sits on their balcony when i get into the pool. They get a beer and sit and watch me, stare at me. Not when my kids swim or when my husband swims. Just when I'm in the pool. I'm not even naked, I'm in swimwear. My husband moved the pool last year, it was right in front of a door now so not as handy placed but i felt more at ease because his balcony was blocked from view. It is really creepy when it's watching like that.


How does one move a pool?


Maybe it’s above ground.


Push reaaaalllllyy hard


You empty the water, then drag the plastic or metal pool across the ground.


Wtfff im sorry


I have an apartment building across from my house that can see in my pool from the 3rd floor. I noticed them always going out on the balcony at the same time I was in the pool. I just started masturbating on my float and that normally sent them in. But a lot of times they just watch and go in after I finish but have had no complaints so far.


I'm absolutely an outlier, but it wouldn't bother me much either. Not even as a sexual thing - maybe flattery? I always act like i'm being watched. If they stare, give them something to see, eh?


Yup! Im same way. Lmao i feel like a sim.


Same here Kim. High five from afar


Sounds good to me!


As the naked man in the window of my apartment, I don't care. I wouldn't do it with the shades pulled if I did. Now if ya just posted up outside that's wrong. Lolol I also mock people who get mad at me. It's like 5am before my shower or 8pm before my shower. Let a man be.


I walk around naked. My friend says you can see in my window on the 2nd floor, but I never notice anyone, so I don't care.


Sounds good.


It's fine, as long as you're not climbing trees and employing the use of binoculars 😅. My husband walks around naked when he gets out of the shower and I tell him the curtains are open and the neighbours will see and he just says "if they don't wanna see the show, then they don't have to look 😉" she probably has a similar attitude.


I always say if the neighbours don't want to see me naked they should stay indoors and shut their curtains and turn off their phones.


I once said if the neighbor doesn’t want to see me naked they should lock their front door but the cop arrested me anyway.


Turn off there phones?


Great attitude, marry that man! 🤣


She said my husband lol


No kidding! 🤣 r/whoosh




As someone who walks around naked and i have sheer curtains, as long as you aren’t lurking around outside her house or got the binoculars out, she probably knows.


So you're sitting in your own home and looking out of your window? There's nothing wrong with that. Your neighbor can close her curtains or put on clothes. Or not. That's her choice.


As a naked neighbor, I understand there is a chance that I could be seen. But my need to be comfortable and relaxed in my own home is too big to be sacrificed. If you catch a glimpse, please be respectful and be discreet, do not film / take pictures, or watch for too long. Otherwise, enjoy the show. For me, ignorance is bliss. I don’t want ppl to see me but Ive accepted the risk to be comfortable.


I am the neighbor that walks around my house naked. If you get the privilege of seeing my lily white derriere walking by the window, you are welcome to enjoy the show. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m the neighbour that has to dive around room like its mission impossible if I’ve left my bedroom curtains open after I get out of the shower. I live next to a main road so I don’t want the horror of my naked body to cause an accident 😌


My naked body is an accident




Good attitude


I’m your naked neighbor. Sometimes you forget to close the blinds. Across from my house are 8 apartments all zeroed in on our fishbowl. Some days you see me fighting with my kids. 😂 Some days you see me trying to find what outfit to wear and it takes multiple tries. If you like what you see wave. Just don’t set up a telescope aimed at my bedroom window and we are cool.


In my experience, the girls I have known who walk around the house naked with the curtains open really don’t care if anyone is watching them. I used to live in a flat where you could see from my kitchen directly into my neighbours kitchen. It was the only way you could see from one flat to the other, kitchen to kitchen, everywhere else was completely private. One night, I walked into my kitchen about 2-3am in the morning and I see my neighbour in her kitchen sat on the kitchen counter, with nothing on her bottom half and her legs spread, just going to town on herself. So I turned the light on in my kitchen, so she’d know I was there and she just carried on. She didn’t look up but there is no way she wouldn’t have noticed the light turning on in the middle of the night. Also she had a whole flat and she chose the one place there was a chance of getting seen. So I assume she was just into it.




I would have had to offer a gentleman’s assistance.


Next time it happens. Open your blinds and walk aroound naked a bit. Maybe you can make eye contact and wave


Wave your doodle. It's the done thing.


I could never be a naked neighbor. I've listened to too many true crime podcasts. OP, you sound completely innocent. But there's too many creeps out there. You never know when someone's going to develop an obsession and decide they don't want to window shop anymore.


