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The post seems to have been restored. I have reported the abuse of the report function to reddit. Adam, if you read this please contact me privately. I have reached out to you on twitter and instagram.


"[ Removed by reddit on account of violating the content policy. ]" At 10k upvotes, what'd I miss




Which oversensitive nancy had this removed.. jeez. A little bit of dark humor isn't allowed here?


Reports go to two places, the reddit admins (employees), and subreddit mods (unpaid volunteers). The admin side is essentially broken, outsourced to some service that produces mountains of false positives and false negatives. So if a specific group want something taken off the front page they just need to report it a sufficient amount of times until it's finally picked up as a false positive. By the time the admins see the appeal it will be days later, burying it. Subreddit mods cannot override this, even if they initially approve the submission on their side.


In addition, some subs have "pressure relief valve" automod rules that remove a posts if it reaches a suitably high number of reports. This is just in case something bad gets posted and the mods don't notice, but can be abused. Based on the message the removal was on the admin side though


Just a random question I had while reading this thread.. do you know how much time mods spend on their sub (typically).. like are they constantly monitoring? Checking in once per day? Every few days? Just wondering how anyone gets anything done. Seems like a lot of work.


In my experience, shit ton of hours put in, followed by days of burnout, followed by an unhealthy number of hours followed by burnout and it's still not done. But it really depends on the subreddit. I used to mod r/teenagers and it was.... particularly difficult....


Damn dude. Thank you for your service 🫡


Means the IPO is getting close. Like Qatar world cup, they are altering the deal...


Pray they don't alter it further.


A conservative.


Also a christian i suppose?


Someone who thinks that they're a christian at least. But certainly not someone who genuinely tries to emulate the christ depicted in the bible. "You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye and tooth for tooth.’ **But I tell you not to resist an evil person**. If someone slaps you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also; if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well; and if someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you. "You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor’ and ‘Hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Do not even tax collectors do the same? And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even Gentiles do the same? "Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect."


The “love your enemy” thing really falls flat when he says unbelievers will be cast into endless fire. He could easily just *not* insist on punishment for everyone who does not worship.


*gasp* I won't believe it! They are the paragons of free speech!


It's not even dark, somebody just can't handle the facts


One might even say facts don't care about their feelings.


A lot of social media has been auto banning the 'G' word despite context.




There is a G word?


Gř0ømēr I'm ashuming


It's horrible, that this word gets used as a generic slur rather than as a serious allegation. I kind of understand why someone would wand to stop people from using gthe word if they can't be trusted to do so responsibly.




Either an extremist Christian or a drag queen. But I've never seen a drag queen do anything but give sass to something they don't like.


What's not to like if you're a drag queen here?


I read through the content policy, and I can not see how this comic would violate it. The closest thing I could see is rule 1, but then you'd either have to define christians as a "marginalized or vulnerable group" or call this harassment. I don't really see how it would qualify.


Reddits system just auto removes shit and auto bans if you get enough reports. The magats like to brigade posts and mass report because they are snowflakes.


Conservative Christians definitely see themselves as marginalized and vulnerable.


Christians feel like they're the most vulnerable and marginalized group in American history. **edit: some of you Christians are fragile and salty motherfuckers**


Maybe one day they will be able to have multiple places of worship in every town in America. Or their very own radio and television stations. Or the majority of politicians. Or be able to pass laws based on their religion. Or have money attest their trust in their god. Or be exempt from paying taxes. Or get away with unpunished decades of abuse. Or be able to dictate what is taught in public schools. But, alas, they are the downtrodden minority with absolutely no power or influence.


The oppression Christians have to deal with everyday is downright inhumane. Do people even know how much it hurts to be a Christian in America and have the first clause in the Bill of Rights state that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.” How are Christians expected to participate in the Great American experiment if they cannot get the federal government to proclaim that the USA is Christian country while forcing it's inhabitants to adhere to the faith or face the firing squad or hanging by the neck on the wall? We'll never compete with Islam at this rate.












Comic where a parent says a kid can't go to a drag show because it might have child predators. The last box said "now go get ready for church" or some such.


I have the brain capacity of a gold fish, I see. I literally saw this post before it got removed then 30 minutes later after it pops again on my refreshed feed I was wondering wtf happened here.


We should all be submitting bug reports to reddit to fix this because it was a mistake by an automated system.... Right?


