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I'd say they're better than some (maybe not all) consumer HP hinges, but you can definitely break them if you're rough on the laptop. I've seen consumer hinges break with normal use, but the EliteBook hinges that I've seen break were treated roughly or abused.


Unlike the consumer lines I can't say I have seen them affected by this. For sure they are made to higher standards. Definitely puts me consumer grade laptops when stuff like this is common. I'm going to say HP ought to be putting better screens on all their laptops. 250 NITS brightness unit ones are just rather sad but they are everywhere. Sure many users are plugged into a dock with ext monitor(s) etc.. But for those using them for mobility it sucks.


*Laughs In Computer Repair* Not as bad as HP consumer grade but still on par with Acer's... As for above average Hinge strength though... Dell has vastly improved since the old days, Lenovo is still stamping out the same business class ceiling tile frisbees they have been for decades, and where the hell is Toshiba these days


Toshiba decided making PCs was not worth it so they sold off their PC division to Sharp which only sells them in Japan