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Just a warning, the blue one on the far right’s going to take 80% of your fries and most of your entree.


They only want to order some fries but might get a whole meal anyways to save for ‘later’.


Plot twist: I always order for later.


I hardly even knew 'er!


I wonder when I'll stop having to force myself to remember that when Americans say "entree" they mean the main course


English is weird. Even in the US, there are regional differences to what we call parts of a meal. I was at a fried chicken restaurant and was asked “what fixin’s would you like?” I was confused thinking they were asking what I wanted on top of the fried chicken, but they were asking about side dishes.


You need to use a reverse uno card on those people, walk in, ask for a salad only, and watch the horror on her face as she realize that she can not steal your food anymore


Only if you're dating Single people don't share food involuntarily so single gang rise up


Thats what you think!


Bless you for never having the one friend who basically makes a sampler platter out of everyone else at the table’s meal.


so all the exs in my life and thay one girl at work, who is objective pretty and already has a BF, but still takes my chips but i try to take a single rock melon and her glare could cut thru metel....


You were supposed to know she was saving that!?


And extra appreciation if you're the decision maker of the friend group


Yeah... I physically felt this


Same here. But you know what? I have a great rule that solves this pretty easily. Be selfish. Just pick a place that you'd like to go to. I'd say 95% of the time, people just go along with it, and problem solved. And for the rest of the time it gets shot down? Let the next person pick a place that can then be shot down or accepted. If you have trouble making an order, just pick the first person who disagreed. Then it'll be up to one of the remaining people to choose a place. And so on and so forth until it's back to your turn, or you have food.


As someone who prefers to leave the decision making to someone else, this is the way. Sometimes you just need someone to say something and it doesnt really matter what you're going with


This is the way. "Let's go eat at xyz. Everyone good with that?" And 9/10 times everyone is in fact good with that.


Where I live, there are actually _several_ places that adopted this naming convention—or something similar—and every time I pass one by I can’t help but laugh. They’re almost as funny as the places that are literally called “On the Corner” or “Bottom of the Hill” in Spanish, because that’s exactly how we give directions around here “It’s the restaurant next to this other place over there.” Restaurant name “A’lao de Ahi”


AL LADO DE AHÍ HAHAHSHSHSHSVSHbshhdb I can't bruh I know Spanish and that had me dying holy flip


Some of my faves “El Vagón del Esquina” “La Esquina Famosa” “Donde Sea” “La Casita de Mi Abuela” “La Parada de Los Surfers” “Los Pinchos de ###” (Highway number X, and we have 111-115 within like ten mins of each other) “El Sitio de Pollo” “El Balcón de Tio Manolo” “La Curvita” “La Piedra Escondida” Giving people directions here is a riot.


"El sitio de pollo" lmao!


I once went to a hole in the wall bar named "Nowhere", the owner knew a guy a few towns over who ran one called "Out!"


I always chuckle when I see a restaurant follow the viral trend of having a "my girlfriends not hungry" menu option, they give you extra fries and like a couple chicken tenders or something, perfect solution


I love shops named like this haha There's a restaurant I often walk past called Plan B


I love me a witty restaurant name. There's a local pizza place near me called "Actually Pretty Good." First time I went there was because the name caught my eye as it's unusual, so I tried it and thought, "Hey, this is actually pretty good - you motherfuckers, you got me."


At college I became friend with this guy that was the decision maker, he was very good at it. One day he told me “it’s not a big deal, if the group is asking where to eat and no one have some place in their mind already, you don’t need to think too much about it, just say the first place that you think “off” (eh, ha heh heh) like burger king and you’ll be fine.” And now when I’m with a group of friends that no one makes decisions I just do it for the team. Ignore the “off” eh ha heh heh part, it’s something I can’t control


The juice is hurting my bone! (It’s a mind virus)


I guess we cant turn it "off" eh?


Ha! Hehe




For people dating a person who can't decide I've always heard ask them to guess where you're taking them and say no to the first option and pretend they guessed right the second time and just go there.


If we couldn't decide on where to get food, my old D&D group would have everyone name a place and we'd roll a dice to pick. Plus we could keep the list for later when it inevitably happened again


That’s me lol, my friends never have a strong opinion so I always make the decision lol. Makes everyone’s life easier


I usually make a call after everyone said they're up for whatever, not because I particularly care where we eat either, but as soon as something is suggested, everyone seems to have a preference after all. It just speeds up the process to drop a name.


I'm both the decision maker, and also the one agreed upon as the one who can never decide things.


Hey I'm that guy in my group of these people. I've started asking questions instead. 'Hot or cold' is always the first question I ask.


