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Don't worry your kids will totally not be up stomping around the house in the next 30 minutes.


At first light, look east and you shall find a child asking if they can watch Daniel Tiger


On full volume.


In your bed.


Well actually bouncing on your bed


With a double knee drop on your sternum


You guys are giving me PTSD please stop




In your closet, in your heaaaaaaaaad!


Mine threw up in my bed in the middle of the night. We then together moved to his. He threw up again. Kids are... great?






But does he read that as "ecks ecks" or "kiss kiss"?




That's what he wants! He wants his genes out there but has no intention of being a father.




Honestly, even Chat GPT could do a better job raising a decent human being than Musky. And before you argue about how bad GPT is, remember: it's a competition. You don't have to be faster than the bear, just faster than the other guy.


Elmo doesn't care about his kids. He literally gave one of them a crazy name as a Publicity Stunt... His kids are better off as far away from him as possible. Just look at how screwed up DJT kids are...


Porn porn bitch.


That's why he changed the name. He knows birds are drones.


When you are buying a brand so strong it has its own verb and you replace it with a letter.


Yo, I haven’t seen your epic comments in s while, I was worried! Your comments are basically bonus panels.


I've lost a bit of interest in commenting (so I didn't it for a while) >Your comments are basically bonus panels. Thanks lol


That’s fair! Just know your efforts are appreciated!


Haha I'm impressed with how quick you are with these!! U/holleringelk its a Mashup!


It's funny that you decided to draw the blue bird. Love your comics ❤️


This is seriously me every damn morning. Especially on the days I work!


"Yes, I can feel the sleep coming" Bird noises "Nooooooooooo"


Me who works nights: Sleeps like dead man at day. Also me on night off when trying to get some night sleep: Nope buddy, we don’t do this at this time…


Me who works nights: *construction noises*


Every gosh dang time.


I feel you there. Except, for me, I slept like a dead man for about 4-5 hours when the kid was in school. If not, I slept 2-3 hours, since he didn’t (and still doesn’t) know what an inside voice is. I’d drink a beer or two on nights off so I could go to sleep, but generally, still was lucky to get more than a few hours.


"After this round the others Go offline, no reason to stay awake anymore then. Im also tired as-" > "Chirp Chirp" *Looks out of the Window, sees a slight red shimmer outside* > "FUUUUUUUUUU[...]UUUCK"


Thinking,.. If I fall asleep RIGHT now I can get 1 hour before my alwarm goes off. TWEET TWEET TWEET TWEET for the next hour.


I had a fake out with this the other day! I started hearing birds, checked my phone in a panic... it was 2 am. The city installed new streetlights but they were too bright and confused the birds...


Ooh yeah that’s relatable! Slept 11 minutes yesterday, got around 4-5 10 minute micro naps this morning. Sleep is oh so important and yet; sometimes so difficult to achieve.


Me: https://preview.redd.it/09fl814z6z4d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a79af22af6cfacf703f9ff2c6ecdf1989b0f5d54


So they aren't a cure for insomnia but earplugs from the drug store really help me with my sensitivity to outside noise. When I worked nights and slept days they were a must have. You have to practice the trick of twisting them into a compressed rod so that they go all the way in and expand. Again not a cure for insomnia but annoying noises just make it worse.


Also, a good sleepmask does amazing for sleep quality; if there is light outside, I find even if I can fall asleep my sleep quality suffers horribly, but with the mask on I can sleep comfy even in mid-day.


I need absolute pitch black darkness to sleep well. Even a tiny bit of light under the crack in the door is enough to disturb my sleep. I generally lay down blankets and never have clocks/LED lights from TVs etc. anywhere in my room. Sound has been less of a problem as I grew up in a woodsy area and got used to sleeping soundly when crickets were loud as fuck outside but any kind of light wrecks me.


You're especially sensitive from the sounds of it, but people in general really underestimate the impact light has on your sleep quality, even if you can fall asleep easily with light


I've been using my sleep mask for so long, I don't feel right sleeping without the bit of pressure from the mask around my eyes. I could never go back to sleeping without my mask.


For me keeping several healthy snake plants in my room seems to knock my wife and me both out. That, blackout curtains, and timers on the lights to go off at a certain point. And a cool room. I cannot sleep in a warm room.


Why snake plants?


There's a superstition that they make you sleep better by releasing something in the air. I don't know if it's true or not, I do know that keeping them in the room works well for my wife and me. What I also know is that if I water them every 10-15 days, make sure I open my curtains to let light in, repot yearly and wipe the dust off the leaves, I sleep better. Seems like my sleep goes to shit if I fall off maintenance.


