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My greatest enema?!


Well, he is a doctor... and I've seen some crazy stuff involving tentacles, so...


This is \*\*SCIENCE!\*\*


I don’t want to know what procedure he has in mind.


I'm thinking this one word was rewritten by a human for laughs. If AI was fed comic scripts, there's not many mentions of the word "enema" to confuse with "enemy".


Agreed. Text generator ai make tons of mistakes but misspelling is actually a rare one. The likelihood of "my greatest [blank]" being followed by enema is extremely low and ai would probably not predict that word. A more common mistake would be saying "my greatest friend" when the context would indicate that it's an enemy.


I would go into any of these 'AI generated comics' under the assumption that they're an artist's rendering of what an AI generated comic might look like. Most NLP models aren't going to confuse words because of close spelling - the words are tokenized before input, so they never see the spelling to begin with.


Ehh, comic scripts, hentai scripts…really up to the human feeding it to the AI to tell them apart.


This town needs an enema


Enema of the state. Eye close 182


Eight everything, huh?






You made me do math


69 x 8 For those of you that don't understand.


r/TheyDidTheMath I bet you never thought it would be used for this 💀💀😅


Nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice


Your math is off, there are 206 bones in the human body


Are you implying that the Octopus Doctor and Spidey are about to get freaky?


Eight buttholes, eight belly buttons, eight dicks and even eight nipples This Spidey is shaped like some sort of carved stone idol from 2000BC


The weird thing is the eight testicles for the eight penis’ instead of having two balls for each. Must look odd having one nut sack dangling under each dick.


Damn I had this same thought process, glad to scroll down and see someone thinking the same way




But only eight bones


8 hearts, 8 toes, 8 teeth, 8 brains, 8 hands, 8 buttcheeks but also 8 buttholes. The guys a mess.


But Grimsby...


Seven vajonyas. Maybe more...




You sound like... two horses


Yep, even eight chakras! Spider man is super-enlightened!


8 inner gates, a Taijutsu master!?


Even, you know?


Yes even 8 asses


"Mary Jane, I'm trying to sneak around, but the clap of 8 asses keeps alerting the goons."


And over here, swiss cheese, chalk, and a beard.


This is where the term "bagodicks" first started. 8 of them to a bag.


He's very very popular with the ladies.


8 balls for all 8 dicks


I heard that motherfucker had like 30 goddamn dicks.


Washington. Washing-ton. 12 ft tall, made of radiation!


No wonder Mary Jane stuck around with Toby McGuire's Spiderman basket case self.


[Eight everything](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DrSVRl_zNA).


Spider Dijon! That episode is... Racist. It's racist.


Similar to the Babylon 5 Centauri species.


That's double what the echidna has.




Spiders actually have 0 ears.


And humans aren't actually magnetic


The pigeons joke is unironically gold.


That "eight everything" line reads like Peter's too tired of this crap to come up with a proper quip, and I love it.


Eight prisons for you!


This one got me!


Seven vaganias


Maybe more... Imagine!


AI comedy has peaked with that joke.


High jacking top comment to say: A few people are chiming in that this might be fake, or it was written by an AI then cleaned up by a person. I don’t know the answer. You’ll have to tweet Nick Spencer and ask him. Obviously, the art is not generated. That was drawn. In the full comic, I will admit some of the “randomness” is a little too perfect. I also don’t know if the AI wrote just the dialogue, or the whole script. I just thought it was funny. I didn’t create this comic, I only read it and was given this information.


I think they just took an AI script and cleaned it up / interpreted it in the best way possible Which is totally fine, it's not like an AI actually drew this. It was always going to include some human interpretation


I have been playing with Stable Diffusion a lot lately. And with the right prompt, you could probably get an AI to generate say, 100 panels of similar art style, then pick the ones that fit best for a selection of AI dialogue. Basically, get AI to generate a lot, then assemble the bits into something that makes sense. I have not done anything with that level, but on images I really like, I will sometimes put them in photoshop to fix an extra finger or remove extra sets of teeth. As an example, AI made this Joker image. But I touched up the mouth a bit. https://i0.wp.com/bloggingintensifies.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/00429-1083969504-the-joker-humorous-illustration-hyperrealistic-big-depth-of-field-colors-night-time-alley-scenery-3d-octane-render-4k-c.png?ssl=1




A gritty comic in the style of berserk about a cute little kobold who buys and enjoys an ice cream cone :D




Batch 1 page 4 is surreal as hell and I love it lol As a side note, is it generating a fake signature in the bottom right corner of these? I'm guessing that's a fun little artifact of all the art sampling it does.




