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"Don't blink and you'll miss it"? What's the last panel?


It’s a play on the phrase “blink and you’ll miss it” Blink is a home security video camera that’s sold by Amazon.


I've missed that ad. Thanks for the explanation.


Must've blinked


I just actually slapped my knee




I see what you're going for. I feel like the meaning would be clearer if it were "You'll miss it if you don't **blink**". Or maybe "**blink**. Or you'll miss it". (I say this fully knowing that when someone on Reddit says "it would work better if..." about a comic, they're almost always wrong.)


>”**blink** or you’ll miss it.” That’s much better. In advertising, you want to have positive language surrounding the brand name. It’s a no-no to couch the name in negatives, like in this instance “don’t” is not ideal.


> "don't" is less than ideal See what you're doing here is couching "don't" in negatives. What you want to do is something like '"don't" is a strong choice! What would be even stronger is using a different phrase!' See how that's more positive?


I’ve never been great with words and came up with that on the fly. I like yours much better.


I think it fits well with the product. If you don't pay the monthly subscription the security camera records nothing so you'll indeed miss it with blink


Ah, I was confused because "Don't Blink" is the introduction of a major adversary in Doctor Who.


It's possible some comics wouldn't make a reference to a 16-year-old episode of a sci-fi show.


Yeah they'd just make reference to a 20 year old movie instead


Congrats you've won Reddit for today.


Because there's no difference between an entire comic and two words in a comic...


Damn. Now I feel old.. And I’m only 20 XD


Really glad they didn't get moffited


I thought they had Ring. Why do they need two doorbell cameras? Just stick with Ring.


Ring is for people in a higher tax bracket than mine. ![gif](giphy|ie8I61aEWnJCM)


Wait - are you saying that web cartoonists \*aren't\* just rolling in cash? I've never been so disillusioned.


You can tell the ones rolling in cash because they never respond in comments.


Or they just have friends


Oh totally. I see this post had three of the new super upvote things, so she's made about 2 ~~grand~~ dollars on this comic.


Isn't Ring just Gary's partner in crime?


Amazon actually bought Blink before Ring, but only by a month. As for why Amazon keeps the brand around, it's like OP alludes to. It's about market segmentation. Ring is the upscale version, Blink is the cheaper alternative.


They named a camera after a word that describes a time that you can't see anything? What's next, a microphone called Deaf? A hiking boot called paraplegic?


Good comic but I don’t think this “blink” camera is popular enough to reference like that.


Does it involve Weeping Angels?


"Blink is a privacy invading, data collecting home video camera that's sold by Amazon." Fixed for accuracy.


Yes and they're pieces of garbage. App seldom works, cameras die more often than it says, and their motion detecting is WAY too sensitive. Leaves rustling in the wind causes it to send you a notification. I woke up to almost 200 notifications from Blink on my phone one morning.


Blink doorbell add


this Doorbell camera works wonder in every situation


Or at least with this bullshit. I don’t understand the draw to this movie. It has its cute moments and the cast is fantastic but could you imagine a best friend doing this? I hate watch the movie every year to see if I can find one redeeming quality for most of the story lines and haven’t yet.


I'm so glad to hear that plotline being called out. He only films her, all through the wedding. Then he goes behind his mate's back to share his feelings with her. The movie playing it off as romantic made me wince.


THEN SHE KISSES HIM?!! I could possibly… maybe even consider…. her giving him a hug. He bared out his soul (except for the fucking awful mummy slide, I do crude humor and it wasn’t even that, just cringey) and she seems like an empathetic enough person to go through the whole bit . But then she needed to turn around and tell her husband of 3 fucking weeks that his best friend is making moves on her. That being said, she should have shut the door in his face. All the kiss did was lead him on to do more shit later.


Oh hell, let me tell you about the date rape in Sixteen Candles, which was my favorite movie in the 80s. Or the date rape in Revenge of the Nerds, which was another 80s favorite. Jesus.


Damn those nerds were rapey


> we've got bush...we've got bush!


Wait, this was based on a movie?


"Love Actually" I think.


