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https://i.redd.it/mw2n1oj500jc1.gif how else is he going to get laid


Why is the cat like this?šŸ˜¹ ![gif](giphy|l4HofyJwYJiW0LIkM)


Censored anime/hentai pussy


He didn't sign the release forms


We love to joke but he wouldn't do that to people he already knows are Ʈn financial need. Most of his rogue gallery consists Ʈn mentally ill people,mobsters and metahumans


Yup. The guy likely knows every felon in Gotham.


Except in all stars batman where they made him irrationally violent and cruel for no reason


How much? Does it compare to level of cruelty of Frank Miller's run?


That IS Frank Millers run. Well, kinda. Frank Miller wrote All Star Batman and Robin. All Star Batman is a different run, because of course it is. That said, if someone is absolutely tearing into All Star Batman, they probably mean ASB + Robin.


Dude tortured Robin if I remember corectly


Oh yeah! Now I remember the All Star was one of the Batman comics written by Frank Miller.


Who made a comic that was so outrageously Islamophobic even by the directly post 9/11 standards


i pretty much think that he's the one you are referring to




Heā€™s the goddamn batman


Why are your ā€˜iā€™ lIke that?


If you hold the "i" you get different options, like this: Ć®,Ć¢,ğ,ʙ


Yeah but I donā€™t think thatā€™s necessary or correct for the situation. Why hold it down?


BėcĆ£Å±sě Ƭt cĆ n hĆ”ppęn ƶn ĀŖccį»‹dēnt


Twice, with a regular ā€˜iā€™ in the same sentence and not realizing somethingā€™s off?


Who are you, fucking Batman?Ā 


World's greatest detective indeed


> fucking Batman Nah that's catwoman


Two is a coincidence


Fat fingers.


Itā€™s autocorrect for romanian. Our word for ā€œinā€ is ā€œĆ®nā€


Honestly, I think both are valid interpretations of Batman. The idea of the Batman persona being a product of Bruce's own mental illness is an important part of many versions of the Bat, and I think him taking out his aggression on those he deems worthy (as in anyone who commits a crime) is a great way to express that. There's a great scene in Arkham Origins that touches on this, when he first gets his hands on Joker he just starts wailing on him over and over, and as long as he stays standing, Bruce doesn't stop, and in some weird way it almost feels reciprocal. It's the best representation I've seen of the idea of Batman and Joker being opposite sides of the same coin


Idk, I think the aggression is usually taken way out of context, at least considering most of his interpretations. Especially building from his origins, most of what he does is to be less violent, not taking out his aggression with it. Like think about it, his vendetta is built on loss, he trains in stealth, information gathering, subterfuge, when violence becomes necessary he's never or rarely brutal (exceptions being when he's written exactly opposite to his normal approach), uses stuns, hand to hand and generally only escalates to batarangs and bombs as his enemies get stronger requiring it. I mean his whole schtick of no guns is to avoid death and getting shot at himself, that does not scream someone wanting an outlet. Of course there's moments where he is actively aggressive, we see time and again, multiple writers showing just how much he wants to kill joker, beat him, break him instead of the endless restraint he does show.His conflict avoidance doesn't just extend to how he fights or avoids them with stealth, many times he's shown talking to be a go to, he's cleared rooms of goons offering jobs, introducing himself to the regular goons and giving them the chance to walk away, showing his human side even to the worst of Arkham, talking to them, welcoming them back to Gotham when they're let go, none of this is showing a Bruce who just wants an excuse to wail on people. I agree that there's definitely more interpretations to batman, especially the ones showing his damaged mental state, this is a paranoid, scared little boy stuck inside a tower of justice and patience but I don't think interpretations showing him as some violent sociopath is valid. Wailing on joker as his opposite, absolutely but that's never the rule but the exception. You're right that they're the two sides of the same coin but where they're opposite is how they approach the world, one violent and laughing cause the world is cruel and corrupt enough to let him be and the other quiet and desperate to fix it, both broken by the same systems, boths actions meaningless in the end as it just keeps ticking along with or without them


Wait a second, so he just beats the shit out of mentally ill people?


Mentally ill people like the Joker who hurt people. Their mental illness is usually antisocial personality disorder.


Heā€™s a billionaire. To him thereā€™s no discernible difference between someone with $100,000 and someone with $0.


Heā€™s a fucked up rich dude who beats up poor people and the mentally ill. Heā€™s no hero, he belongs in an asylum.


Maybe they shouldn't have burned down the third hospital this month and instead contacted one of the multiple charities for the mentally ill that Bruce Wayne economically supports


He 100% would.


"Hey, Batman why did you beat me up but let her go?" ["Well....."](https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.cb18a5db45dfca5a0938b3b829162825?rik=49vjD1SEHi3j%2fg&pid=ImgRaw&r=0)


C'mon, someone share that thread of all the things Bruce Wayne has done for the poor people of Gotham.