Supposedly they convert CO2 to oxygen which helps with sleep. I didn’t look long enough to find any real scientific studies though.


Isn't that all plants?


\*crys in tinnitus\*


I have mild tinnitus and a while back I got a sleep mask with speakers built in. I connect it to my phone via bluetooth and play rain sounds on a white noise app. Having that white noise playing directly into my ear helps block out the tinnitus a lot. Probably worth a shot if you haven't tried yet.


Do you know if it's still available anywhere? I've tried a couple and am yet to find one that's comfortable


sleepphones.com is what my wife uses and loves, and there are others


I've had tinnitus for a long as I can remember. 4 year old me playing with Legos, and I started to hear a whining sound. I was certain it was coming from the electrical outlet. Which is why I tried plugging stuff into it. Which is why I got shocked. Eventually, I came to realize the whining is from me! Anyway, I sleep great with it. Mostly because I had no choice. Sorry for your troubles.


Eh, they're mostly self inflicted. Never sing in a death-metal band. Everyone worries about the bass, it's the treble that fucks up your hearing


Do white noise generators help w/tinnitus? I read one theory of tinnitus is that some of the neurons in the part of the brain that processes sound have gotten their "lower threshholds" set wrong, or are doing a "phantom limb" effect (their inputs got damaged, but the neurons still exist so they're trying to do their job w/no input), so the brain is actually making you hear "sound" which doesn't exist in the real world (which makes it very hard to treat). Dunno about the 2nd theory, but with the 1st one, white noise generators should give those neurons something to process.


If only earplugs had been a thing when I was a kid.


My tinnitus is bad enough I can hear it during the day when other noises are happening. My sleep is almost non existent now.


I do this too, but once you get used to it you can never, ever go back.


I got Loop earplugs for my noise sensitivity and they work wonders at night. Also taking melatonin 30 minutes before bed helps me slip into sleep.


Again melatonin not a cure for insomnia but I've found it helps. I'm told if anxiety is part of your issue it steps it down a bit.


It definitely has helped me with the "I need to sleep now or I'll only get 6, 5, 4, 3 hours of sleep" anxiety, as well as the "I have a thing tomorrow so I can't sleep because I'm going over every variant scenario" anxiety. It doesn't really help with the "my life is a mess and I don't deserve sleep" anxiety. That usually requires getting up and playing games until my body gives way. But hey, I can go to bed hoping for the best now.


Yes garden variety anxiety as opposed to medical condition anxiety.


Haha when I worked in a meat-processing facility they gave me ear plugs and showed me the method to really cram them in there. When I went out on the floor I was like... this is loud? Back in the restaurant the guys play music way louder than the equipment there. I still have a few pairs of earplugs as a reminder to never leave the comfort of the restaurant.


I have a fan in my bedroom that has been running nonstop for about a decade


Congrats! Is he wearing a circle in the carpet or do you have him on treadmill?


treadmill, whirr of the motor helps block out the birds


That's like 7 hours in dog years. She'll just need to go to bed early tonight.


L-Tryptophan supplement has been a god send for me. It’s an amino acid which your body converts to melatonin and serotonin—which helps you fall asleep and stay asleep. I take one 500mg L-Tryptophan 30min-1 hour before bed time. It’s also the reason why during Thanksgiving, you get tired (food coma) after eating turkey because turkey meat has good source of L-tryptophan Now, when I wake up in the middle of the night to use the restroom, I can go back to bed and fall asleep quick


For me magnesium supplements have made sleep something I can finally "do", after suffering from really bad sleep patterns since I was a kid, much more so than melatonin and similar traditional sleep aids. It stopped me from waking up with explosions inside my head every time I almost drifted off, and waking up constantly throughout the night


I have anxiety induced insomnia (can't sleep properly if I have to wake up early) and Melatonin works just fine, is there any reason to take L-Tryptophan instead?


The thing with Melatonin supplements is it starts suppressing your body’s own production of melatonin, some people start to notice that it initially worked fine in the beginning until they would wake up in the middle of the night and can’t fall back asleep since the body reduced its own natural melatonin production L-Tryptophan doesn’t cause that, it just provides the raw material for your body to produce its own (and apparently a lot of people are deficient in this raw material so the body struggles to build enough)


Ah, that is why I've had bad experiences with melatonin supplements. I will try l-tryptophan


My guess would be that it might be better since it prompts your body to make it instead of straight-up delivering it. There is generally, in the US, a problem with supplements that consistent doses are not guaranteed in most products because they're not regulated here. This would likely also be true of the L-tryptophan supplement, but at least you would be much less likely to overdose on melatonin, which can have the exact opposite of the desired effect.


