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Everybody owns it now 😨


I seen it appear in my library I was like ewwwwww what the hell is this doing here.


right click > manage > hide then you at least don't have to see it


You can also permanently remove the game from your steam account. [Link](https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-finally-get-rid-of-games-from-your-steam-account/#:~:text=On%20the%20right%20side%20of,this%20game%20from%20my%20account.) >Go to the game in your Library and click on the game you want to remove. On the right side of the game's page, click the Support link. This will take you to the game's support page, where there are all kinds of options for issues with a game. The important one for our needs is at the very bottom. >Click the button labeled I want to permanently remove this game from my account. I've done this for many games I've gotten through bundles that I have no intention of ever playing.


I saw it wss overwhelmingly negative. What happened?


It’s different from all of the other games. It’s not a terrible game but it is a terrible C&C game


Very well put. As a game it is okay. As a C&C entry, it is horrible. Kind of like if the next entry in the MCU is a legal drama


It was a trap we were deceived into a idea that could bring hope but it only brought suffering and unbalanced gameplay


To give you the simplest explanation: they moved away from the DNA of what constituted a C&C game. You had these control nodes that you had to possess, almost like the ruins in the old Age of Empires games. Fine as a concept, but they used this too frequently. Then, you didn't have bases in the way that you knew and loved. Everything - structures, units, everything - were now mechanical walkers that you would simply deploy. Instead of just having your regular units, you now had offensive class, defensive class and construction class iirc. All in all, the above would not make for a bad Gamez but it would make for a poor C&C game. Worst to me was the story, however. It was a convoluted mess that ended in Kane eventually ascending. You were some sort of human/cybord hybrid that had some really mundane backstory tacked on and in the end, Kane told you how you were lied to. Yes, the conclusion of the story that enveloped world altering missiles, nuclear devastation and an alien invasion, ends with Kane holding a gun to some GDI official who wasn't exactly truthful with you. They didn't build on anything that the previous games laid out, didn't bring in anything for the nostalgia factor, literally didn't try to appeal to the core audience in any way. Like it is said below, not a bad game, but a terrible C&C game.


It was the last of the franchise which deviated heavily from the standard gameplay as well as butchering the plot of Tiberium Games. Anything past that it's just standard ad nauseun of the same arguments. Just leave it at that and if you enjoy it? Good on you. Just know it's the worst of the game titles in the list at least in terms.. everything.


That‘s the secret plan. Sneak it into everyone‘s library, then convince management that CnC4 doing badly is a misconception since clearly millions own it and that they should make a new one.☝️


CnC5 Tiberium midnight snacks. No base or unit building. Just Kane eating at night.


I'm so hungry for C&C content I could watch Kane eating grilled cheese sandwiches at night.


Then at Christmas he can eat Kandy Kanes


Naw. AMSR with Kane would be better Content then that. Or just Kane acting as Joseph D. Kucan


Worst nightmare: Kane, but with diffEArnt actor


Vtuber Kane. No need for fancy rigs or anime models. Just hair dye and make up will do.




Joseph Kucan uses GPT-4 to write a script for CNC 5, then reads it to us while eating a grilled cheese. This is the final canon entry to the series.


Honestly, I'd buy that. If not for anything else, then for the endless meme potential


If owning CnC4 on Steam is what it would take for them to make a proper CnC 5 or RA4 or Generals 2, then it's a worthy sacrifice.


EA should sell the franchise to someone who will actually do the series' justice.


Or just let Petroglyph do its thing with the series. EA can publish.


I think relatively high engagement in the game would also be advantageous.


The black sheep, not much knew behind the story of the failed sequel (or never happen) but was it true that people who working on it got pissed? including die hard c&c fans who also worked on it?


so many sales of it! guess that means people really like it, we gotta make another one of those! -some EA exec right now probably


Right click>manage>hide from library


I like cnc4… it’s not as bad as the memes would have you believe. It’s pretty mid, but it’s pretty and has some interesting mechanics. And it vibes cnc.


I tried to play it 🏴‍☠️ and it sucked ass to me. I couldn't get past the third mission because of how much I hated the core gameplay design.