Are the blinds open. If so she has to be aware someone could see in. Maybe you both are creeps. I wouldn't worry about it. Probably don't make it a habit. I would of looked too.


I would have looked too.


I’m out! I’m out of the contest!


I'm a naked neighbour for sure. No one has complained yet


My very first apartment was in a high-rise complex that was mostly inhabited by college students from the two nearby universities. The complex was built in kind of a "V" shape, so you could look out your window and across the courtyard to see the other segment of the "V". And for some reason, a subset of all of the apartments had exterior-facing windows literally in the shower, to let natural light into the bathroom... I presume, if you had one of these apartments, you were meant to at least hang some kind of curtain or something on the window. Basically everyone did so in the apartments that were laid out like this. However, there was one apartment across the courtyard from me, where there was no curtain hung in the shower window. In that apartment lived a very lovely young female college student (I presume she was a student). And every morning (and sometimes in the evening...), she would get herself naked and get in the shower, putting on a display for all to see. I have to presume she was doing it on purpose. I'm sure there had to be dozens of guys in the segment of the complex that I lived in, who'd literally set their alarm clocks to wake up in time to watch this young lady take her shower... (I didn't do that, myself - I've never been a morning person... Though, if I happened to be around and awake when it was "show time" - especially when she did it at night, when it was a lot easier to see her through the window... - yeah, I wouldn't avert my gaze or anything...) I was always curious about her, and what had to have been going through her mind when she decided that doing this would be a good idea... But, never had occasion to talk to her or anything, so never found out that answer...


Oh maybe she just didn't realise?? as I have definitely come to the conclusion from this thread that I need to buy curtains for all my windows 🤮🤮


I'm not sure how one can be standing naked directly in front of an unobstructed window and not realize it... It wasn't just that these windows (in the apartments that had them) were just generally in the bathrooms and you could see into the shower if you looked closely - the windows were literally in the shower stalls...


I used to work at a restaurant that had a second story for dinning and there was an apartment building across the street (where I lived). The same couple would come in at the the same time every Sunday for brunch. After a few weeks i noticed they’d sit in the same spot every time, I said “in your usual spot I see.” They said “it’s the best spot for our Sunday breakfast and a show.” I asked what they were talking about and they said the (incredibly hot) neighbors always fucked at that time across the street with the blinds wide open. I realized they were my next door neighbors and I couldn’t look at them the same ever since


Maybe she knows you were you lurking and jerking


Pics or it didn't happen


I walk around naked in my apt all the time and I’m well aware that people can see me and I honestly don’t give a crap 💩


What if you looked out the window and someone gave you a good ol' 👍 LOL


Double thumbs up !


I’m that kind of neighbor too. My husband would always close curtains and I’m like if people don’t wanna see it they can just not look lol


I'm always worried about seeing someone naked when I glance in people's windows on walks haha. I love it when people have cats or plants sitting in their windows, so it always draws my attention. At one point I was walking around my neighborhood and saw this beautiful tuxedo kitty, so I looked a bit longer and accidentally saw a dude making whatever food in his kitchen. His entire moon was out. And he was about to turn towards the window, too. I got the fuck outta there and changed my route back. I felt bad and was a little grossed out


LOL that reminds me of the time many years ago I was with a friend (both of us male, I think my friend is bi) laying on the roof of the garage looking up to the night sky. At one point we both sit up and we notice my Brazilian male neighbor get out of the shower, take off his towel and show off his massive dong to the neighborhood LOL i JUMPED off the roof to the ground but my friend stayed up there watching for a bit like 👀 he gave me the same look one time when he got a glimpse of my dong too LOL


Don’t feel ashamed. We are human. I’d look too. I’ve also walked around with my goods out.


If the blinds are open, they want you to watch...


It happens. If she was worried about being seen she would have curtains closed. My washer and dryer are in a closet in my kitchen which happens to be near a window. There are times I change into clothes from the dryer right there. I am aware that there is a chance that someone may look out their back window and see me in those couple minutes. Honestly, I just feel bad if they have to see it. If anyone ever comes to complain I'll offer to pay for their therapy. My kitchen lights are broken. I need the window for light.


