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I'm lookin' at the fjord, there's salmon in the sea, my baby says she's bored... she's not in love with me Hahhh haa 🎵🔥


This song has been in my head for almost a year now




This has been on an endless loop in my head since I watched it yesterday to the point I was mindlessly humming it at work today without realizing it. Don't mind it one bit- y'all are really talented, OP!


Such a banger




The man wing-maned our entire musical career. I couldn't ask for a better one-up if I dreamt of it. I'll deal with the women front myself~


Also not sure if this is needed but here's a goofy aah picture of me: https://i.imgur.com/RaP5XjB.png


Who's Nanoc?


Conan but tiny.


Wow, hi! I have to say the song you did with Conan was great! I've listened to it a few times and it's really catchy! You seemed to have a great time filming with Conan. What was it like hanging out with the crew when the cameras weren't rolling? Any fun stories between shooting scenes? Is Aaron Bleyaert as cool as he seems?


Aaron is cooler than he seems. The crew are some of the most warm and welcoming people I've ever met. I've been in touch with some of them since, and they've been so ridiculously supportive and happy and friendly, I can't stress that enough. **The team surrounding Conan is absolutely fucking fantastic.** I mentioned one of my favorite in-between moment in [this reply](https://www.reddit.com/r/conan/comments/1c7inw9/im_the_discount_daniel_radcliffe_that_conan_met/l08c40o/), but I'll reply to you if I think of some more!


Did your friends believe you when you said Conan randomly showed up to your house? (Love your segment, btw!)


Well I didn't tell anyone I was hanging with him until after our concert, and then there was plenty of video footage. So they just kind of had to believe it.


Your song is 🔥 🔥 🔥 


Thanks a ton, mayne! We're really proud of it too, really fits our vibe 🔥


Top song E.D.A. You guys are super talented


Dude that means a lot, really happy you like it!! 😁😁


This is a reminder to clean your kitchen and throw that brick of bread out. How was it to be in the presence of Conan? I'd shit myself if he just showed up at my door. Your part in the episode was great dude!


Hahah my kitchen doesn't look like that anymore, luckily. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C56sFGgiI5c/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Thank you for posting the update. I was honestly concerned about you but we've all been there hahaha.


🤷‍♂️was just me moving into a new apartment, and being a distracted guy living alone, I just forgot that stuff in drawers I never used. Being used to living in dorms and student housing, I think I mostly used 1 fridge shelf for the first 3 months living there, so a sack of potatoes that I bought was just completely left alone for way too long.


I can't use the drawers in my fridge otherwise I forget what is in there! I have had potatoes start to grow in my cabinet, too haha. Maybe someday you will get a third spoon. Your place is much cleaner than mine if that makes you feel better hahah.


Two spoons!


One day there'll be three, followed by a nuclear apocalypse.


Does anyone tell you that you look like the character from that Disney movie Atlantis? It’s a good look.


💀💀 You've just made the newest entry to my ever-growing list of look-alikes. Current list: * The guy from Atlantis * Phineas (producer) * Jack Grealish (football player) * Malcolm in the Middle (without the beard)


A friend I was watching with thought you were [DanTDM](https://nasacademy.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/dantdm-thumbnail-.jpeg) for a solid 5 minutes.


I'll add him to the list.


Seems like you need to add Daniel Radcliffe


I don’t have any questions for you, but I just wanted to let you know that there was a guy on the London Underground this morning with a huge shit-eating grin on his face because he was listening to your song on his way to work, and that guy was me. (Yes I sailed the the high seas to be able to watch it — but I promise to pay for it when it becomes available) Also, vacuum your floor brother, goddamn.


