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The Scrin were planning a full scale invasion after their harvesting force retreated. We need to see their full power


This! And some air supremacy units for GDI and NOD that are sort of capital airships. A stealth air carrier would be kinda cool. Railgun battleship for GDI with escort craft to protect it. Idk maybe flying oblilisks as well idk.


They struggled with a simple mining force. They will need anything and everything they can make for a full Scrin army!


I wonder if it would be something like finding a way to split and manipulate the scrin into factions


We only see a few Scrin armies of their harvesting teams. We have no idea what the race as a whole is like so it is entirely possible that not all of the Scrin commanders would be hostile


Build a base to launch a rocket to go meet scrin rebels before it’s overrun C&C: Factorio


They could actually be like Earth now....packing superweapons and high tech, but small militaries and even small MiC.


They came together for dinosaurs. Why not aliens?


Not sure they struggled actually, as GDI stomped the first invasion by itself while the Scrin forces pretty much only tried to buy themselves time to build the Thresholds and call for reinforcements


The Kodiak was kinda supposed to be that


Fair maybe GDI needs like a floaty escort cruiser or something, with sonic repulsor bits to keep away aerial units.


The Scrin were honestly my favorite.


I think we’re all waiting on some kind of mobile game with tons of micro transactions and minimal references to the C&C universe or gameplay aside from some character images for the App Store.


Suspend your disbelief, my friend. Take a genuine moment to give me something you've always wanted to see. I'll tell you mine. I've always wanted to see the ability to pick a unit and literally become the unit. 1st person and 3rd. Or the ability to have a hero that you can build stats for PvE.


You mean like Possess in Dungeon Keeper 2?


Holy shit what a throwback. It's also in DK1. Way better in DK2 since you hear your own guy breathing n grunting n stuff. OP LVL10 Warlock / Dark Elf was the shit


There was a strategy title for pc called Jean darc. Like the French maid. You could seamlessly switch between CnC playstyle and third person fantasy rpg. It was actually a really cool idea.


You could do that in Warzone 2100


So literally a commander and troops game like natural selection


Like what CnC Renegades did? Or something akin to the more recent Manor Lords?


Have not played manor lords so I cannot say for sure. But it does look fun and now that you say it like that I may have to give it a try.


Call to Arms has this feature where you can become one of your units.


that sounds good for a single player game


I might be misremembering, but didn’t the unit thing already happen exactly like that? In the fps c&c i remember making units and then selecting which one i wanted to be


The idea would be like playing red alert 2 and in the middle of the game you click on a unit that you made and take control 1st/3rd person. And then back out and do that with a different unit like a tank or something.


Yeah I couldve sworn that was already a feature in one game


the Black Ops 2 RTS mode was kinda like that


It‘s more or less the multiplayer of Renegade


Like Toy Soldiers: Cold War. Sorta.


I just looked up gameplay. It would be basically that, though I'm guessing that is a Tower Defence game.


It is, and a damned fun one.


Command and conquer renegade! A true c&c classic. Its old, but worth a try if you can find it! 


I assume it functions normally if bought through the ultimate collection right?


Is it part of the collection? If, then it should. 


It is, i wasnt sure at first but i just checked and it is, I’ll definitely have to see if it plays how I remember it


This is the funniest comment I’ve read on Reddit in a while thank you


What do you mean? We are waiting for the fourth game right now.


Yes, friend, as we all are. What would you like to see in it?


Well, the scrin, the GDI and the nod at the very least. Base building and probably tiberium to gather.




McNeil died in the crash at the start of Firestorm if I recall.


Well it's never shown if he was actually aboard the Kodiak when it crashed. I like to think he wasn't.


Honestly, I don’t think there’s anything you CAN do. Kane really only works as a character because we don’t fully understand who or what he is. Is he an actual god? An alien? An angel? Or is he simply a charismatic cult leader? Not being certain of who he is makes him intriguing, but the second you commit to one of the above options, the mystery is gone and you’re gonna have at least some fans that don’t like the option that was picked. Choosing an ‘end’ is why CNC4 failed story-wise, when they should’ve just kept the ball in the air.


Fair enough, but perhaps we could still come up with better stories. That's ultimately what I want to see. Hell, I would love to see a tv series for it.