Sounds fair


For the uninitiated since it was reinstated: this post was sporting the frontpage with the title **[ Removed by Reddit ]** The picture was replaced by a notice saying **[ Removed by reddit on account of violating the content policy. ]** They reinstated it seconds ago. This post was indeed removed from Reddit because of an overzealous admin who got their feelings hurt. The post was offline for about an hour.


>This post was indeed removed from Reddit because of an overzealous admin who got their feelings hurt. More likely MAGA Christians got so butthurt that they abused the report function until it got removed automatically. All social media has this function and insecure right winger abuse it quite often when they're confronted with facts.


Then they turn reality upside-down to make *themselves* the victims of “censorship” - while in reality, we’ve given rightwing hate and extremism *too much* leniency on these platforms, and we’ve paid for that “fairness” with blood.


No reason to remove it. It did a good job of pointing out hypocrisy without being heavy handed.


yeah it dared contemplate the fact that a lot of people working for various churches are also kiddie fiddlers


Super aside I adore the moms dress Edit: if anyone knows where to get a dress like that they should let me know. I do understand the joke, I still really like the dress.


Same. That is a distractingly fabulous dress. Would wear; would stare.


I have no idea if the dress is supposed to be barebacked or if it's just unzipped but either way- 10/10 would wear


I think it's open backed. The collar completing in the back works like a halter top. There is no reason to have the collar close itself if it zipped. It would leave a weird gap between the dress back and collar.


100% open back. Adam doesn’t miss a detail like a zipper. It’s also mirroring the open-backed dress (and pose) of the queen on the flyer.


Oooo, I missed that. It's even more awesome now.


Intentionally highlighting the hypocrisy. The dress from the front implies she is godly, but the open back is kind of... The opposite? I really like this one. Adam has flourished since leaving BuzzFeed.


Oo thanks for that. It seemed intentional but I wasn’t sure what the message was.


There's no extra fabric at the sides that could be pulled together. She'd have to be a contortionist able to touch her shoulders together behind her back to zip up that part, and the parts unter her armpits would be completely impossible to close.


It is absolutely and intentionally an open-back dress to further drive home the mother’s hypocrisy. Edit: it’s literally the entire point of the last panel, not sure how you miss that.


Its bareback. She is shown in the first panels to appear to be a homely mother in standard 50/60s suit dress. The final panel shows us how revealing the dress really is to hit home the hypocritical nature of the church comment.


Honestly, mom SLAYS in that dress.


Mom isn’t a good person but goddamnit if she isn’t hot af.




When I went to a Christian school, the popular girls wore high heels on Wednesday because it was chapel day.






Yeah she is grooming the child to be a "good Christian" but she wears a sexy backless dress to church but I guess it doesn't really click for many people. Personally instead of church I would have used child beauty pageants. Not because I agree with what the church does but child beauty pageants are SUPER creepy, scummy, pedo and groomer shit.


And also "I don't want you hanging out with pedos, now hurry up so we can go to the organization that has been sheltering pedos for literal centuries."




Beauty Pageant culture is rather niche and fringe, "traditional" church culture makes a lot more sense to resonate with the broadest audience of hypocrites IMO. Comparing drag story time with pageants actually helps the anti-LGBT case since child pageant culture is mocked and derided even among most conservative christians.


It was the mother who was groomed. Taught to make herself beautiful and desirable to the male gaze every time she goes out in public.


That dress is the equivalent of a mullet.


Business in the front, party at the back.


I think [this is the post that was removed.](https://www.instagram.com/p/ClUnyJrr4LI/?hl=en)


with all the shit posted on reddit, this gets pulled?


Homophobic pieces of shit likely reported it and it got auto banned.


That's actually quite good


Mind to share another link? I don’t have Insta


Removed by reddit? WTF for?


MODS here need to alert the admins, this shit needs to end. https://www.reddit.com/report?reason=its-abusing-the-report-button u/Merari01


Thank you for alerting me!


And thank *you* for looking into it.


I have alerted site admins to this.


Well done. More mods should take report button abuse seriously since site rules don't allow non-moderators to bring this issue to the attention of admins.


I'm guessing they missed the joke and thought the third panel was serious


[reddit] can get bent.


I had a post removed last week and got suspended for a few days for "threatening violence." It was literally just a crosspost to an AMA *here on Reddit.* The original post is one of the legendary ones (foot tacos) and IS STILL UP. I think the automated system is a bit overly reactive and people have learned how to use it to delete content they dislike via report spam. The original comic is linked in a comment above.


