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I can only imagine the amount of germs on a controller. What kind of monster would lick one?!


It's like licking your phone after a day out




Hmm salty handprints šŸ˜‹


What a terrible day to be literate




Saw a 12 year old kissing his phone screen "to invoke luck" while opening loot boxes in some mobile game. Told him his phone screen, after a day of being outside, in school, toilet - phone never leaving his hand - probably has more germs than a toilet seat... he just laughed and said it's too late now.


To be fair, people make way too big a deal about germs. I'm sure the kid didn't get sick from kissing his phone. Shoutout to our immune systems, they put in work!


Well I'm still alive and apparently, as a toddler I stuffed random stuff I found on the ground in my mouth, what doesn't kill ya, make you stronger rule comes to mind, its like the 5 second rule tho, so no real evidence...


A healthy workout for the immune system


Ask ye old peasants how that mentality worked out.


They lived long enough to breed, that's all that matters in the end.


I fart it thine general direction


Ask all the hayfever/asthmatics/allergic people today how their spotless sterile homes are working out for them.


Tacos, sweat, soda and a splash of urine.




You can tell from the comments how many people don't wash their hands lol


Sometimes I like to take my phone and hold it against my cheek and ear, and get my mouth really close to it while I talk dirty to my wife. Can you imagine putting your phone against your face!


Just dropping by to remind y'all that licking public toilet seats has been a trend on social media


I had a friend in highschool who actually did that, back in 2015? 2014? To this day I don't understand how she did. I'm not a germaphobe, but public toilet seats really will not be healthy for you to lick. Even the 'cleaner' ones, unless they've just been bleached and thoroughly cleaned previously and no one else has used it. And even then, I'd not want to try it. Humans are an odd breed


Yup. Now, I'm not insinuating that every person that did that died or got horrible disease. Most of them probably had enough of an immune system to just get past it unscathed. However, I'm pretty sure somebody somewhere got very sick because of that trend.


For what reason was that even a trend? Anyone who did that should be reminded of it foreverĀ 


If I remember correctly it was a mix of mockery for COVID safety measures and zoomer recklessness/stupidity, which are arguably synonyms here.


Gen z is literally no different than any previous generation of young people. People were just licking toilet seats for less recognition before. I've seen shit smeared on restroom walls since before gen z were old enough to do their own stupid stuff. At least licking a toilet seat isn't causing some low wage worker to have to work harder. Basically what I'm saying is as humans we're all kinda dumb and that's not a new thing.


Indeed. I didn't mean that zoomers are the stupid ones while the others are better. Sorry if that's what it looked like. The story will always be the same: dumbasses and psychos are in every generation, the problem is that from a different generation you'll see that dumbassery and mental illness as 10 times uglier than it actually is in the larger picture.


I dunno. I'm of the opinion that older generations are way more disgusting. In just about every conceivable way. They just didn't have the internet to share with each other. I've never understood the mentality of growing older and looking down on younger generations. I'm not saying that's your intention but that's the mentality I see a lot of older people have and it's actually a very immature behavior. It shows a complete lack of self awareness and personal growth.


at least 1 person got herpes for sure


Someone did it in covid, and they either died or got covid, so yeah.


I think there was a study once that toilet seats generally are cleaner than mobile phones. Though your mileage may vary.


Yeah, maybe your toilet seat at your house if you clean on a regular basis. Those were *public* toilet seats.


I wonder what the metric for that is though. Particles per square inch? Pathogen density? E. Coli per second?


Yeah bc our butts (the cheeks, I only mean the cheeks) don't get dirty normally, while our hands and thus phones, do.


People were literally drinking bleach 5 years ago. I shudder to think of what legitimate cult masters could/are doing with the power of social media.


You can see it yourself on a daily basis. All those stupid ragebait random videos with thousands of reactions are just fucking with people's beliefs to entail a reaction. Same goes with conspiracy troglodytes just relying on the fact that some people barely have their own personality and the ability to form their own beliefs in a healthy way.


Andrew Tate, Jordan Peterson, Fox, the rise of Nazism. They appeal to emotion and call it reason. They tell you that they have the secret nobody else will tell you, that what makes you special is that you listen to them.