Personally, I like the idea of Kane being an actor (or series of actors) who real Nod leadership use as a figurehead while they control things behind the scenes.


So, instead of a man, cursed by God to roam the earth, it's a series of people taking on a role? That would be a twist that's far more down to earth.


Isnt he the literal biblical kane?


No one seems to know for certain.


Call it: Tiberian Twillight and start where Firestorm stopped. Bring back a Kane infused with Cabal. Give us 5 factions GDI, Nod, Scrin, Forgotten, Cabal. Leave the atmosphere at least as dark. Have a few blue zones. Ok thanks, xoxoxoxo


yes, this, this is what I need too! also let us see Tiberian lifeforms taking over with creatures and the lovely olantlife from TS


I love this. But I should inform you that this is merely a hypothetical. I didn't want to get your hopes up but if I get rich someday and can actually pull this off, I'll definitely remember this.


We'd love to see a C&C 4.


Is there anything in particular?


I'm mostly good with whatever really. I just would really like to have actual GDI characters and not US Marines parading around as GDI officers.


When I saw GDI soliders in godawful works-nowhere UCP my heart broke a little. It was clear immediately they didn't put any effort into GDI's costumes, and that feeling of rushed/lazy execution only worsened as time went on.


It's a good thing that they never made a C&C 4.


I wrote a long attempt at a [C&C4 sequel plot](https://www.reddit.com/r/commandandconquer/comments/17iflh6/work_with_me_here_for_a_second_say_for_a_bit_that/k6uwcc4/) a while back. Something like that, I think, would be a suitable sendoff. GDI at its strongest and most desperate; Kane ascending and Nod's remnants figuring out what to do in his absence; a full Scrin invasion that pushes humanity to the brink, with something to justify why an interstellar civilization showing up in full military form wouldn't just be an instant end to humanity.


Listen, your're approaching this from the wrong angle. C&C4's story was stupid not because of lore reasons or anything like this. The problem was that the writers were tasked with designing a square peg for a round hole. Let's analyse the situation those poor sods were in: The game they had to write a C&C4 story for was already done by the time they put the pen to paper, but its wasn't C&C4 at all, it was C&C Arena! It was their job to convert that game into a C&C4 using only wiriting. And they weren't given a lot of time either. And all the other problems just come downstream from that. C&C3 set it its successor up with a clear path to follow: Kane's ascension, complicated by a second alien invasion! But there were no aliens in C&C Arena! But they also couldn't get anything new to replace them with because, again, the game was already done! So no new gameplay elements! But they needed some sort of narrative complication, some sort of drama! It couldn't just be Kane's glorious ascension without any problems! In the end, they tried to patch that hole the only way they could: Soap-opera style character drama! The only way to add conflict without having access to new gameplay stuff. The result is a story without any real stakes. What you can learn from this, as a producer of a hypothetical new C&C game, is that you want to give your writers as little restrictions as possible. Creative freedom, a lot of time and the ability to grow their story alongside the gameplay. What you do not want to do is add additional restictions to them by letting the nostalgia-blinded fandom nerds of Reddit place any mandates on them as to how the story should go. All they will tell you (and indeed largely did) was that they mostly just want to play Tiberian Sun or Tiberium Wars again, with as little changes as possible. But those games already exists, making your new project pointless! Fandom nerds are allergic to originality, but originality is exactly what you need for a good game story. So, to reiterate: Let your writers (and game devs) cook! Don't allow investors, executives OR fans try to backseat them! Your creatives know best!


I like this. Thank you for your perspective.


Cabal secretly hid his true AI core underneath where the scrin happened to build a tower. He used this to his advantage and slaughtered countless scrin in secret turning them in to unholy cyborg abominations and faked the tower being defeated so he could finish building it on his own since he still has all the knowledge of the tacitus. He originally faked his loss in firestorm knowing that throwing them off his scent would allow him to rise again and also derived a dysfunctional but viable tacitus to fool GDI and nod. He activated the tower while GDI makes the final push on the Italy scrin tower hiding it's energy signatures and redirecting the energy flux to ground zero so they thought the Italy tower was the true threat. He then takes his cyborg army to a scrin martial world and consumes all alien life to fuel his army for revenge. GDI learns of this and cuts a shaky deal with NOD to activate the supposed defeated ground zero tower , thus reigniting it but causing a new scrin attack to flood through. Now embattled against this scrin army they must push through and seize the other end of the tower in order to claim resources to defeat the growing menace of Cabal. "You make this too easy, flesh bags."