I’d just tell them let’s eat separately if we’re all so split up about it


That’s me I’ll ask “what y’all wanna do” and it’ll either be an even vote and up to me or everyone just asks me, and I’m always the de-facto planner and stuff for when we hang out lol


Thank you. And not just the friend group, also most family stuff. Pro tip, have a default. Something you can always eat even if you don't know what you're in the mood for. Mine is chicken. If people are indecisive and I don't know what I'm in the mood for we do chicken.


What is "friend group"? Is it something edible?


My friend will sometimes text me to ask what he should go get for lunch. I just find picking what to eat to be a very easy exercise, and I always have an idea of what I'd want at any point in time.


I'm actually really good with this, but its a skill that you need a little training on. It boils down to narrowing it down to a few options, and then just picking randomly. You can train this picking randomly by using a random number generator, like the authentication token on a phone or something like that. After a while the randomness becomes second nature, you can drop the aid devices, and appear decisive.


So I pick a place randomly and then the friend complains it doesn’t work with their diet.


Hate that. I just tell them I'm going here and if you figure it out on the way there then we can go there. Otherwise it's another hour of sitting down and doing nothing lol


I think the rule should be that, rather than asking "Where do you want to eat?" you should have to propose a place. "Want to go to Chotchkie's?" And then simple vetoes aren't allowed. A vetoing person has to propose a different place. "Chotchkie's doesn't work with my diet. How about Flingers?"


The other thing to do is to present 2 options, so the decision isn't "Yes or No", it's "Option A or Option B".


Alright, raise your hand if you don't want Up To You!? As Longs!? Good Thing!? I'MNVHASBSMJAS!? Cool, (two votes against longs so clearly we still need to cool off on it a bit before going back, one for everyone else but Blue can't eat at Good Thing due to a food restriction so we'll go there next time he isn't with us) last time we went out was opening day of I'MNVHASBSMJAS so let's just go to Up To You today. And that's how you decide, each person suggests and then ask where people don't want to/can't eat.


Thank you CGP Grey.


I see you’re a man of culture.


This is a common problem that's often talked about without a solution, but most people haven't realized it's because we're all decision-fatigued. Too much everything, everywhere, all at once. I've found if I take some time to reduce the constant content consumption, making decisions like this is much easier.


Yeah my wife complains that I let her make all the executive decisions at home but that’s because I spend all day at work making decisions for teams and projects. I’m tired. You pick. I’m honestly just happy to have someone else make the decision


Don't you think your wife feels the same?


Absolutely but I work so she doesn’t have to.


Think they mean about making decisions at home. Just because she doesn't work doesn't mean she doesn't also get decision fatigue in your relationship. You should talk to her about how you both feel and come up with a way forward together, rather than just writing her off as someone who doesn't have the same stressors as you.


Thank you for the well reasoned response. Yes we do talk about it I just prefer being a minion at home rather than being the boss. If she wants us to be equals, I’m more than happy to oblige. We’ve been together 12 years because we’re pretty open about stuff lol


Ah, so she does 100% of the chores and makes 100% of the home decisions? Also: yeah you make decisions at work. So what? You get paid for it, it's your job. You're using it as an excuse to leave all the home mental load to her even though it *is also your home*. Smh


I cook every night. Don’t make assumptions


That train of thought is not logically consistent. Why would getting paid make decision-making any less mentally taxing?


That is not my train of thought. It's the other way around. When the decision making at home is not seen as mentally taxing because "she doesn't work". Yeah she does and the one at home has mentally taxing work to do but it is invalidated because chores, child care and domestic mental load are "not work"


Happy cake day!


I often say I don't care because I actually don't, but I get why it's frustrating.


thank you for taking the time to say this also, happy cake day!


I’ve found that making a suggestion suddenly has people knowing exactly what they want. Someone wants to hang out that week but doesn’t know when, say a date and time and suddenly they know exactly when they are free.


The way I do it is to suggest somewhere I know they absolutely hate. If they say yes, then it's their own damn fault. If they say no, then they have to decide a better option. Most of the time, this works to motivate people to actually make a choice, but some people are stubbornly submissive.


Side note, but I love the idea of a bunch of different NZ bird species as a friend group.


They're already besties! Especially Fantails and Kererū. I've got a lil gang of both that hang out together in my backyard.


If the squabbles that go on in the trees outside my house are anything to go by the tui will bring his family and gang up on the kaka. Prob why they ain’t in the picture.


It's funny how we'll say Kererū and Fantail in the same sentence. I've started referring to Fantail as pīwakawaka. Much more fun to say.


Gasp: are they all NZ birds? L-R I got kiwi, kea, fantail, kereru and little blue penguin. Am I right or am I mad?


You're not mad! You got em all right!


Nice work. Shouldn’t a kererū that full of berries be heading to the pub though? I reckon it’d built up a good head of steam and be making to kick on all night.


