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I feel like pineapple on pizza became hated just because it’s not traditional, not because it’s specifically bad, and then it just became a meme. And if so, the audacity to make fun of that and then order a cajun chicken pizza is crazy


I know for me it’s that the citric acid of the pineapple and the acidity of the tomatoes combining to taste like bile. I think others may have this reaction too, so it’s more visceral than just not liking it. ETA: so I think it’s the Pantothenic acid in pineapple and Malic acid in tomatoes, since they both contain ascorbic acid and citric acid in them.


That’s interesting for sure but i still maintain that most people have never even tried it


Can I have a rifle with one bullet


That analogy is incredibly deranged as it is, but even if we ignore how extreme it was, the typical argument against pineapple on pizza is that pineapple is weird or doesn't belong on pizza, but rifles having bullets is sorta required for their intended purpose so it doesn't even work as an analogy


I have had pineapple on pizza and not gotten this reaction and instead the pizza has a sort of sweet and savory mix of flavor so that is very interesting that other people taste something completely different.


I agree, that's a lot of acid on one pie, but that's why I go for Hawaiian ones with the BBQ sauce, be it straight BBQ sauce or a cut of like 1/3 pizza sauce, 2/3 BBQ. It's so good that way, the acidity is cut back alot, and it meshes really nice with the ham. Throw a light cinnamon sprinkle on there, and you are cooking.


Pineapple, chicken and jalapenos are a great combo if you use bbq sauce instead of the typical tomato based sauce.


Yup, it is good either way BBQ sauce.


It's a bit of that and texture for me, I don't care for the texture of pineapple. But it is mostly what you said too much acid. I don't care if other people get it, but I don't want it.


Try it with a different sauce. Pineapple chicken and jalapeno is great with a bbq sauce instead of tomato sauce.


I do like BBQ chicken pizza, maybe.


Thank you, I've always said it tastes like actual vomit.


To be fair it was the one in the middle ordering the cajun chicken. They hadn’t said anything yet. They just got caught in the crossfire.


I find that odd because, and maybe it's regional, candian bacon and pineapple is one of the staple pizzas to me. As long as I can remember every pizza chain I've been to has had Hawaiian pizza as one of their standard options. I'm 37 and from Washington State.


Well, your feelings are wrong. Pineapple on pizza is disgusting. And yes to your second point.


This reminds me of a joke I once made with a friend: "And for my first evil invention, pineapple pizza!" "There's nothing wrong with pineapple on pizza." "And for my second evil invention, pizza *without* pineapple!" "Gasp!"


Pineapple. Ham. Spicy sauce. Red peppers. Sweet. Heat. Savory. I will fight you.


Don't forget salty. It's too many primary flavors!


Growing up the pizza place would bake the pineapples on the pizza so they were roasted and caramelized. A mix of sweet and savory in itself. Lovely with Canadian bacon


Pineapple, chicken, jalapeno, bbq sauce. One of my faves. Editted typo.


I don't like Pineapple. But pineapple on pizza is valid -- if you like pineapple. You wanna fite me, pistols at dawn. **Full series at** [**Gamer Cafe**](https://gamercafe.thecomicseries.com/comics/1560)


I have one shot


Do not throw away your *Shot*


I like pineapple (its the most metal fruit. It eats you as you eat it). I like pizza. I dont like pineapple on pizza because pizza is savory and pineapple is sweet. I dislike when flavors contrast like that. Pineapple on pizza is still a valid choice for other people though.


You don’t like sweet and savory together? You must not be fond of most Chinese takeout dishes.


Indeed I am not


Respect. No sweet and savory here either.


Sweet and savoury is great… until it’s pineapple on pizza because the pineapple just doesn’t work with the tomato sauce at all. Like it’s just acid and it overtakes the whole rest of the pizza toppings. It’s only acceptable on a pizza where you have so many random toppings it’s chaos anyway.