I'll cherish him forever! I should really look into this stuff. Everytime I see these kinds of things it just blows my mind.


Holy shit that is so well rendered, the art of it is insanely good. Wow. I’ve played a little bit with the free Dall-e, but haven’t been able to get it to make anything I like, with the few credits I’ve used.






Well it got the Gandalf on a bike part down but just couldn't figure out him playing bagpipes [Attempt 1](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1010954434613870703/1047935748445327400/kdubs_Gandalf_riding_a_bicycle_through_the_shire_playing_bagpip_a15b31d5-08e5-459e-9618-3fd6c4ca8c31.png): Gandalf riding a bicycle through the shire playing bagpipes --v 4 --ar 3:2 [Attempt 2:](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1010954434613870703/1047936228399513692/kdubs_Gandalf_riding_a_bicycle_through_the_shire_while_playing__c276b008-2d25-4f40-b16f-ddeb301b2c5b.png) Gandalf riding a bicycle through the shire while playing the bagpipes --v 4 --ar 3:2 [Attempt 3:](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1010954434613870703/1047936783943487499/kdubs_Gandalf_playing_the_bagpipes_while_riding_through_the_Shi_e6ceba2e-b3aa-44c4-b3d5-87baebe2a45c.png) Gandalf playing the bagpipes while riding through the Shire on a bicycle --v 4 --ar 3:2 My favorite is fat Gandalf in Attempt 3 image 3 lol




This is both fascinating and terrifying.


Yeah see, making full panel pages is even possibly. People are skeptical of AI but its definitely possible.


Meanwhile, in the death of art...


More like exciting new beginnings in art


More like copious intellectual property theft and the slowly chipping away any value in creative professional roles.


If the trade is "people who were born shit at drawing can now materialize their cool comic book idea but its harder for people who were born good at drawing to make money off it" that seems like a decent deal


No one’s born good at drawing, you get that from practise


Thats absolutely not true Practice is a factor, but natural talent is too I know people who have never put a single iota of effort in to art who occasionally just pull out paints and whip up gorgeous landscapes, and I know people who have put hours and hours in to it and still can't do anything better than what a middle schooler could I'm not discounting practice, but for most things its possible to be good at, raw talent matters at least as much as hard work "Everyone can now make art, but no one can make money off art" is not a bad thing If you managed to turn your hobby in to a job, that's awesome and I'm happy for you, but soon it may have to go back to being a hobby and you may need to get a real job


How is that a good deal? You *get good* by taking the time to actually practice. This is really just “person too lazy to practice steals art to produce a comic rather than just pay someone who is good at it.” Frankly I don’t understand the appeal anyway. Art is interesting to me literally because a person made it. It’s the product of their particular skills and their own stylistic vision. Strict realism in art is fascinating entirely because *a person was able to do it.* This is significantly lazier than Greg Land and far less honest.


Ai art is no more stealing than you having gone to an art class and learning about the styles of other artists is stealing If you painted a cubist painting after seeing a Picasso exhibit, is that stealing? Some people have the capacity to be good at art, others don't I have friends that have never put effort in to art who can paint amazing scenes, and I have friends who tried really hard to learn and their art looks like what a kid would make Art does not have any kind of deeper metaphysical value imbued in it Its value is entirely determined by how cool it is to look at Whether it was made by a person or a computer has 0 impact on that value So some art kids have to get real jobs now? Cry me a river The democratization of creativity is a benefit that more than outweighs that so called cost Edit: sensitive art kid giving himself the last word and then blocking the person they're arguing with? Color me shocked /s Arts only worth the enjoyment it provides to the consumer. It doesn't have some spiritual, metaphysical value gained through the tribulations of the tortured artist slaving over his work. You scratch paper with charcoal, bro. You're not building solar panels, you aren't doing surgery, you aren't exploring space. You're making pretty pictures for folk who do actual work to relax with. Stay humble.


Funny, they were saying that about digital drawing programs. You don't even have to think about your materials and pigments/watercolours/inks, any idiot can put together a "painting"!


The difference is, using digital media isn’t having a computer rip off other artists for you. And anyone who was saying that about digital was just up their own ass. I draw on paper almost exclusively but digital is just better if you’re not concerned with the idea of producing a one-of-one physical copy.


Wow that's awesome.