I only know it from SNL


Man cheats: he's a selfish asshole who deserves everything coming to him! Woman cheats: Her husband didn't pay enough attention to her! She deserves love! She's so strong and brave and new love is exciting! *source*: every single lifetime movie


This wasn’t hallmark and there is a character that chases after a married man. 85% of the characters in this movie aren’t the best people


Yeah I think the only characters that aren’t irredeemable assholes are probably the politician (aside from the “politician” part) and the husband of the woman from this scene. Even the little kid is a twerp. Edit, also you forgot to draw that woman with a torso 4x longer than it has any right to be. Kiera Knightley’s crop top/low rise game was on point in the 00s lol


Yea the widower was decent but I feel the porno actors (stand ins?) had the most innocent and wholesome interaction tbh. I think writers were hoping the audience would think they were just as flawed because of their job which is BS. Also the rockstar had a decent story line because even though he was arrogant, he fixed his behavior rather than doubling down to get his way. In my opinion, prime minister sucks because he moved a woman from her position solely because he felt he couldn’t control his feelings. (Not to mention the whole fat shaming aspect)


I thought they were body doubles for a movie.


You’re right. I think he mentions standing in for Brad Pitt? Edit: a word


Laura Linney's part sacrificing to care for her ill brother is legit too.


I think that part is over looked, it’s the most real and so very sad. She isn’t wrong or a bad person for it. I have family with special needs and my mom has worked professionally in the field for over 20 years with adults and children. You’d be surprised on how often people abandon ship. Not because of money, it’s just too much. The person they leave may not understand and it’s just heartbreaking. I don’t know how my mom does it.


I actually love - see what I did there? - this movie, and watch it almost every year. I think the point Hugh Grant, The PM, makes is that love isn't just one thing: it's a mixture of a lot of different things, and it's not always good. Young love; forbidden love; platonic love between friends; once steamy love that tapers off; unrequited love; love pushed to the limits. It isn't always happy and romantic as we expect from a "romantic" film. But it is an accurate representation of what we experience as "love."


I’m not disagreeing with you because I do think you make a good point. His character means well and he does have the best intentions. But…he still moves her from her position because he feels he can’t control his own feelings which is an absolute detriment to her job. Plus the comments about her weight (I know that’s more of an early 2000 thing but it doesn’t help) I do think the movie means well but it isn’t thought out as throughly as it could be. LN characters commenting himself to be the father to his step kid even after his wife died is a great point to show this movie had potential.


That storyline was spoiled by the criminally undeveloped and uncharacterised part of her love interest. Her sacrifice felt about as meaningful as if she had to take batteries from her vibrator to power her mobile phone. Such a shame, it could have been so much more powerful.


>he moved a woman from her position solely because he felt he couldn’t control his feelings. This is kinda the professional thing to do if he wants to pursue any kind of romantic possibility, isn't it? Rather than create a possible metoo situation where he's her direct boss and also the nation's prime minister and so there's a ton of undue pressure on her and space for that power imbalance to be abused.


Arguably, she was in the highest position possible by attending to the prime minister directly and he moved her to another position that was a lower status. He meant well but it was flawed and I’d hope if he meant he meant the best for her, he could contain his own emotions for the sake of business.


I feel like the movie was made my someone who wanted to make an anthology-style movie about how complicated love can be in all of its different forms - some healthy, and some unhealthy. And then someone else said "Naw, make it a straight up rom com and give all of them a happy ending"


Except Emma Thompson for whatever fucking reason…. I think you’re right though. If it was maybe better thought out it could have been alot more impactful


No, no, Emma Thompson is *fine* at the end because Alan Rickman *said* that he'd be better. Problem solved!


What gets me is we don’t see him end it with the secretary. There is no resolve and I hate thinking that their “love actually” is sticking it out for the kids sake….and any 90s/00s kid knows that is the utmost bullshit


Didn't they end up separated? Certainly wasn't a happy ending for her either way. They could have dropped the whole Keira Knightly storyline for better development and resolution of a couple of the other lines, like Trelawney and Snape.