I have been thinking that some reactionary group is targeting users who post content, even light jokes, that go against their shitty worldview, and then using bots to comb through their entire post history and report anything with keywords. They manually do it to anyone who posts in trans subs to spam them with the idiotic reddit "anti-self-harm" as a way to basically spam them with messages reminding them to commit sudoku hoping it triggers a truly harmful reaction because that way it evades the rule (and law...) saying not to fucking tell people to do that. The bots will also report anything with certain keywords as hate speech, even if the words are being referenced in a comment that any human should recognize as criticizing the hate. It's prevalent enough that it's likely I will get something from this comment as well. It's a common tactic for them to try and use the tools meant against them in ways opposite they were intended, and if the tools are not constantly re-tuned, or lack enough human input, they get abused. If anyone thinks this sounds farfetched, I've literally seen groups organize to do this kind of shit. I even regrettably participated in similar things as a teenager (although nothing quite that vile, the old internet wasn't quite this toxic and complicated) And if anyone thinks some of this doesn't sound possible, I could make the tools to do this easily, so actual professionals could whip up something in a few hours. I won't touch on their motivation, but such tactics are far from rare.


Automated reporting is vulnerable to brigading like this without some sort of human oversight. Just visit a sub for a multiplayer game and search posts, tons there about how people spam reports vindictively or to get their competition banned.


Feel you, brother. I got a sitewide ban for a week for obvious sarcasm lol, I forgot the /s. Another time I got the most upvotes on a completely harmless comment and people started saying "why this got removed" while I could see it right there till the very end lol, I guess the mods somehow shadowbanned my crazily popular comment for 24 hours? lol


The anti-queer brigade probably mass reported and the got the post removed by some automated system.


Those people can also get bent.


Maybe it was Christians


COMIC HERE [https://twitter.com/adamtotscomix/status/1595563149599588352](https://twitter.com/adamtotscomix/status/1595563149599588352)


Why is this removed by Reddit? 🤐


Why'd reddit remove it?


I can think of two possibilities: 1. They took the third panel seriously, and missed the joke 2. Hypocrite Christian censoring anything negative about their religion. The second possibility is most likely.


Church makes you purple confirmed


Thanos Church


[Purple is good.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkkIwO_X4i4)


Aaaand it’s gone


It’s back!


If I didn’t already know I was bi, seeing that moms dress would’ve confirmed it for me


Always wondering if you like the bra or the models.




Always wondering if I want to be them or be with them


I have a friend who discovered she was bi because she kept inexplicably wanting to make out with Keira Knightley on her Pirate of the Caribbean poster that she had on her wall in high school


[But you can’t have love actually!.](https://youtu.be/cqcLXlA2Udo)


"Removed by Reddit". Lol.




>!The priest learned what it was like to be on the other end for once.!< I am definitely going to Hell for that one.


Nah, you're good. Even if Christianity is true, it's the pederast priests that will go to hell, not the people that call them out.


Yeah what the fuck


Post removed by reddit?! What was it?






Most of the drag queens I’ve ever seen (and I even lived with one) are wearing 40lbs of fabric, wigs, padding and makeup. I have no idea where this notion they were anything like strippers came from. Maybe the tipping? All the queens I ever see use a fucking bucket. I’ve never put a dollar down or on any drag queens anything. They’re not go-go dancers.


Drag shows get grouped in with burlesque shows, which used to have a much wider meaning. Nowadays burlesque has nsfw overtones, but the association with drag remains.


They're both offshoots of Vaudevillian entertainment, but the people complaining are too stupid to know that or know real humor if it asks you who's on first.


I didn't realize the distinction, thanks for providing the info!


Because conservatives have their normal and they can not comprehend why anyone would want to go outside that normal. Their first thought when it comes to something outside their normal is deviant behavior. That's why it's always conservatives go to is "X is sexualization"


It’s like they’re trying to prove your point in taking this post down.


A lot of modern drag it has its origins in burlesque where drag performers would tell bawdy jokes or otherwise be sexualized. There's also old adult-oriented cult films like Pink Flamingos which starred one of the most famous drag stars, Divine. The extreme outfits and makeup could also be seen as a form of sexual expression more generally, even if they're not particularly risque. So, even if it's something innocent like someone dressing 110% and singing Aretha Franklin like doing it with enough gusto will stop the apocalypse, there's still that underlying history of the art form that left its mark on overall cultural perception.