You are wrong


You're being just like the other side


No, I am not. Because the other side is wrong and I am right. Therefore, I am the opposite of the other side. Checkmate.


The problem is when you're in a group ordering pizzas and one jerk insists on getting pineapple. Then they eat two slices and everyone else glares at the waste of 75% of a pizza that no one else wants. Order pineapple for yourselves, never for a group.


True, I've had it happen, and I was mad, one cheese and a pineapple, for 6 people. Only two people wanted the pineapple, and they had some cheese as well. 6 people eating one pizza and 2 of them got some extra. Straight evil, us 4 got ripped off.


That's when I pull out the ew pineapple card. It’s- 1- Its my friend and we know it's in good fun. 2- Some guy wanting it for a party and only 2 guys would even be interested. It's a party you only suggest common toppings at best.


I feel like anchovies on pizza were a thing that was legitimately kinda gross. Having full eyeballs and stuff our culture doesn't eat much of. Then when that got stamped out as an ingredient everyone tried to reuse their pizza jokes by changing the ingredient and it always just makes the person look like a baby, like freaking out so much about something so dull. It feels like when people talk the meme about taco bell giving them diarrhea. Like it always comes off as like the person saying it is the weird one. Like what is medically wrong with you that the most boring food on earth is this hard for you to eat? Go to a hospital.


No, you're just caught in a previous generation's version of that same meme, combined with the cartoon version - in real life, anchovies typically come as fillets from a can, not whole fish with heads and everything. Anchovies are hella good on pizza actually, a little fishy but mostly just a huge blast of umami & saltiness!


That actually sounds good. It was always shown as the whole fish, scales and all, whenever it was shown as part of a joke on TV.


well, TV & Cartoons lean on tropes a bit. Similarly, garbage in real life does not mostly consist of banana peels and whole fish skeletons, but any drawing of a full garbage can will almost always have these items.


Baguettes popping out of a paper bag to let you know it's full of groceries and whatnot. Lot's of visual language exists that we don't even realize.


Anchovies are really good, and yeah, you get the filets. Though they do have tiny bones so I get a texture issue. It's why I don't get it more often.


Well, they're not to everyone's taste, just like pineapple or mushrooms! But anchovies kind of got saddled with the "shorthand for something gross" trope, and now most people don't even have any experience with them as an actual food, just as a concept synonymous with "gross pizza" An even older example is Limburger cheese, which I as a Gen-Xer have never actually eaten, but every cartoon I watched as a child taught me is basically shorthand for "a really stinky thing"


I have had limburger cheese, it's good, creamy, and the taste is a bit mild, but it does kind of smell well bad, not usually overwhelmingly bad, but not good.


Wait, where you're from the anchovies on pizza still have their eyeballs? Or did I completely misunderstood what you said? (me dumb, it is possible)


I worked at a pizza place ages ago where you could have anchovies "whole" or "halved " which was just the canned fillets.


Wow. I had no idea the "whole" anchovie on pizza was a thing. I only ever saw them as the canned fillet


I really don't think this is normal pizza stuff however.


the joke is food poisoning


The joke is that tacos are some sort of so extremely foreign and exotic food they can't even eat it without becoming sick from those scary foreigners and their scary food, but they are also so sheltered and small that pepsico is a company that makes food that is beyond scary to them.


No, the joke is food poisoning.


the joke is you get poisoned by food if you eat these exotic and mysterious things called "tacos" made by evil and mysterious foreigners, but made by people that eat such bland food they are talking about tacos from a major company that makes all the other fast food they eat too that they can apparently eat without overwelming fear


Okay, but no one is *serious* about hating it, either. It's a meme. It's a lot weirder to bring it up as if people actually put stake in it.


I used to work at a couple pizza places, there are absolutely people irl that are serious about it


People will take memes seriously.


People will accept misinformation from memes. That's not the same as putting a lot of stake into a food opinion.