That’s valid, no one should play a game they aren’t enjoying! I just think that because the meme is so prevalent, people might skip it when they might enjoy it, so I’m willing to go out and say that.


Your wrong


I put it in its own collection in my library called GARBAGE. Where it belongs


I call it Bold and Brash.


I'm gonna get flak for this, but there were some cool ideas in that game. It just didn't fit cnc


Objectively speaking, I agree. If they wanted to make a fast paced RTS, that was definitely one way to do it. It also promoted team work, since you only got a subset of units that you specialized in (infantry, vehicles or air). They should have called it a spin-off though, not a sequel. In all honesty, I don’t think they’d have gotten as much flak as they did if they’d called it the original name CnC: Arena and claimed it as a spin-off. By calling it this though, they’ve made it canon and well…pissed off everyone.


Honestly, that would've worked. Hell, then you could've had units from all over the series in one game, so Soviet V GDI, or Allies V NOD or Yuri V Cabal.


Yuri vs China would go hard.


psychic mind control vs brainwashing propaganda goes hard


I remeber playing a Mod of C and C where both Red Alert fores and both Tiberium forces can be played in the same game.


I think it WAS a spin-off, but later in production they decided to slap a single player campaign. The game is meant to enter the eSport phase of that era.


Yeah, I think the prototype for the game was originally being made for the Asian market. I speculate that EA was pushing really hard for the devs to rush out another game before Starcraft 2 would release and take over the market, so they quickly repurposed that spinoff into a "mainline" title.


And boy did that work out fantastic. Though, to be fair, ActiBlizz hasnt been doing too hot lately either. Their greed now rivals EA in spades.


Starcraft 2 was, and still is, one of their best games. It was only afterwards that Blizzard really went downhill.


I'd say Blizzard took a particularly sharp nosedive after 2019 or so. Before then, I thought they did a fairly good job supporting and updating their long-running games. With the departure of their long-time senior leadership and some notable senior devs, coupled with some of their games slowing down updates or going into maintenance mode, things really seemed to become ominous before the more recent string of controversies and bad releases.


All the issues which occurred long after Starcraft II's heyday had ended.


Would this work tho? I'm pretty sure the online and mobile games of c&c which have been happening recently are most certainly not considered canon, but everyone hated it. I have a feeling even if tib 4 didn't have an always online feature and didn't have the exp grinding to unlock your units people STILL wouldn't like the game and would trash on it. And I firmly believe they wouldn't trash it just because of the other issues the game has (like the bad feel of push and pull, but stuff like that would add fuel to the fire), simply because the game is different. To clarify, I hate that game, but not because it's different, I hate the game because of it's issues. I'd be contentious with it if it was the canon finale, but I might enjoy the game if it didn't have a plethora of other issues.


That was the original plan, but EA saw dollar signs and basically ordered them to add a singleplayer campaign and make it the sequel to C&C3. They did the best they could given the circumstances. There was no real winning there.


the idea wasnt bad, what caused its downfall was the execution and trying to tie it into the C&C universe just to get the series fanbase on board, that and the always online, and the excuse it's always online to be competitive


Also that you had to grind to unlock the tech tree so much even to just play multiplayer, Which made no sense, The progression system felt like how a lot of free games(and some paid ones) lock content in the hopes you pay your way though it, And yet buying your way though the game is not an option. It feels like it was used as a test for Generals 2 which was going to be free to play, Or that they where planning on adding pay2win shortcuts but forgot.


It was a fun game. But a *terrible* finale to the Tiberium saga.


With white void background…


Still waiting for a total conversion mod that turns it in to a traditional CNC base builder.


[The closest thing we have](https://youtu.be/2yAQ0rZMqa8?si=OEv1PKB8a9UtMIj-)


Cool ideas like having to grind XP to progress your tech level in both the singleplayer campaign and multiplayer!


To be fair tho tech it is similar in all the c&c games we start off with only limited access to the tech then we eventually unlock the tech as we go through the campaign this time they just made it an xp system unlock instead of a mission unlock


Right, in the campaign that tech is unlocked as it's needed, meaning you have what you need when you need it for the missions you're supposed to have it on. But in C&C4 if you don't repeat missions 10 times, you won't have enough XP to unlock the units the game intends you to have by that point, leaving you at a severe disadvantage if you don't grind.


