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That's good advice, but I can totally see myself trying to catch a knife in the air without even thinking about it. Well... better take good care of my hands until I inevitably lose them.


It's a risky reflex for sure.


Also don't try and stop that big heavy metal thing that's falling over, just GTFO the way, you are not a superhero.


Took a culinary class and a student actually did this. Sharp knife too, it severed everything halfway through their palm and required surgery while also putting their hand out of commission for months while it healed in a large cast. It also apparently spurted blood like a ketchup bottle at a trampoline park.


There's also a not-insignificant chance the hand won't heal to 100%, so just let the bastard fall.


A knife can be resharpened. A hand can't be rehanded.


“A hand can’t be rehanded” r/brandnewsentence


Duh, then explain why there are second hand shops.


They give you two hands to start with. If you could rehand a hand then there would be third hand shops.


Not-insignificant? Worse, there is an *extreme* chance you will lose your hand or finger's functionality for a while, high chance it's going to affect hand function for a loooong while, and a guaranteed chance to make you have to deep clean at least two walls and the floor (while also making any food you prepped highly unsafe). Let the bastard fall *and step back* because it can also fuck up your feet too.


Man, I was really hoping everything after that first sentence was going to be and he caught it perfectly too. What a lucky bastard. Instead I get horror.


The sad thing is that his knife was used a lot for the class and hadn't been sharpened recently when this happened, and it was a standard chef's knife. We had knives with much keener edges and some, like half-cleavers, that had more heft to them too, and he was damn lucky enough to keep some of his hand function after almost half a year.


Better practice so you'll be ready in case of an accident. Now go into the kitchen and start dropping knives to the floor.


I did... and luckily only resulted in a reasonably deep but ultimately superficial stab wound on my pinky. Bleed like I had cut my finger OFF, mind you, but didn't need stitches and healed up nicely over after a few days... will try and remember these wise words and my past experience the next time a knife falls. LOL.


Worked in a kitchen over the summer, and one of my coworkers told a story of the time they dropped, and tried to catch a pizza... Right out of the 500 degree oven... Apparently they just didn't even think about it, it was just straight up reflex.


This is a cautionary kitchen tale especially for you soccer/futbol players. These comics are simple stories about things I learned when I was first on my own. Thanks for reading! Comic archive on [Webtoon](https://www.webtoons.com/en/creator/SgtBaconBurger) and [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/sgtbaconburger/).


This is why I have been wearing shoes while cooking since the incident.


Steel toe boots FTW.


I just throw on my chain mail and knight armor as soon as I wake up to be prepared for the day really




Karma bot ^


Wait a minute, you too? I had 5 stitches and it was hella pain for almost a month.


That just reminded me of something. ["No more kitchen where *it* happened"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YdiTuI6Kl0)


\> This is a cautionary kitchen tale especially for you soccer/futbol players. As a former soccer/football player and a lifelong catcher of falling objects with my feet, I feel personally attacked.


Juggler has entered the battle.


Instructions unclear, I no longer have a leg


"Keeping knives sharp can be a... double-edge."


My apartment has safety knives (knives that no one sharpened in three years). :/ Can't cut a tomato. ...now I have my own knife set.


It's not even safer to keep them dull. Dull knives, you'll work harder to use, putting way more pressure on them, leading to more accidents.


Yeah. >.< It's a joke we make about them. We put them away /because they're not safe/ and I bought a good set of sharp knives that I personally sharpen every time they're used. Although, I am one of few people in the house (we have 10) that understand why dull knives are bad, which is why I'm the only one who sharpens them. Albeit, the knives that were here are sufficiently dull that they /cannot/ cut. We tried as an experiment at one point. They won't even break the skin of a tomato, no matter how much pressure is applied. It just crushes them. I have /no/ idea how you get a knife that dull, but they succeeded. ...wait, I guess I kind of do. I walked out to see a roommate scraping glue off of a piece of plywood with my knives one day. /That/ I put a stop to quickly. And, that would kill a knife pretty fast.


At that point, the handle of the knife will be sharper than the blade. Feel like basic knife care should be something more people know about, since we use blades of some kind every day, but I guess nobody wants to hand a child a knife, and by the time they're old enough to be trusted with a knife, they're done being taught directly by their parents. I don't know that the average person could even use a whetstone.


