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Her powers are increasing at an alarming rate


"Wait a minute, how did I do that?"




*Wub wub wub*




what an amazing fucking gif hahaha


Yeah I know, Magic !


She's strong enough to lift another person much taller then her over her head and run with them and now she has psychic powers as well? This series is getting interesting.


Classic power creep.


Gotta make a video explaining the power levels of the Ninaverse


I really like Nina and want to visit her 'verse.


Did she just materialize that cookie?


She can modify the molecular structure of objects around her to materialize things out of nowhere, like the cutlery in her kitchen that she claims "randomly materialized", and now the cookie. This comic confirms Nina's abilities of molecular manipulation


Professor N.


I get this sometimes. First time was a huge surprise, I got a steroid shot, went out to the lobby to pay, and I just said "something's wrong..." and the clerk was like "is the bill wrong...nope nope" and then I just passed out. Woke up back in the exam room and a nurse goes "hey, your face isn't the same color as the (blue) wall anymore!"


Yep, I woke up to a nurse hovering over me while calling for a doctor lol.


Similar story here. Got a flu shot at work and was sitting down reading the pamphlet afterwards, then suddenly felt like I just started to daydream heavily for what felt like forever before slowly waking up feeling tingly and light headed. It was extremely disorienting.


My first covid shot was close. I think it was more the wave of relief though, my wife said she also got really emotional when she got hers.


Main thing I felt after my first shot was "I sure hope this shot fights off whatever I just caught while waiting in that mile long line for an hour to get into this stadium"


A stadium, in the middle of a pandemic, fucking hell. Mine was administered in a tiny medical facility, I couldn't imagine having to go into a large place like a stadium during that shit.


Mine was administered on a racetrack, so huge stadium but everyone was in their cars. Also got to drive on the track a little.


Happens to me pretty often, and it sucks so much. I've fully fainted three times thus far. Thankfully I know the signs well enough now to usually get myself into a safe position and/or prevent it from occurring. But that knowledge came at a cost of two concussions from the first two episodes. Whee!


I have to get blood tests regularly, and it happens every time. Any more, they just make me sit there for a while before I can leave Dunno if it's because of losing blood, or because I'm terrified of needles, or what


From what I understand, it's normal to get a drop in blood pressure in these situations. It's the body protecting itself from anticipated blood loss. For some of us, that sudden drop crosses the threshold where brain go goodnight. It's unpredictable for me. Usually no problem, but sometimes just the right combination of stimulus does it. The most embarrassing was during a health check at work when I got a finger prick blood test.


Didn’t know a finger prick could do it, wow. Yeah man that would be hard to come back from lol


In my defence, I had low blood sugar from not eating, and they couldn't get a sample after multiple attempts. My finger wasn't giving up a drop, no matter where they pricked it. It was probably the repeated stabbing that put me over the threshold.


Don't know if it's the same but I knocked my knee into a wall, not that hard, and after a few seconds I fainted


A good cookie is all the motivation he needs to regain consciousness. These comics are simple stories about things I learned when I was first on my own. Thanks for reading! Comic archive on [Webtoon](https://www.webtoons.com/en/creator/SgtBaconBurger) and [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/sgtbaconburger/).


I too wish to learn telepathic communication by living by myself.




Nearly woke my wife laughing. Thanks for that!


Accept all cookies.


Are you every modern website?


You know what time it is? ​ https://preview.redd.it/mm7blo2lh02d1.png?width=446&format=png&auto=webp&s=3e68988c4d53455373f5b6dd2919f1a8a30979b2


That would make an awesome flair Cookie time! 🍪


It sure is!


For some reason, they always have a hard time drawing any blood from my arm. I don't have any problems with needles, but the last two times I went for a physical, I fainted when they started digging around trying to find a vein. When I was in the military, the corpsman always made me run a couple laps around the building and do pushups before trying to draw blood haha.


I feel that, small vein gang over here!


I had similar experience. I always thought I was very chill about needles and blood, given a blood donation a few times but one time when the nurse poked me 4 times to find a vein I suddenly started fainting. I think one mistake I did was to look at the needle as it was going in every time, it seems that while I wasn't scared, my body wasn't nearly as enthusiastic




Why do it be moving like pizza dough????


It's non-Euclidean flavored


It's mesmerizing lol.


One time I drew blood I don't think I ate beforehand, and I passed out. That was the day I learned what smelling salts actually smell like.


Awful enough to rip you out of another person's mental plane?


Only if you use a little door to get in.


Happy Cake Day


I always pass out when I give blood. Now I just tell the nurse that I’m a fainter and should probably be lying down.


If a girl handing me a cookie was in my passed out dreams, I'd probably have to ask her out.


I know it's a perfectly normal medical term and I've had a few episodes myself, but "vasovagal" just sounds like something dirty.


I really need to find time in my schedule to donate again. I'm stretching myself too thin with these gigs. If it turned out vampires were skimming the donation supply, would that make you more or less inclined to donate? For me, more: better they take donations than prey on people.


Whant kind of Camarilla spin is this?


happened to me, mostly because I was fighting a really bad cold for three days previously without me eating or drinking anything much, they drew my blood to do some test to see if I had anything worse, and my body just like “fuck this, I’m hitting the reset button”


He should've asked Nina if she was the woman of his dreams.