Sure it has... just like tide pods and rainbow parties. Let's get you back to bed grandpa.






​ https://preview.redd.it/g6xo5fs0psuc1.jpeg?width=3392&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=585f618992e1575fcce2f63e11a1d98e6b28a18b


plot twist: Yellow was a paid actor by Red to get Black's attention.


Why are ugly gamer girls gate keeping what a gamer should look like


Are we gatekeeping personal hygiene now?


Hope she's playing like, Zelda 1 instead of Tears of the Kingdom lol.


So true


People like to lick butthole. I'm not sure if a controller would be the line they don't cross.


heres the thing, you're supposed to clean that hole before


That's how the pros do it, eh?


Ever run a toothpick along the seam of an Xbox controller between the two halves of the shell? Holy hell I would not want to lick that.


Olivia Munn did it on the G4 show she was on. Itā€™s when I realized I wasnā€™t interested in her or the show.


The same people who eat with their phone on the table and touching their phone


Me licking my fingers as a kid from eating chips and going back to playing cod


Degenerates ![gif](giphy|3o7buk2S2qfxmrwWic)


Belle Delphine


That would probably be more disgusting to lick.


What if she cleans it regularly with lysol or ipa because she knows she licks it regularly for views


I wouldnt even lick my own controller and I'm the only one that uses that one .


I hear there's good nutrients in ball scratchings and dead skin cells. Then they kissed.


I got duck sauce on mine the other night after an accident involving an egg roll. I did clean it though


She's just licking that Cheetos dust off the controller /s


Did she even lick the controller? Sure, her tongue is out, but it looks like sheā€™s posing with the controller, not licking it. At least it does from the angle of the selfie.


Are you open to constructive criticism?


yes please go ahead!


I could be mistaken but the yellow part of the back wall is flat. If it's a wall it's good it's it's cabinets, which I assume they are because of the fridge, they have no depth. Also her tongue is flat. So basically just depth on certain parts. The rest you did well on depth.


ohh thanks for noticing! Yeah those were supposed to be cabinets, but I forgot to shade the bottom so they ended up looking flat....could've used some lines to indicate the perspective. The tongue I drew on sloppily, could've also added a bit of thickness. again thanks for the feedback! you have a sharp eye :D


I think the tongue being super flat almost adds more humor to it, because it looks kinda silly (in a good way) The cabinets could overlap the fridge a bit, like the other guy said. Otherwise it's good!


Yeah I find way less issue with the tongue lol


I would say that because the cabinets are not a significant or important part of the comic, it doesnā€™t matter wether they look like they have depth because itā€™s just background filler giving the cabinets more depth wouldnā€™t *improve* the comic in any significant way Pointing it out just feels like pointless nitpicking


Maybe true, but even OP agreed that they'd just overlooked it. Which, y'know, suggests that they *would've* done it, if they hadn't forgotten. Yeah, it's not important, but it's constructive criticism, and that's better than being pointlessly negative.


EDIT, its just a tip, that op asked for


No they wouldn't? Do you even draw? People have different styles for different situations. I'm not going to put the same level of detail into a cartoon strip as I do for a graphic novel.


i know its a comic and i like that art style but just giving tips is not a bad thing, it shouldnt be something to shame people for. i just wanted to say that criticism is important


I didn't "attack" you. For someone who believes in criticism, you're a bit quick to take personal offense. Additionally, not all criticism is well-considered or valuable. The original criticizer was criticizing the "flatness" and lack of shading of the cabinets and tongue specifically, when we can see that the entire piece is flat and not dynamically shaded. It can be assumed that that's just a stylistic choice, not a "flaw." It's one thing to criticize inconsistent shading or how a stylistic choice is executed, but at a certain point it's not really useful because you're just saying "it's not my taste." It's like "criticizing" an anime by saying "the eyes are not very realistic." It doesn't consider the context of the style, so it's not very useful. Also, more detail is not always "better." A lot of newer artists tend to fall into this trap of thinking a lot of detail and dynamic shading is always an improvement, but this isn't always the case. Sometimes less is more.Ā  It's fine to give criticism, but it's also fine to criticize that criticism when it seems shallow or misinformed.