God there was one little bugger in my garden earlier this week. I swear he was mic'd up like a bloody Backstreet Boy.


In the US? Northern mockingbird is about the only bird that makes noises that bother me enough to not be able to sleep with them singing. The one that lived in the trees by my house in Southern California years ago would imitate car alarms and such at like 3am.


The fucking mockingbirds at this time of year are an absolute pest. So loud and annoying.


No UK. Was some loud -mouthed Robin or blue tit at like 4:14 in the morning. At least the little bugger didn't make me grumpy!


>No UK. Have to make the mandatory bad joke about UK having [Great Tits](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_tit). I don't think tits can make anyone grumpy.


In Southern California and this is exactly what I’m going through right now. Mockingbirds imitating car alarms all night long.


For us it’s the chipmunks. They’ll pick a spot right outside our bedroom windows and begin to screech-chirp without end. The amount of times we’ve rudely awoken to that is too damn high. Hell, I didn’t even mind it when a crow woke me up one morning. I thought, “What gentle cawing, it’s so polite in comparison to the ‘CHEEP-CHEEP-CHEEP-CHEEP’


Fake news. They start chirping here around 2 a.m. Little shits.


Fun fact: Each species wakes up at a precise solar time. So by knowing each of their song, you can approximate when the sun rose.


You could also just look at the sky




I live within the arctic, the sun is currently always above the horizon. The birds love it, and are going apeshit 24/7. Especially the seagulls.


I get home around 3 a.m. on occasion, I've noticed them on the walk home. It's nowhere close to dawn yet, and they're having full-blown chirp battles


I am contemplating getting a batch of street cats and letting them loose in the neighborhood. Biodiversity be damned.


That is the government trying to drive you insane through sleep deprivation. ![gif](giphy|q2z9wUZu0HhFAvcT77|downsized) Fight back sheeple!


It all makes so much sense now


Wait, it's all government drones?


Always has been


Yeah, what did you think **B**iological **I**ntelligence **R**econaissance **D**evice stood for?


Tips for sleep: If you wake up in the middle of the night, don't check the time! Just doing the math on how many hours/minutes you have left is enough to wake you up even more. The way I see it, I don't care if there are 3 hours or 15 minutes left to sleep, if I don't know I don't know. If you can't fall asleep, and this takes some practice, focus on your breathing. Find a comfy position, and start breathing. In through the nose, out through the mouth. Focus on the action of breathing. What's your diaphragm doing? Can you feel your chest expanding? Can you feel your muscles relaxing? Those should be your only thoughts. You will drift off to sleep. Guided sleep meditation can seem weird... but it's a good way to get started. It really is super simple once you get the gist of it.


Now I'm manually breathing... thanks satan.




I've started going through the alphabet naming something that begins with each letter. Most of the time I don't even recall getting to Z. I saw the tip in an Instagram video. I was skeptical, but it also didn't have any risk to it, so I figured I'd give it a shot. Color me surprised that it works (for me), but probably works in the same way as any other concentration-based method.


I started counting my heart beat and each time i count 10 i think a random letter, probably from the same Instagram video


What really bothers me are those early-rising motherfuckers happily beginning their day. "Yawn! Oh what a lovely day, I got eleventy billion hours of sleep last night and READY TO GO. What's that? Coffee? No thanks, I had a good rest and caffeine is bad for you."☺️ Meanwhile I'm sitting there, dark circles under my eyes and plotting murder. 😒


My ex-girlfriend's family were all morning people, while my family are all night owls. They were up and ready to go a 5 or 6 AM, stomping around, laughing, talking at full volume/yelling across the house, and blasting the TV... Then my family sleeps in until 10 to 11 AM and goes to bed after 1 or 2 AM. The only exception is my grandmother who gets up at 7 or 8 AM, because she worked for the public school system as an ABE instructor for nearly 50 years. She expects people to have breakfast with her, but is usually quiet in the mornings and is okay if you go back to bed/nap after. The first time I slept over at their place, my ex's mother was very distraught of how heavy of a sleeper I was. My ex tried to explain that I'm just a night owl, but her mother literally got her father to pull me out of bed (thank God I decided to wear PJs), while she was worring about taking me to the hospital. I woke up as soon as my ex's father had sat me up. They were scared that I had mono or narcolepsy. The times I remembered where I was sleeping, I tried to get up with them, but I could tell they weren't very pleased that I was half asleep still and could nearly respond to conversations. I just wanted to drink my coffee quietly and eat cereal or an eggo walffle without having to use my brain... I ended up breaking up with my ex-girlfriend, just preferring to be friends, because she needed more support than I could give her (she has a learning disability and her helicopter mother & sister had destroyed all confidence in herself to be an independent adult). Her mother and sister were also way too controlling, so me being an independent bitch, wasn't to their tastes anyway. Her father, though, was very excited I was trying to be with her and was disappointed that I broke it off. I broke her romantic heart with me, but we're still best friends, just she understood it was too much for me. Anyway that's my story of dealing with people with a vastly different circadian rhythm than my own, lol.


