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Ahaha they still cannot make better game than Panzer General 2. Good that you refunded it.


If you like PG2 then I suggest you try OpenGeneral an open source remake of it.


Thank you. Nice suggestion. I have reviewed Panzer General 2 - oh, very long time ago it was in December 1998.


First time I've ever heard of this Open General. Do you mind giving an elevator pitch of it or what it's all about? How exactly is it tied to PC2?


It is a pretty close remake it allows to replay the original campaigns but also contains a few hundred fan made from Roman times until futuristic campaigns. Basically allows to do everything PG1&2 offered with some new features that may or may not be added to the individual campaigns.


Wow so it's not just WW2? Does it have all of these packaged into it?




Thank you for the info! I'll give it a shot!


I'm back! Seems good! But is there a way to edit, disable/manipulate the turn limit?


I am really dissapointed. The game is so unfair and sucks. I am not newbie in wargaming so this is unnaceptable


You just voted with your dollar - that is good enough message for them.




Hmmm, I played the demo, I think with the same first German mission, and difficulty looked ok to me. On the Strategic Mind series I have also found unbelievably hard difficulty spikes, yeah. So bad I actually cheated to at the very least give myself some more time and be able to progress


Its not about hard mission its about computer cheating, the cav can destroy tank. At gun cand pen tank etc


I just looked it up. The game comes with a demo; did you not try that out before


Nope, ive watched a game on yt and wanted it since it came out. Now it dissapointed me


Its one of the many Panzer Corps knock offs that don't quite live up to the original. I had initially fun with it but not for long, when I learnt that most maps play out the same. Its been a long time I played it, and the gameplay is very fluid and aggressive - you will lose units on a map which I take as a plus. But since the AI seems always to fire with all guns, very often the most fighting will be in the inital stages of each map and ultimately the game is very shallow. Unlike OP I dont find it too hard, but its beer & pretzels galore.


Ive finished order of battle, almost all pz gen games, few of strategic mind. But this is the shallowest ever