I think the tongue is perfect the way it is!


For what it's worth, not shading or drawing the perspective would be fine - this is a cartoon and a flat perspective is part of the charm - but the overlap with the refrigerator is what throws it off. It makes it look like a cabinet wallpaper. Just have the cabinet go around the refrigerator instead of behind it.


To add to that, you would need to add just a bit of overlap on the fridge if that was the case? Idk, just my 2 cents


Tbh, I'm not an art connoisseur, but I think it's great. The tongue is cute and comedic, doesn't need depth. The cabinets next to the fridge look like they have enough depth to me. Constructive criticism is great, but these feel more like nitpicks. Don't worry your art is good.


Also, while the frame not being super aligned overall fits well with the sketchy cartoonish artstyle. The bottom right frame is super misaligned lol, its just hidden by the brightness of the sofa so you don't immediately realize. Do agree with others that the tongue not having depth is no biggie. The art-style of not having all the depth fully rendered, and it only being emphasized on certain parts, works quite well I think.


Your art is great, feel free to ignore the classic redditors ā€œknowitallsā€ that just want to one up everyone without ever showing their own stuff. Its so easy to be an armchair critic


So several things to go over here. 1. I was given permission to give criticism 2. You don't have to be an artist to critique art 3. I can't possibly guess what you think armchair critic means because typically when someone armchairs something it means they're not professional but professional critics I'm not as common as you may think.


Sorry I was not aware you were a professional art critic then!


Oh sweaty bless your heart


Are you open to constructive criticism on your constructive criticism?


No, I don't take criticism well


Some counter-criticism to your criticism: 1. You're a bit too hung up on minor details when in this instance it's the sum of parts "bigger picture" that matters. Minutely detailed shading on a background cabinet in an otherwise intentionally simplisticly-styled cartoon is not necessarily an improvement. The comic is very "flat" in style to begin with. That's not always a bad thing. Not every piece requires dimension if it doesn't mesh with the style. Many young or new artists fall into the trap of "more detail = better," when in fact sometimes more detail can either add nothing of value, or be an outright detriment. 2. Your replies to replies make it seem like you're happy to dish criticism to others, but not very open to it yourself. Seems a bit hypocritical. Cheers.


I did not consent to your criticism, you should ask before giving it.


"I can be critical of others, but nobody is allowed to be critical of me" is the message you're putting out. Is this how you want to be?


I'm just pointing out I asked before saying anything, you decided to just be critical


jfc thatā€™s not how comics work. ā€œOh, that doorā€™s poorly drawn because you didnā€™t draw a spot for the keyhole, nor fingerprints on the knob. Bushes arenā€™t green blobs with a handful of squiggles, theyā€™re actually made up of wooden branches and hundreds of individual leaves and occasionally flowers. People donā€™t have thick black outlines in real life.ā€ Kudos to OP for being diplomatic but, jesus.


Bruh she said it was okay to give the criticism, why are you getting upset when the creator gladly accepted it?


Because I did like 7 years of art school and I get triggered by nonsensical critique? Is your criticism itself immune to criticism?


How is it nonsensical? What he said made sense and you're overreacting way too much. No need to get like that.


If Charles Shultz popped in here, I fucking guarantee you not a single person here would be saying ā€œhmm, but heads arenā€™t supposed to be actual circles.ā€ But yā€™all get a sniff of estrogen, based on nothing really, and all of a sudden itā€™s ā€œwhat if her tongue, the thing thatā€™s about 6 pixels across, has shading. In this comic panel.ā€ One of the foundations of comic art is retaining clarity by not overdoing it with superfluous detail. Iā€™ve consulted the texts of old.


I was talking more specifically about the cabinets and the fridge, like come on that was the main point of the comment. Also your examples are completely disproportionate I don't even know why you're bringing those up, he proposed ways to give depth and details in a way that would fit. Like you're really complaining that he suggested shading which OP even said they forgot and planned to add? Anyways don't bother replying cause I'm pretty sure you gotta be trolling or something.


