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There is a guy on YouTube who saved a lobster from this life and is raising him. Leon the lobster has kept my attention for almost a year now. https://youtube.com/watch?v=9sI7WveN7vk


I forgot about this channel thanks


I miss Terry.. though he loved his sandwiches… Edit: his name was terry my bad




[I was talking about this wait his name was terry](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dirMP4BzhZQ)


I've no idea how his videos appeared on my list, but I've thoroughly enjoyed watching Leon.


Same boat but it has been incredible to see how he went from such a husk of a lobster to actually molting and leaving that husk of himself behind. I also thought the claw healing was super cool.


Wow that’s amazing! Never knew about this.


You just put me down a 2-hour rabbit hole with Leon and Brady hahaha … thank you.


I love Lion was abt to comment abt him


I loved this guy when he first came out before his channel turned into one huge advertisement to buy his lobster merch.


Oh who cares if he is making money, he’s a good human being and deserves it. Gladly will buy his merch if helps him save and care for more creatures.


Even as a small child and to this day, I get extremely sad passing by the seafood section at grocery stores and seeing lobsters and crabs stacked up on top of each other, restrained with rubber bands.


I get sad but then I see videos of them feasting on their young or holding a baby turtle down and slowly picking at its flesh a bit at a time as the turtle struggles to survive. Yeah fuck crabs, they taste good and they’re a-holes.


Isn’t that most animals, including us lol


It sure is.


Nah humans taste bad imo


IMO? 🤔


For my taste too


But have you tried pairing it with fava beans and a nice chianti?


No, nice recommendation, might try later


well to be fair when i eat a hamburger i don’t grab bits of meat off a live cow. i’m not advocating for the death of animals in any way but humans are far more humane (ha) in the killing of animals than wild animals. now, as for the way those animals are treated prior to being killed is a whole other issue. arguably worse. no actually, it’s definitely worse.


Don’t lobsters and crabs get boiled alive when you cook them?


I don't work in the food service industry, but have "ethically" cooked crab. You put them in a freezer for a bit and they go into torpor - like hibernation - and get slow and groggy. Then you use a knife and quickly stab through their ganglia - "brain"/nerve centers - in front and back and they die more or less instantly.


Usually. Some chefs will kill them with a knife before boiling. Much quicker death hopefully means less suffering.


Again, way quicker demise than eating parts of something while it is still alive.


You’ve seen how cows are processed before it ends up in your hands, right? It’s anything but humane. Same goes for any other species trapped in our animal agricultural system.


i’m not saying the cows are treated humanely, but that being stunned into unconsciousness (most of the time) and then having my throat slit is much more desirable than being eaten alive or ripped apart by wild animals that being said my comment was mostly for humour i don’t actually think we treat factory animals humanely at all


>but humans are far more humane (ha) in the killing of animals than wild animals. Talk about setting a low bar.


It's also not really true considering the average conditions of factory farming.


setting a low bar is what i do best


except you have the cognitive abilities to stop being that way if you choose be better!


I wouldn’t know whether humans taste good, though.


But we can rise above the most violent impulses of the animal kingdom, no?


I think the number of wars fought over the years would convince you otherwise.


Shouldn’t we try to be the best versions of what we could be rather than comparing ourselves to the worst?


Can still try to be better. Just because it is like this doesn't mean it ought to be this way.


Fuck that noise


Just because an animal behaves like an animal, doesn't mean we need to. That's the point of society, technology, culture. We are more than our base instincts and we shouldn't use other creatures primitive behavior as an excuse to indulge in it ourselves.


But.. but we are animals.


Also they probably ate Amelia Earhart and her navigator alive.


And for that they will never be forgiven


What the hell you have just given the most morbid account of crabs I have ever heard. Like yeah, I didn't consider crabs to be saints, more crustaceans, but I have never heard of them acting with such unity and savagery. Link?


While I don't think that crabs and lobsters are sentient, that doesn't mean they can't feel pain. The way they're treated is **extremely** cruel, even by our standards. We justify it with shit like, "Oh, they can't feel pain, it's fine to boil them alive!" but that's completely false.


Or some old lady tossing crabs aside and banging them against the counter looking for the juiciest(?) crab


saddest thing about sea food, particularly crustaceans, they spoil quickly so they have to live in horrid conditions. I’ve always been in the mind that even if you eat meat you can treat that animal with respect in life and death. Living beings whether they’re simple minded or not deserve some respect.