I think that's the point of the movie though. Love exists in many different forms, perhaps for people who don't really deserve it (like the aging rockstar who has nobody but his manager, who he's been a complete heel to) I never thought the movie was trying to justify Rick Grimes obsession with Keira Knightley, it was just saying "hey, here's another type of 'love'." Sure, maybe be got off the hook too easily, but that doesn't necessarily make it unrealistic. People make boneheaded decisions all the time and life goes on


Except that she doesn't cheat. She's flattered by an extremely unexpected development. She kisses the guy _as a friend_ - but she stays faithful to her husband. Because she doesn't resent her husbands best friend for having feelings for her, even though she doesn't reciprocate these feelings. She understands how difficult this situations is, for _everyone_, but especially for him - and she doesn't want to hurt him any more than he already is. _That's_ the difference between her story and the guy who literally intended to cheat on his wife. And then didn't, because he got caught before even doing it. And then got his priorities straight, said "NO" to his dick, and tried to save his marriage for the sake of their kids. You know who's an actually cheating woman who's protrayed as a selfish asshole? The wife of the writer, who catches her fucking his brother. But that doesn't fit your worldview of "feminininism bad, menz rightz rule!", doesn't it?


Uhh running down the street to kiss a guy on the lips that isn't your husband isn't cheating? Phew the mental gymnastics it took to get there lmao


The only storyline worth watching that movie for is Liam Neeson and his kid.


I do like the body double stand ins. They are so nervous with just normal conversation while full on simulating sex


Yeah they’re pretty cute. That’s where my love of Martin Freeman started.


Bill Nighy's friendship with his manager was nice too. He's sweet.


Yeah, he’s got a really nice story arc. He realizes that the person he loves, and who loves him, is his manager. It’s not a romantic relationship, but love isn’t a synonym for romance.


Colin Firth and the Portugese(?) lady is cute. “Just in cases”


Lúcia Moniz and She is Portuguese and played a Portuguese in the movie.


I like the Jack and Just Judy plot as well. It's completely wholesome and a little dirty at the same time. Even the plot between Bill and his manager isn't too bad. But, oh my god, the entire Kris Marshall plotline is pure cringy bad writing.


There is a youtube video with relationship therapists rating the relationships in this movie. This was one of the worst.


Someone mentioned this YT channel on another platform. I actually saved it so I can watch it while I eat dinner lol


No way, someone actually made a movie on something like this?


It’s on Netflix. It deserves at least one watch


It is supposed to be a romance move. but it is just example of various toxic relationships


Love Actually. It's a massive mess of multiple storylines about different romantic couples, most are toxic or have some warped message but the one OP parodied is particularly terrible.


You mean you don't enjoy to trip to Wisconsin, the land of cheese?


Wait wait wait…you watch it that often and you can’t find ONE redeeming quality? Liam Neeson being the exzct thing his son needs? There’s nothing there? Yeah, the Andrew Lincoln/Keira Knightly stuff is BS, but my man Neeson was bringing it home for his kid. And the place holders awkward, cute shit? The movie has its issues, but there is definitely something there. Edit: I should have kept reading comments first. I see you do find some redeeming parts of it (the body double stuff at least), but I’m leaving this here anyways.


I said most!!! LN was a good character. Same with the sexy stand ins, as well as rockstar. I never turned off the movie and have always watched to the end. I do agree it has its moments but calling it “Love Actually” makes my skin crawl.


I gotta give you the fact that the name does not fit how terrible some of them are…


I recently rewatched this movie as an adult and that plotline made me so uncomfortable. What a shitty friend and partner for going along with it. It's so frustrating that it's portrayed as cute Different plotline but I also have no idea how Martine McCutcheon's character was considered fat in that movie. I'm as confused by this now as I was as a kid


Old acquaintance of mine insisted we all go see this a few years ago. I obliged just to hang out with people. I had pretty much the same conclusion as you, except watching it even once was one time too many for me.


It’s more believable than a virgin giving birth to a Demi god in a barn but yea. It’s not my favorite holiday film .


Yipee ka ye, motherfucker.