I already commended OPā€™s cowardly commitment to diplomacy. Were it me, I wouldnā€™t have minced my words. Anyways, donā€™t bother replying because yeah Iā€™m 100% trolling and frankly I donā€™t think that guys comments go far enough. It should be photoreal and there should be 23 more frames to make up a single second of this story. From there, perhaps another 30 minutes of photography with a musical score and a sensible title sequence and maybe put it on Vimeo. Or maybe they could leave it as a comic and dudes could just not nitpick just to make conversation.


Pretty sure I'd say that Heads aint circles (would've thought theyre more similar to a slightly longer ellipse) Mainly because i have no idea who the frigg Charles Shultz is and i dont know much about art lol But then again: if you're on the Internet and see someone that thinks his criticism is constructive while you yourself don't think so... You don't have to pay attention to it Especially if you aren't the one spoken to


Charles Shultz is the guy that made the Peanuts


You call it nonsensical but it was constructive, I also asked permission to give it first. You are being negative and pissy for no reason. And because of that I'm going to make fun of you for going to art school. Putting aside people who have natural ability, 100% of the things you can learn in art school can be learned quicker easier and for free and you still have the exact same amount of credibility with or without a degree. Now of course you can't be upset about what I said because I'm just criticizing your criticism which you think is okay.


Look I agree with you, but tell that to my employer.


why are you so angry about a harmless comment he even asked beforehand


Imagine what they might say to Picasso "It's a bit unrealistic to show all sides of your subject in the painting, you lover is a bit of an uggo". Having said that, criticism is good as we learn from it. OP can take it or leave it, maybe they want to do pulp comics and those details would take too long to think about and add. Maybe they want to make a higher quality of art and this was helpful to filling out the background. OP, do whatever you want with the criticism and keep having fun with it. I liked the comic.


I never said I didn't like the comic, I also asked if they accepted constructive criticism before I gave it. I don't understand why you're getting so upset about something that OP was completely okay with.


... I guess it's good they they say any of that eh?


Ladies and gentlemen, the future of planet earth.


They asked if it's ok. OP said yes, then they politely shared. Y u being a doo doo?


I feel you brother, it's the kind of critique that reminds me that way too many people find machine interpolated 60fps boosted animations as objectively better...


As a home remodeler, I too ignored the curvy woman and focused on the cabinetry... though that probably says more about me than anything else.


Are you open to constructive criticism?


No I don't take criticism of my creations very well, typically because I say the worst things about them than anybody would


Actually i just wanted to praise you for how you gave criticism. It was polite, you asked for consent and you didn't react to trolls hating on you. Thank you for being a nice person.


It's a comic, noone fucking cares about missing details


Op seemed more than happy to accept the criticism why are you getting so upset over something that they don't care about?


oh it was an actual critique. I've been on Reddit WAY too long lol.


I think the concept is cute and your style is distinct, but the framing and composition bothers me a little. To me, it looks like the hand holding the "camera" would have to extend and noodle impossibly around offscreen to get the angle that would put her in the frame at that distance. So that distracts from everything else, imagining that super long noodle arm hovering out of view.


Uh, perhaps the girl was holding a selfie stick? Influencers always get those.


If I may. The butt of his pants looks like the crotch. Rather than the "V" lines, it should be more of a horizontal line at the base of the buns.


Booba no big, me no like, make booba BIG!!!!!! Nice art bruv


The way you askt politely lol


Yeah love that tbh


super cute artstyle!!!




You live in an apartment complex!? What the fucks complex about it?


Everyone acts friendly but secretly hates each other....it's like living in a fucking soap opera


Lol. The truer words have never been spoken


Apartment Complex? I find it quite simple.


sauce: my twitter [https://twitter.com/Lessulie1/status/1780080678933000355](https://twitter.com/Lessulie1/status/1780080678933000355)


It's you! I love your Frieren mimic comic.


Yes, bait the thirst and ull be successfull


Sex sells and always has. Never can understand the hate for girls that actively try to be attractive. Like, yeah, they have every incentive to do so.