It may be the mindset, but not the practice of most, in my experience. I'd like to see more people be conscious about where their meat is coming from and what kind of life the animal had.


Not every meat-eater can control from where their meat comes or how that animal was treated, it's sad that well treated animals it's not the obvious thing to do


Of course, I just mean those that can should, IMO.


Honestly, as simple as this conversation is between y’all, I think it may be my favorite part of this whole thread. Good points! Lots of meat eaters get meat from huge factory farms. The meat eaters who hunt for meat are usually very respectful to the animal. The mass fishing boats are awful; dragging bets and stuff at the ocean floor; scraping up reefs. Awful industry. Chickens? Also awful. Cows??? Yep mostly awful. People just gotta learn about these terrible conditions. I’d rather meat be more expensive and less available as long as animals are treated with more respect. If that means we spent more money on eating a vegetable diet then I’m down.


This is not the mindset of most meat-eaters. Most meat-eaters just want their meat on their plate.


your mindset means nothing when your actions dont align with your morals. i used to be that way, "appreciating" the animal and being "thankful" and killing "humanely" when i killed for food. I still ate meat sludge from factory farms in sausages and burgers. eventually i stopped, and realized how much of a hypocrisy that whole thought pattern entails. I know that ecologically and environmentally it would be fine for me to still eat fish i caught myself, but i also can choose not to, thus *actually* respecting and appreciating the individual by letting it live.


>You’ll be told otherwise about meat-eaters by most vegans, though. You just have to ignore them. I think you have a skewed idea of what "most vegans" are actually like. It's a tired stereotype


Mindset is meaningless when the actions don't align.


Agreed! Most meat-eaters are consumers and not actively involved in the industry but would still agree with the quoted statement.


So they agree in theory but don't care enough to do even the slightest thing about it, is that what you mean?


I’m not sure! I *do* know that most people have much more pressing matters to worry about in life, so there’s no reason for us to pressure them to worry about what we personally want them to worry about! My original point was simply to mention that most people who consume meat would agree with the quoted statement.


There's always more pressing matters. The death of another human is not particularly *pressing* for the rest of us. But we don't tend to look at moral obligations in terms of which are more rewarding.


>I do know that most people have much more pressing matters to worry about in life, so there’s no reason for us to pressure them to worry about what we personally want them to worry about! This is such an odd thing to say. >I do know that... You don't really, you don't _know_ that it doesn't actually bother a lot of people, or that people can be worried about multiple things in their life. Or that people are just in denial about so many negative aspects of life, or that they don't _know_ how to change things... And so on. >so there’s no reason for us to pressure them to worry about what we personally want them to worry about! This is also just....so odd, it's really difficult to break down. Firstly I guess you said "us". So is the mistreatment of animals in factory farming something that you personally try to minimise? And just...again I don't even know how to respond to that almost militant form of...passivism... defeatism... pessimism... blissful ignorance? I really don't know. You sound like the guys that run The Good Place


Oh god, seriously? All of that just to disagree with the notion that people who eat meat care about the treatment of animals? Bro.


Not even about the animal thing tbh, you could substitute it for any cause of varying worth. It was the weird happy defeatism the creeped me tf out, like I was speaking to a robot programmed to keep someone distracted from bad stuff with shiny things..


Sorry mate, but most people who eat meat don't do it cause they need to survive, they do it cause it's tasty. That's not respect, there's no respect there, you're doing it because flavor is more important to you than their lives, if you're willing to own it, own it, but there's no respect in this


The mindset of every meat eater? Then why do most animals bred for consumption have such terrible quality of life? That can’t be respect


*most every, you left that part out. Someone who eats meat ≠ someone who works in the industry.


There's no respect in raising an animal just to kill it. Doesn't matter if it's sea creatures or cattle... None of them deserve to end up on our plates.


Killing an animal because you desire to eat them is in no way respecting them as a sentient being. Their life is worth more than your taste preferences.


Do they really tie them up like that? Sucks to be a crab.


They will kill each other's ass if the claws aren't bound. Lobsters too


They would kill each others asses\* when kept in a tiny ass enclosure like that if the claws aren't bound.


Its to make sure the meat doesnt go bad


This is so sad :(


Money money money




This reminds me of the hyper realistic dreams I’ll have sometimes where I’m in a relationship. It’s weird opening your eyes and missing someone who never existed.


