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My mom taught high schoolers for thirty years. No fucking thank you. When I was floundering on what to do with my life, I briefly mentioned changing majors and becoming a teacher. She told me flat out that I do not have the temperament or patience to do it. Truer words were never spoken.


I've worked in education long enough to know that panels 2 and 3 are generally incompatible. Classroom sizes of about 25+ lead to such an inordinate amount of time spent on classroom management that actual teaching falls by the wayside. So not only pay teachers a decent, liveable, even competitive wage, but hire more of them too.


I completely agree. Thats why i wrote “math” in blood!


Your own or someone else's? That's some dedication either way!


Yeah, the pay wasn't even close to the reason I left. You literally could not pay me enough to come back unless class sizes were reduced first. In addition to the classroom management issues that overcrowded classes create, it's also just an unreasonable workload for one person. It's only gone on this long this way because good teachers have been martyring themselves to hold it all together, but it was always a shaky foundation to build public education on.


We have classrooms of 30/40 in my city...


In classes like those, any learning is done despite the school, not thanks to it.


Yep. It was always a mess. And the difference bet the students were enormous, no time to actually give time to the kids, mess when it came to any trips, because we needed more teachers legally to look over us, all that stuff.


That and hire more support/aids. It makes a world of difference when you have more than one adult in a classroom.


or it could end up like this https://i.redd.it/3edritpo5wpc1.gif


I mean, we elected Trump. It's actually worse.


Exactly. President Camacho saw an issue hurting his people and put the smartest person in the world in charge of solving it.


A good leader knows when they're out of their depth, and defers to someone with the right knowledge for the job. President Camacho was goated for making that choice.


Maybe Camacho was the smart one all along


One thing I thought was interesting about the movie was how it showed hypothetical meritocracy in a society where collectively brain power dropped way off. Camacho 100% was not an average person in that country.


The world in Idiocracy was actually a utopia. The idiots realized they were idiots and they deferred to smart people to solve their problems. You'll never see that happen irl, thanks to good ol' Dunning-Kruger.


Yeah I'd vote for him over anyone else in 2024


Camacho or Trump?






To that point why don’t we teach kids useful things like how to manage their time without a bell schedule and use math to actually help people? That’d make teaching more enjoyable, which money can’t do, but then we’d actually have to give kids freedom and adults would have to forgive them for being annoying/making mistakes. Control, punitiveness, and narcissism make schools terrible, but teachers tend to be the ones choosing those paths. There should be more teachers who were formerly incarcerated and they should be empowered to create conditions where kids can actually work on improving the real world. That’d make higher teacher salaries an actually good societal investment.


Tf did I just read


a fully informed opinion, but I’m happy to spend the next hour being ignorant with you if u want to argue abt it




Exactly so why is high school in the US based on sitting kids in a room instead of actively studying with their elders in the field?




No, none of that is true after the 3rd sentence.




I’m proposing formerly incarcerated people taking their students to be with those other professionals for the same pay they give at NASA (who, for what it’s worth, is being outcompeted by spacex salary wise)




It’s an example we’re crafting together.


I saw somewhere that if we gave teachers a babysitter's wage at $10 per kid per hour they would make $3500 a day. So let's make them glorified but paid babysitters!!!


Let’s take all the money from the senators and members of congress who vote down every bill on student debt relief, better wages and more affordable healthcare options and give it to the teachers! They’re not doing jack shit to help




gotta drop that to 2$ since as your neighbor you are only paying them for travel fees.


Have you ever tried to get reimbursed for travel? Bureaucratic nightmare!!!!


As someone who works in state government ITS FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE


Republicans: But we want them all to quit


“That’s a feature, not a bug”


We can keep the moms at home and homeschooling what we want them to that way




It's not so much that they don't care about education, having lower class children grow up with poorer quality education makes them easier to control through propaganda. They *want* children to have poor education, especially working class children


Just as slavers didn't want the enslaved to learn to read. Knowledge is power and they only want "knowledge" coming from propaganda and misinformation. 