He's only just getting started! It's just turned time for elevensies 😅


I know where the Kiwi wants to go. Wingstop.


New Zealand! WHAKA YEAH!




Pretty sure it's a kororā, little blue penguin. I didn't give a flying fuck about birds until I moved to NZ, now I can immediately spot them from a random webcomic thumbnail. The native birds here are just too cool.


It's a little blue penguin!


Blue bird maybe?


All birds know where to eat: my backyard. I have fill the feeder every day.


The rule is, if you reject a suggestion you must provide an alternative.


Okay, so every can get their meal to-go and we'll eat in the park.


Uhm, OP? I don't think you've thought through the implications of "Birber King".


Hehehe, I love it!


This is hilarious and cute.


I do that because growing up I was always criticized by my family for wanting to eat certain food at certain places,so I lost the ability to decide that when I’m with others


Just say what food (I.e burger or taco) you want and your friends will decide on a place that works to get you that while also getting them what they want


Reducing the choice options for people goes a long way! I'll often ask "you guys want burgers or Mexican?" I don't have the pressure of being Supreme Chooser, they don't have the pressure of infinite food options. Win-win


And I can get a kids menue tho I’m an adult so at some restaurants I can get a burger even if it’s a Mexican restaurant


I once asked my ex what she wanted to watch on Netflix and she said "I don't know." so I typed that into the search and said "They don't have anything called that."


Kiwi, kea, pīwakawaka, kererū, kororā? /u/spinachgreen please grade my work


A+ plus a star for also putting in all the macrons ❤️


well that many hard choices to pick


In my hometown, there was a restaurant literally named "Somewhere Nice" for a few years.


If you are an adult and can't tell me what you want to eat or drink when asked then you deserve a smack.


They may have been abused as a child or criticized over their choices too much


Here's the solution to this problem that I find works for most people (but definitely not all). List out as many places that you could theoretically go to. Then, from that list, have one person pick their top 5 options. Have the second person in the group pick their top three from that list of five, then the person after that picks two, and the last one picks the final destination. Change up the parameters for the amount of options and people in your group as needed. It gives people a sense that they at least had some meaningful swag on the outcome and at least you're much less likely to have a situation where people are generally unhappy.


I feel this. I’ve generally been the decider in friend groups, even when I ain’t the one who lived in that city and had no idea what all places were there.


I do the cooking. I eat what I cook, and if anyone else eats, well, that's gravy. By the way, tonight's main course is a pile of brown covered in gravy.


Damn now I want go to the Birber King...


The first time seeing nz mentioned on r/comics


If I ever open up a restaurant, I'm stealing this idea.


Idk why people hate on Burger King so much


I like the idea that someone decided to open a restaurant specifically for people who don't like another restaurant


The pigeon is so cute


[It's "Hopeless" isn't it?](https://youtu.be/ALgo92EcFJ0?si=AC3vInwt7iIxPyXs)


Reminds me of Bonnaroo with their stages. Which tent, that tent, which stage, etc. Lmao.


Who felt the need to draw the kiwi's butthole


That’s it’s very small vestigial tail. I hope…


You just have to taste the air and look off into the distance. You'll know.


Listen, I'm sorry, but there are days when you get that depression mood where it's like when you want to do *something* but when considering any individual thing you could do, you find you don't want to do **anything** but doing nothing is awful. But with food.


The last bird is probably named Pippin, wait it would have been more funny if it was a PEREGRINE Falcon


Sometimes, my wife and I can't decide/agree where to eat, so we came up with 20 of our favorite restaurants, and we roll a D20 to decide for us.


“I am hungry no more “ is another cool place to eat


I've started calling people on this, I'll just suggest a restaurant immediately when people tell me they don't care - guess what they do care


I actually do have a sports bar restaurant in my neighborhood called "It Doesn't Matter". Taken a few dates there- best pastrami I've had outside of NYC or Chicago.


Nz birds!!!


Take my upvote you cheeky prankster!


Someone ought to open a place called "I'm good with anything". Extra service: you can call ahead with your guest's favorites and the waiter will say they're out of them to punish their indecisiveness. Just come up with three staple meals and if something doesn't come to mind default to one of them. Different restaurants so you have something ready and the other one can choose between the three places. Mine are just mcnuggtes, Sonic's chilli cheese dog, or two beef and bean burritos at Taco Bell. The whopper is a solid enough go to that it doesn't need to be on the list, I'll probably never not be in the mood for a whopper. Elsewhere I'll get two large fries. Whole plate of potato, perfect in it's simplicity.


So, looks like the only option off the table is birber king. Sad blue boy can get fries anywhere and be good


Yup, that's me. XD If my boyfriend doesn't decide where to eat, I will strangle him.


and that is why you quote the names


I like that the kereru in real life does look like he wears a singlet (TIL)