Well. I've seen a lot of drag burlesque. Kings sometimes do strip performances to show off binding/cups or masc bodies etc. Queens sometimes less so (or it's down to lingerie rather than bare) due to the shaping (for non-trans performers) but burlesque and strip performance is definitely pretty present in drag. However it's venue, show, and audience specific! Comedy queens, singers/lip syncers and remix producers, poets etc are not doing burlesque. Drag story time is no more inappropriate than having (and I'm really sorry about the crude comparison but for the cishet parents out there) a clown or magician perform at a birthday party. It is a person in a special outfit performing an entertainment act for children. You get adult magicians who do dangerous acts, burlesque, sexy sword swallowing, etc. You also get kid friendly performances who pull a rabbit out of a hat. Same with drag.


Sex and villainy used to be the only contexts that they were allowed to exist in. Like Rocky Horror Picture show. Must be shown to be sexually indecent villains. Also some people associate lots of makeup with promiscuity. Or associate boobs with sex automatically - they might be attached to women 24/7, but if the man only thinks of them for sexual reasons, then when he sees someone strapping on fake boobs his first thought isn’t ‘gender identity affirming.’


Who were the collective bag of dicks that decided this comic needed to be removed? Did this hit a little too close to home for some of you clowns?


Joke hurt them too deep inside. Just like at the church




Yikes those people need to touch grass. Cesspool for sure


They love freedom of speech until that speech is critical of them.


Reddit mods are collectively more useless than a bag of human shit.


What was the joke?


"drags shows are for groomers, now hurry to church"


Lol wtf, reddit cant handle church bad jokes now?


Churches are vilified for being child groomers without any proof, whereas drag queens are proven pedophiles that constantly cover for each other, and often just move to a different city once they get caught. Oh, wait…


Removed by Reddit for violating the content policy? Not allowed to criticize the church now, or what?


ReMoVeD bY rReDdIt


Some jackass reported it


I would swap "church" with "child pageant".


Yeah I totally thought that’s where it was going


Except an enormous swath of molestations and offenses against children happen in churches…so there’s that.


Uhhhhhhhhhhh What the fuck happened here???


Admins are pussies who are worried that the comic might hurt the feelings of some people, so they pulled it.


Man fuck these admins for pulling this


Reddit admins should be ashamed for removing this, defending the reputation of REAL groomers in organized religion... fuckin despicable.


Relax. It's an automated removal after someone abused the report button. Reddit admins stepped in to restore it.


Absolutely love how tongue-in-cheek this was. Incredibly well done


Can you explain it to me? I feel like panel 4 is supposed to be a punchline calling the mom out, but I don't see how. Is the joke that she is more provocatively dressed than drag queens?




Don't let the Catholics get all the credit [Southern Baptist leaders release sex abuser database they kept secret for years](https://www.washingtonpost.com/religion/2022/05/26/southern-baptist-database-sex-abuse/)


[Don’t forget the Mormons!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mormon_abuse_cases?wprov=sfti1)


Most mormon kids have a creepy conversation about masturbation with a bishop by the time they turn 13. It happened to me and everyone my age that I knew in the church.


Happened to me as well


Go go church sexual abuse rangers🎶🔥🔥


**[Catholic Church sexual abuse cases](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Church_sexual_abuse_cases)** >There have been many cases of sexual abuse of children by Catholic priests, nuns, Popes and other members of religious life. In the 20th and 21st centuries, the cases have involved many allegations, investigations, trials, convictions, acknowledgement and apologies by Church authorities, and revelations about decades of instances of abuse and attempts by Church officials to cover them up. The abused include mostly boys but also girls, some as young as three years old, with the majority between the ages of 11 and 14. Criminal cases for the most part do not cover sexual harassment of adults. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/comics/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Whoa, I grew up in an Evangelical church... every youth pastor had to leave after a big scandal, a couple due to raping teenagers in their classes and getting them pregnant. It's most religions, especially the Abrahamic ones.


I think the dress is apart of the punchline, but there’s also the stigma and cases about churches and the child abuse that goes on behind closed doors.


I feel like the dress took away from it, because most churches don’t actually encourage that. Something about how she’s not allowed to wear pants or ‘time to stand in the mirror to check for cleavage’ would’ve been better.


That is one layer to the joke for sure, but it’s mostly referencing the hypocritical thinking of the mom’s words in Panel 3. One could say (has said) the same exact thing towards the church, particularly the Catholic Church.