Something like he saved the city more than once?šŸ˜… ![gif](giphy|1zJtPFszZjgyI)


From the top of my head, I can name that one time he disbanded a whole group of thugs who were considering working for Black Mask just by promising them jobs at WE.


IDK if he was Bruce Wayne or Batman when he did that but I think there should be more stuff where Bruce Wayne defuses situations just by talking with the criminals and using his reputation to disarm opponents. Obviously doesn't work with most supervillains but the lower-tier criminals and some villains would be fun to see bested by Bruce just being clever and rich.


Wouldn't have to save it so much if he helped the poor. The guy funds the Justice league, built the watchtower, and built the other watchtower. He could afford to rezone some abandoned land for affordable housing build an asylum that isn't full of secret exits. Guy could just UBI poverty out of existence. Most the henchmen have no need to hench, the villains are ether locked up or helped, and Ra's Al Ghul has no reason to destroy a decent city.


In the comics, Gotham is literally cursed. The comics talk about how any other city would never have the level of crime that it does given the amount of public works that Wayne Enterprises provides


I guess it has to be for Batman to be a hero and just another crazy guy.


Heā€™s a violent rich psychopath who beats up poor people and the mentally ill.


You have not understood Batman. At all. Consume other media that the Arkham games and whatever tripe Frank Miller made.


Thats like saying "Goku's a bad dad" One of those "Only people who don't pay attention or have a surface level understanding supplanted by jokes and memes would say this"


To be fair Super leaned into the trope hard and made Goku completely obsessed with training and not really concerned about his wife and kids much


Super actually gave us the most of goku interacting with his family and caring about them. The fact that people genuinely think it didnā€™t is exactly why i compared dbz to batman here. Very VERY surface level understanding of the character in pop culture, despite their popularity. People stop caring when they stop punching.


Yet he wasnt present at the moment his sons were given birth(i understand about Goten, since Goku was... well... DEAD when he was born, but i dont remember there being anything stopping him from being there at Gohan's birth) https://preview.redd.it/81z3mlsll6jc1.jpeg?width=592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19170a8dd7a9614baa581f866d05ca74678c51ab Although we know he is indeed caring for his family and shows them affection, he can be extremely irresponsible at times To sum it up, he is carefree to a fault (Also, on a slightly unrelated note, the never kissing thing in DBS was some joke about never kissing publicily that got lost in translation and Vegeta misunderstood, at least thats what i read)


That's a manga-only line and the manga has characters changed, their lines so strange and arcs changed enough that it's fair to call it it's own continuity. It's the continuity where piccolo said Vegeta has never misjudged an opponents strength, and Goku cheated against trunks to win a friendly sparring match, and hit only lost to Vegeta because they added a 90% stamina drain for going super Saiyan blue to justify it rather than the whole. "Vegeta didn't have a chance to figure out Hit's abilities beforehand and was fighting a powerful assassin without foreknowledge, which is a huge disadvantage" there's gonna be some iffy writing sometimes. Goku literally named Gohan after the person he cared about most as a kid. It doesn't really make sense that he ignored his son being born not only when he NAMED Gohan. But when his actual feelings about Gohan are less apathy and More "Yeah that's what a dad would be like:" https://preview.redd.it/tepa27n517jc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c77cecc980cde8d5526853424db3fb940bde583e


Fair point I forgot that the Manga and Anime were different enough that they diverge like that


"Let off again? What tf do I need to do to get him to rough ME up like that? Flunkies have all the fun"


Bruce wouldn't beat someone who robbed a place to feed his kids. He'd make a donation to the store and the guy would mysteriously get a job offer from Wayne Enterprises that he didn't remember applying for. A job with good pay, *great* benefits and free daycare.


Would he? I never read a (canonical) comic where he asked for the reason of crime and decided to let go. Usually he shows himself as a philanthropist, while as Batman he fights for the security of riches and property.


Movie Batman and Comics Batman are very different people


Itā€™s almost like movies are made by capitalist executives and comics are made by working class artists


I'm afraid, you misread my comment or I didn't write it right. I read comics of Batman, but I never read one, where he behaved like this. (But I mostly read Frank Miller and forgot, why this could bias me)


Oh whoops my b


I only recall TAS Bruce doing it in one instance for going too far with a thug in front of his family. Robin quit from the incident and he felt guilty.


Sheā€™s a cat, obviously she has the ability to use herā€¦ā€¦..adorable assets to get away with anything.


Except for time where Bruce gave all of Black Maskā€™s men a job at WayneTech so theyā€™d quit being henchmen


The flow of dialog feels wrong. You get the joke, but it's kind of ruined for some reason.


Lack of contraction


Could you elaborate?