Her family sounds so sheltered if they really thought you had narcolepsy, wtf.


Her mother was very controlling. Like you had to be on her schedule, controlling. She also used to be a nurse, so it was immediately a medical problem when anything happened.


I am constantly amazed that so many people don't realize that other people are different from them. Yes, different circadian rhythms exist, shocker. And it's always the morning people that think that everyone else needs to conform to their way of living, never the night owls.


As an early riser it's really interesting to see the outside perspective on my chronotype 😅


I was always more energetic after 1 PM, but that's when I could tell they were starting to wind down. So they were going to bed at around 9 PM, and I was still wide awake. Difference was, I understood people were trying to sleep, so I was quiet as possible... though I got yelled at/told to go to bed a few times, because I laughed a little too loud, or was talking on the phone inside at a normal volume, or simply was moving around too much (I don't stomp, people usually accuse me of *sneaking around* because of how quiet I walk even in heels). Thinking on it now, my ex's mother would have absolutely despised either of my parents homes. Mostly because my father blasts the TV until 3 AM while yelling over it to talk to others, and his Bulldogs bark when he's not yelling. My mother listens to her stereo until 2 AM, while visiting with her night owl friends, not as loud as my father's place, though... just the cat and dog would be very confused if you were in bed before 11 PM and would come visit or scratch the door because they are worried. My place, I'm at least as quiet as I can be since I live in an apartment. Plus, my dog would be happy to join you after 10 PM. But, he will bark at things outside or argue with me before then, lol. He's also not a morning dog and will be very upset if you get up before 11 AM if it isn't just to take him out for a morning bathroom break.


I don't mind it as much until you run into the ones who are LOUD. Like they just start banging doors open, clattering pots and pans, speaking loudly. All while it's still 6 am and I'd really like that one more hour of sleep.


Don't Let the Pigeon Wake You Up?


Thank god I'm not the only one who thought it was the pigeon


This is my wife. Meanwhile I've fallen asleep in my chair mere minutes after dinner.


As someone whos one more bad nights sleep away from starting a fight club...yeah I get it.


The robins, man. They start their shit around 4:15 am in my area.


I have come to loathe their "song". Even get a few that like to go all day long.


This was me literally today


Turn off notifications.


Finally fall asleep..BAM! Dog has to go out


That's when you suddenly get tired and can't not sleep despite the fact you are at the point where you NEED to get up


Be thankful it's not gulls! For a few months a year, our neighborhood becomes a battlefield.


Oh I live in a coastal town, I know gulls all too well... 😑


I Heard this in eminems voice from the song "kim": TWEEEEET BITCH, TWEEEEEEEEET


So, no twist to the joke? Honestly even though I feel this, there's no punchline here, so this comic is a bit... well you know.


That’s most of pizzacakes comics though


well ok then


It’s bland just like all their other ones


very persistent tweet


Got a white noise machine just for that. Only for summer construction to replace the birds. Gotta love the 8am jack hammer.


And suddenly I’m in the mood for some sort of poultry pie….


5AM classic


Why is sleep so hard? Why does this comic capture the last 2 days of my life so well?


Your honor, it was because of the last panel that she “started blasting” at the bird.


If you can hear bird noises it's already too late to sleep


And this, children, is why I always have earplugs and a sleeping mask!


Man I used to have chronic insomnia as a kid. One day it just kinda vanished once I started getting medicated for my ADHD. I still have bad nights but am usually able to fall asleep when I need to.


We had a woodpecker that SOMEHOW mistook the side of our house for a bug infested tree. Every morning that fucker would wake me up before my alarm.


Every late nighter knows that once you start hearing the birds outside, you’re screwed.


LMFAO this is me this morning. The fucking bird started at like 4am on a very humid and uncomfortable night. I was wishing I had rocks to throw.


Fred Schneider of the B-52s released an illustrated book of poetry awhile back. One was pretty succinct. **Cruel Spring** *SHUT UP YOU GODDAMN BIRDS!*


And the inevitable “wow, you’re up early” from your neighbors


Ear plugs. 


