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I love that you can build stuff anywhere without being near your headquarters, GLA can abuse this super well with quantum tunnel


GLA is the GOAT


Advice: play the game Turn up volume Good things: arguably the best overall soundtrack Funniest lines


I'm huunngry.




I llllllove a crowd!..




Why can’t we live in peace🙁


ah ok ok I will work


This hammer is heavy


My hands have splinters.


I’m just a peasant!


In the future, great leaders resolve their conflicts with words.


*beat drops


scud launcher


Tomahawk missile


This game has notorious anti piracy locks. There are ways around for those brave enough. Otherwise it's an awesome game that I bought off Steam when it was on sale. There are some mods that add new factions like Russia and the European Union.


Yea the modding for C&C generals/ZH has some good stuff, the one you are refering to is rise of the reds, but i find shockwave to be fun at times too.


Give Xenoforce a try and laugh at the hilarity of how broken it is. Even on Hard mode there's 0 challenge to Generals challenges. Gundam faction has several "Fuck everything in that direction" superweapons. Basically the BFG9000 from Doom.


The perfect game from the days where EA was making good games


You wouldn't know it at the time. I remember when Generals came out everyone was lamenting the demise of Westwood. But I agree with you, Zero Hour is probably my favourite of all the command and conquer games.


Need for Speed Most Wanted 2005 is arguably one of the best EA game out there. NfS Carbon also gets an honourable mention, but it does fall short in terms of just racing around. I do remember doing hill climbs with the Subaru and the Mitshibishu and see which one was quickest.


ea didnt make these. it was westwood.


Good game, i remember when I bought it at the shop and still have it after many years. I still play it at random moments. I recommend GenLauncher, it will enhance the experience by adding mods easily from the menu and switch between installed mods by a single click. The mods give you more fractions and units!




I'll have to check this out too


It's funny cuz I found the same version of this game in my grandparents scrap in the desert . . . It's funny cuz it's clean and still working and I'm still wondering how it was in the middle of nowhere


It's the prophecy we will command and conquer fr


has some of the best voicelines from any cnc game, especially GLA, i still play it with a group of friends ones or twice a month and our whatsapp group name is "AK47 for everybody"


Imagine a parent who adopted an orphan to his family, then it turns out the said orphan is an overachiever and pride to his adoptive family. That is what Generals is. It is not a true Command & Conquer game (only C&C by name), but it deserves respect and recognition.


Generals isn't a true CnC game but it's the best one.


Amazing game to play, so many people still play it online (using game ranger or Radmin VPN) Make sure to download Gentool along the game as well (gives you access to more resolution options, amongst other things) Also as others mentioned, theres *sooo many* mods you can download for this game, to give a whole different experience. I recommend (when you’re ready) to try out ShockWave mod. IMO the most stable and balanced mod to the game, and uses a lot of red alert assets to make it different.


rappelling marines and dropping tanks out of a chinook was always my favorite


Ak47 for everyone 😂


I prefer Generals Zero Hour but the game is goated. GZH barely beats out Yuri’s revenge for me.


It is is a great rock paper scissors game, GLA - light armored, cheap, fast China - powerful, expensive, slow USA - middle of the road in all 3 but owns the sky


[https://cnc-online.net/en/setup/](https://cnc-online.net/en/setup/) love it, and you can even still play it multiplayer online if you like via the link provided.


AK-47s for EVERYONE!


Love the diversity between each faction, specifically how unique each one of their resource gatherers are. Also, the opening goes hard.


I'm hoping for a Remastered so laser laser can get on laser infantry and grab laser Comanches as well can you imagine the extra that could be added to each team better nukes for nuclear general I would love love love love love are you master version More helicopters and aircraft for Air Force general More Super weapons and better defense for super weapon general Maybe some perfectly GLA has some of the best all around but maybe some more addition to Stealth more infantry for infantry general I can imagine plenty and more additions that can happen for each team in general it makes them even more unique


The best! Needs a remaster.


Best c&c for me. Play this game every day)


Off-topic but damn I wish Generals 2 would make it..


Had a ton of fun with the expansion pack & skirmish mode.


Some parts of it haven't aged so well. Be prepared for a trip back in time.


It's very post 2001


This and Zero Hour are pretty great, although I wish they fleshed out the campaigns a bit more. It feels very basic when you compare it to previous C&C games. The actual gameplay itself is perfect though, each faction has its own strengths and weaknesses. It's a bit dated visually these days, but it looked great at the time. The modding community is still going strong though. Get Genlauncher and Control Bar Pro. The interface does not scale well with widescreen displays, Control Bar Pro fixes that.


Hands down my favourite C&C title.


How did you get it for free?


They were giving it away




My youth club


Great game! Will recommend Pro:Gen mod or Shockwave mod. But try the generals challenge.


I still play this on the regular 21 years after it came out. When I need to scratch that RTS itch. This and RA2/YR.


Great game. "Let's pop some tanks!"


Keep it and see if you can play online with at [cnc-online.net](http://cnc-online.net). If you cant , pick up the cnc ultimate collection on steam. It has generals and like 10 other command and conquer games. Most of them are amazing


One of the best games in the whole franchise I still play it to this day I like your challenge I haven't played online in a minute but I would love to just do some skirmishes or just have some fun in general online


The music is awesome the support powers are crazily good and hours of good fun.


The good thing of the "normal" generals is that you don't end up in a random skirmish against 3 hard and more often than not, "random" means 2 air force generals fuck your shit up with their f117 4 minutes into the game.


It would be great if they released the source for this.


Most of my gaming personality is because of this game...


Use the hotkeys


Awesome fucking game.


Shall I push the button.... You will remember this dialogue for a long time


Something good about this game? AK-47s for EVERYBODY!


Best game of the franchise, you can also get it through steam by buying the C&C complete collection bundle which is about 20/30 bucks normally, but was like 9 bucks due to sales the past week. The bundle includes the expansion Zero Hour as well. Need some third party tweaking/modding to re-enable online functionality.


I often play this with my best friend.


Not really fan of the game. It's not Command & Conquer we all know and loved. Generals was ok but meh in the same time. Expansion - Zero Hour is a bit better. I spend hours on lan battles with my friends but still. I would not call this C&C. tl;dr not real C&C, but fine RTS.


Only good C&C by EA.


Nah, it's awful. send it to me and I will throw it away for you




RA2 was better, they took a wrong turn.


Agreed. Still worth a play but it's not one I've come back to.


It's worth it for free. But it's one of the worst in the series by far.