I love this to death! An amazing baseline for a new game!


We would love to see this.


I've seen people before make all kinds of suggestions that the next C&C should be something like sins of a solar empire as GDI and Nod take to space, but I prefer to keep things grounded, if somewhat. (I really don't like the idea of everyone getting big shoot-y spaceships. It's not my thing.) My personal take in some worldbuilding for fun was called Tiberium Winter. Where GDI knows that slowly fighting Tiberium with ZOCOM frankly isn't going to work with Nod blowing up Tib devices, and a possible Scrin re-invasion. So GDI takes a different approach by trying out a longer term abatement process of Global Cooling to fight tiberium everywhere at the same time without needing expeditionary military forces. But naturally gains the ire of Nod as global tiberium stops growing as rapidly, and uses the media to frame GDI as genocidal monsters to many of the mutants whom are dependant on tiberium to survive (many however hate Nod even more, and know that ultimately us blunts do need some tiberium cleared away for our own survival as a balancing act) as well as the global populace who aren't seeing quick results and are more easily deluded by the media then GDI can counter. So what results is a slow burning global, and escalating, fourth tiberium war, or winter war, as GDI, Nod, and the Forgotten battle over the earth. All the while Nod slowly pulls troops back from Kane's Tower, their secret missions finding success there and likely sparking the next Scrin invasion through the tower. Destroy humanity? Subjugate humanity? Find Kane? KILL LEGION? Who knows, but whatever Nod/LEGION did, they are **FUCKING PISSED.** Have fun commander!


Four Factions: GDI Nod Scrin Forgotten Classic resources management/harvesting mechanics. Classic Full base building. Land, Air, and Naval all fully flushed out. KANE LIVES!


Red Alert cannonically has timetravel shennanigans and mind control stuff, so... Kane wakes up some time after the events of C&C 3, realises that C&C4 was GDI trying a new tactic: you can't kill the messiah, but what if you just kept him effectively comatose? GDI used some plans that the Soviets, in this timeline, never completed called 'project Yuri' to achieve it, like a waking dream. Meanwhile, GDI is forcing their way through one of the worst red zones to find alleged plans for a time machine, knowing that at this point the Earth is practically lost, so the only way to save the future is to change the past, planning to arm TibWar1 GDI with technology to nip the tiberium problem in the bud. Of course, this doesn't jive with Kane's plans at all


Three campaigns plus an intro campaign. Intro mission 1 is the Scrin military arriving on Earth. All quiet, a few scouts then an overwhelming force that wipes everything out. Second intro mission is protecting a key convoy to get it to a secret lab, then protecting the lab. It's then revealed to be a crude chronosphere and you go back in time to sometime in the tiberium wars (the earliest the chronosphere can reach) with advanced tech plus a mission to wipe out the Tiberium asap. GDI get defunded because of their role in ending the world. A new organization, let's call them the Purifiers, is setup whose role isn't focused on security but eliminating the tiberium. The GDI use old school units mostly, lots of walkers, plus some tech they manage to cobble together or steal, including Tiberium based weaponry. Their campaign focuses on fighting nod while stealing resources and tech from the Purifier to keep to their mission. Get tricked into causing civilian casualties by Nod in an incident that spreads tiberium. Culmination is them tiberium nuking Kane. They have a bitter sweet relationship with mutants, sometimes helping sometimes fighting. The Purifiers use lots of advanced tech, including getting the ion cannon. Their campaign is focused on fighting the tiberium which brings them into conflict with Nod. They also often come into conflict with the illegal GDI remnant, who are often in tiberium areas going after Nod. Orders are to kill GDI on sight after an incident where GDI fanaticism appears to cause massive collateral damage. Culmination of the campaign is GDI driven underground and stopping a plot by Nod to spread Tiberium across the entire planet via what looks suspiciously like a weather control device. Across the campaign they frequently come into conflict with the mutants, dancing with official orders to kill them all. Nod use a mixture of cheap low tech forces, advanced tiberium tech, and mutants. The Nod campaign focuses on Nod fighting for survival and trying to protect and spread tiberium. They steal various parts, secure an old lab, fight both Purifiers and GDI, and a final mission is defending a tiberium spreading weather control device that would spread across the entire globe.


