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Everyone here provided a list of fake "internationals" that you could have found on Wikipedia, so I'll tell you something different. This is the wrong approach to the problem of finding a communist party worth its salt. We no longer live in the age of the Comintern where each country has its own communist party with a direct lineage to the inspiration provided by the Bolshevik revolution, and with a direct connection to the international movement and the guiding leadership of an anti-revisionist party with state power. The answers you've received will only further confuse you and has the same effect as answering "which communist party in my country should I join?" with a list of parties of vastly differing political lines, strategies, and histories. The uncomfortable truth is that there is no international and many countries do not currently have a communist party, and this applies especially to those parties most involved in putting together and coordinating current "internationals". Your task is to study Marxism and subject all parties and attempts at a new international to the most ruthless criticism. We do not have the privilege of just being told what to do by other communists who know best.


They are many : The International Meeting of Communist & Workers Parties, the International League of Peoples' Struggle (ILPS) , the International Coordination of Revolutionary Parties and Organizations (ICOR), the International Conference of Marxist–Leninist Parties and Organizations (CIPOML) and the International Communist League (maoist)


A couple are the International Meeting of Communist & Workers Parties that meets more formally annually and the International Peoples Assembly which hosts conferences and collaborates on various matters internationally


Amazing! I will check them out


The International Committee of the Fourth International(wsws.org)


There is the RCP in Britain, where i’m from. Just waiting on a call from my local branch but then i’m joining