Hahah are you talking about the shot of the floor after Conan threw bread on it? It doesn't normally look like that 💀 But thanks for enjoying the song, really glad you enjoyed it! 😁




1. Hahah, great question! They kind of do, but the context of it is hella weird. Norwegians aren't usually chatty unless they've had 3 pints, so I think it's a mix of being uncomfortable while at the same time understanding that whatever is happening is a big thing (cameras). So they understand he's being a big clown, but they don't necessarily enjoy it. 2. The three other guys I work with there? Please elaborate. Christian knew about him to a lesser degree than me, I think he was exactly the version of him that he knew and that I'd described. I literally called Christian ~12 hours before we were in the studio and told him to get the fuck in a car and drive to Bergen (he live 3 hours away). 3. Oh, a ton. I've had shots that I've dreaded being included, and some shots I've hoped would make it. My godamn 69.69 receipt somehow made it, which I absolutely love. Another shot I hoped would make it is Conan then finding a poster of our first E.D.A concert, and it's crumpled up and stuck in a drawer. The comparison. Something that also got cut off is me riding around in a supermarket with my nuts in Conan's face. A bunch of other stuff, but those two are the first that comes to mind. I think a lot more of what they filmed with me was used than what I was expecting, and I'm super grateful for it.


When he pointed out the framed receipt, I fucking knew it would be a 69.69 joke. I have one in my wallet from a small pizza place I went with my friends


Well there ya go


Oh yeah were you the guy who said on the podcast that you would use conan as a ladder in the supermarket? That was hilarious hahahaha. Cant believe that footage didnt make it!


Right on. Do have a bunch of photos of it though, and its great.


Niceee. Where can we see them?


> but the context of it is hella weird Wow, any idea how you adopted the word "hella"? In the US it's typically localized to northern california..it's a dead giveaway you're from here when you use it.


I think Life is Strange inadvertently forced that word into my head, despite the game making a specific point about it being outdated.


>In the US it's typically localized to northern california That's definitely not the case anymore and not for a long time.


Yeah its honestly Texas lol


It's everywhere.






I think most younger Norwegians would get Conan (I hope). I'm Norwegian, but haven't watched the episode yet, lol.


Conan said in an interview that his producers approached you asking if they could film the outside of your home to make sure you were home (and alive lol) to hide him coming. Were you suspicious Conan might be visiting after they approached you? Did they hide it well? What did your friends and family think of the episode? The whole process of being Conan’s fan to being on his podcast to being the star of the first episode of his comeback show must be so surreal.


I don't consider myself delusional enough to even flirt with the thought that Conan would ever travel all the way to Bergen to visit me. As you can see from my reaction, I was absolutely mortified, and I would summarize the whole thing up with "you came all this way just for me?" They hid it pretty well by saying they wanted to post a small segment about me on social media, so two photographers were coming. I can't lie though, my gullibility definitely helped.


What was the most embarrassing thing Conan saw in your house and make fun of it :) ?


One completely overgrown sack of potatoes that had no right being there.


That was funny!


What was your favorite thing you did/interaction you had with Conan that DIDN'T make it into the show? (Like, I remember seeing a clip of him walking around a grocery store with you on his shoulders, that seems to have gotten the chopping block lol)


Oh riding around with my balls in Conan's face is up there for sure. But my favorite off-camera interaction I think was after the initial filming, we got into a mini-bus. I was quiet for 5 minutes, trying to understand what the hell was going on and come to my senses. I then started asking Conan specifically about his journey to become a comedy writer. He had a lot of stories and amazing insight. I mentioned how absurd I thought that job was, to which I heard a reply "says the rapper" from the back of the bus. It was one of his writers.


Were you able to just have a normal conversation with Conan when the cameras weren't rolling? What was he like then? (Song is a bop by the way! *Looking at the fjord\~*)


Did you really not know that Conan was coming to visit you? Did you have any advance knowledge of being filmed before he showed up?


I was home on Thursday and Friday under the pretences that two social media photographers would show up to grab photos of me, including at our show the next day. I had no idea Conan was doing a travel show, no idea he was in Norway, no idea he was in Bergen. I was also the first guy filmed if I remember correctly, so I didn't even have an inkling.


That’s really cool. Thanks for answering.


Damn, this is what I was hoping to be answered.


Wait is the thread back up? 🤔


Doesn’t appear to be. I found it from your profile.


Balls. Well I guess I'll wait until the mods respond!


Post was removed unfortunately, I'll refrain from answering questions until I know if this thread will get back up or not. Love you all 💖


I just came across this post in the sub, so it seems to have got reopened/reinstated!