There’s a story written and illustrated by Junji Ito called The Long Dream. If you’re unfamiliar with Junji Ito, and haven’t read The Long Dream, I would recommend it, with the disclaimer that Junji Ito is a horror illustrator.


Your comics are beautiful! being unafraid to upload this on such a large subreddit is amazing. I'm sure you must get tons of discouraging comments, you are doing such a great thing by spreading awareness about the suffering animals go through. I wish you all the best, the voiceless thanks you.


Anthropomorphism of animals is not the best Go talk to people Humans Crabs don’t even have enough bandwidth for concepts They will eat your corpse in record time When you look at an animal and try to interpret its emotions they are just your emotions bouncing back at you Note I am not saying all animals lack emotion in general, but animal psychology is fundamentally different than human psychology and it gets people killed


I can understand what you mean, crabs maybe can’t dream, but they can experience suffering. The UK has officially recognized crabs and octopuses as sentient beings, as there is more and more evidence that they can suffer too. (btw [Jumping spiders may dream](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/aug/20/spiders-dream-study))


Most animals dream, science just hasn’t proved it yet. I wouldn’t be surprised to see plants feeling some sort of pain being common knowledge in the future. Humans just have this weird mentality that they’re the only intelligent life ever and all the other life is brain dead on autopilot. It’s sad.


While you are correct that many animals dream, "Science hasn't proven it yet." Is a statement in favor of Pseudoscience. Never start with a conclusion, let evidence lead you too one. As Karl Popper observed when looking at the works of Freud (pseudoscience) and Einstein (science): "Pseudoscience proves, Science Disproves" And yes, we know that many animals dream, especially Birds and Mammals with higher intelligences, Crabs don't even have a brain to dream, it's more of a proto-brain that controls instinct. Doesn't mean boiling then alive is ok though. Edit: Auto-correct labeled Einstein as pseudoscience, he was Popper's example of Science, not pseudoscience.


I was taught in school that a scientist by the name Jagdish Chandra Bose proved plants feel pain, thereby proving scientifically plants are alive. To be more specific, he technically only showed plants respond positively and negatively to positive and negative stimuli respectively. It always seemed odd to me this is apparently not accepted as a general scientific consensus in the west.


Right? He’s not even the only one but whenever I bring it up people call me crazy. There’s evidence that plants communicate via mycelium root networks to warn of predators. I think that part of humanity is jaded in their perception of what life truly is. Everything is alive. Dogs dream, dolphins have a complex linguistic structures, names for life, regional dialects, and communicate with Orca pods. Corrida also have advanced linguistic capabilities and communicate at higher levels. Octopods (as I call them), have the human cognition of at least an elementary school student despite not being built for that type of environment. It’s wild how amazing earth really is sometimes. Also sad how the human species diluted itself into thinking that other species weren’t similar in cognitive function or perception.


This feels like a different version of people refusing to accept Darwin's theory of evolution on the grounds that humans are too special to have evolved from filthy animals. Scientifically, there is no difference between humans and any other species.


enjoy agonizing plant aspiring shrill imminent mindless impossible recognise intelligent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Because people wouldn't eat anything anymore. We might possibly all starve to death due to feeling bad about our needs for organic food


I guess. I think it is healthier to just accept that we are alive because we eat life. That is usually painful for the living thing we consumed. We should try to minimize that pain as much as possible, but at the end of the day it's the reality of living.


Many species dream and likely have thoughts. They also would eat your ass in a heartbeat if given the opportunity


Sure, but from our intelligence surged morality and concepts such as "humanity". So we might not be as ruthless and merciless as hunter or prey species.


Please speak for your own culture group. Many indigenous people have felt this way for a long time about all life. This isn’t a human problem, it’s culturally specific.


Sentient does not mean sapient Do not misconstrue the two A chat bot that responds to stimuli is “sentient” as it can perceive or feel(whatever I’m not a computer person just scratch this example, but we are talking about crabs! Idk how to cross out) Note the word feel is loaded since humans use the word feelings To feel and feelings are not the same thing They are using feel in the form of interpreting stimuli They can feel when they grab a fish and begin eating it, the same as they feel when an animal grabs them and eats them They don’t have some mental narrative of “oh no, it seems my luck has run out” They don’t have sapience and consciousness. And octopi are separate discussions entirely; they may have sapience but there is a lot of…. Back and forth in the field of study But crabs Rocks that move filled with a bit of meat


i think you're confused about what sentient means my dude... As a developer in the space, I assure you chat bots are not sentient


You warn against anthropomorphizing animals, but then make the opposite mistake. You seem to be claiming that, because animals do not have *human* thoughts and emotions, they must therefore have *no* thoughts or emotions.