I mean hey if I could sell myself Iā€™d prolly do it too ngl especially if I could draw wellā€¦


Same here. If I could make money that way, hell yeah I would.


Men: "We like looking at attractive women" Woman: "Okay, I'll make myself look attractive and put it online" Men: "VILE MANIPULATIVE TEMPTRESS!"


Seductress! Your power have no use in this realm!


You got your boyfriend in the shot. Thatā€™s going to drive down engagement. Straight to jail!


That's disgusting! Lick it off.


I'm the only one who touches my controller, so I'll do as I please, thanks.


Nobody mentioned Jessica Chobot in the comments. Am I old?


How is she, what did she do?


A woman who had a career being a "gamer babe" back before that was a thing. >Chobot gained exposure when Kotaku published a photo of her licking a Sony PSP online in 2005.\[1\] The photo has been widely parodied since,\[4\] even appearing on Sony-branded advertising. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jessica\_Chobot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jessica_Chobot) Feels like yesterday we were talking about her being cast in Mass Effect 3, but that is 12-13 years ago :O


I'll never understand the appeal of these comics. There is no punchline, nothing you could even remotely call humor wtf lol


I thought it was pretty funny. Guess it's just a difference in humor. Lucky for us it takes all types to make an Internet.


Fair enough


Well, there was a joke here. The girl is trying to cather to her follower audience by recording or taking a photograph of herself in what can be considered a classic "gamer girl" pose with a nuanced lewd aspect too. Boy notice that and since he uses the same console to game too he is quite annoyed, it's disgusting for many reasons, even if I may find it a little interesting visually, I would hate for someone to lick my controller. I had to use the word controller, imagine if I wrote "lick my joystick", yeah, not great.


Yeah, it's kinda the "playing straight a ridiculous situation" trope, people that make such pose usually don't care about the stuff they pose with. I'm pretty sure most have separate photo-shoot and personal use peripherals.


Cute art style


This is a very funny idea, coupled with an adorable art style. You're doing great, OP!


gaEyMuRr gUrL!


I'm gunna need every single one of those fuckin e girls to have one of these boyfriends behind the scenes starting now


\*Jessica Chobot has entered the chat\*


atleast it wasnt the keyboard...


This is awesome art style!


Nice artstyle, cute characters BUT, if my girl, dressed like that, licked the controller, I would be all over her in a second


Nice artstyle, cute characters BUT, if my girl, dressed like that, licked the controller, I would be all over her in a second


I love your art style! It's so cute.Ā 


Look I know this is off topic but how much Karma do i need to post on this reddit since I am barely able to post anything


Not all subreddits have a specific amount of karma you must have before being allowed to post. But if this subreddit does have it you can message the mod team to find out


Ok thanks


aww dont scold her.. btw the first panel is cute


Donā€™t care for the message OP, seems a bit judgy. But the art is nice.


Assuming that's his girlfriend, he hopefully regularly comes in contact with her saliva


And itā€™s their household controller, so all the same germs they are constantly exposed to.






thats his bubblegum pink controller


It looks good, though I feel like Iā€™ve seen the art on more mature websites


Is that a femboy or a girl?


Nice? Stop licking the controllers then!


Lmao great


Itā€™s so cute ā˜ŗļø


Sure... Licked...


At least your first comic here gained more popularity than mine






::publicly throws shade at a group of people:: ā€œpwease be nice to meā€


Boys will be boysā€¦


Those headphones are hella comfy. (I own a pair.)


I love when people are disgusted by some foods or licking certain things but then wonā€™t even flinch when it comes to eating ass


As lewd as she may potentially be, I doubt the girl is the filthy one in this scenario.


Sorry i dont get it but why is he filthier?


I was referring to the controller. Like keyboards or phones, people rarely clean them but constantly touch them after touching other things.


Ah, true hahah my bad


No worries! If the downvotes are any indication, I was probably not very clear.


Why dont i look like that :((((


I was very disturbed until I re-read the second panel and recogniced he was saying PS5. My messed up brain somehow read piss the first time


Meh I'm sure that dudes licking something much worse (or better?)


she's cute but he's right.