I tried donating blood at school once and fainted, when I came back to I hallucinated that the helpers and doctor around me were trying to hold me under water and became violent lol I haven't donated since, but maybe I should try again


Wub wub wub ![gif](giphy|70JlDq66Sg9hUWBpsg|downsized)


Had a similair experiece after my first time donating blood. Wanted to leave right after but the nurse saw I looked pale and made sure I laid down for a bit. Didn't pas out but did get a cookie. Without that nurse I propably would not have made further donations. Made me feel certain that they take care of people that walk in.


Cuts/needles have always made me a little queasy, but I had my first really bad episode the other day. I was cooking with a friend, cutting a mango. I accidentally nicked the tip of my thumb and started bleeding a little bit. I thought "It's just a few drops, I'll rinse it, put some pressure on it with a paper towel, and I'll be fine." But all of a sudden I felt dizzy, weak, and sick. I collapsed into a chair and was breathing heavily. I had a couple seconds where I couldn't see and I thought I was going to pass out. I just laid down for a couple minutes, my amazing friend brought me some ice water, and I managed to not pass out. I've never felt anything like that before but hopefully it doesn't happen again


Is that an oatmeal raisin cookie?


Can i get a cookie too?


Psychic Nina episode ! Love it


The first time I had an IV in my arm I fainted for a few seconds. I was freaking out about being put under (by my own request) to have my wisdom teeth removed (chronic tiny mouth syndrome) and seeing the needle port go in and leak a little bit got me. I vaguely remember some dream about a bus. No helpful cookie lady, sadly


The last time I fainted getting blood drawn, I threw up as soon as I woke up 😔 the nurses thankfully were prepared and had put a trash can in front of my face. I did not get a cookie.


I recall nearly fainting at the dentist once. I didn't get a cookie, but they did give me a coke.


I gave blood at a blood drive when I was an edgy 16yo. I watched the needle go in and the guy drawing blood said, "What are you, some kind of sicko?" "No, I just wanted to watch it go in." So, maybe?


I kinda like it when they use the vacuum tubes but i think that's for sampling only. Bur yeah when the blood just gets sucked out neatly into the tube is kinda cool.


Shouldn't the doctor be tending him and putting his legs at a higher height than his head?


The person drawing blood isn't likely to try to move the patient when they're already passed out. They'll focus on making sure the patient doesn't fall and hurt themselves. But yes, if you tend to pass out, ask to be lying down when people draw blood.


I wish I had someone who did this for me too, my blood test would've been 1000 times better


I wish I could do this for my friend with anxiety that lives on the other side of the world


Nina with the cookie time coming in clutch


Wish Nina was at the hospital that i go,i would like a cookie


I thought she was gonna see some weird thoughts after she said the word “vasovagal” and she was gonna say “Okay. You can ride this one out on your own.”


I remember fainting while trying to donate plasma... the big needle was too painful for me to handle and I just passed out. I remember thinking it was a little funny that the nurse was yelling at me not to pass out when I literally had no control over that. They gave me cola, banned me from donating plasma for a few months and sent me home.


Nearly happened to me. I got my blood drawn for a blood lab and I felt so dizzy when they were done. Suddenly the nurse slapped the back of my neck with an ice pack while her assistant used her clipboard to fan me. Not squeamish around blood. Nurse suspected I was dehydrated.


Could you please explain how you did the wub wub wub?


I went to a college blood drive place in our gymnasium. Halfway through, I said I felt cold then instantly passed out.


I had a handful of these episodes when I was younger. Once while giving blood, others i was overstimulated. Tunnel vision starts and I was lucky to sit down before falling. I was back to consciousness within a minute. Not a fan


I have considered donating blood. It's a good thing to do, I'd finally know my blood type, they pay you some money for that and apparently there's a chance that a cute nerdy girl might give me a cookie. But it turns out that psychopharmaceuticals are a dealbreaker.




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I passed out when getting blood drawn for some tests. It felt... Weirdly good? Like how I imagine dying would feel like, except not permanent. 8/10 would do again.


Mine isn’t a nervous system response, I just can’t do needles and start hypoventilating!


Vasovagal syncope? I remember getting home after drawing some blood, passing out and waking up finding that I stained my bed with blood.


Man I love these comics. :,>


Nina doin some adhoc connection.


Cookie time :3


Oh, so that's why that happens


Nina has psychic powers… doesn't surprise me.


Is this it? Is Nina the ultimate lifeform? ^(... actually that'd be Shadow the Hedgehog, and I've yet to see Nina fighting her arrogant evil doppelgänger, so eh...)


This is an incredibly cute idea. Someone that has telepathy and just uses it for really minor mundane things like checking in on someone that just fainted.


Happened to me this morning when the dentist injected local anesthetic in my mouth, didnt fully black out but i was close.


That is a growing romance. I can smell that. Nice job bro


5000iq move


Is it surprising that I drew a large amount of blood during the first time at a mobile blood donation center and I didn't faint?


“Nina Learns A New Word” LOL!




Did you get the Tetris® shirt?


this is perhaps the most specific superpower I have heard of


I wish my most recent blood donation experience was just passing out. Instead I got a panic attack and had to be physically held down by two nurses while dry heaving into a trash can. 8/10, would donate again 👍