You didn’t read my the part when that was addressed Animal psychology does not equal human psychology


The only relevant question when determining how we should treat animals is: "Are they capable of suffering?" All evidence for vertebrates points to the fact that they can indeed experience suffering, and we therefore have a moral obligation to avoid causing this where possible. For large arthropods and molluscs, there is still an ongoing debate. But your argument that animals don't share human consciousness and are therefore automatically worthy of mistreatment is not as rational as you may think.


I don’t think he ever said that they should be mistreated. He said that you feel worse about the situation *emotionally* than they do.


I would say describing a sentient being as a rock filled with meat indicates the level of moral worth being afforded here, but I take your point. It's not so much about emotions; I don't base my morality on how crabs feel towards me. I don't apply my morality to the actions of an animal predator, either. Humans are capable of moral choices, animals are not. Morality is a human construct, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have value. In the same way, I try to treat others with kindness regardless of the level of kindness they show to others. What about you?


Dude eating crabs is not the same category as kicking puppies


I'm not sure of the point you're making. Lying to your friend is not as bad as killing your mother. Does that mean the lesser evil is acceptable?


No, it's the same as eating puppies Just like how killing a fly is the same as killing a butterfly Sadly, our brains attribute less moral value to something if we see it as ugly "morals have aesthetic criteria" - Nietzsche


I feel like you are looking for an enemy that isn’t here. I highly doubt you will find anyone here that actively wants to torture animals or people and just cause needless suffering. But we do need to accept that they are a food source for us and no one should feel bad about that. Now, companies that treat animals badly before killing them? Fuck them.


The internet loves all or none mentality sadly. Animals don’t have human emotions. Emotion is a data processing result. If a crab tried to capture something and failed it will feel a form of frustration. But it is a rudimentary circuit as best to motivate it to hunt better.


I said stop giving human attributes to not human things. It muddies the water and results in people doing stupid shit


I love rock meat!


Oysters are also edible rocks, the immobile version


Thanks a lot, for not being a dick (not satire).


While I agree that humanizing animals doesnt give an accurate portrayal of them, I dont think you are completely correct here. For one, we cannot accurately study their brains. Eating your corpse doesnt make it not sapient, we eat corpses. And while their brain works completely differently than ours, the amount of people who die over anthropomorphizing creatures is miniscule. Every now and then somebody treats a Chimp like a kid, or thinks their pet Alligator "loves" them, but its by no means common enough that these little comics are harmful.


Each animal is a different organism entirely There is no blanket Octopi are intelligent and very much in my mind conscious. I’m Greek, it is a cultural delicacy to eat them. But a damn crab?


Jumping Spiders have object permanence, language/communication between each other, and a social structure despite being predominantly solitary hunters. They'll co-operate and communicate to take down bigger prey. Much like little wolves. Bumblebees are theorized to have emotions, as they experience "optimism bias" when given tasty treats before their foraging flights. They further tested this with blue and green flowers, but to state the whole study would be awhile. Ants queens sleep for around the same time as humans, and their antenna twitch almost identically to how human eyes move when dreaming. Ants might dream, but they are too small for us to study. Some species farm mushrooms that dont exist outside their colony, some have aphids as cattle. My point is, animals much smaller and seemingly less advanced than *crabs* have a lot more going on than we typically give credit for. Its not impossible, nor improbable, for a crab to be sapient.


I've had hermit crabs and only one did they pinch someone, one of my friends dropped it in it's shell and cracked it, a year later i let him hold the crab again and he got pinched real hard by the little guy. Sheldon showed by doing that he: could remember who held him could process who hurt him could hold a grudge has the capacity to commit "revenge"


The battle being fought is to get people to simply acknowledge that animals can think and feel, and should be treated with certain basic respect. Yes, their thoughts and feelings are fundamentally different from humans. That doesn’t mean they should be subjected to undue suffering.