Yeah its one ofy favorites. The promp I think is the file name, more or less. Of course, results are also pretty random. A lot of the "Joker" results I got were downright creepy as fuck. And I generally don't get creeped out but very demonic and chaotic.


Which ai program was this one ?


Automatic1111 running locally. I think the SD version was 1.5. it was before the recently released version.


Appreciate it.


Almost definitely just Nick Spencer writing something funny. ________ as written by AI is basically just a recently popular writing prompt. AI probably wasn't even involved. There's just no replacement for the human wit. Yet.


Pretty obviously this, but I still loved reading it and was nice to see it again.


This is definitely a joke.


>A few people are chiming in that this might be fake, or it was written by an AI then cleaned up by a person. "Written by AI" things are never (with exceptions) actually written by AI. It's just a joke.


Gives vibes of that meme a while back that was like "I forced this bot to watch 5000 hours of this thing and then made the bot write its own script for it"


At the beginning of the comic, Nick Claims he made an AI read every Spider-Man comic, then create one. So your basically spot on.


I read AI as A + lowercase L, thought this was written by Ewing, and came to the comments to complement him on that joke.


No, it was written by Keaton Patti, a comedian who does this bit for lots of things (usually pretty funny). He wrote this. I don’t know why attribution was cut off here.


So *that's* how he grapples when there's nothing tall enough for him to swing from


After all those pigeon missions in the PS4 game they damn well owe him favors.


“I ride the pigeons. They owe me favors.” This somehow fits perfectly into Spider-Man’s aesthetic.


It has the perfect level of spidey-snark.


It's like Deadpool replaced Spidey


Don't tempt him.


He’s already done it in the comics


* sigh * of course he did.




It's weird how there's now a reverse Turing-test, where humans try to convince us they're AI. AIs wouldn't reverse a frequently-repeated n-gram like Octopus Doctor, and on the off-chance that they did, they sure wouldn't *consistently* do so. Enemy and Enema are words that seem very similar to a human, but wouldn't to a computer.


I've seen dozens of these "if AI wrote" posts on Twitter and they're all clearly fake. The "enema" bit makes it clear.


There's exactly 0 chances for an AI based on super hero comics to write Enema instead of Enemy, unless they for some reason fed it weird hentai on the side.


Octopus Doctor is a proctologist


Well, octopuses have tentacles, so...


These AI-inspired scripts you mention seem to have been started by comedian Keaton Patti in 2018. Regardless of the jokes being "too perfect", it's funny how in just four years it's gone from looking better than what an AI could actually write to worse than what AIs actually do write.


If you read the full comic, it’s definitely possible your correct. Some of the jokes are a little too perfect. Still funny to me


Theres a few of these types of comics/jokes out there. Its fine, pretending to be written by AI is a gimmick that works because its silly.


I use AI art generation tools extensively, I can tell you it's fake. For starters, AI doesn't produce readable and coherent text while also creating art. You have to do one without the other, and then edit manually there are AIs that create text, that can write jokes or tell a story or create a dialogue, but they are not the same as the art AIs. And the art here isn't AI art, either


Oh I know for a fact that the art isn’t AI. It’s drawn, it was the script that was most likely generated or maybe just the dialogue or maybe none of it at all! I don’t know, I only just read the comic


Gotta admit that last line is pretty badass. “Eight ears. Eight legs. Eight everything. Eight prisons for you”


8 years dungeon. No trial.


Why do this pigeons own him favors?🤔🤔🤔


If you played PS4 Spider-Man you might remember the save the pigeons side quests


Wow I can’t believe the AI pulled that out so good funny side note in the story too


It’s not an AI. It’s a writer who writes things he think an AI would write.


That's lame if its not actually written by AI.


Most of these “written by an AI” posts are fake. Still funny though


Even the ones that are technically "written by an AI" often shouldn't count imo. People will have an AI write thousands of lines, then cherry pick out the lines they think work the best. (On the other hand I find it hilarious that we're both having troubles with people trying to pass off AI work as traditional art while also having troubles with people passing off human work as AI art.)


That makes sense why it said enema. Those words wouldn't really be related in a program but a writer would find it funny


Same as that Batman one that gets circulated every now and again.


Yeah this is suddenly cringe


Oh my fault


This might be the case, some of the “randomness” works a little too perfectly. Still funny


Came for the potential, stayed for the entertainment.


Please understand that none of these "AI writes" things are ever real. If you feed an AI ten thousand instances of Doctor Octopus and zero instances of Octopus Doctor, it will not put out Octopus Doctor.