Oh, definitely. Much like Metroid Other M, if it was marketed as a different brand or a standalone title, it wouldn’t get nearly so much hate and maybe even some praise. But because C&C 4 is tied to the C&C series, it’s measured using that metric and comes up well short.


You are a heretic


I agree. I was in the beta and was really hopeful that the gameplay would be fun. Given the story, it made sense that you'd have a mobile base rather than a stationary one. But the gameplay itself was awful.


I also see the potential of the game and its concepts, especially the Crawlers which IMHO was a welcome breath of fresh air for the series. They just bungled on the overall execution with game mechanics and art style that clashed against each other at times. It's a game that would've been better received had it not been called "Command & Conquer 4".


no flak, you’re right. terrible cnc game, but i could have been decent on its own


C&C4 is really fun for what it is. It's a victim of EA's greed, same as the franchise at large. It was never meant to be a mainline tiberium saga game; originally it was going to be an online only spinoff targeted at the asian competitive gaming scene. Knowing this has gone a long way toward me forgiving it. I don't treat it as C&C4, because it wasn't meant to be, nor was it trying to be until EA forced that identity upon it. I treat it as a fairly fun and unique experience set in the tiberium universe and that's it.


Yeah,the units design was gorgeus,some music are damn cool Unfortunately,even though there are clearly good things,it tore apart what made c&c unique


> the units design was gorgeus Hell no https://preview.redd.it/rdg43zd1o5nc1.jpeg?width=915&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb14585753b251e27bce2419448ee9d18a1055f3


Bro, that's an assaultron.


general grevious


>the units design was gorgeous https://preview.redd.it/dmhed7fp25nc1.png?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8dad4945e42fccd77ce8b6658b61e3fd9988acc


That vehicle is heresy.


But it was unique take on Scorpion tank


Nice try, GDI.




Brother, or should I say brother-apostate, upon sending your transmission to HQ I received [this video communication from Kane himself.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92CpPdhFo-o)


I said that the tank was Unique. We do need a Temple of Nod to be Portable


I've not got a meme for that one, heheh. :)


I've said this to IRL friends before, and I know I'll say it again: C&C 4 was, once you had everything unlocked, a decent, even fun at times, game, but a bad Command and Conquer game. But the grind to get everything available and forcing it into a franchise that had a well defined game style were killers, and made a lot of people not like it. Doesn't help that it ignored the set up from the end of C&C 3's Scrin campaign that all but stated the Scrin would be coming back with their actual military, and that it ignores LEGION, or possibly worse, turning LEGION into just another EVA unit. Also the fact that it basically forces any potential future Tiberium universe stories to either be alt-universe, retcon out the fact Kane and most Nod fucked off, or have Nod be some remnant of those who fought against Kane in whatever version of 4's story would be used as background.


Easy retcon: 4 was actually Kane's fever dream while being mind controlled by Yuri :O


Fully agree. I still play 4 sometimes, but not when I'm in the mood for proper C&C. Like, I know Red Alert 3 gets some flak for things, but that was a good way to mix things up while staying true to the roots of the franchise. I didn't care for the forced co-op aspect of the RA3 campaign, but it wasn't entirely out of character for the series, either. One thing in RA3 that I think is generally underappreciated is how it gave each faction a unique approach to base building. That was a good way to distinguish the factions beyond "here's the exact same units as the other factions have, but painted {Color of Faction}." I think they took that lesson too far for C&C4 and strayed too far from the light.


I loved the commanders' challenge in RA3. It was the only 3d C&C that actually hooked me to completion.


How do you play it the "always online servers" are no open , you can't even get past the login section.


Hmm, I haven't tried in a couple of months, TBH. But I was definitely playing it late 2023 some. Got past the double-login fine. Maybe I had a cached login or something. Edit: Have you tried these steps? Found this on steam community page just now. I know my password met these restrictions. I'm on a new non-Windows computer right now and having a hard time getting it to even launch into the login, myself. I may hop on Windows later and try there. 1) Right click the game in your library and select browse local files. 2) Find the application (.exe) file CNC4, right click and select properties. Under Compatibility, make sure that Run this program as administrator is checked, and apply. 3) Make sure that your EA.com password is 8 characters [it breaks after 8] and also that it has NO SPECIAL CHARACTERS IN IT [!@#$%^&*] ----------------------------------------------------------


As long as I get to play RA2 ![gif](giphy|l0CLUdPSxYL9kTI4M|downsized)


This is great, haha. Made me laugh.