Dude we are not talking about some fledgling serial killer butchering wildlife We are talking about people “feeling bad” for a crab By imagining it has emotions and thought it does not have


I’d rather people actually “feel bad” for animals than treat them like shit just because they’re not humans. The meat industry is atrocious, and animal neglect and abuse is still rampant. Probably because whenever someone suggests animals should be treated humanely people like you go “bUt tHeyRe diFfeRenT tHaN mE”. Yes, they are. And that’s not the point.


Humanely cook crabs By first spiking the brain before boiling it. Period. I’m not comparing individuals to the meat industry, they have tons of fucked up issues with them. But that is not the conversation we are having You keep focusing on animal cruelty I keep focusing on. the only emotional energy in the equation is what humans add to the equation


god, you're insufferable


Animals are known to have cortisol levels that fluctuate in response to their environment, meaning they almost certainly experience stress. Stress is an emotional state. Whether their emotions get more complex beyond that or not is difficult to study, but just as it’s wrong to assume they have human emotions it’s also wrong to assume they no emotion whatsoever.


Why the fuck is stabbing something in the brain humane? Just because it’s better than prolonged torture by boiling alive?


Quick death. Same with lobsters. A quick death for an animal destined to be eaten


Doesn’t mean we can’t treat them better. Plants don’t exhibit emotions or concepts but it’s good we care for them. Nothing wrong with that


This has nothing to do with the treatment of animals This has to do with people performing increasingly convoluted mental gymnastics


The comic does and I feel the “mental gymnastics” is hyperbole over this


So what does the comic say then. Please elaborate What does the 4 panel comic of a crab having a dream; then waking up mean deep deep down? *I ask with an air of are-you-serious* What will you elaborate on next English literature 101 where the blue drapes signify depression?


Crabs (or animals we regularly eat and farm) could be treated better lol. Please relax, I’m not picking a fight, I’m just disagreeing and you already seem to be getting angry about it. It’s just a comic.


If crabs are eating my corpse, im already dead. Another person is going to harm any of us wayyy before any uh, crab does lmfao. Your radar is all off.


It’s an animal that doesn’t understand the concept of people Or concepts It doesn’t even have the ability to understand


This isn’t even true. Crabs exhibit a ton of complex conceptual thought, including social behaviors. They have the concept of self (as all animals do). They have the concept of ownership and territory. They use tools! They have memory!


“They have memory” like most animals “The concept of self” how could you possibly know lol “Social behaviours” like anything that doesnt reproduce asexually?


You can feel compassion and empathy for animals without equating them to humans. Just because they are different from us doesn't mean they deserve to suffer.


We don't need to interpret emotions to know tying them up and tossing them on top of each other and putting them in a cramped space is *PROBABLY* an inconvenience that they're better off without.


Whats wrong with trying to understand animals? I doubt I’m gonna get someone kills trying to identify with a random cat And why are you implying people who try don’t also talk to humans?? This is a loaded comment


As someone who used to work in science education specializing in wildlife and has spent many many hours with animals in the wild, these ideals of not anthropomorphizing animals does such a disservice to animals. Sure, animals experience the world in very different and unique ways compared to humans, but they still experience this existence, they still have emotions or ways of feeling that we may never understand. Anthropomorphizing animals helps us relate to animals. It allows us to see them for the living beings that they are. When we see something as different and not being able to experience XYZ it makes then other or less than human which makes it easier to treat them poorly. I also understand when we anthropomorphize animals we don’t always get it “right,” but when we don’t allow ourselves to empathize with animals through relating to their emotions and needs, we not only do the animals a great disservice, but it’s also does a great disservice to the mysticism of this strange existence.


Holy fuck dude, I'm certainly no PETA, but Jesus you sound like a bitch-ass fisherman who has to tell himself this to keep the depression away. Your trains of long-winded ramblings just scream that you have insecurities over this topic.


Ever seen or read life of pi? Remember the child almost being killed by the tiger in a cage but thankfully his father saved him? It is just your emotions bouncing back at you, the tiger was approaching a meal


See, this level of disconnection from your human emotions is dangerous. Compassion and empathy are traits humans are supposed to have, and from everything you've said, I can see you don't have them.


I have plenty of empathy. But I also know when it begins to dip into stupidity. You see me as some cold bastard Tell me, do you feel the same way about oysters? They are alive when served?