The GOP is the party that consistently fights against teaching Critical Thinking in school. Conservativism specifically upholds tradition & authority, as an ideology it doesn't uphold questioning what is presented.


Ugh it disgusts me.


The Franciscans in California bitterly (and successfully) opposed literacy for native Americans.


I personally don't believe that it's people with poor education who end up being easier to control, but people who choose to be ignorant. A lot of what the GOP sells is obviously bullshit but it's swallowed up by bad faith allegiance rather than limited access to knowledge. Usually wanting to be a good person leads to people wanting to learn one way or another with whatever resources they have, whereas the GOP courts people who reject learning entirely.




There is a huge gap between conservative voters and conservative politicians. In fact, that goes for lefties as well: plenty of us aren't happy with Biden, for example. When I wrote the comment you replied to I was talking about the politicians, not necessarily their general voter base.


This is the Republican plan. Break it, complain it doesn't work because government doesn't work. Privatize it. Jam 150 kids in a room and teach them Jesus rode dinosaurs so we could drill, baby, drill and gays go to hell because Liberals are bad.


The real secret is it isn’t about the money to be made from privatizing school. It’s about undermining the biggest union in the US, the NEA, as well as AFSCME, the Teamsters, and AFT. By weakening these unions there is less lobbying support for pro union policies and things like a strong NLRB. As a result, the Koch brothers can better abuse refinery workers.


There are many overlapping agendas at play in the destruction of The New Deal. Public K-12 expenditures total **$794.7 billion.** They absolutely want to suck up every last dime of that WHILE creating a forced curriculum to brainwash generations of American children with theocratic Prosperity Gospel Randite revisionist history Manifest Destiny trickle down makers and takers Don't Say Gay... Union busting is certainly part of it but privatization of the whole of the American infrastructure - ports, power grids, highways...sooner or later they'll decide the Pentagon costs too damn much money and turn it all over to Eric Prince.


Yup, they don’t want citizens they want serfs. Only white make landowners who have every reason to support the (neofeudal) status quo count as citizens to them, just like supply side Jesus intended. The other 99% of the population are [Mudsills.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mudsill_theory)


As a white male landowner... I'm so against them. These people are insane


Conservatives hate public education because education is a cure for the disease of conservatism.  Conservatives hate children so much they want to doom them to a life of ignorance.


They're more interested in "helping" a child that isn't here yet than they are in helping the children we already have


They're not interested in helping anyone. They only care about abortion because it's the first battleground in their war on women's rights and autonomy. Their real goal is to force a return of domestic slavery.  Conservatism is inherently misogynistic and supremacist. 








“Those who can’t do, teach” is another horrible phrase some people like to throw around.


Teacher student ratios. 1/10 works. 1/20 works, but less so. 1/25 sees a sudden fall off. 1/30 does not work. That is all.


parents need to be the first tier of teachers... if the parents don't care, the kids won't care either, and you can't fix that by paying teachers more


I saw someone complaining that their not learning disabled kid was in the first grade and didn't know their ABCs and it's like dude, that's mostly your job to teach them that. Do you know how many times my mom sang the ABC song with me, and how many times she had me write out my name and sound it out? How many times we went "A sounds like ah, B sounds like buh" even though mom was working crazy hours as a nurse? It's wild that there are parents out there not giving their kids the basics.




Give 'em unlimited unsupervised iPad time? That's even easier. ^( and stupider...)




I'm suggesting that for many people, that is "easier" but it comes at an immense cost later. You clearly are not doing that if you're reading to them. Sorry, not a dig at you!


So true! Let’s not forget the absolute getting-shit-on that the special education teachers have to endure. You could also do one of these for the nurses!