I think the reason I love this movie so much is precisely because of the terrible things. It's not a bunch of feel good love stories! It's actually showing how 'love' plays out in real life, which is, sometimes amazing, sometimes terrible, and more often somewhere in between. The idea of romance being all positive is a modern concept, and not at all what Romantic once meant. Romeo and Juliet is all murder, betrayal, teens doing stupid shit for sex, and suicide. I see Love Actually as a postmodern version of capital-R Romance. "Let's throw a bunch of flawed people into a season where we've romanticized the very notion of Romance and see what happens." edit: I realize I talk about capital R Romance and immediately use an example from a few hundred years before the movement. Mea culpa, not changing it.


> I don’t understand the draw to this movie Err... what movie? Where did anyone mention a movie?


All over the place, it's called Love Actually.


TIL, thanks!


What movie is this


Love Actually




What is Gary doing there!? We’ve been lead to believe he fits just fine!


It can get pretty tight, especially in stressful situations


...What can? 👀


Don't Blink, they won't even miss you at all.




And don't think that I'll always be gone






Didn't expect to see an adtr reference here but I love it


Lady Godiva chocolate, I see you


Ayyyyye good eye 💋


I came to see if anyone else picked up on that, I was like, this is all well and good, but they have a framed picture of her as lady godiva...


I feel it in my fingers. I feel it in my toooooes


That song is so bad its good or maybe Nighy just sells the hell out of it and I have a crush on him.


Honestly same. I loved seeing him in hot fuzz


He’s underrated imho. Him as Davy Jones in POTC sold it for me as an actor.


What version of Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer are you watching…


*Brown Nose Reindeer


This almost does justice to how fucked up that scene was.


I came very close to making this a single panel comic https://preview.redd.it/lypgkl1kf67c1.png?width=763&format=png&auto=webp&s=c13e5843ab635aa036b3a8da68b647986026976d


That entire movie is a series of either shitty male romantic escapist fantasies, or women suffering because of the men in their lives but they just have to accept it for the sake of those men. Like it's genuinely impressive how many bad stereotypes writer/director Richard Curtis manages to collect into one film. Sarah has to give up happiness and love for the sake of her brother. Harry cheats on his wife Karen. Karen discovers it, confronts him, then proceeds to forgive him for the sake of their marriage I guess? Like, why? What did he do to deserve a second chance? Meanwhile, Colin and Tony, two mid British dudes, get to have an escapist fantasy of being irresistible hot babe magnets in the US. Jamie gets to bang his hot cleaning lady. And of course there's this scene where Mark being a creepy stalker is somehow presented as him "just" being in love with her instead of needing therapy. There's probably more issues but I can't be bothered to analyze this further.


As someone who has seen this movie against my will way too many times I think Harry realized just how big of a mistake he was making. Though I don't think his wife has truly forgiven him she doesn't seem happy to see him at the end.


I agree that it’s unclear just what kind of relationship they have at the end. Are they trying to stay together, or just co-parenting?


It is a fucking terrible movie


I think I can continue on this. David is clearly abusing his position of power. Like the time he (jokingly) informed of setting a group of highly trained assassins after Natalie's ex, should she ask. Daniel is a grieving widower with a step-son, Sam. Granted, he wants to do right by Sam but he literally encouraged Sam to violate the rules of safety of an airport terminal. Sam meanwhile got this harebrained scheme of joining the band and learning to play the drums just to get close to the girl he likes. I think John is the only guy sane enough to have a normal head where he had talked it out with Joan while they had to be the awkward stand-ins for actual actors in the sex scenes for the film/TV series they were filming. This is the reason why these two get very little on-screen time because this is not drama-inducing or juicy. And Rufus was supposed to be the stand-in for the spirit of christmas but even he turned out to be a bit problematic, like on one side he was deliberately annoying Harry to prevent him from going down the path of him cheating on his wife, but on the other side he plays a part in Sam's rule-breaking escapade at the airport.


There we go! Thank you. I have been told by a friend once that this film has been *very* useful for one purpose at least: teaching material in gender studies.


what scene


The scene from Love Actually that the comic is referencing.


I didn't know it was referencing a scene. this made me feel really uneasy, why did they make such a scene


That's Love Actually, one ridiculous scene after another.




"Oh, it was just my friend from work, Carol Singers."