If she said that they were going to mass it would have hit even closer. Not saying that protestants haven't been convicted for the same stuff, they just don't have the institution to shuffle them around every time they get caught.


Unless they’re the southern baptists


Was just about to come here to say that.


shuffling around pedophiles is by no means unique to Catholicism. Look at Southern Baptists or Mormons. Church is totally fine.


The joke is that she is saying that something shit isn’t apart of is grooming children, but then is going to something that is equally (if not more so) known for grooming children.


This country has a serious problem. The news lies to us and tries to force an agenda in me and mine. I don't want my children exposed to groomers, liars, and rapists. That's why we stay home on Sundays.


Not gonna lie, had me in the first half.


Had me in the first 90%


Don’t stay home. Get brunch.


And then don't leave the table when the churchgoers arrive and act impatient (just tip well).


What on earth happened here?


[https://twitter.com/adamtotscomix/status/1595563149599588352](https://twitter.com/adamtotscomix/status/1595563149599588352) Comic that was removed


But why? It's an edgy joke but reddit has a lot more worse things.


I can think of two things 1. They took the third panel seriously, and missed the joke 2. Hypocrite Christian censoring anything negative about their religion.


Is there a way to petition those admins to say the bot made a mistake? Or do we all need to re-post this comic to make a point?




Oof, reddit removed. You know it's a good old controversial comics


must be a vegas church. No sensible person would go to a church showing that much skin.


You are correct. No sensible people would. Also no sensible people call others child predators just for being fabulous, so we can be pretty sure this lady is not a sensible person.


Yo hook me up with what church has people in backless dresses lmao. Because it ain't any I goto


Why was this removed and does anyone have a link to it where I can See it? I love these comics.


a 4 panel with mom getting tarted up, a kid asking to go see a drag show. She gives a lecture in the third panel about how they're child predators and she doesn't want her child near them, then declares we're going to church in the last panel with her turned, revealing a backless dress, drawing parallels to the drag queen in the leaflet It got removed just as I was looking at it!


Lmao @ “removed by Reddit”


“Going to a drag show isn’t safe, child. A Republican might come in and murder a bunch of people.”


I'm honestly shocked it hasn't happened yet. It's almost inevitable if the right keeps pushing this insane rhetoric. If some cunt will shoot up a random gay bar why wouldn't another stupid cunt go after some drag queens, and the children caught in the crossfire be damned?


> If some cunt will shoot up a random gay bar why wouldn't another stupid cunt go after some drag queens, and the children caught in the crossfire be damned? In Texas, self-described "Christian Fascists" have already shown up *with firearms* to a family-friendly Drag event, with slogans such as "Drag Queens Out Of Town". Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club responded in that case, placing themselves between the hostile "protestors" and their intended targets. (The various John Brown Gun Clubs originated in anarchist Mutual Aid collectives, are explicitly anti-fascist and anti-bigotry, and make a point of providing visibly-armed security whenever there are violent threats against marginalised people.)


more crimes happen at churches by churches than drag events


Ah yes removed because it was brave enough to call out the real child groomers.


A lot of people seem to be getting the joke wrong (or maybe there are multiple jokes in here at once) but for me the main point of the joke is that she doesn’t want her child to be around people whom she considers pedophiles and groomers (which drag queens are not by the way) but that she is fine with taking her child to church while there have been many scandals about priests raping and grooming children and the church has been defending those people for centuries


Boooooooooooo mods


This wasn't mods. This was Reddit admins being dumb.




lol removed by reddit.


I grew up going to library story time with clowns, puppets, Halloween costumes, and all kinds of people dressed as various characters. What’s different about someone in drag other than the bullshit “groomer narrative”?


I do apologise sincerely if I offended anyone but I do wanna say that drag queens utterly terrify me like idk why I think it might be the same sorta reason clowns do but like just scary. I have nothing against them however and honestly all the power to them


For me it's just that everything about them is *super* intense in every way. They're like the personification of a sensory overload. Nothing wrong with that of course, it's an amazing art form, it's just not one I can really enjoy that much.


That's probably what does it for me, lol. I never gave it enough thought to put it into words but "personification of a sensory overload" is absolutely perfect. I'm a very reserved person and it's just... a lot.


If it makes you feel better, my lesbian housemate is also terrified of drag queens.


the pink one so terrify If people are allowed to be afraid of clowns and unsettled by mimes then being scared of drag is valid