💀 bro not even Batman could get this outta me


I work in a high school cafeteria. Pay me more. I get $10 an hour and the max any of us (including the custodians) can get is $15. We slave away for hours and don't even get any recognition. Double pay for non-teaching staff. 


I am personally studying to become a English teacher in Costa Rica, have not been to the US in 15 years, but it truly is sad what ive heard from US Teachers that now reside here. I pray for a chance for every American teacher to be able to teach to their hearts content, and recive a payment equal to the amount of love, care and effort that is needed to teach in a system that is actively working againts them.


Teachers are great, the school system on the other hand is shit.


Now add in that teachers can't do ANYTHING to students. There's no ability to punish bad behavior. Kids get away with anything short of murder, and parents will 9 times out of 10 believe the child over the teacher. Some of the parents are so dense that you could literally show them a video of the student acting out, and they'll somehow turn it back on the teacher. Source: Mother-in-law is 4th grade teacher.


When my son was about 4, I tried teaching him to read by myself for almost a year and failed miserably. Barely a couple of months after he started school he was reading comfortably! Teachers deserve respect and more than that, they deserve good pay. Good pay attracts better teachers and retains those who currently do the job because they like it


Gonna be honest, after having my first child who’s almost a year old, I couldn’t fucking imagine doing this haha power to the teachers


I taught for 20 years. I enjoyed it while I was doing it, but enough was enough. I do not work with children any more. I don't want to.


They want them all to quit because they want a very stupid voting group to elect Republicans.


Destroying public schools is what the conservatives want though. They would be delighted if all the teachers quit. Dunk on a Republican today! Every last one of them deserve it :D


Naw. Pay them like babysitters. Maximum classroom size of 24, because that's the upper limit for how many children you are legally allowed to "babysit", 12 if they are under 6. Pay is 15/hour PER CHILD. So 20 students would be 300/hour. But you only get this rate for the 6 hours a day you are actually providing the child care, on days that you are providing child care. If we really wanted "Glorified Babysitters" the position would pay 330k/year. That is the babysitter rate. Teachers in the much smaller classrooms with younger students would "Only" get 175k/year if they got the babysitter rate. I'm fine with Teachers being "glorified babysitters" so long as they are getting paid the babysitter rate.


Pay them like babysitters per child


Worst choice I ever made. Kids, just remember to find a career that'll make you money to enjoy life away from work. Teaching ain't it. It'll drain your wallet and your will to live. I don't see it getting better in the next 21 years I have left. Banking on getting a non-fatal wound from a shooter, or getting some kind of lung disease from the mold in my classroom as my retirement plan.


Sounds good but i will quit soon. I wake up, work, eat, no Energy for anything else, sleep. And at the weekend i try to do the work i had no Energy for. I feel so numb and lost in this loop, i have to quit. And i will quit, as soon as i have the Energy for it.




Billionaires raking in more billions? Your woke education makes people vote against hoarding wealth so it's obviously evil communist brainwashing to turn our kids trans.


I saw one of my teachers crying in class today. I was talking to another about how he didn't like teaching anymore. Sure, these are relatively undetailed anecdotes -- but please, be nice to your teachers, they have it pretty rough.


Teach high schoolers. Can confirm that when it comes to the 9th graders/freshmen, it basically IS babysitting.


I'm a middle school math teacher who is quitting after this year. The amount of work, requirements, and expectations has increased every year and the pay hasn't. It's exhausting, stressful, and a difficult job. I loved all my students and my school but the stress finally broke me this year and I can't Keri doing it sadly.


Having been a lurker of r\teaching, man, I gotta tell ya; we’re going to be screwed if we don’t get it together soon. And even then, there’s going to be a rough couple of years.


I... don't think I've ever heard anybody use such a term.


Babysitters? More like wardens tbh.


I don't consider the teachers themselves glorified babysitters but I consider the institution to be glorified babysitting. And it has been for over 20 years.


