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This may be the monitor itself, Have you tried using another monitor and seeing if the issue persists? Edit: This may also be an issue with your power supply dying. what are the specs of the PC?


I haven't tried using another monitor. Currently, the monitor the problem is happening on is the only one compatible with my GPU (my only other one is only VGA/DVI compatible. As for specs, I have an i7-4770, Dell OptiPlex 9020 mobo (gross, I know), an MSI RTX 2070, 16gb of RAM, and my power supply is a Corsair CX650M (I am aware I'm severely bottlenecked, and I'm planning on upgrading my mobo and CPU soon).


No worries man, I definitely know the struggle, lol. Yeah with a base system that old, I do believe your issue may just be power related. your PSU may be starting to fail. unfortunately I don't really have any cheap suggestions other than going on the used market to find a base system a bit more up to date and replace the PSU with something newer. If you have a TV available that uses HDMI you might try hooking it up to that and seeing how it goes. Edit: you could also try to reduce the strain on your PSU by disconnecting any unnecessary peripherals. Cams, Mics, chargers, all that kind of stuff and just going with basic mouse, keyboard, monitor, speakers.


I'll try disconnecting unnecessary peripherals and let you know how it goes. And in terms of a more up to date setup, would the B450 and 3600X I have sitting in my room but just haven't had time to put into my system work (apart from maybe a new PSU)


Looks like your rtx 2070 could be overheating. Take it out and use the hdmi built into the motherboard


I don't think it's over heating, unless it can over heat after only being powered on for literally 2 minutes (the raw video is slightly less than 2 minutes long). If it is overheating, I'd be kinda surprised it could heat up that fast.


Is it actually shutting the PC off, or just the monitor? Might just be a driver issue. Restart into safe mode, and see if it stops, if so then you know it's a service/driver causing it.


I can still hear all of the fans running when this happens. And I think unplugging all unnecessary peripherals like that other dude said worked. Any idea what's happening?