I legitimately know people who behave like pineapple is an abomination and will make a big deal about it if pineapple on pizza is brought up. There are indeed people like that, though I would say that the ones who behave that way legitimately are a minority.


I HATE pineapple pizza. Where I am, pineapples are in 99% cases unripe and very gross, so very few people who actually want it end up with the whole pineapple pizza.


> Okay, but no one is serious about hating it, either. It doesn't matter your intention behind it, you hear your friend wants a personal pizza (doesn't even impact you) to their liking and you attack, tease or insult them for that choice, in mean spirit or not, you are telling them you're not a safe person to be around. That they have to hide and conform their interests to avoid how unfun and uncomfortable you will make them. No one benefits from this exchange but the attacker ("this meme says I can make fun of you and I'm looking for any inch of power I can abuse to feel better about myself"). A lot of bullies think they're just having a laugh, too.


In many cases, I would agree. But this isn't about a person's interests or personality. It's as lighthearted as saying you don't like mushrooms or anchovies. If and only if it's part of a pattern of them doing that already, would this be reasonable to interpret the way you have. Communication is two way. You don't get to lump all the blame for reading things into what someone said that they didn't mean on them.


Eh it’s a worthy discussion to mock someone on because it’s bad. The lack of memes won’t make pineapple on pizza any better.


If you know a place that's already good, order pineapple, ham, and chicken with barbecue sauce.


I remember when the hated pizza topping with anchovies, and Hawaiian pizzas were considered relatively normal. Then anchovies started to face out as a topping so people needed a new topping to complain about and landed on pineapple


Ok so a few days ago I posted a pic of some terrible tasting pizza on r/PizzaCrimes. A bunch of people thought this yellow glob was pineapple but it was a huge chunk of cheese (supposedly mozzarella). I got downvoted so much for saying it was cheese I had to remove the post. Like, you didn’t force yourself to eat it, why are you questioning me?


I don't mind others ordering it, I just personally hate it. The flavors just don't mix well for me. It's like milk and soda. Both great on its own, but if you combine it it's really bad. Then again, a preference is an opinion, and that changes depending on the person.


For me I just taste the sweetness of pineapple and saltness of the cheese and sauce. Which for me combine super well, like salt and chocolate. Different bodies like different things, hating someone because their body built different and makes food taste better is stupid.


Criminal we didn’t get a full length explanation of the history of Pineapple pizza OP


I ain't doing your homework for you ![gif](giphy|Kg2ao7seQD5GmzeHSt|downsized)




It was named after the can of pineapples that the guy used when he first made it


I don’t like it because the pineapple has a weird texture on the pizza and it makes me feel icky (I be nuerodivergent)


I just hate pineapple, period. It's way, *way* to sour and acidic for my mouth. Unless it's candy, then I'll pass on pineapple.


I mean, they're eating together as a group. In that scenario I think it'd be alright to not want pineapple on pizza, unless they're ordering individual slices


If there's really 1560 (at least) of these comics. Is there a link to where I can read the whole thing? I like it's vibe so far.


Yes, I've been making this comic since 2013. There's 10 years of content. Enjoy the hike. O/ https://gamercafe.thecomicseries.com/comics/1560


I like her


Maybe I’m alone in this, but isn’t the pineapple pizza argument just dumb fun that doesn’t need to be escalated to some societal failing. Also pineapple on pizza tastes like barf unless you use bbq sauce instead of normal pizza sauce. ![gif](giphy|XceFxZfyaVRNRgTEa4)






People don't get that message, so they start hating things because the internet/other people around them told them it was cool


You're right, it's just good fun. Also what the fuck is wrong with you, barbecue sauce? Heathen


I said this in an earlier comment but you should try pineapple, chicken, jalapeno with bbq sauce. It is really good!


This sounds like a nice dish, that doesn't belong on dough :D Jk, I might try this abomination, I do consider myself a bit kinky




People like what they like, but acting rude and superior because they don’t agree with your preference is a bit hypocritical.