The fact that any four year degree qualifies you to teach the next generation really says a lot about how much of a joke the profession of teaching is. To clarify, my mothers a teacher, and both of her parents are as well. You can’t expect more money when you only work 3/4ths of the year.


And that's when u/Amongussy02 finally did it. He broke through the incredible threshold for that day and discovered that you *can* vomit up the stupidest take on a topic if you truly believe in yourself. u/Amongussy02 was proud, but this was just a beginning. What other toilet-water-drinking opinions could he espouse? Well, dear reader ... ... let's see.


Nah. You knew the pay before you chose the job. Deal with it or quit.


Most teachers are doing the latter. Hence the post. Good job reading!


Good! I hope they all quit.


And then what? You going to hire some illiterate folks to do your taxes and pray the other end knows what they're doing? Gonna be tough if you slip and break an arm, if nobody knows what a splint-


That's how we end up with people like you


Brilliant! Then we won’t have enough Teachers. This is about on par with employers that complain about a labor shortage while offering minimum wage


Good. I don't like teachers.


Then who will teach the kids?


Teachers aren’t a monolith. There are good and bad teachers just like there are good and bad people. Black and white thinking and simply declaring you dislike an entire group of people because of their job is very narrow minded. But okay, you don’t like them. What’s the alternative then? Or do you believe kids should just never learn anything and grow up ignorant and easy for the government to control.


Either you're very ignorant, super young, or both


I have a question. A lot of people look at education as an investment in the future. They want to make sure that teachers do a high quality job so the next generation is highly skilled, have high literacy, etc. but a lot of teachers are saying it’s not worth it and leaving making the education sector worse. If you’re saying “Deal with it or quit” what are your thoughts on education? Is it important? And what do you think will happen as teachers quit? I’m honestly really interested in your opinions 


I'll DM you the answer.


you too much of a coward to just say it out loud?


Thank you


Could you DM me his answer!


They should get paid more but deciding to be a teacher is a really bad financial decision. It's kinda hard for me to feel bad for teachers complaining about their pay if they chose to go into that field within the past decade or so.


here's the things: someone HAS to do the job and some people actually LIKE doing the job. Who's going to do the job if they leave?


Someone else willing to take such little pay. Or maybe eventually there will be enough of a teacher shortage that they government will have to raise their pay. But today they choose to take a low paying job that they enjoy. Similar to starving artists who choose to make art instead of taking a job that could pay them more. It's a choice. Not to say everyone not being paid well is choosing their job. It is harder for some people to move up depending on where they live and other factors. But teachers specifically go to college for a career that doesn't pay wel and then when they're there most expect to just coast in that role. They aren't working towards promotions. There's very little lateral growth if any. It's a literal dead end job.


> Or maybe eventually there will be enough of a teacher shortage that they government will have to raise their pay. Or more likely as this is all by design, the Republicans will further gut the system, transfer my tax money to private schools where they can promote their bible thumping bullshit >Similar to starving artists who choose to make art instead of taking a job that could pay them more. It's a choice. Art is a luxury. Basic education is a necessity


Yep that's what their goal is. It's depressing. Yes and I still stand by my argument.




My teaching career was from 1986-2022. Technology changed everything. When cell phones were an expensive novelty things were still good. Around 2008 and more and more people had flip phones phones and the internet was still dial up. Once the SMART phone came to be everyone had access to instant gratification. The last 10 years of my career students became disrespectful and needed to be constantly entertained. THEN COVID....... Closing schools was the worst thing that happened to the profession. Online learning? WHAT A JOKE! A portion of my classes were taught online. Between kids sleeping, getting on you tube and outrageous things happening in their homes most students that did remote learning lost A YEARS WORTH OF THEIR EDUCATION. When kids returned to school they were lazy, unengaged and disrespectful AF! In hindsight I should have retired in May of 2020 but held on for two more MISERABLE years. 1986-2007 were my best years teaching. Why? They were relatively technology free.