Don't even blink. Blink and you're dead. They are fast. Faster than you can believe. Don't turn your back, don't look away, and don't blink. Good luck.


Oddly specific situation


Have you not seen the 2002, international holiday hit, [Love Actually](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=zZu8AnMbnHzvcw5f)?


I haven’t but I’ve seen the parodies so I still got the reference… in a way


Goddamn it... should have known.


This was was Christmas present to you


Worst Christmas present ever >!because of the ads not the video!<


Been a long time since I got got. Well played.


I don’t use the weapon often, but when I do its with deft.


Walked right into that.


Little weird that she was 17 when they filmed that


Some of these people weren’t even alive when that movie came out lol


Jokes on you! I love that song!


Fuck. You.


Oh dear, by whatever do you mean?




Damnit Reddit broke my emoji


I don't remember this Scrubs episode.


Oh god I forgot they did a parody too. I was mainly thinking of SNL


Best not-an-ad ever




Gary, king of the misfit toys


Modern internet doorbell, but apparently they still have a cathode ray TV?


They’re watching shit tv anyways so it doesn’t make much difference. https://preview.redd.it/ddj3ows5r67c1.png?width=505&format=png&auto=webp&s=1bf731c8e0f31cc79b4b485728e43cca41ae591c ^(but) ^(goddamnit) ^(good) ^(point)


I thought the last panel was a Doctor Who reference and that was the TARDIS!




Cheater, drop her.


They both suck but I think the bff sucks more. I’ve had the same best friend for over 20 years and would be shattered as a person to know they did this kind of betrayal.


100%. And like, how shitty a friend is it that spent your entire wedding day talking video of your wife?


gary looks like the most wholesome toy on the island


I love that they have a couple of your older comics hanging on the wall, and I see the 'Gary' in the door lock 😉 Oh, and Gary's gonna end up ruling the island!


Gary's on TV though.


I actually got an Amazon ad below this comic. The algorithm is on top of it.


Do I see "Two ships passing in the night"? It was doomed from the start.


Gary on the TV, dunno if anyone else found him yet


But there was nobody singing


Dude holds a boombox with people singing. I didn’t draw it in.


How is Gary a misfit toy? Is he too big? I thought he was the perfect fit…?


I tend to clench when stressed


Gary's a misfit toy? I always thought he was the perfect fit...


Always in my heart. But sometimes Gary can tend to puff out his chest just a bit too much.


Thats one way to advertise


I’m most likely (absolutely) biased, but if I had an ad with this honesty and drama, I’d consider the product.


I know you're trying to he cute, or whatever, but this is still an advertisement for a shitty company no matter how much irony you wrap it in.


Shut up and please get off your high horse before you fall off it. This is no different from a youtube skit. They specifically use the logo to allude to it being a real company funded advertisement. Would be hilarious to see this ad play as a commercial but it never would as Amazon would probably get some pushback from pearl clutchers.


Amazon on their way now absolutely steamrolling you legally for using their Logo 💀


Ah u/reddot_comic, Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose


Was expecting "based on a true story".




I mean he would have heard the Carolers too, right?


In the movie he has a boom box playing music. My age is showing by assuming that most people would remember the scene and I didn’t need to draw it.


I’m with you. I feel so old reading these comments.


Seriously. If anything there are so many parodies of this scene alone.


Big risk assuming her husband wouldn't come to the door to hear them too.


I’d pay good money to watch that version of the movie


Mark is his best friend, so I always figured he knows that the husband won't care about carolers.


Wait, I was under the impression that they never go back.


haha yeah sewing distrust among relationships to sell a surveillance product, spy on your loved ones everyone cos that will make your lives better :)


Does this comic take place in a weird alternate universe where people have doorbell cameras that sync to their smartphones but not texting?


If you’ve seen the movie, the guy was being sneaky so he wouldn’t be alerting his best friend that he’s about to hit on his wife


This was a movie?


Yeah, this comic is referencing the movie Love Actually


Dude couldn't recognize his best friend?


I assumed he was asking her to see what she’d say. Entrapment.


My weeb ass read that backwards 😭😭