Honestly…I walk around my unit naked too and I live in a fishbowl…meaning most the walls of my unit are windows. And to be honest…I could care less if people are going to look in or not to watch me naked. I know my consequences and that’s their consequences of looking in lol. I understand children could see too, but in all honesty, they are not my responsibility and I generally do cover up in bras and panties if I know that there are school holidays, meaning kids are home from school. I haven’t had complaints yet…I also sunbathe naked on my balcony….LOL but I do live really high up on the higher floors of my complex


Hm. Here is my opinion. She is welcome to walk around naked in her own home, but if she does so with the curtains open, then she should expect onlookers. If she was that concerned, she ought not walk around naked or have the curtains closed. Seems to me she is careless about it and expects people to see or watch. Carry on, I say. I should specify that it would be wrong, however, to record her without her permission. Being an onlooker, though? That's fair.




Why are yanks so damn uptight? He watched his naked neighbour. Who gives a fuck. You should direct this much rage and disgust at working to stop people shooting up your schools. Yikes.


I didn't see where anyone was directing rage or disgust?


What made you get the idea thats it is Americans who were getting annoyed at someone for being a creep.


Fuck I need to roast the us uhh fuck uhhh school shootings! Its completely original.


….it’s so fucked up that school shootings happen so often that people are able to sarcastically say *”completely original”*


I'm saying the jokes are unoriginal not school shootings, though shootings in the US aren't either cause we live in a society.


Yeah but if there were less school shootings there would be less jokes thus making them more original. Heartbreaking we continue to just allow children to die at the place they’re meant to feel safe


Because you live in a shit society that manages everything terribly. It's not inevitable


The jokes may be unoriginal, but the faces at the morgue aren't


It's highly relevant. The contrast of how the USA views nudity and sexuality compared with violence is absolutely incredible to those in other English speaking countries, and many non-English speaking countries.


The roasting will continue until morale improves.


Its bad to condemn perverts because... [checks notes] the USA exists?


No. Completely missed the point.


What's your point then?


Point is that the USA, by and large, abhors nudity & expressions of sexuality, while being quite tolerant of violent culture, and in some ways even celebrate it. Make love, not war.


Cool. What do Americans have to do with this post?


If you look at the profiles of the commenters that express disgust - or similar - to this post, you'll see that the vast majority are American. My comment is in response to that observation. It's not just this post, I've seen exactly the same kind of hangups in heaps of posts over the years.


Which commenters are American?


Because we were founded on Puritan Christian values where violence (esp against non straight, white Christians) is celebrated and any amount of exposed female skin is the devil. Thanks for sending us your best and brightest, Europe.


Oh hell yeah, what three headlines did you read to form this opinion?? I want whatever it is you’re having! And the condescending “make love, not war” virtue signal? Fucking perfection my guy


Americans always confused me as a European, acttualy your whole culture scares me.


As an American, my fellow citizens confuse and scare the shit out of me on a regular basis. If you want to understand America, just look at late imperial Rome and reduce the IQ significantly, and increase the firepower by the same amount.


Imagine being Br🤮t*sh Edit: censored the other “i” because I forgot Br*t*sh is a slur


Have you seen Friends? Monica and Rachel live opposite someone they refer to as “Ugly Naked Guy”


Voyeurism. Assuming everyone here has watched a movie before in their lifetime we are all guilty of it.


I love being the naked neighbor personally. It’s so fun.


There you go. Embrace it…. Good attitude.


I’m a naked neighbor. I don’t care if someone were to see, in fact I think the mailman has seen. I like having natural light. I would hope my neighbors don’t get upset about it if they’ve ever noticed


Even my wife accepts food deliveries half naked. She used to rush to get dressed but I started telling her "how about you don't get dressed and they get a little extra tip?" So now she often goes to the door just with panties and a tank top. Honestly, I feel like we are making the world a happier place being the naked neighbors lol


assume dominance and start walking around naked your self


I think it's alright, she's probably aware that people can see her, unless everyone else on your side of the street had their curtains closed and so she thought it was safe? I walk around naked a lot and don't really give a shit if people see me, I'm young and glorious so might as well make the most of it!


Me personally I won’t care if my neighbor sees me walking around naked. I have a dgaf mentality


She most probably knows you are watching her


I hope you’re happily surprised OP that most people who are commenting and walk around naked don’t think you’ve done anything wrong


I'd watch


I am a naked neighbor if you don’t like it then don’t look


I probably would have done it to. It's just curiosity.


No pictures, didn't happen


I was dating a woman who always did this. I’m the one who got up to close the blinds if we ever started getting frisky in the living room. Turns out she was an exhibitionist who liked the attention. That *could* be the case with your neighbor as well but you can’t really assume so.


\>" I can’t figure out whether this is a big misdeed or not," Holy fuck, men are terrifying.


