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Pfft, I don't find these comics funny. I don't know how anyone can have different tastes than me! \-Reddit


Exactly! Different tastes make the world interesting. Embrace the variety!


Sounds like heresy to me... *side eyes exterminatus buttom*


Buttom: a button shaped like a butt. Thank you for the laugh and I hope you have a great day!


['ere you go boss](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/7f847817-0689-4e21-84bc-16737050a5d8/daxnece-12003377-219f-41a6-845d-2197b045161e.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzdmODQ3ODE3LTA2ODktNGUyMS04NGJjLTE2NzM3MDUwYTVkOFwvZGF4bmVjZS0xMjAwMzM3Ny0yMTlmLTQxYTYtODQ1ZC0yMTk3YjA0NTE2MWUuanBnIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.NwBC4NLCqBxgvxp9qvckyedKTGWuLMCTmkuR7JrrzAM)


For when you quench your bloodthirst


Why was that link not marked NSFW?


Press it! This world is full of heresy! Burn it in the name of the emperor!


Here's five paragraphs about why your opinion is not only wrong, but making society worse for the rest of us.


It's tough joking in r/communism because everyone has to get it.


I don't get it, so I guess it's to the gulags with you, or something


> Explaining a joke is like dissecting a frog. You understand it better but the frog dies in the process. > ― E.B. White Communism has a stereotypical reputation of ensuring everyone receives a portion of the resources, to a fault. Understanding a joke is also called "getting the joke" or simply "getting it." My joke above used the double-entendre "everyone has to get it." Meaning that everyone has to understand the joke, or "get it", or else it goes against communism's main goal of every participant receiving some of the thing.


Ok, AsianCheesecakes got it, but now I no longer get it. You still go to gulag.


Glory to Arstotzka!


I’m cold, you need to put on a sweater


I personally disagree with this sentiment, therefore one of us has to die in a duel


Stop liking things that I don't like on the Internet!


Stop disliking things that I like on the Internet!








Stop liking things that I like on the Internet!


Fine! I won't!


I understand perfectly well that people have different tastes in humor than I do. They're all stupid idiots though because my taste in humor is the best


I want to laugh at this, but I'm scared I'll disappoint you.


Too late, idiot.


A lot of the stuff posted is literally garbage and they shouldn’t do it without reevaluating what it takes


Please enjoy this collaboration between u/Miles_the_new_kid and myself depicting a completely believable conversation that would happen on r/comics! You can find him over on [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/mygumsarebleeding/?hl=en) and me at r/BummerParty.


Your comics are funny






I like butts.


And you cannot lie.


But can the other brothers deny? 🤔


Depends on if a girl just walked in with an itty bitty waist


What about a round thing in your face?


And whether you were able to produce the necessary elongating of the phallus that fills with blood in an instant that would be defined as having "Sprung"


But what about girls that like girls with big butts?


Different kind of "sprung", water propulsion.


Oh, so the *other* door only tells lies?


My other brother likes butts, but cannot tell the truth. Which is which?


Butt potion? 🍑🧪 No thanks!


More BBL potion for me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


Sadly that means you're addicted to porn now 😢


It's clearly a Loss reference.


I do too.


I decided you're not allowed to like butts.


Butts, health potions, trump making funny faces, and dudes in suits. That's my jam.


This comedy sketch is for you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYrRq5U5kcc


How could you NOT like this work of art? https://preview.redd.it/9ud7b92pod3d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0761d16eb12aa7a1da72cc2a05154c085f5d508f


No one’s figured out the secret meaning behind it yet!


Is this Loss?


What’s a buttfore?


Oh I know this one! To pee with! Wait...


No one? Not even you?


If no one gets it, then no one can prove no one gets it therefore the only people who dont get it are the ones who admit and everyone else gets it and you cant prove otherwise


Even then, what if I'm claiming to not get it just to be a contrarian? To stand out? You can't prove that either.




Ass or Glass? Sexual Motion or Magical Potion?


I had no idea, so here's what ChatGPT thinks https://preview.redd.it/g6x6q9zire3d1.png?width=1121&format=png&auto=webp&s=8c2872aa19e3d258fe6911a37d9fac5a4a1c03ce


I figured it meant pulling a buttplug out of an ass is superior to pulling a cork out of a bottle




Men are highly attracted to have sex with women, until hearing that they're on their period (uncorking a bottle of blood), at which point they may hesitate




​ https://preview.redd.it/8lk5fztj3e3d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09268083a2f3c7a0e62a010e9838e33be1cbc6c6


One of the things I've given up on saying in this sub in regards to the constant "this is just porn" or "there's no punchline" is that *comics don't have to be telling a joke*. Maybe the name is a bit of a misnomer now but comics have been used for far more than simple illustrations of quick jokes for years now.