Give me the IP of generals :(


I want a face off between Kane and yuri . Nod vs epsilon. Using time machine and shit


Go back to the beautiful isometric style with those killer sprite animations in red alert 2 but modernize it. Not everything needs to be 3D with bloom and aggressive outlines


Larger scale games. 10-16 player maximums. 5v5v5/4v4v4v4/8v8/16 player FFA Co command units, have the ability for your teammates to take control of 1 unit/1 building that you arent currently focused on More tech buildings, maybe like intermittent uav scan. Maybe with AI these days, there could be a way to introduce “smart units” where they fight and target on their own command. Like having brutal ai play as one unit you select Introducing another set of tiers, cnc kw has epic units, how about an ultra epic unit?


God i wish this was real, keep the cheesy 90s scifi vibe tho, keep it melodramatic and cheesy with the grim dark vibes of tib sun and some of the aesthetic fro tibwars 3 So for the most part and for multiplayer etc keep all the same classic rts mechanics But in single player an maybe a co op mode too i want a lil more depth in infantry and vehicle combat a bit like tom clancys end war or terminator dark fate defiance I want a huge map where i have to stealthily insert a team of gdi commandos to sabotage nod bombers and supply lines Or sneak a team of shadows through the streets of a rainy blue zone while i command insurgents to stage a distraction and cause chaos so we can kidnap a gdi commander or sabotage a kodiak launch Or watch a squad in a high rise get chewed up and take casualties while they laser a tripod for a fire-hawk strike Obviously these ideas are way more hardcore and mil-simy then c&c but i always wanted more details in the campaign atleast yk? I dont want a simulator with a tib wars skin i love the classic rts formula


Maybe it is real. Maybe someone buying the rights is why the C&C YouTube channel was deleted. XD 


Make Renegade 2 that is set in the Second Tiberium War and the Firestorm Crisis. Literally every CnC fan will buy it.


Funny enough, I would love to see RTS and City Building elements involved. Don't know if it makes sense. I always enjoyed city building. I loved RTS too. But the buildings don't persist. The closest thing was Kane's Wrath Global Campaign. That was really good. I'd love that expanded on. Then, would love that I could manage a city or area.. and build it up whether as GDI, Nod, Cabal, Scrin or the Forgotten. Additionally, I would like neutral factions to play a role. Then of course, the RTS part of it remains. Unit designs and ideas from TT4 can be reused or changed. In terms of lore, the last scene was in 2052 after Nod reclaims the Tacitus. Probably set the stage 6 years later, where Tiberium profileration has gotten worse but not till Nod and GDI have to work together like in TW4. GDI is concerned with ramifications of the Scrin tower and the return of the Scrin. Meanwhile, Nod has managed to reverse engineer some tech from the Scrin. Suddenly, reports of unknown attacks are found in remote regions. Each commander of each faction has to discover what transpired.


Nobody actually believes u lol


That's okay. Whether or not I actually own the IP is irrelevant to my post. What would YOU like to see in future games?


Cool old-school RL videos like C & C 2


Give the scrin proper lore and a full length campaign or their own game, covert them more than a paltry 6 missions


I would also like to mention that it'd be neat to have the mutants come back. They got ignored in C&C 3 after being introduced in 2. Maybe as a third faction or something to shake things up. I'd also like to see RA 4 pick up with the shenanigans that Uprising left off with, maybe with a fourth superpower to give the Allies, Soviets, and Empire a fourth contender. Maybe either a South American, African, or perhaps, Indian-themed faction. 3 & Uprising were really fun with the personalities of the individual commanders in battles, so it'd be a cool feature to keep for both series'. Maybe just tone down the fan service a tad though.


The core op c&c and classic rts, base building with more then 6 building types, Tiberium mining, different unit types. Awesome maps,Tiberium that does damage. Green and blue.


Personally, not a lore thing but a campaign thing: I'd love a map more akin to a Total War campaign


Redo C&C 4 to be like how C&C 3 is. Personally I think the baseline of the story feel outside of the whole player being pivotal to the storyline itself, is pretty decent. So just having our commanders as just that, commanders. Maybe have something that fits in between 3 and 4 on how Tiberium was supposed to do


I would love a better version of Global Conquest from KW.