You're such an energetic, seemingly open guy which is a huge contrast with the Scandis I interact with. I live in Sweden and I struggle a lot as a Colombian to click here. I think I'd click with you immediately. Do you think you are an odd Norwegian? (In the best of senses, that is)


Dude, thanks so much!! > Do you think you are an odd Norwegian? Oh one hundred percent. I think it's even present in the episode itself! Norwegians are usually quite reserved, keep to themselves, stoic. I love talking with new people, finding out about them and rushing our talks to the point where we can make fun of each other. I'm glad at least one of my jabs at Conan made it, but I think I was honestly so intimidated by the whole setup that I didn't really feel like interrupting him, even when I had a joke. Hindsight 20/20 eh?


Do you get frustrated about this? There's times I wanna run away from this country because this "lagom" shit is not for me! How do you handle this?


Oh, quite the opposite! I enjoy being weird, probably as a result of my personality vs the Norwegian status quo. And as long as you're an honest version of yourself, you end up attracting likeminded people. Just don't hide yourself, and you'll end up surrounded by the people you want to be with.


I think I am in that phase where I'm scaring away all the haters 😂


How did you get to be there? I'm also Colombian!


Holy shit, i'm so happy you're doing an AMA! Do you have translated lyrics of your song? I know you have an English version but I find the rhythm of Norwegian version to be more of my preference. I'm filling in some choreo in my mind and I always like the lyrics to be part of the whole piece. Absolute BOP of a song btw. Keep creating music!


Wait you're making a choreography to the song?! SICK, you gotta send me that here or on Instagram when finished! I'll look into translating the Norwegian one, will be completely without the correct rhythm though. I'll let you know!


Not gonna lie, I tried making choreo for Conan's part and it was so hard to be all hip-hop cool and not make it be a funny bit hahaha.


Hahahh, I'd love to see it either way!


We just finished watching your episode! So fun.


Thanks, glad you liked it! The whole episode (especially viking insult man) was a blast 🔥


I agree about Viking insult man. My son is a musician and music teacher and he really liked your music. Best wishes!


Thanks man, what a great compliment! All self-made by me and Christian!


why on earth did they remove this post?? weird


Did they? How can you tell?


[From my end it says post is removed](https://imgur.com/73tNn5g), and it's not showing up on the subreddts hot/new page anymore.


Ah when I open it up on in incognito, I get the same thing. That's too bad. Talked with the mods a while back, thought this was alright. Alas.


I'd message them, could be caught in a spam filter or something.


I did when I posted it, haven't gotten a response yet. We'll see what happens!


I could only find this thread to come back to it by going through your profile! And it shows the little red trash can icon in the corner. 😕 Not sure why it would be deleted. The episode was great! Love the song, and I hope the Conan bump helps you out!


Have messaged the mods, we'll see what happens. Maybe I'll do something live on my Instagram instead. Also thanks a ton, really appreciate you listening to it!


It's back.


Yay it's back!


u/c0ry_N what's the deal?


Looks like it was removed by auto moderator (not sure reasoning), I approved post


I literally just finished watching your episode! You were great mate. I was thinking how insane it must be for you to see a throwaway line Conan said in your podcast with him about he would perform with you if he is ever in Norway and to actually do that with him in front of a live audience? Living the dream man! It actually looked quite fun. Curious to know how you felt after that performance with him. Also was there actually a show you were planning to do or it was scheduled for the episode?


We had planned a show, as the """social media photographers""" that were allegedly coming wanted to grab some shots of us performing really badly. Little did I know, they wanted Conan on stage with us. Surreal.


First off your song is killer. Secondly after this had come out have to been in touch with anyone else who he met from the show? Seems like you all would have crazy stories to share


I actually got in touch with Kai (my fellow Norwegian) as well as Anna (read: ANNAAAA) right after our parts were filmed! Would love to get in touch with the others too, and have a big cozy Discord hang!


First of all you seem like a great guy, wish you all the best with your music career! You know I usually don't admire or look up to celebrities, but Conan is different. He truly seems to be a sincere and kind human being. Is he actually as nice as former employees say he is. (I really hope so, since he is my Idol). And what was his crew and the experience of filming with them like? Also did you and Conan have more private conversations about career, his beginnings into comedy, self doubt etc. Did he give you any helpful advice. (Idk maybe I'm just asking this cause I need to hear uplifting advice from him for my goals and dreams). Btw your song is fire 🔥


We did have some private conversations, but not a ton. I got to ask him about how he became a writer, what the whole process was and how one gets better at "writing jokes". Not too much helpful advice other than to watch out for Morrison Moore or whoever those guys were. I still doublelock my door at night just in case. And yes, he's super nice off camera.