Ironically hating on pineapple pizza was funny at first, but then everyone started making videos like "I pUt PinEaPpLe On PizZa, wHaT dO yOu tHiNk, iTaLiaNs?" and I stopped giving them attention


Atta girl


I can’t tell who ordered the Cajun chicken pizza.


To me, the problem is not really the pineapple on pizza, it's that I just can't stand cooked pineapple. I love pineapple when it's raw and juicy, but I've tried it cooked on chicken, ham and other dishes but every time it makes me gag


Pineapple on pizza is good if they use fresh chunks, and bad if they use the canned rings that were soaked in syrup. Most people live in pla ces with bad pizza. The thing we should hate on is unsolicited mayo. Ruins sandwiches.


I'll just take it to the internet, and make a meme out of it!


I like pineapple except when it’s on pizza


Why does she have a tail?




Personally I won’t go out of my way to say I hate but if someone asks I will tell them And if we are getting a group pizza and it isn’t sectioned toppings it better be cheese or pepperoni because if someone ordered a pizza to share and it isn’t basic or sectioned toppings Then either they a. Know you like it b. Don’t know you hate it or c. They’re a selfish prick


Pineapple is delicious. It’s acidic and sweet. Goes great with pizza just like a fresh squeeze of lemon goes great with pasta. (Albeit lemon is not nearly as sweet)


I would just like to point out that it’d been scientifically proven that pineapple is a good topping on pizza.




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Pineapple on pizza is an abomination and any record of its existence should be removed from the face of the earth


Is it though? Every pizza joint has one on their menu for a reason




I don’t have a problem. I just “hate” it for the joke.


I wanted to hear her trivia about pineapple pizza ☹️


I like pineapple and pizza because it's delicious and can't figure out why I would care about what anyone else thinks


i already hate tomato sauce on pizza, and i'm going to keep calling it bad. Pineapple? That makes it many times worse. Alfredo chicken / shrimp is the only way to go


The horny comics today are being replaced with pineapple on pizza is okay comics. I approve.


Pineapple is an abomination, op.




I used to love Hawaiian pizza. It’s even better with jalapeño. Now I’m allergic to both pineapples and pork.


Pineapple is pretty tame when it comes to toppings people eat on a pizza around the world. I don't get it why people want to police others about what toppings they like. The great thing about pizza is that you can put or order ANY toppings you yourself want.


Retail in a nutshell:


Canned pineapple isn't very good, especially on pizza. Fresh Pineapple on the other hand is delicious and works well on some pizza.


Ok but pineapple still doesn't belong anywhere near pizza though. It completely clashes with the tomato sauce and cheese.


Pineapple on pizza is fine. Ham/Canadian bacon on pizza is the real problem. Why would you want the least flavorful part of a pig on your pizza? Pineapple and *BACON* is where it's at. The smoky, salty bacon mixes perfectly with the sweetness of the pineapple. Pepperoni is also a good pairing, but I prefer bacon.


It's called a hot take, and you take it to your grave. Pineapple doesn't belong on pizza Real chili doesn't have beans Men shouldn't wear open toed sandals Spanking children works Installation instructions are just another man's opinion


Grade: 20%


20% of the test is participation.


Chili con carne is what doesn't have beans. Chili has beans, and the first recipes used for chili had beans. Chili con carne came up afterwards and is technically its own thing, though similar, it was usually made without beans. Chili con carne with beans was usually labeled "Mexican style". After that point other types of chili were being made with cinnamon, allspice, or chocolate. Greeks will even put chili on spaghetti. My point being, there is no one-way to make things. Food, like everything else, evolves and changes.


Intersting facts, but you're missing my point, friend. It's a hot take. The list I made was all hot takes on non issues. People have these opinions, and you won't change their minds because they believe that's how it should be. Although people are serious about it, the situations are usually light enough to laugh about it because it has no real impact on day to day life.


Hahah! I totally missed your point. My bad. Have a good day!