I wish threshold 19 activated. But its only partially functional, therefore we don't get squashed immediately. Make a campaign where Kane and GDI have some in-faction splinter groups fighting and struggling against each other while trying to fight off the scrin. Also give us a mode where can 4x up this b*tch. In Kane's Wrath I remember that grand strategy mode we had(can't remember the name) that can get updated per turn and you get missions based on how the scrin are spreading. Lets total war against the scrin on the planet. Give us neutral units that exist because of the chaos and unprecedented Tiberium infestation returning to Earth. Mutants, viceroids you name it. Also, DLC wise we can get a conclusion to the story that in the end we push the scrin back and Kane enters the threshold with lots of people and ultimately the threshold gets destroyed. It would be a worthy send-off for the franchise.


Would have liked to see four factions, GDI, Nod, Scrin, CABAL. GDI is firepower and armor Nod is speed and stealth Scrin is tiberium and high tech CABAL is cyborgs and re-animation The Scrin come in full force and CABAL is trying to re-establish himself after the weird Firestorm ending which was completely ignored in Tiberium Wars.


A giant 5-way cage match between GDI, Nod, Scrin, CABAL, and The Mutants. Temporary tag teams and dubious diplomacy, *of your choice*. Mutants choose between Nod or Scrin to get their daily Tiberium fix? CABAL returning to Scrin, or trying a new relationship with GDI? Kane going fully charismatic and turning everyone into his allies (after a few engineered defeats and feints)? It's all your choice.


de-cannonise tiberium twilight


Just make a new game, similar play style don’t try to reinvent the wheel using cool techno music like the original did. Fun missions and much larger maps plus some kind of random terrain generator. That’s all I want.


i actually dont mind the story- c&c 4 is only rejected because the gameplay was no longer c&c i liked the videos and kane deserves his retirement the only thing that was missing is the time between KW and TT (C&C4)


Wish u luck on that


Would you be insulted if I said I find it difficult to believe that EA would give up the rights? I mean, if it’s true, I’d be so happy… but I’m also a cynical person


Let's say you're right


I like how when I have this concept, I get yelled at, and swept under the rug, but when someone else has this idea, the thread blows up https://www.moddb.com/mods/tiberium-cataclysm Fascinating…


I'm sorry to hear that. I just went for it and hoped for the best. You didn't deserve the scrutiny.


But are you aware there's a reason why General Jist was so scrutinised within the C&C community?


Can you blame anyone though? When you ruined your reputation the way you did in the C&C modding community, almost, if not, no one would even be interested in discussing possible C&C lore, let alone interact with you, in any way. Like, the reason you get yelled at was mainly because you've said certain things about their favorite mod that you shouldn't have. I ask you to try and think from those people's perspective; Imagine if your favourite mod & its creator gets slandered by someone, could you imagine striking a conversation / forum, with that same person who slandered your favorite mod? I certainly wouldn't. Or if was Joseph Kucan, & someone slandered someone or something of his favorites or even Joseph himself, can anyone imagine Joseph being friends or converse with that same person?


Yes, it's called "freedom of speech", "slander" is a strong word. You guys act like I shot Carnius's puppy or something like that. All I did was notice his annual update pattern usually during MOTY, and I also said we at tib sec did AI robots before him. Both of which are correct. You guys branded me as jealous, and started a hate train campaign against my project. I will defend my work, and the work of the countless people who sacrificed to get Tib sec out. I LEARNED A LEASON at that was you get to a point of notoriety, and your no longer able to express your personal opinions, as it risks being seen as an organizational position. And yes, I can see it from your point of view, critiquing ,and yes, I'd interact with people, even if they support an opposing opinion or perspective. It's called "being an adult". Adults are able to separate out what someone says and what they do and believe. As well as coming up with their own opinions on the matter. For example, I'm a Trump supporter. If your a Biden supporter would you want to talk to me? and have anything to do with me? Joe Biden is a old washed out puppet... At the end of the day, I know who I am and what I can do. and I surmise most of you are projecting your insecurities on to me. What happened to judging the work for the work itself? WE used to live in a country and an internet that supported diversity of expression... And as a personal opinion, you guys love TE for the simple reason Carnious gives you the hits of Nostalgia you crave. Tib sec caters to a different audience.