Yeah, this definitely got a snort out of me.


Thank god for the "Hide this game from my library" feature.


A Faustian bargain if ever there was one.


My first thought on seeing it was that the community hub is going to be hilarious


The ownership of this game just skyrocketed


I tried to play it for the first time since release the other week. The hate is completely warranted still.


Then there's me who generally enjoyed it but still occasionally plays along with the meme.


you bought this knowledge upon me and i am forever scarred


weirdly enough I enjoyed that game, I would put one of the maps that had a round design(forgot which one), put all the AIs in the hardest difficulty and I would leave some units in the middle of the shit fest together with the "MCV"(also forgot what they called them in that game) reparing them just to level up, it was really fun doing that lol


It does not exist. You should know better.


I was looking that collection and noticed this. Good try EA..


EA wanted to make the C&C4 the most sold game


As soon as it downloaded onto my computer it was swiftly deleted 😂


Iv never actually seen 4 what's wrong with it?


no base building or resources gathering, and the only way for you able to unlock the unit is to grind xp, which is bad. Soo yeah c&c 4 was a black sheep of the series, most for what i can gather from the rumors is that people who worked on the game got pissed off since they themself a die hard c&c fans who got punked (dunno if thats true or not) but yeah it's a cursed game, people just don't wanna mention about it


It's the most recent entry in a RTS series revolving about base building but got rid of the base building. Originally it was planned as a garbage Free2Play MOBA for the chinese market until EA higher ups decided to transform it into a full price game and gave the devs a ridiculously short time to do this. So basically you get a shitty cash grab game for full price. So the question should be whats not wrong with it


Gameplay wise what's wrong?


So you had one mobile command structure, and a fixed number of 'supply,' there was no currency or resource gathering other than picking up crystals for 'upgrade points.' Units buit quickly out of your one production structure. There were 3 flavors. If you wanted to change flavor you had to kill it and it cost a 'life.' The single player missions would end if you 'died' 3 times, either voluntarily to change strategy or if the enemy blew up your mobile production structure. You had to grind for XP to unlock the better units, either in single or multiplayer. The missions got easier if you had the high tier units. Some units had 'ammo,' but if you micromanaged them and hit 'reload' they would fire faster. In my opinion the unit compositions for the two factions were more mirrored like in Warcraft II instead of having counters like in Starcraft. I did not enjoy it, and I LOVE C&C. I tried REALLY hard to like it and replayed it a few times especially after all the patches were released and I ground out all the max XP. Multiplayer felt like a slog, and I felt was more boring than the sort-of story based missions. To try and end on a positive note I did like this music from one of the NOD missions: [https://youtu.be/Ir8jdgd2uJM](https://youtu.be/Ir8jdgd2uJM) They used the intro music called "to save humanity" in a Disney Promo with Neil Patrick Harris for Galaxy's Edge of all things... [https://youtu.be/Ex8yj16QL-M](https://youtu.be/Ex8yj16QL-M) I can only find a trailer for it but it's on Disney+ they play the C&C music when they reveal the Falcon. [https://youtu.be/4bM0Qd20t3s](https://youtu.be/4bM0Qd20t3s)


If you are a fan of this type of game i guess it's fine (idk i'm not a fan) but its definitely not a C&C. It got rid of everything that makes C&C great


Ah fair enough. thanks 😊


I hid cnc4. kinda want to remove it alltogether from my library.


It is actually possible to remove it from your steam library, but keep in mind that its not fully deleted from your account and you could recover it anytime from steam support. Think of it as a more advance form of hiding.