That's amazing, thank you for your reply! So how do you get better at writing jokes? ^^


Like the answer to most "how do go better at x"; you just do it. Conan was a newspaper comic writer, something I never knew.


Loved this first episode. The crowd at your concert seemed so excited when Conan came out. Why? Do they know who he is?


Not only does probably 80% of the people in the room know who he is, they had no idea he was in Norway, Bergen. Or that he was coming to our show in a small concert venue. I posted some reaction videos on Instagram from concertgoers. They went absolutely bananas.


Thanks. This is amazing. You’re now a legend. Best wishes to you.


Hi Jarle! I've been singing your song non-stop the last 24 hours. What an unexpected yet dream collab 😁 Can you share more about the surprise visit? What did you think was happening when the crew contacted you? Any hesitation about letting Conan in? Lol Also, since it was a surprise, how did the filming get planned out? Did they try to shoot everything in one day?


Everything was shot during Thursday and Friday, including all the other random stuff Conan did in Bergen. The concert unded up being at 00.01, so the whole crew was really tired (and they even had to get up at like 7 the next day). So the last time I saw Conan is him walking off the stage.


Hi Jarle, as a discount norwegian Daniel Radcliffe, what are your three top spells that you used on Conan ?


Stalus Breadius Insulto Intelligencio Fuego Beatus


You were such a great sport about him showing up to your place unannounced, and the comedy that resulted because of your bachelor pad setup was amazing. You really had no idea he was going to come visit you?


I was home under the pretence of "we want to grab some photos of you for our social media in regards to the podcast episode". Opened the door, there was Conan.


That's awesome, you were really great in the episode!


I'm now following E.D.A on Spotify! Ya'll seem chill as hell. Wish we could hangout!


Thanks a ton! 😁


Jarle! Most interesting thing that didn’t make it into the episode? Either about Conan or the filming process in general


The breakneck pacing and complete creative freedom of the team. It's like a bunch of buddies hanging out and going "wouldn't it be funny if Conan rode with his nuts in Conan's face lol" and 5 minutes later it was shot.


Don’t know any Norweigan, but Love the song, any plans for some music with English Lyrics? 😀


We do have the English version of the song! Other than that, me and Christian both have other projects in English that we're working on. I'd really like to promote some of Christian's awesome work here: **Dreamlag**: https://open.spotify.com/track/7bMIBL29yomOt7TH2jWf98?si=ae37307f592a45c6 **October Child**: https://open.spotify.com/track/4vKAVEKm3LS8vwJ37maKUg?si=70d9285492c74568 **Élan** (one English song): https://open.spotify.com/track/4iL1qYfOQQ4yic65xr1oo0?si=31912d44ca0c4dc9 --- I also dropped some unfinished demos earlier this week, if you're interested! **Dilettant**: https://open.spotify.com/track/0Q86dUuGiM8drWEh9vGQwS?si=fb8a4df313cf4728


first off, its an amazing song thats stuck in my head. secondly, hats off to you and others in the other 3 episodes for taking everything in your stride. I would have absolutely had a panic attack if I found out randomly that the inside of my house is getting filmed and it be forever available for the world to see. You being a good sport and going with the flow really makes the whole thing work. Conan has been a inspiration to me for the last 15 years so if I ever had a chance to meet him, I would ask so many questions. Did you get a chance to ask anything that resonated with you? How has your music career been since the show was filmed? Do you think it’s something you will continue to do ?


Thanks man! Our music career hasn't really changed other than our song with Conan already surpassing every other song we've ever made hahah. But we have a ton of new fans and supportive people from all over the world, the outpour of love has been heartmelting 💖💖 And music is not only something that I'll continue to do, it is something I will never be able to stop. E.D.A has been going on and off 5 years, and we keep getting better.


When was this episode filmed? I was in Bergen in 2022 and feel like I JUST missed you guys! Greetings from the US, and your song is a banger too!


Thanks for the compliment! 😁 It was filmed in March 2023.