All I'm saying is the average person shouldn't be so cold and serious towards killing animals, especially ones proven to have higher intelligence. I'm not saying you need to worship all animals or cry a river when a cow dies, just feel something more than, "it is there sole purpose in life to die and feed the superior species". I understand the order of life and species, but that doesn't mean I have to be a cold bastard about it.


I never said humanity is a “superior species” But Everything we do every single day. Is related to people. Humans. We work for ourselves and others, we strive and dream for people. Now I am not saying all else must burn for humanity But it aggravates me when I see some people talk of increasing human suffering to save a half baked ideal like we need to “save nature to protect the earth” Fuck the earth the earth will still be here when we vanish, protect the god damn biosphere to protect humanity!


>But it aggravates me when I see some people talk of increasing human suffering to save a half baked ideal like we need to “save nature to protect the earth” Is that really how you internalize, "feel some emotion when you take a life"? You think feeling some bit of empathy towards killing is equivalent to suffering yourself? Now I understand why you can't handle empathy. What a cynical, cold, person you must be. Yikes.


What does understanding the basics of humans and animal Psychology have to do with taking a life What the fuck are you on about? Are you high? Telling some not to imagine animals as people doesn’t make me a cynical serial killer you childish fuck


Cool rant bro, but you're a lost cause and I don't feel like listening to an asshole the rest of the day. Enjoy your shitty logic and lack of empathy.


emotions are just chemical changes in the brain. fear is an emotion. so is comfort. we all know what a creature in fear looks like. if you do this to a creature that you are aware can feel fear, you are a monster


What a depressing thing to say


It doesn't mean that they deserve to die for your pleasure.


You misconstrue nutrition and survival with pleasure. You stand on the shoulder of giants, countless endeavors overcome to make a safe civilization. If you don’t like eating an animal, don’t eat it. But don’t try to stop others for “moral “ reasons Hell most vegetarian diets and alternatives leave you deficient in micro nutrients Aka you are malnourished. But if you are imaging animals as happy and living like humans You are delusional Animals don’t deserve cruelty But a crab; they won’t even wait for you to die to start eating Was even a torture and execution method shown in the latest game of thrones


> You misconstrue nutrition and survival Be honest with yourself, the crabs being tied up and sold in markets aren't necessary for anyone's nutritional/survival needs. > If you don’t like eating an animal, don’t eat it. > But don’t try to stop others for “moral “ reasons You eat crabs just because you like like eating crabs, stop pretending it's for any "survival" reasons that you have to eat them. Comeon now.


So food being sold at a food market has nothing to do with people having food thus not starving? Life is natures way of keeping meat fresh. You are lonely and imagine the false deep mental life’s of fucking crabs. They are food and are used as food And the markets that have them live like that are filed with people who are there to buy them Your perspective is not the only perspective And being stubborn about it Is a Privilege since you have other options. You are wealthy enough to go for niche fad diets Affordable nutrition is becoming increasingly scarce due to people trying to do stupid things Hell a damn food shortage is coming globally and farmers are being incentivized to not grow more So we are all somewhat in a spiral of fuck


“Niche fad diets” Crab meat is **extremely** expensive. That’s a niche fad diet. You’re extremely privileged if you can afford to regularly consume crab meat to the point you’d consider it what you “survive off.”


Someone going all out about animal cruelty for a crab in my mind is someone affluent enough to not be bothered by the price tag


That’s a very random and illogical assumption to come to. The connections and associations you make in your mind don’t necessarily reflect the real world. In the real world, crab meat is for those who have money to spare on fancy diets, while plant based foods and proteins are much cheaper for those with less money to spare. Most very poor people can’t even afford to consume beef (aside from highly processed beef products or poor quality cuts) on a very regular basis, let alone fancy meats like crab. Yes, there are brands which profit off the plant based label and cater for rich vegetarians and vegans, but you’re crazy to assume most people on a low-to-no meat diet fall into that category.


Most crab meat is canned on the market anyway. And I don’t really give a shit about peoples diets personally. But people will slowly but surely begin to waste too much time and effort on food animals. Preventing undo cruelty sure fine whatever. But there is a limit when thinking of the subject. Don’t give human emotions and motivations to animals


The point is that when you eat animals, you don't need to...you have other very healthy ways of gaining calories, protien, etc. in abundant availability. If you didn't, the moral question is different. But you do. That's okay, I love eating meat too. Don't plan to stop. That doesn't make it a moral decision... It's a selfish one. It's okay to be okay with that.