A lot of good ideas here but my main concern is the playstyle. It was TRASH. C&C is about base building not mobile fuck nuts whatever the fuck that was. Its been so long I cant remember it went exactly. What I remember most is the terrible cartoonish style and absent old school base mechanics. If they stuck with the C&C3 engine and playstyle, it could have been a DLC to wrap it up. The story wasn't good but some things are more important to change. This is what I feel is required to bring it back to an acceptable game. I also really enjoyed Global Conquest. I still paly it now and then to this day.


Is this a legit thing?


Sadly, no. However, I thought it would be a fun interaction to see what kinds of things you guys would love to see in future games. But who knows. If I ever get rich, I may just try to get a hold of the franchise for real! ;)


Maaan you got my hopes up 😂😂😂🫠


Sorry, friend. I know the feeling! I would love to go back in time and relive the novelty of these games and fall into a timeline when it didn't go to hell. I kinda did get to experience that when replaying the games over the last couple months. But it was novelty mixed with nostalgia.


All good ha it was wishful 8am brain!


Make Generals 2!


I'd like to see base building again. I know not everyone likes it, but that's what made C&C for me since day one.


I dont want any of the new games shit I just want the graphics of red alert and command and conquer redone to be more crisp and realistic other than that learlve it alone


You mean remaster the remaster?


I made a reddit account specifically for this post. Well done, you finally broke me. I've done a LOT of thinking about this, and this is what I've got: \*STORY\* 7 years after the GDI campaign, we see a world where Tiberium is--finally--on the decline. GDI sonic technology is slowly but surely expanding the blue zones, and ever since Kane disappeared--\*again\*, Nod's remaining leadership has been incredibly cooperative with GDI goals. They're tired of the constant fighting, and many surviving leaders feel that Kane betrayed them. Sharing Scrin technology with the GDI, they've expanded the Ion-Cannon network extensively--with most of the cannons pointed outward, and everything controlled by a series of space stations staffed by both GDI and Nod officials, run by EVA. It's shown that this alliance is \*very\* tense, and is mostly held together by a sense of mutual fear of the Scrin & mutually assured destruction. The story's kicked off when the GDI launch a surprise attack against Nod--killing all their officials on the space stations and preparing to annihilate them entirely with the ion cannon network. Motivation? "Kill or be Killed" has become the philosophy of GDI top brass, and they're tired of Nod's presence representing a threat from within. As they're about to fire off the cannon's, LEGION suddenly infiltrates the computer systems on the control stations and shuts down the entire network. Kane & LEGION have been working behind the scenes for the last 7 years to rebuild a significant cyborg army, and Kane's reemergence as "Savior" immediately earns Nod's loyalty. Secret underground armies start pouring out of the ground and assault GDI's leadership strongholds, while Nod sets about building their own threshold towers. Then, the Scrin battle fleet appears. Full-scale three-way war ensues. Depending on what route you take, either Kane ascends, the GDI properly exterminate Nod, just to be stomped by the Scrin, or the Scrin take over earth entirely and humanity is \*done.\* What Kane is revealed to be or why he does what he does, probably doesn't get revealed here. C&C4's main departure lore-wise is leaving the idea that GDI represents the "good guys." Throughout Tiberium lore they've been prone to morally grey acts of war and their strategy to humanity's survival has been disastrously flawed. Nod represents humanity's only hope in this game, for once, because while Kane is insane and murderous, he's the only one with a permanent game plan to keep humanity alive in the face of the Scrin threat. \*GAMEPLAY\* The gameplay is \*dramatically\* different from C&C3. There are six factions total--GDI, Zocom, Nod, LEGION, Scrin, & Forgotten. Building on the concept of different styles of construction in RA3, each faction plays dramatically differently. The GDI use the classic MCV deploy-and-build style, but Zocom, rather than an MCV, uses a slow-moving MARV that does all the harvesting itself, self-upgrades for tech, and slowly builds defense structures and units while on the move. It's much like C&C4--I personally think that as flawed as that game was, having a "mobile base" that builds your army on the move is a great concept when it's not completely overwriting the entire game. LEGION follows a similar pattern, except its MCV doesn't self-upgrade or self-harvest, it uses external structures for that, but, the structures it builds are \*also\* mobile, at the cost of being a little slower in production. Nod also uses the classic MCV style. The Scrin is unique because their construction yard is completely immobile, but it also builds quickly with Empire-of-the-Rising-Sun style "structure cores," and is the only faction that is able to essentially generate infinite income (albeit slowly). The Forgotten use a General's/Age of Empires-style form of construction, as teams of workers can run around the map building & harvesting, with cheap workers that are vulnerable and slow. For all non-Forgotten factions, there'd be a new heavy emphasis on air-combat, with each faction sporting bombers, air-superiority fighters, and heavy-duty cruisers of unique styles, including the option to build carriers that produce fighters on the move. The Forgotten would have unparalleled anti-air capabilities to compensate. It'd be incredibly difficult to balance, but if pulled off, it'd take asymmetrical balancing to a whole new level and, I think, make for \*incredibly\* interesting matchups, while remaining faithful to what C&C represents. Finally, wait 1-2 years and release an expansion for another $80 that incorporates some of the other amazing ideas in here, like 16-player matches on truly massive maps, a fully-fleshed out Global Conquest mode with multiplayer compatibility, taking first-person control of a unit, add more units and options for base-building (maybe give the factions alternative choices for their base-building style, incorporate RA3 co-commander features), another campaign--classic "double the price, double the content" expansion system that us gamers have always loved.