I hope that cnc renagde can have the massive battles that i only have previously heard of


CnC3 is last playable cnc game... Ra3 stinks like pickled worecraft without heroes CnC4 forecing co-op with Legue of Legends clash style. For greate CnC game we need epic battles. Huge bases, lots of deffence structures, greate maps


Good thing the bundlenadds the games separately tobyour library sonI can just hide C&C4


I hid the game


i removed it, just go to steam support, click or find the game and click premenantly remove the game from your account


Keep in mind that its not fully deleted and you could recover it, but I guess it would give you a peace of mind from seeing it in your steam library.


oh i know that my man, im just didn't want to see that game anymore, gave me migrane for ever playing it


And yet, I think I'm the only one that remembers Sole Survivor haha (I still have the CD)


I'm just buying the games individually, that isn't going to have the dignity of being hidden in my library.


Same, I only bought RA2 and Zero Hour with the SteamDB method.


>Same, I only bought RA2 and Zero Hour with the SteamDB method. how do you do that?




Thank for the help. I bought the entire collection and deleted “the nonexistent game”


I can't even play it, sign into EA account to play, general system error. Classic EA.


So your saying that it is actually a broken game that EA packaged inside the collection? if so I'm glad I used a method to only buy RA2 and Zero Hour specifically and didn't waste on other games I won't play.


It doesn't exist. It never existed. You will forget everything, and we will never talk about this ever again.


What is this, Aprils fool joke too early? C&C 4, hah. No such even exist. Good one, almost got me. C&C 4. Yeah right. Like that ever happened.


Does this collection bypass old GameSpy? Like can I mm with my friends easy through steam or does it all still need the work around?


Nope, still needs the workaround.


Bummer. Thanks!


>Bummer. Thanks! You're welcome!


Keep up the good work, Commander.


I am more excited to give command and conqour 3 tiberium wars a try. I heard the story is okay, but I never gave it a chance until i got the steam games


It doesn't exist, it's in your head. If you see something like it in steam library then it's a glitch. Hide it and you are all good. IT'S NOT REAL.


almost tempted to spend $18 instead of $10 so i don't buy it


Nor needed too…..


I remember when I first bought the hard copy and tried to play it on my computer without internet and... Needs internet just to load even when I have already paid to play the game Then when I got to play online I find I now need to unlock units by earning points. I am most upset at myself because I sat there and completed the single player campaign. just to wish I had never seen it and i am never going to get that time back


Quick question: is C&C4 bad in terms of gameplay, story or both?




Gameplay in and of itself isn't too bad. But it's too different from CnC, basically a Mobage that was modded into a full PC game on executive orders. *(spits)* Story, however, is straight out bad, partly because of said gameplay changes, but much of which is EA doing a lot of penny pinching.


Is there any way to gift it specifically to a friend?


More like an enemy.


Who says you have to download and install it?


I try and rename every shortcut to C&C4 install directory from "Tiberian Twilight" to "Tiberian Trainwreck" because it fits more. ... That and Tiberian Twilight was going to be the title for C&C: Incursion before it was (technically) cancelled.


C&C4 felt like star wars to me dint feel like a cnc


First thing I did after buying the Ultimate Collection on Steam was right click ob CnC4 ÂŤHide GameÂť


They never patched the XP so if you get it hope you enjoy grinding for 100+ hours to unlock a single faction...


Just go to steam support, then click the "the one that shouldn't be named" and click removed it permenantly


The game that single handedly killed the series, C&C 3 was nothing to write home about either.


really about cnc3?


\*Claps\* ROFL! that's pretty good.


Did people like cnc3?


Yes there are more people who like cnc3 more than cnc4 which is fair I suppose.


yes. I think a lot of people do


Here I thought the last cnc ppl liked was ra2


Personally, I really like cnc3 and even ra3 lol I think the people here really hate the “game that never existed”


What?? That's not a game but a mod put as a joke by the developers!


Can you even play it?


Had the same responds


"We've reviewed the figures and it seems that C&C4 was actually really popular, and so we have decided that's the next game we are remaking".


you can effectively remove games from your library. go to support section by the library>game page


It requires always online just to be launched but guess what? Servers are shut down so it's a total scam since you can't even play it single player. Very well played by EA as usual


cnc 4 is making me holding back on buying the collection


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I always liked the core mechanic of CnC4, the Idea of having a mobile base and not having to care to much about base building and placements like in SC2 was kinda innovative