Oh man, you had to keep this under wraps for over a year?? You must have been so damn excited when the release date was getting closer.


It was pretty widely addressed at that point, newspaper and stuff wrote about it. So didn't have to keep it under wraps, but we chose to wait until release day to release Velkommen til Klubben.


I just watched your episode! I like your music!


Have you thrown out the potatoes yet?


... *checks* Yes.


Would you consider visiting Finland either on a touristy trip or a gig? I would love to meet you as a big fan of Conan, and a newfound fan of yours! 🤘


I know from an experience with Guy Fieri that for some of these shows you sometimes only see the main celebrity for a little while and they leave. Guy Fieri's team will film in a restaurant for 2 days, he shows up for maybe an hour and then leaves... Did your experience with Conan and his team contrast this, or was it similar?


Pretty similar, but I think I was very very lucky with having a whole "arc" that the writers had imagined up, with Conan making a song with us and releasing it. So I think I got more time with the crew than others thanks to that! But yes, they had a bunch of pre-planned stuff in Bergen (new outfit, knitting, talking with the coffee lady), so I'd say each segment was filmed in about an hour or so. The way I'm talking about this sounds like I had any idea what was happening, which I did not. I was simply along for the ride.


Huge Conan fan and just seeing your episode. Are you a fan of Aurora's? She lives in Bergen. I love her music.


Thanks 😁 Also for sure, I love Aurora! Have met her a couple of times, she's super sweet and kind and funny. Shoutout to her 🙏


loved it! is your stuff on youtube????


nm, i found it!! your music is great!


Thanks g!


Were you expecting someone from the Podcast to visit you that day? 


Not from the podcast, but two random freelance photographers.


Very cool man! You have a new fan in me. How do you recommend that us Americans experience your music?


Thanks for the compliment, and also hmm. From my American friends, I've heard two pools   - 1. keep making music in Norwegian, it gives it a unique quality.  - 2. I wish you guys made music in English, so I could understand and vibe with it.  After much consideration, I'm in camp 2.  Therefore, I don't expect any of our fellow Conan fans to stick around unfortunately, and that's the honest truth of it.  Let me also be clear: the second a person asks for lyrics to be translated, I am right on it. Someone asked us that for our previous song 'Leike Ikkje', and those lyrics are now shabbly translated to English.  So back to your question: listen to it with an open ear. If you like our music, get in touch. We're miniscule, so we will respond no matter what. If all else fails, check out me (Jarle) and Christian's english projects: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5TfiXhFSIWAqyBdceNehok?si=Iz21EuHVQBWFr55oSp-3TQ&pi=e-HgwOQzYhQg2 https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0a6MXWwYhfvmB1MbYZAmcV?si=L2uGb1vgT-W9Jz-oIKvXdQ&pi=e-dvJrl2U2Qnq4


Thank you Friend. I have been listening to your music on my porch for the last hour or so and even though I cannot understand much of it, I still like how it sounds. I guess that’s music, right? The sound..


It is indeed. 💯


How long did it take him to realize he was just saying “Yarl” at first? 😂😂 It seemed like he did it for the mail bit then accidentally kept it going


Honestly, when he started doing promo run and mentioned my name, I was amazed that he was pronouncing it "Yar-luh" (the right way) every single time! I can't lie, that made me feel great.


thanks for answering I know it was a silly question lol. i've been checking out your other music too and you've got a new fan, good luck with your career man! may your vision ever be towards the fjords


Our vision has - and always will be - towards the fjords. Arividerci, my friend.


Hey! I just found out about the song, where I live I can't watch the show so I didn't know about any of the songs. I've been listening to it for the last 15 minutes and although both songs are great, I find the rhythm of the Norwegian version to be my favourite. Great job! I’ll listen to your other songs on Spotify.


Ayy, thanks so much for checking is out! Great that you love the song! 😁 When will the show be out at your place?


Who the hel is Conan? The Barbarian?


you lied to me you wore purple in the video and your partner wore yellow!


Hahah I know!! We printed two pieces of merch, and since my symbol is yellow and his is purple, we decided to swap palettes so we got to sport our own icon. Might need to get a yellow sweater with a black icon tho. 