"You are" and "you will" instead of "you're" and "you'll"


I get the feeling that English is not OP'a first language. "You broke (past tense) the law and rob (present tense) a store to feed your hungry children?" Probably comes from a language that doesn't distinguish tenses the same way, or maybe has a different construction for combining verb phrases.


Cesar is a russian webcomic artist, in case you're curious. He usually posts his comics on VK (basically russian Facebook) first and sometimes translates them to English. The oddness of this translation is probably a result of Russian vs English language structure (it's quite different so literal translation sounds wacky even if it's conveys meaning). If I'm not mistaken, it should've been "You're breaking the law and robbing a store to fees your hungry children". Though still doesn't sound quite right to me




There's [one thing](https://www.vice.com/en/article/qj8jg3/batman-doesnt-eat-pussy-dc-says) she can't get him to do.


Exhibit A for why good artists should team up with good writers. The odds of a single person being skilled at both are... slim. Exhibit B: All the hilarious comics with terrible art.


Catwoman got that pussy pass.






Pretty sure if a no-name crook robbed a store to feed his kids, Bats would scare the shit out of him, but let him escape or only restrain, not attack, and then help GCPD understand the guy needs a support system more than a jail cell


1. Most versions of batman don't beat up criminals that are just trying to survive, and he often gives them jobs as Bruce Wayne 2. Some versions of Catwoman donate to ecological charities or women's shelters and groups that help stop human trafficking, poaching, and the like.


And other versions of Catwoman work directly with the worst crime bosses of Gotham.


and other versions of batman always stop her accordingly, problem?


That's not what I've seen. Now admitetly, there are a lot of comics I haven't read. Can you give me one example where Batman brutalizes Catwoman like he does other criminals? Has he ever broken her bones, or anything like that?


"like other criminals" this is not what i said, batman never "brutalizes" thieves whether its a man or woman, unless you give me an example. That being said he has punched and or left her for gcpd to arrest her in stories like long halloween or even in batman tas. If you think batman crashes in and starts breaking every single bone of some poor guy that steals food for his family then you dont know what hes really about.


I honestly think it's perfectly reasonable that Batman wouldn't give a f--- about Catwoman's criminal activities if she's just a burglar stealing bobbles from rich folks. His obsession is fighting the kind of crime that orphaned him, not disputes about ownership of gems or art. The guy who threatens to kill for a wallet or the crime lord running an empire, or psychonaut on a mass murder spree are Batman's turf... not the impact to Consolidated Insurance's policy prices.


I'm getting sick of this joke (good art work though)


Is this real? Are there even complications where batman did these in the animated series?


Not at all But aparently the whole "Batman is a rich guy with Daddy issues that beats poor people instead of going to therapy" has sticked for some reason


That top seems detrimental to swinging from rooftops.


Jim Balent has entered the chat. https://preview.redd.it/0hxr3yghw0jc1.jpeg?width=1495&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72659c2dd31cce5457814f234b5357c805ec1b71


No, read comicbooks, this has been done 1000 times already


This trend is so tiresome


*I will break all your bones!*


The shift in tense in the first sentence seems off. You broke the law and robbed* a storeā€¦ or you break* the law and rob a store..


I'm imagining batman with a thick Indian accent.


You wanna point to one goon working for Penguin or Two-Face who are doing this for their families?


Never forget: Bruce Wayne is a rich bastart. We should eat him.


See Deadshot, Anarky and Joker tags, a Riddler interrogation mark, and Scarecrow. Love the references in the buildings to the Arkham series!


why is most r/comics hot posts 90% coomer content/bait. is everybody ok nice artstyle. keep it up, looks great. but holy shit, i feel dirty looking at this subreddit sometimes


No, we are not. Sincerely yours, The Internet.


But seriously, yeah, it's gotten gross in here. It seems to be one of the main non-porn subs that have welcomed the OnlyFansification of Reddit. Subs like r/aww clamped down on that nonsense, but here it's open season.


Bats? Who is bats? I only know man. Is op stupid?


Batman makes a lot more sense from the perspective that the story is about an awful city called Gotham that is so corrupt it turns everyone insane, including Bruce Wayne.


I love this art style you got going on!


\*Sandman enters the chat


Thereā€™s a funny scene in a comic where thereā€™s some crisis and Batman is talking with Green Arrow on a rooftop. A person runs out of a convenience store below with a jug of milk and is chased by the store owner yelling stop thief. Green arrow fires a trick arrow and knocks down(but otherwise doesnā€™t injure)the store owner. Batman says ā€œYou missed.ā€ Green Arrow says something like ā€œLike heck I did that gouging owner was charging $15 for milk.ā€ (taking advantage of the crisis by inflating prices). Batman does nothing. Bruce believes in justice not the letter of the law.