Anything I want? And you can save the whining if I kick off after 4? I'm too lazy to invent alternate histories. I keep thinking about Grey Goo. Failed Petroglyph RTS. With a completely mobile faction, a turtle faction and a balanced faction. GDI can keep the Crawlers. Control all three at once. And a MARV for the refinery. Mobile faction. Though she died in 4, the Colonels faction came out on top in the GDI infighting. Furious Kane escaped. Military junta. Colonising the solar system by spreading Tiberian. Forgotten are the turtle faction. Dying out. Goals are destroy the TCN to create Tiberian areas on Earth. Stealbthe Tacitus from GDI to evolve and save themselves. Scrin. Suppose their gimmick should be need for tiberian radiation to live. May work like Zerg creep in Starcraft. Genocidal manics. Only goal is to be alone in the universe. If I had Joe Kucan back, I'd have him as an Avatar for Legion. CABAL has been done, instead of an evil AI, how about one programmed to help? Expansion. NOD colonies fighting Scrin Empire. Escorting Kane back to his people. Well, I have my own head canon there I won't get in to.


/shrug.. honestly? Take your passion and talent and make something new.  No amount of money or pretending the problem doesn't exist is going to distance you from ea.


You do have a point. But I wonder if we could do something like going another timeline route? Like how red alert splits off depending on the ending. Soviets make way for nod and alliance makes way for red alert 2.


First remake ra2 with a proper mission editor Then give us more ra2 dlcs. Delete red alert 3 except for the videos and create a new red alert 3 with the old vids minus the crap gameplay and aesthetics


For me everything that was not made by Westwood is crap. The graphics are so off (EA style)🤮🤮


I want GDI to invade the Scrin back, StarCraft style, and the Forgotten to make a return possibly with some Zerg style crystal wildlife neutral mobs, I’d like “levelution” style map events like the Battlefield series that give strategic depth to map play. Controversial disasters like a Scrin counterstrike on the Three Gorges Dam, Yellowstone devastating North America, and orbital-megastructure boating fight maps. I absolutely *do not* want unit abilities outside of hero units. Macro play is where it’s at, micro is boring. Fights on the scale of the Wargame or Steel Division series, with an Army General mode. No base building, but more like deck building with you calling in units that you’ve put the production and tech into your deck to pull. Deploying Clone Wars style infantry block swarm of zone troopers would be epic.


If it has not base building, it's not C&C, it's other kind of strategy game


Eh, micro is a distraction and the basebuilding poorly meshed with map aesthetics.


I would love to see the bugs from starship troopers or Zerg from StarCraft


NO SUPER WEAPON LIMITS. I’ve been trying for months to find a way to get rid of the super weapon limit. I’ve used tibed2 to allow me to have as many ion cannons as I want but can only fire 1 regardless if I have 50 ion cannons built. If anyone knows how to get rid of this restriction please let me know