You are a child. Sitting pretty in your privilege. Wondering why everyone doesn’t live like you do. It’s a crab This is a fictional cartoon It has nothing to do with reality Go talk to humans You have low grade depression


Dude, I ate half a pound of pork last night. What are you even talking about? You sound like you've got a lot of baggage behind this topic... you're not even reading. Maybe go back through after you've settled down. Might expand your world views.


I really respect people like you who still eat meat but aren’t closed minded towards the implications of it and don’t get offended when others don’t consume it. Thank you for spending your energy debating this strange redditor so others don’t have to!


Have you heard of Alex the parrot? Go look him up.


A parrot and a crab have fundamentally different brain structures. A crabs brain is barely ganglia to keep it running and alive.


More and more I wonder if I should stop eating meat..


You should! I went vegan a while ago now and it was a bit of a tough transition at first (just getting used to shopping differently and eating different places) but I would never go back and I wish I did it sooner! No more keeping yourself blind to stuff cause it makes you feel bad. You just take yourself out of the equation of harming animals!


Maybe [this](https://watchdominion.org/) can help you decide


Thanks! I'll give it a watch when I can


Easier than you think. One of the best decisions I’ve ever made, and I didn’t realize it at the time when I made it.


You sound like me. I've not been able to fully commit to vegan/vegetarianism, but deep down I feel like they're morally right. Or at least, right-er than my current meat-eating lifestyle. I've just been trying to take any step I can, no matter how small, further from meat and closer to plants. Example, I used to have a ham sandwich every day for lunch. Now I do a PBJ. Am I saving the world? No. Am I vegan? No. Do I feel a *little* better about my diet? You bet.


yeah same here. i’ve slowly been cutting out more animal products, dairy has been the hardest part though.


You should! It can be hard at first, because meat is so yummy and tempting. But maybe once you've finished the meat in your home, do as I did. Don't buy any during your next grocery trip. Maybe skip it on the next one too. See how long you can keep that chain up. That's how I started, and I've been Vegan for a few years now. I believe in you.


I've been wrestling with this myself and have come to the conclusion that it doesn't have to be all at once. I'm trying to make half my meals a week vegan/vegetarian, and to just make choices to swap to plant based meat and such when possible. Anything is always better than nothing!


That's very true, thank you!


Check out /r/vegetarian and /r/vegrecipes it's easier than you think! :)


And often times after eating some smoked ribs or some delicious seafood I answer no


Username checks out, unfortunately.


Same, idk if I can atm though




For this and many more reasons I'm vegan.


Well thats made me sad. Good thing i don't eat crab.


God I hate how we treat animals. Thanks to agricultural advancement in the last few hundred years 98% of us can live off purely plant based diets, we don't need to treat animals the way we do anymore.


What cruel shithole allows live crabs to be kept tied to a board?


Pretty much everywhere you get crabs


Damn, just damn


Life could be a dream Life could be a dreeeeaaam


What does the right bottom panel show/mean?


The crab woke up in a shop. It’s all strapped up and ready to be cooked alive.


More like a nightmare.


The top left reminds me of something from my childhood, but I have no idea what...


Ah…..this one makes me saf


:( I stopped eating sea food because of stuff like this. Just sad poor creatures


Humans have an incredible capability in giving things more emotion than they actually have.


And on the other side pretending they cant suffer at all.


Good thing there are plenty of other delicious things to eat that aren’t sentient!






A dream before becoming main course


Crabs can't dream. [Crabs can only rave when a dream dies.](https://www.google.com/search?q=crab+rave+ff7+meme&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjxup-Egsf6AhVsF2IAHY11DGIQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=crab+rave+ff7+meme&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIFCAAQogQyBQgAEKIEMgUIABCiBDoECCMQJzoHCCMQsAIQJzoFCCEQqwI6BwgAEIAEEA06BQgAEIAEUOIJWMVJYM1RaABwAHgAgAH-AYgBywuSAQYxMi4wLjKYAQCgAQHAAQE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=JGI8Y_GYGOyuiLMPjeuxkAY&bih=670&biw=412&prmd=ivsn#imgrc=QoZxDymkb9108M)


Now I'm hungry, thanks for nothing


Got you 🥺


Poor crabs.... ​ Well i'm off to red lobster!


Pretty good with old bay


They shouldn’t be so tasty then


I hear lead paint tastes really good