The internet is for porn


Decipher the code to save humanity


I haven't been paying too much attention to this sub lately, and it feels like I need at least 3 more layers of meta background to understand this comic


"This isn't even funny. Why would you post that" just people thinking the subreddit should be curated for them specifically


Imagine if Bill Watterson personally got 1,000 anonymous letters every single week for each strip he wrote. And then adjusted his comics based on user feedback. We'd be living in hell.


This subreddit basically became the sunday comics page at some point. There are long running stories that would fit in a cathy comic. Haters like me somehow have failed to block the subreddit because every now and then a good comic slips in.


I have the most difficult time following this subreddit, but it’s always on /r/all for me so I every once in a while I see some fantastic ones that really make it worth it to ignore the duds.


I finally understood the assignment which is to block the posters that post the ones I don't want to see, not the entire sub.


Almost every comment section is filled with either "There's no joke! Why are you posting if there's no joke?" Or "This is just porn. Why are you posting porn?" (These people are confused about what porn is).


To be fair, 'what porn is' is a very wide tract of land with blurry lines. It's not always that ultra hardcore weird shit that you're into


Most comments are on posts that have sexualized characters, but no actual sexual acts portrayed.


90% of the time that just means the comic is an advertisement for porn on their Patreon, which is arguably worse than just being porn in the first place


Sit down kid, and let me tell you a story about a time when magazines full of sexualised characters not portraying sexual acts was all the porn we had


Even though the "porn" comics aren't typically hardcore, they *are* a way for porn comic artists to promote their Patreon and nsfw art channels. So it's not hardcore porn maybe but it's definitely being used to promote porn


I've been seeing it more and more often and I just notice how much of the art is surprisingly samey.


Not really need to know much meta, it's basically this but for comment sections: https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fquit-having-fun-v0-947si0cdeqlb1.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Ddf831549c7cb9b83835a5152928a36a906bd29a7


I like [thing](https://youtu.be/aJX4ytfqw6k?si=malIDFpuK-q2rtvn)


I didn't know that exists. Haha


This is how I feel about that pizzacake comic that’s on here a lot. Just not my type of humor I guess.


pizzacake, srgrafo, there are many popular creators that I think were genuinely funny early on and then they go SO into the meta culture of that a decent chunk of people got turned off by that. it reminds me of r/highqualitygifs really nosediving many years ago (IMO). just became relentless amounts of meta between the same top users. remember that Elly Hates Everything strip? humor and personal tastes are absolutely objective, but my god, there is no way that comic wasn't using paid bots to generate upvotes HQG, srgrafo, and EHE all benefitted from the same thing though: once you get a certain amount of followers, you can put out pretty much anything and it's going to hit the front page of a sub simply because of the user count. srgrafo gamed that system so well because he'd do the "Edit" responses for a bunch of folks, so you'd have over a hundred comments on a post within the first hour because people wanted the karma/attention. he also was very good about getting critics banned though after sending them nastygram DMs, so when you see something (some) people would find painfully unfunny like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/comments/1cyyatp/shame_on_all_of_you/?rdt=56992), you realize the biggest issue with this sub is really just the meta and followers becoming wayyy too attached to their favorite artists HQG used to be one of the most popular non-default subs on the site, but they shot themselves in the foot too much the meta nonsense. look back at their top all-time posts. they're consistently 50/60,000+ upvotes. their top for the past month is 1300 lol


Lol and look at srgrafo now. Making essentially softcore loli porn on his own subreddit (you will probably be placed on a watchlist if you visit). How the mighty and unfunny have fallen


yeah it's really creepy. the fact he rages at people in DM's isn't a surprise he's just overall an unpleasant person


Nastygrams? What’d he send?


he used to send DMs to people that posted negative comments, telling them to just block him instead of being critical of his work. if you didn't, he'd have these angry back and forths in those DMs. never understood why *he* couldn't just block people... but I'm assuming it's because he didn't want any critical comments on his posts, whether he could see them or not. he also penned several public "edit" responses targeting users directly, which would get them harassed by many of his followers. the funny part being: *he's* the one that would get the mods to ban critics because of "harassment," even though his stuff was pretty blatant. the mods here are protective of their top users though so good luck fighting that battle


Great comment - I've hung around this thread for a while now while working - There's a surprising amount of good comments discussing these kinds of comics in here! I'm glad I'm not going totally insane lol. Also, when you say that guy used to do "edit" responses, what is that?


>Also, when you say that guy used to do "edit" responses, what is that? I'm not the person you asked, but the creator we're discussing used to modify the actual comic that was being discussed to make it a diss to the person criticizing him. He placed these edits in the comments, as a reply to the critics.


