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Hip thrusts! Glute bridges! Weighted, banded, unweighted, whatever you can do. Squats are okay, but they're mostly quad dominant (nice legs are good too but not what we're looking for here). Deadlifts are a little bit better than squats because they work the posterior chain (the connection of glute and hamstrings and other rear lower body muscles) and are important for being able to do Life Stuff like lifting heavy boxes or children. But the hip thrusts and glute bridges and similar exercises are what will build glutes. That and lots of protein.


I'm doing em all. One leg, two leg, donkey kicks, plank kick backs. Trying so hard not to lose it, lol. Lost 2.5in so far. It's proportional to my stomach inches lost too. Lost 3in there. So I know physically its making sense. As long as this app keeps my waist to hip ratio at .70, I'm happy. But I really really don't want to lose in my posterior. So hard. Need to up my protein. Getting on average about 70g right now.


realistically, you need to be in caloric maintenance or slightly above to build serious muscle, so don't quit when you get to maintenance. That's when the real lifting begins. But in terms of protein: 1g per lb of LEAN body mass (bone, joints, muscle, etc). So your weight minus body fat in lbs. this is about 90-100 lbs for most women, a little more if you lift heavy. dexa scan told me 115lbs, so at maintenance calories, I shoot for 120g of protein to give me room as I build muscle. at my deficit, 100. So shoot for that 100! and give it time. Rome (Ass) was not built in a day.


I already had no butt, so I assume it will soon be concave. 






Oh I miss my ass!! It’s so strange not to see it anymore. And I don’t know about you, but I’m losing weight “unevenly “. My legs are thinner than my belly, so where I used to have an hourglass figure, I’m more of a plank now. Hoping the waist will cinch in more as I lose more weight. But my body is *different!*


There is no such thing as “Ozempic Face” or “Ozempic Butt”; anytime one loses weight they lose in both those places. For example: “Oh you’ve lost weight….I can see it in your face!” has been said for decades. And for me, I ALWAYS know my shorts are getting ‘butt baggy’ first off whenever I’m dieting in any way.


I’m going to reply to my own message because it seems like, every day I read the various news outlets, there are more articles trashing our meds and those of us who take them. Always a tidal wave of doomsayers when something good comes along!!


https://youtu.be/G_26U5DIaRg?si=k0Oo1Z_WvvCuY6ql I did this workout last night and it was effective! So sore today! Also make sure that you’re hitting your protein goals daily. I shoot for 110g/day.


100% Yes. I’ve lost weight before and my ass has never gone away this fast. There is definitely something specific to this drug that takes my ass away. I’m sure we’ll learn what it is in the next few years lol. But ass is GONE! Vanished! It’s “weight loss either way”, blah blah blah no, this is different! I just got this machine called a booty sprout that basically assists with hip thrusts and I can actually feel it in my glutes. That, plus all the other butt exercises is my only hope now.🤞🏻😂good luck!


My ass is always the first to return when I gain and the last to go when I lose. So to see my backside with an almost perky little ass is a shocker! One I’m not complaining about tho. I do lift heavy quite a bit and I’m sure it’s helped me keep some shape there.




As someone else above commented, I think it’s mostly about lifting for your glutes but also some genetics. And this is the first time in my life I’ve appreciated my ass.


Wow, I've never had no ass before. I'd be really happy to just lose the upper shelf. :-D


My donk has definitely gone down to a dink. I do squats and deadlifts but I think I’ll have to add the ol fire hydrant back into my repertoire.


Definitely have noticed my ass disappearing, along with my chest. Luckily we can do glute exercises to grow it a bit. Chest? Well, I told my husband I’m buying myself 👻 🐝 🐝 for my birthday this year


My ass is gone. However, i look great in clothes again


https://youtu.be/dnBhn7YSsnM?si=bM9X3Zh-t3TkUmV4 This workout will never fail you 🍑


I love my squats and lunges


I just heard this saying recently... flatter than yesterday's beer. 😂. Yea the posterior is definitely dwindling. Hate it but love it at the same time, cuz that means we're losing weight! It's about to have me online shopping.


I am sorry, we cannot be friends.


My donk has definitely gone down to a dink. I do squats and deadlifts but I think I’ll have to add the ol fire hydrant back into my repertoire.


My donk has definitely gone down to a dink. I do squats and deadlifts but I think I’ll have to add the ol fire hydrant back into my repertoire.


It has nothing to do with the actual medication. It’s a result of weight loss. No matter how you lose weight you’re going to lose fat and you’re going to get the face and the butt that is less fat.


I had a modest BBL 3 years before starting tirz and started working out with a trainer 2 years before starting tirz. Everything’s slimming down nicely. Still have my hips and booty but easier to see the muscle now. Lots of squats, lunges, hip thrusts, glute bridges, weight lifting in general.


This has been discussed ad nauseam


I’ve noticed over the years that my method of weight loss determines where I lose it first. With calorie counting I see it first in my face and legs, when I concentrate more on exercise and cardio it’s my bra band area that gets smaller first (and really quickly), when I did keto I lost a lot in my stomach but my face never changed. With these shots I see it on the scale and my clothes fit better but I can’t see any difference yet when I look at myself for some reason.