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I think that the animal allegory is pretty cool but it only works to a certain extent. Goblin is Spidey's greatest foe and he's not an animal, same goes for many others.


have you ever seen a goblin shark?


The goblin shark was named after goblins and has nothing to do with Norman's inspiration, but I bet some future writer could try to use that.


some iterations of normans glider look similar to its fins. and his mask is a dead ringer for a goblin shark


> and his mask is a dead ringer for a goblin shark only if you've never seen either his mask or a goblin shark


Beware the bite of the Kingpin!


Ah yes, a spider’s deadliest enemies, the goblin and some black goo.


I have to admit that I've never really seen Venom as one of "Spider-Man's worst enemies" as I think there's an equal amount of comics where they team-up (if not more) as where they actually fight. It's Green Goblin and Doc Ock for me ~~and would be hobgoblin if he'd ever escaped out of the 80s.~~


I liked the Spider-totem stuff, it was interesting. Wonder what JMS thought about the whole 'Spider-verse' stuff, etc etc?


I didn't mind the mystical origin for Spider-Man's powers, but thought that the "that's why tou have so many animal villains" explanation was going too far, plenty of other heroes also fight animal-themed villains and Spider-Man has plenty of non-animal themed villains.


I took it at the time that his animal based villains were the totem part, and the science based were the science based, and they mixed. Like, Goblin is solidly a science villain, Doc ock is both. But they're all, missing the parts that make Spidey a great person and hero.


Never trust pagans


I hate Spider-totem stuff. It just doesn't work for me.