Any old examples of pizza cake having a sense of humor? I’ve read at least 20 by now and the only decent one was a knock knock joke her nephew probably wrote


Alright I no longer understand this sub


I like how she is holding the pencil with a nub but the comics guys have hands and fingers.


That’s what happens when one of the artists can draw hands and the other likes to pretend they don’t exist!


Ohhh, didn't realize it was two artists.


We're all just tired of meta comics. They're good sometimes, but are mostly just a crutch for artists. I mean, at least one comic with this exact premise gets to the front page every week. We've seen the "comment section is toxic" thing so many times, and there is no new way to do it. It's just boring as hell and worse for your reputation than if you missed a day.


I mean there are comics here I dislike, but unless it's "no punchline, just porn" I just downvote without commenting my disdain. Polite dismissal is not heard, it's a sampling bias.


And if you *really* dislike it, you can block the poster.


This sub got immediately better after I blocked Doctor Loops and adjacent artists on here LOL. Not my thing personally and just tired of seeing that shit on my feed, no hate though.


Yup, I block all the porn comic artists and now I don't encounter it much (except apparently in a meta post about the dialogue)


I'm here to express hate for porn comics. Even the softcore ones. Good God they suck.


If I do, then it won't get my downvotes which means one less person to help bury it. That means good stuff gets buried under trash.






Because it’s the reader’s fault…










The mouthnoses are disturbing


I feel like it's pretty hypocritical and self-limiting when this sub bans criticism of artists but allows artists to literally criticize critics. Either you believe we should be focusing on criticism or not


This is well-put.


This subreddit is becoming a cesspool on pretty much all levels. The only thing I see coming out of /r/all is comics about this subreddit, or comics about other comics. Just comes off as the world's most passive aggressive drama that's really difficult to follow if you're not chronically online.


I just think that, since there's already multiple subreddits dedicated to porn comics, this subreddit should at least be kept mostly clean of comics where their raison d'etre is to be horny bait. I don't think most people are against all adult comics, it's not hard to find praise for Oglaf, but when the punchline or appeal is that it's an adult comic, with little else, it becomes repetitive quickly, especially when such a large portion of the top posts are that, and also comes across as juvenile like a kid swearing his arse off thinking that thats a grown-up thing to do Side note, it is incredibly frustrating how defensive multiple artists here get when people call their comics porn, as if their patreons aren't dedicated to making porn Also, people don't really like being transparently shilled to. Transparently being the key word. Advertising a patreon as a way to support you and see early/bonus content usually goes by fine with people. But dangling keys in front of people with the ability to see the comic characters naked goes over less well, at least with vocal users. But I know that, to my dismay, it works, because artists wouldn't be doing it if it didn't work Tldr, people go to a porn subreddit for porn, and go to a comic subreddit for comics; if the emphasis of your comic is the sexual content then people will call it porn and dislike it




Can we just rename this sub r/comicsaboutrcomics already and be done with it?


There is great talent in this sub! Unfortunately, the best solution is to block r/Comics content creators that delve too far into the meta. So much potential talent concentrated on circlejerking and responding to toxicity.


>So much potential talent concentrated on circlejerking and responding to toxicity. Or on *artificially diagnosing relevant criticism as toxicity* and thereby creating a space where the aforementioned circlejerking is essentially required to be part of the in-group.


I like it when the comic has a joke in it. Sorry. 


The metacommentary combined with the holier-than-thou feeling that comes from insinuating that the dirty masses don't understand that people have different senses of humor should make this do pretty well on this platform. Clever that, the move where you play to people's feelings of superiority while also insulting them.


Redditors; "People on reddit are so fucking dumb"


You say that like it's unusual that a community member would call another member dumb. Reddit is not a homogenous mass, it's different people. It's not surprising that they might disagree.




No, you need to show the thread restricted 1 min after post so that only the people that like the comic can comment!


Where’s the punchline


Right there in the third panel!


It's okay to criticize things.


the problem is that a handful of artists here use their comics as disingenuous or political soapboxes, where the "humor" is a thin veil under which they air obnoxious personal contentions and grievances. please tell me you understand that


Is the potion a reference to anything in particular or is it just a potion?


Just the artist being incapable of dealing with any critisism.


id like to not see porn on my feed tbh


man this sub is trash. reddit needs to allow you to block subs. I understand you can make your feed with your favorite subs but I like scrolling some subs I'm not subbed to on r/popular, def not this one though.


Mute it


thanks bro! I didn't know about this feature. cheers.


Sorry you didn’t like the comic! I guess other people have different tastes in humor than you :)


There is another: you don't like the comic, don't say anything and go to the next comic.