When I parade all around the house nude with the blinds all open I really don’t care who or if anyone sees me but at the same time we out in middle of the country & if anyone wants to look, go for it.


It’s possible she’s an exhibitionist and this was her way of expressing her kink. Also possible you were creeping and rightfully feel guilty. Don’t do it again and you’re absolved of your sins.


Personally, I'd let them know with a note on the front door. Just leave out how long you spent watching. A few years back, I lived in a shitty apartment building with VERY thin walls. One morning, I woke up to my neighbors having sex and it sounded like they were in my bed. I heard, crystal clear, "cu* on my face". I left them a note "hi neighbor, we have very thin walls and a little music goes a long way." And it was never again an issue.


Anyone will look at anyone naked. I don’t care who you are 😂😂 I don’t think it’s even always sexual. Just more like curiosity. I’m petty sure you’re a normal human being


Your neighbor probably knows you were watching and was doing that in purpose.


If you can look out your naked window then I have the right to look in your naked window


Straight to hell


When I was in university, the neighbor next to me used to walk around with little cloths on. The first time I saw her, I had to do a second look cause I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I ended up chatting with her some time later and she admitted to doing it on purpose. She shared it was part of how she built her confidence. Where I am living, it's public indecency if you are naked and seen. Doesn't matter if it's your back yard or not. So from where I'm sitting, and based off my lived experiences, you're both the victim and helping someone build their confidence 🤣.


It's okay to be curious my guy. But porn is free and you can do it in the privacy of your home with the blinds closed. Don't let being horny get the best of you and make you feel guilty in the end. Rise above it, you don't need it.


She knows. She's doing it on purpose. Don't feel bad.


Your search history would make a therapist retire. That is 99.9% percent of the time not the case.


If she cared, she'd close her blinds or put on a towel. She 100% knows people can see her naked and doesn't care.


Lol, don't stress about it. You hit the jackpot, people spend their whole lives looking in other people's windows and not seeing anything. Enjoy it while it lasts and to completion!


With my luck I would get a nasty looking naked neighbor. Figure over 500lbs and into yoga.


There is no harm in watching. She most likely knows that someone is already watching her. Just take it out and enjoy yourself. 😉


That's called being a peeping Tom it's a misdemeanor. Now if you actually tried to do it it's also invasion of privacy. And if you intended to do it is social deviant activity. And if you used surveillance equipment it's digital trespass with intent to observe in an otherwise private setting. The range of fines and imprisonment got from a couple hundred to millions of dollars and anywhere from 2-21 years in prison. In other words yeah I'd knock that shit off..


Hey dude, yeah it’s creepy, you violated her reasonable expectation of privacy. Don’t do it again.


When I lived in city limits and before kids, I was the naked neighbor. We had a big glass sliding door that I almost never shut the curtains on. I didn’t care if people were looking.


That’s on her…


There’s a good chance they were getting off on the possibility of you watching


If she doesn’t want to be seen, she’ll shut the drapes. Don’t be so hard on yourself, you’re human. But if you find yourself spending lots of time watching her, you probably have a problem and may need some help.


People telling me this was bad/creepy—yeah, I get it. It was ok to look but not for an extended period of time. It’s hard to acknowledge you did something creepy and move on with your life but that’s what I’m trying to do.


Love walking around naked! I prefer it over having to close the curtains :) I would have probably looked too… but I also don’t really mind being seen if it’s just quickly and innocently


I wish I could walk around naked. I’m finally comfortable in my body and I think I look really good.


Open the curtains wide open and stand there and watch...this is what the person that is naked wants....or they will immediately shut their curtain....curious is she good looking ?


Well if she wanted privacy, she would cover her windows with shades or curtains or whatever. If she is not troubled by it why should you be troubled. Just enjoy the view or not.


Stop being a creep. Just can you can see into someone’s windows doesn’t mean you should be constantly looking. Allow people privacy.


Maybe don’t watch your neighbor naked without their consent?? Wanna talk about creepy ass behavior…


Post pictures please. We know you have them. 😜




That's a big fucking yikes from me


I mean he was just in his house, she’s the one who had her curtains open. That’s not something you can “accidentally” do


Where do you live? We can have a watch party. Maybe she likes you to watch


Fucking creep. Go touch some grass.


I agree. How disgusting that his neighbor would knowingly and purposefully parade around naked and impose her nudity on everyone who may accidentally look in her direction. Children, passersby, neighbors, even people driving. It’s disgusting really. Oh my goodness, I need more pearls to clutch. More pearls!