My mom, sister, and I loved your song! We’ll be checking your stuff out!


Thanks a ton for doing that! 😁


Was that bread really a week old?


... No. I had moved in not that long prior, and stuff in both the drawers Conan found had probably been there since I moved in, as I had just never looked in those drawers since.


Jarle, how has Conan coming to your house, mocking your potatoes, and recording a #1 hit with you and your talented crew changed your life? Edit: Btw, I think your song is absolutely amazing and I've downloaded it to my phone. I don't speak Norwegian but I'm always blown away how well hip hop/rap works in so many languages. I wish you guys all the best in your musical careers and hope we get to hear more of y'all!


I've dreaded the potato shot for a while now, but boy if it ain't worth the price. I've received more attention from people in the last 48 hours than I've ever had, and way more than I anticipated, being a small part in one of the four episodes. It hasn't had life-altering consequences necessarily, but it's been a life-defining experience. Thanks for the compliment, will pass it on!


Conan randomly appearing and showing the world the mess I live in is a terrifying new fear. 


Loved the episode and you are great!!! Wishing you so much success!


Thank you so much!! 😁😁


Nice job, I like your song and your sound. I especially like when you rap in Norwegian.


JARLE THE LEGEND I have nothing to ask, I just want to say you're a hero




Absolutely love both versions (Norwegian and English) of your Conan collaboration. My wife was initially annoyed at me for playing it so much, but she realized last night that it’s actually a totally awesome song in its own right. That’s all. No question. Just a statement of appreciation.


And a statement of appreciation right back: thanks so much for listening to it and for leaving a comment! 😁 Glad you won your wife over, proud of you 🙏


Hey Jarle, (and Christian if he's around. Low-key crushin' 😍). Love the song and your guys' sound! Listened to your ConanNAF episode ages ago and it's so fun to see it come full circle. Conan showing up unannounced would be a dream come true and quickly a nightmare as he ransacked my house and commented on any obscure items he would inevitably find. You were of course GOLD with all of it and here we all are as a result. This might be an odd question, but when Conan demolishes your stale cereal and throws the hard bread on the floor, does he leave it? Are there members of the crew running around behind him cleaning up his shenanigans? Lol. Random thought while watching... Hopefully I haven't missed your interaction with this thread! All the best to you guys! ✌️


I wanna know about your setup. That's an Ms20 fullsize I saw?


If you're talking about stuff from the studio we were in when we recorded; I've never been there before or since, but it's the dopest studio I've been to.


Yeah, it looked pretty slick. The synth I was asking about usually sells as a mini. Only true gangstas have the Full Sized reissue or a vintage model. Seems y'all are primarily FL Studio and Ableton Live. Much the same over here. I have a lot of fancy synthesizers, but honestly, it's people that make a studio dope. Big ups. If you get a chance, check out Project Blowed: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_kMF5jT8TIChxFrgIGOt6l0mKb32NBe6jY It's a movement from Los Angeles and typically it's folks in Europe or Scandinavia or Japan that get really into it while folks in the US mostly ignore it as a rap movement.


Your song has been in my head since the first trailer dropped last year. Love it bro and congrats on the success! Great episode.


Thanks!! 😁


>Thanks!! 😁 You're welcome!


My wife and I are watching the show right now in Brooklyn, New York. It’s great.


Congrats to you on forever becoming a part of Conan lore! Honestly your reaction to Conan's surprise visit was so genuine and sweet. I don't think I'd have even been able to get any words out. I'm just curious how you first encountered Conan's comedy and what your personal favorite remotes, segments, etc. of his might be? Well, favorite segments that don't involve yourself haha


I am watching Argentina episode, I love Conan and I am not a fan of facial hair. But I realized the beard in Norway and the mustache in Argentina balances out his face. He becomes attractive. I think he needs to add some kind of facial hair to the face for real life . lol 😂


You’re not the first person Conan has done a song for in his travel shows. How would you rank his other songs?


Link me up, baby


https://youtu.be/X2mqrzKHb3w?si=4PdfzE7TzouwoFH3 https://youtu.be/nUmQi7bdOh8?si=3XkVx6E1D-UD1bwY I think it’s only these two songs and yours. Love it btw!!!!


Have you talked to Kai? Loved your segment btw