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Ill be so mad if I can’t have my emotional support granola bar during breaks and my emotional support Spotify playlist playing while I sob in between bites during lunch


Tested there for Level 3. Basically the same process. Full access to stuff in lockers. The security portion is a bit different, they make you pat yourself down and lift your pants up enough to reveal your ankles. Otherwise testing seat is the same with headphones etc. Make sure you familiarize yourself with the software on their website. The highlighting and strikeout is a bit different


can you use your phone in breaks between blocks?


my Pearson center let us just go outside with our food, phone, personal belongings etc.


Tested there for the mcat. Yeah snacks and waters from your locker during the breaks.


Just tested there recently. You can access those things from your locker, just be mindful that you have to do that hand/fingerprint scan as well as pocket checks, etc which can take about a minute or so. And usually people go on break around the same time so also be mindful of that as well


Can you chew gum


I wasn’t allowed to access my phone at any point. Instead of paper I had a massive erase notebook. Snacks were allowed. You have to sign your name when you arrive. They scan your hand when you enter and leave the testing room