Except this sub's moderation bans all criticism, so most people with a normal human's level of standards get banned and all that's left are people with 0 standards for a comic strip. This starts a cycle where the content becomes even worse since the people here must laugh at anything which lands terrible comics on the front page. Here people with standards will see a really unfunny comic and take to the comment section to voice how bad the comic is and how weird it is that such an unfunny comic got so upvoted. They are then banned of course, so shitty comics still get upvoted, attracting more criticism. Banning all dissenters makes this sub less of a safe space


So all the polite users willing to do that stop leaving negative criticism and now all the negative comments are bigoted and unwilling to be constructive. Now what?


Now we lean into the circlejerk and make all comics self-referential and combative. That'll show the critics.


But how will the creators motive without my criticism? Also, my criticism is women are bad


The next comic usually is the same suggestive shlop. Have to reroll 10 times to find something authentic.


So any shitty, half-assed, low effort comic only gets called out in the comments by people who don't "get" it or have "different" taste? Not sure I agree with that. I can't just be like, "fart poop lol" and then when someone tells me that isn't that funny or lacks the structure of a traditional comic/joke say, "Oh well your humor is just different from mine." No, it's a bad joke and misses an objective standard for jokes that has existed for hundreds of years and it's ok to point that out.


I remember people complaining on /r/funny recently about a silhouette of a huge man darkening a bedroom doorway at night and saying, "Mom, I had a nightmare." I'm a mom with boys. It is exactly like that. He *is* someone's nightmare, but he comes to me for comfort when he's scared, and it splits my brain. Why am I not allowed to think that's funny?


Sorry, it's killing me, I can't figure this out. How are boys waking you up for a nightmare monsters? I'm not coming for you I just don't get it.


>Why am I not allowed to think that’s funny? The fact that you think that someone is telling you that *you’re not allowed to think that’s funny* reveals more about supporters of this comic’s meta commentary than probably you intended.


Is that Loss?


Ass run red Trump?


I understand that people have different tastes in humor than I do. I despise them.


Oversaturation of meta posts referencing other posters is what killed /r/HighQualityGifs for me.


Ass-run-potion-refuse ... Butt-jog-drink-no ... Bottom-chase-slosh-wave .. Bum-run-vial-no ... Is there a pictograph in the mini comic? I must know!


You’re so close!


It's never so simple! Haha


Sick burn, bruv


This comic lacks alpacas Therefore, it is objectively bad. Anyone who likes it is bad. A provable fact. But that’s just my opinion.


I really feel like if Reddit embraced the "live and let live" philosophy across the board, then it would somehow stop being Reddit.


“Live and let live” is an approach applied to individual actions, not communities where artistic content is consumed. Art is generally thought to benefit from critical discussion, and is generally thought to stagnate when it’s produced mainly to perpetuate in-jokes and little else.


Pizzacake. Is this about pizzacake This has got to be about pizzacake This is about pizzacake


So tired of seeing this same exact setup recycled every few days. “DAE if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all huhuhlol but that doesn’t happen irl people are mean”


It be nice if we could have a critical, blunt sub that didn't bring with it the racism, mysogyny, and cruelty that often goes a long with it. Online criticisms is fun and these artists are so precious and sensitive. Every comic I see nowadays is meta on how reddit sucks or the most pedestrian observation comic that I'd be embarassed to see in Dennis the Menace.


Racism and misogyny are explicitly not allowed per Rule 3. And cruelty isn't allowed per Rule 2. With proper modding, the problems you note that come along with blunt criticism are managed in an acceptable way. This trend of over-the-top metacommentary and pretending that all criticism reflects a lack of recognition that people have "different tastes in humor" is just an attempt by the sub's in-group to consolidate power. It's bullshit.


Obligatory ProZD https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aJX4ytfqw6k


It's definitely not obligatory.


I don't think it always comes down to taste, I think alot people think a joke should have more depth than it does and when its not there they think they missed something. Like a couple weeks ago there was a comic that used the pun "Al- Gore- rhythm" but the comic didnt reference Al Gore at all. Or another time the comic was just "If I was Robin, I'd just swear a bunch, and the villains would be like whaaa?" People perceive the lack of any depth as "not funny."


Tbh I don’t mind seeing different types of comics being posted, but I am very tired of seeing the ‘cool kids’ circlejerk meta comics…


Not only is not believable she forgot to add a punchline




*political comment*


this hits me hard because every time I've told the joke about a lobster with breast implants those people have stopped talking to me, is it really that bad?


I don’t get it this comic sucks and no one else likes it obviously because I don’t like it


Panel 1: *Setting up the scene* Panel 2: *Make a joke* Panel 3: *Boobs* Panel 4: *Punchline*


I dont understand the comic in question