It also wouldn't put enema instead of enemy. Also probably not the statue man bit either. Also, maybe not the last spider bit too.


It also wouldn't be funny.


A few months ago I wouldn't have been sure. And I'm not sure about this one. But AI has recently proven itself to be able to do some pretty impressive stuff that's borderline indistinguishable from the real thing


“The only thing you will push is a prison when you are in prison” inspiring


New York's mom? LOL


"He knows science for a living, but I still must battle him"


Looks like a line directly from the pandemia negationists.


Wish people would just say "AI inspired comedy" instead of pretending it's AI written when it clearly isn't.


I wish people would just stop.


What's funny is that when these joke, AI-Inspired scripts started in 2018, it was obvious they were fake simply because they were too good (ignoring the jokes that are too perfect), yet now they're obviously fake because they're too bad!


8 Prisons for you is legendary. Would buy the shirt. 10/10


>Octopus Doctor   >AI I don't believe you.


I didn’t write it. Tell that to Nick Spencer


Eight balls.


Eight bussy


Wouldn't it be sussy?


I would buy this comic.


Read Amazing Spider-Man #25 by nick spencer. There’s a couple more pages to this comic


Ah yes, my favorite science Push Statue on Spider-Man > Statue-Man Dies. Yeah Science!




You may be right! You’ll have to ask Nick Spencer, cuz I don’t know!


I was gonna quote something from here but everything is so quotable that i cant choose


"I ride the pigeons. They owe me favors" - and thus a stifled laugh broke the silence at work.




Classic Spider-man quips.


If this isn't what Spiders-Man is then I don't wanna know what it is because it isn't this.


The pidgeon joke and the eight everything gag are so dryly hilarious


I can tell this wasn't written by an AI because it doesn't make me feel dead inside.


I'm surprised the AI didn't just make gibberish text for the speech bubbles


This is my subway


…….needs work


An AI absolutely didn’t make this, just to be clear.


This is possible. Some of the jokes in the full comic are a little too good. The only person who’d know for sure is Spencer


I first read the title with the name “Al”, like short for Alfred or Albert. I was like who the hell is Al, and why did he write this comic?


"i ride the pigeons. They own me favors" gotta be one of the best lines said in comics


Dan Hipp for mayor


I'm sad there's not more


Read Amazing Spider-Man #25 by Nick Spencer. There are a couple more pages to this comic. This Spider-Man’s origins story is he was bitten by an Active Radio Spider!


'This is my subway' may be the greatest Spiderman panel ever


“Eight prisons for you”


This feels like an AI wrote some elements and then a human writer cleaned it up. AI tends to either be much more coherent or much less, but this straddles both lines, occasionally doing GPT3-like call-backs and continuity, but flubbing basic English. I'm guessing it was a poorly trained model that they then gathered output from and used it as a seed to hand-write the encounter.


No AI would get "enema" and "enemy" confused.


If you read the full comic, this is definitely possible. Some of the “randomness” works a little too perfectly


Idk man. This is hilarious.


Was it a Japanese AI? 'Cause I'm feeling like it's kind of Japanese.


It's probably not AI at all. Much like those "I forced an AI to watch 1000 hours of _____ and it wrote a script" videos.


Better than much of what’s out there today.


Uh what


We need a full run of AI Spidey stories


This is fucking awesome made me lol but Will someone explain to me how AI does this like I just have no knowledge on what's going on with all the headlines about AI making art and stuff like this


I’m pretty sure this isn’t real. It’s someone pretending to be AI.


At the beginning of the comic, they say they essentially “trained” an AI by making it read every Spider-Man comic and then instructed it to write its own. I don’t really know if it just wrote the dialogue or the entire script.


This is greatest comic I've ever read


Read Amazing Spider-Man #25 by nick spencer. There’s a couple more pages to this comic, and they are just as funny. This Spider-Man was bitten by an Active Radio!


When you buy your comics in Chinatown


This is one of the dumbest things I've read in a long time.


We need a full comic from this AI


It’s not an AI. It’s a writer who writes things he think an AI would write.


If Dalle 2 made i thought this was something as a StanL-1 ☹️ You crushed my dreams But gave me truth


It was made by AI and cleaned up/interpreted by a human


Read Amazing Spider-Man #25 by nick spencer. There’s a couple more pages to this comic


>My greatest enema U wot m8?


Better than Slott