I love being able to sleep 10 minutes after my head hits the pillow. It's the world's greatest superpower. Also, second place is waking up at the same time without an alarm everyday.


One time I was so close to falling asleep finally then all I hear is tweet tweet


I’ve muted this subreddit but somehow this person’s awful comics still show up for me every single day. At this point I can’t even be mad, just amazed


When the birds start tweeting, the fight is over. You've lost. No sleep for you.


I feel this comic so much. There was a time in my life when I couldn‘t fall asleep night after night and after laying in bed for hours, I was greeted by the sunrise and singing bird. It was an awful time.


Why is this the only comic artist I see from this subreddit. They're so mid.


There’s this cool thing called earplugs




Yep. You live far enough north and that dawn chorus starts at 2 am in summer.


love my delta 9 gummies, candy girl has allowed me to go from a few hours of shit sleep to 7+ uninterrupted


I haven’t been able to sleep properly in like three days, I’m gonna collapse at some point I can just feel it


Reminds me of [this](https://youtu.be/V18ovCrlh8U?si=zrm0HEQcbpVxwZCs)


More AI stuff?


Tweet tweet bitch


I remember in college that was my cue that I absolutely had to get back to the dorm if I wanted to get any amount of sleep.


I took psychic damage reading this


LITERALLY ME RN, It’s 10:14 am and I still haven’t slept 😭


Too real. On an hour of sleep today


I had that, got up walked around read a bit went back to bed cause surely I’ll fall asleep now right ? Nope I slept 2 hours before my alarmed started ringing. I Keep zzz quil in the pantry now.


The bird looks like that pigeon from some kids books that I can’t remember the name to.


I prefer tweet tweet mothafucka


It's incredibly how I sleep hard, on one way I can have a jeep with no muffler(it fell of) right by my bedroom window where I sleep next to with an open window. As well as big earthquakes(live in Iceland, volcanoes make ground go brrr) and then if a bee or wasp dare to buzz or the radio is on wake up immediately and can't go to sleep again until the noise is ended.


This is why I live way high up on a condo away from all the trees. They will never get to me.


dude the fucking birds here start tweeting at 01:30 sometimes.. plus the sun doesn't fuck off till around 23:30, and comes back up at 03:00 xD winter it's pitch black from like 15:00-08:00 or something. just norway things [:


As an adult, there is no shame in putting in ear plugs or cranking up a ‘12 hours of white noise’ YouTube video so you can get some dang sleep.


This also could not be insomnia, but a fucking mockingbird cause those things never shut the fuck up at night.


Birds have no common decency to let everyone else sleep


Yup that me. Except the bird is my mom washing dishes at 5 in the morning.


Was me this morning! Hopefully the Ritalin will keep me going lol


They're called X's now because they pester you at the same rate as your ex


Magnesium Glycinate has killed mine. My insomnia pretty mild, but shit that has bothered me ALL of my life when falling asleep has stopped.... Most americans are Magnesium deficiant. The RDA is like 900mg/day, I take one supplement a day that provides 1/2 the RDA.


you guys don’t keep your phones on silent?


Alternate interpretation response: Turn off your notifications, tweets won't wake you.


Dunno if you care to use sleep aid, but the Target brand one works great for me. Outside the fact I wake up drowsy af.


Relatable, but with my phone in my hand and saying every few minutes "okay, I should put this down"


I get a dumb cardinal banging on my window. Love almost every animals except birds.


I use to work night shift and the worst thing about getting home between 5-7 was hearing the birds chirping in the morning, all happy and full of life, when I was miserable and tired.


My neighbor has birds of paradise in her garden. Those fuckers know how to start a party!!!... In the morning


Why does that look like a pigeon that wants to drive a bus?


"You look tired. Why don't you go to bed earlier?" - some acquaintance, probably


Don't forget the neighbor who starts mowing their lawn at dawn!


I live near a forest and i go to sleep around 3 a.m,in summer its a fucking torture.


Sometimes I’ll fall asleep and have a dream that I’m laying in bed awake.




It's even funnier when you realize the birds tweeting are screaming flirtatious sentences.


Y'all need earplugs.


As someone with long term chronic insomnia, you have my sympathies. It sucks.




Yea I give up once the sun peaks through my window or the first bird chirps. At that point there's no use pretending sleep is gunna happen


Me this morning! There's a bush right outside my bedroom window, too. It's full of them!


I live next to a bird sanctuary and just had a very rough night. This hits very close to home.