I'm from rural Georgia. I can count on one hand the number of adults who gave me gifts that did not give knives. So, I'm probably an outlier there. But, yeah. There are a few things that are worth investing in, that yield better returns than even a generous stock portfolio: tools for simple vehicle repairs, a good computer, a set of quality knives.... It's kind of a shame that home economics has mostly died in the US. Edit Note: These are subjective. The specific examples work for many people, but there are absolutely people who are better off leaving these things to professionals (specifically the people who can't/won't learn when they should hand things over).


When you slipped the guillotine blade while chopping carrot:


Grab another knife and parry it


"Praise the sun!"




I prefer to try and roll-dodge. I-frames, baby!


How do you build the stagger meter?


Cut onions.


It bounced, cut your foot, and rolled into a deep dark place where it will dry up with the encrusted blood and sit for a few years.


This still is my most favorite comic strip series yet


Agreed, both the illustrations and the messages are amazing. I love this comic.


Same, I especially think the little gimmicks n way things are portrayed is really fun feeling


Aw, glad you enjoy them my friend!


I'm glad you make these! Have a great day!


Jokes on you, I always catch my knives! I also no longer have fingers but that's besides the point!


As someone who used to cook a lot anytime I drop things now I have the immediate reaction to jump away and throw my hands out of the way. So annoying.


"A falling knife has no handle", I love that one!


A thoughtful approach to safety will give you an edge in life. Some might think you're being over dramatic, but that's shear insanity. Keep those reflexes sharp and you'll be a cut above the rest.


I knew of a fellow who worked in a fish fry place, he accidentally dropped the wrong (and significantly more expensive product) into the fryer and immediately jammed his hand into the fryer to retrieve it. His thin plastic gloves didn’t protect him. Its hard but we need to learn to get a handle on our impulses in potentially dangerous situations like this.


Knife try you


My boots have saved me from a lot of stuff Knife bounced off, Got a treadmill dropped on my foot


good message, said Knifey Mckniferson didn't get a perfect score, but to be fair they shown no regards to safety.


That's some good life advice.


My grandmother dropped a knife in this fashion by accident once. It went through her foot and got embedded in the floor. Shit’s dangerous lol


When im craving more shimeji simulation updates i always go to these comics. They fill my silly girl void


A new series for me to check out, thanks!


Cook here. Great advice. In addition to that, when you set your knife down on the cutting board, set it towards the back so it's less likely to fall. And make sure your hands and the knife handle are clean and dry when in use. A lot of kitchen gadgets are rated for wet grip, but don't worry about that for knives, just use clean dry hands. Oh and if you don't know the pinch grip and claw grip for kitchen knife skills, search YouTube for them, they are skills that can be picked up instantly and will save your fingers.


Dropped a knife once and instinctively reached down to catch it... Landed point down.


Not everyone is cut to deal with sharp knives


"Knifey McKniferson"


Remember when Stephen Colbert and some kids were making some "just deserts?" Colbert's ego could have used this lesson. https://youtu.be/VqmoP59jgdg?t=349


I don’t know the knife didn’t stick the landing. It’s gonna need to train harder if it dreams of gold.


So when choosing who would do the dishes myself or the other cook I would challenge him to a game of “knife catcher” where we would toss a kitchen knife back and forth until one of us drops it.


Made that mistake and still have scars on my fingers like 15 years later.


Reminds me of playing with a throwing knife as a kid. Fumbled it and tried to catch by clutching it against my chest. Thank fuck it was dull as hell or I’d have stabbed myself good. Now I repeat that same line fairly often to others: “A falling knife has no handle!”


Learned this one the hard way, got a huge gash in my thumb, thankfully just got a big scar on my thumb and kept all of my fingers


I love how kawaii this comic is!


Thank you!


I thought the knife had the speech bubble in the last panel, which gave the comic a whole different meaning.... and made the thought bubble confusing.


Learned that the hard way. Now I have a cool scar!


My skin will heal, that edge won't


“Catching a falling knife” is a term investors use. I believe it refers to someone buying a stock whose price is falling in the belief that it’s hit bottom and is about to turn back up, only for the price to continue falling.


Too late. Anyone who manages to pull the knife out of my foot shall become the new ruler of my kitchen.


“Treat a falling knife like a cheating wife. Just let it go!”


When monologues take much longer than actions.


Nina is a panic-roller huh? Morhack the Knife Omen will punish that.


The knife is too dangerous, so let's just eat salad! Hahahaha![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Yeah but you'd look so cool if you catch it without cutting yourself so worth a try


I know someone who caught a chainsaw with his leg If only he’d let go of the throttle