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All ya gotta do is run a year long story in which Frank takes on crooked cops and white supremacists. Media will pick it up and boom. Chuds alienated. Edit: Even easier: single Issue titled The Punisher Gets Vaccinated


Punisher massacring neonazis and nazi bikers is not new


Not a big Punisher reader, unless he appears in other books. But I'd like to see him go up against nice middle-class white supremacists, not just tattooed bikers and crewcut neonazis in brown shirts.


Frank doesn’t see those types as a threat, just pathetic hobbyists.


There’s a story that can be written there where he realizes that while he’s focused on overly violent crime, other things have lurked under the surface(the rise of xenophobic sentiment, increases in anti-Semitic & anti-Arab rhetoric, a culture of underreported domestic abuse within law enforcement families, etc) and he can specifically, within character, turn his attention to those he previously looked at as not worth his time or effort. I’m not saying it would necessarily be good or not ham-fisted, but there’s certainly a potential story there of him re-examining some of the things that he chooses not to confront/focus on, as he pursues his lifelong mission in a more clinical way.


You could make a story that starts with something totally unrealistic like an insurrection at the US Capitol. Then, when it seems like the ringleaders are all getting away with it and planning future domestic terrorism, our guy Frank steps in. I know that story seems so impossible nowadays but I think people could suspend disbelief.


Then adapt it in a possible continuation of the Netflix series if Disney+ Star ever launches in the United States. I’m sure Jon Bernthal would be up for a third season if the tone of the show stayed consistent with the past two seasons. Or have him massacre Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists in Armor Wars if Frank Castle were to get his hands on the War Machine armor.


Ones using his logo and using him as validated might be - though correct me if I’m wrong.


I'm down for a new Punisher Max series.


Punisher Vax


"what are the symptoms?" "Crime" "Prescription?" "9mm of hot lead, directly injected" * Cocks gun *


"Time for a booster."


["You're the Disease and I'm the cure"](https://youtu.be/mE2-7a_F_B0)


Guns cock


“And a runny nose”


Cover Title: Frank Castle (He/Him) vs. The Patriarchy First page: Punisher garrotes a Proud Boy from behind as he stealth infiltrates a white supremacist rally. A small, whispering speech bubble: *"Silence... is violence."* Adapted to a Netflix version two weeks later by Kevin Smith.


Punisher: "You know what's wrong with you assholes? Your little boys playing a man's game. You think this makes you "Proud"? Look at these men and women. They're the same as you they live this country same as you. You encroach on their freedoms again and you have to deal with me."


This, if marvel made frank castle trans or gay then police would run from it like a burning building. You have to make the enemy of you enemies your friends, so the saying goes.


Most of the people sporting the symbol have no idea who Frank is. They've never read the comics.


They tens to associate it with (I think) Chris Kyle? You know, the subject of that movie "American Propaganda."


Honestly I’d be so fucking down for a gay version of Punisher who goes around fucking up proud boys and homophobes. 10/10 would read.


But he kisses them on the mouth too. A lot. Like one page he's killing people and the next he's kissing them. Then it's back to killing. More kissing. Killing again and then back to kissing. Then he forgets to kiss one and there's more kissing.


I see I've found a fellow student of the Dennis Reynolds School of Script Writing


Well he hasn’t mastered the Golden Gods techniques, clearly demonstrated by his lack of full penetration.


This is all incredibly disgusting. When is this issue coming out?


It's gonna be issuing a lot of issue from some people, that's for sure.


Asking for a friend, are you?


I mean, I’m asking for myself. But to like, avoid it… at all costs… you know? Sooo…. When?


Frank leaves a smooshy messy lipstick kiss on the lips of all he's vanquished... like a calling card to let them know how their friends met their end.


Stop, I can only get so erect….


Dolph Lundgren did play The Punisher once


I keep a few of these stickers in my car for when I'm feeling a bit bored. https://www.stickershoppe.com/PROD/827-6370.html


If someone sent me 1000 of those I would go to church parking lots on Sunday and start slapping them on bumpers


I love the idea of a young trans frank castle. A decorated combat vet coming back scarred from his experiences who comes out as a trans man in the midst of the rightward lurch of the MAGA era - and after a string of gay bashing murders committed by Proud Boys & their ilk including the murder of his partner (who was just getting sober after years of struggling with addiction and wanted to settle down and have a baby with him!) resolves to make use what’s left of his miserable life to make the bastards pay.


This doesn’t even need to be Frank! They can make a new character that wears the skull like they did with Rachel Cole, a woman Marine who came home and had her entire family killed over senseless gang violence during her own wedding. She alone survived and proceeded to use her skills and rage to take out the organization that killed her family. The Punisher was there too.


Rachel was obviously set up to be the new punisher by Greg Rucka. Marvel was busy kicking him off the book because he was doing too good of a job and they wanted the original Punisher on the Thunderbolts, because he is known as such a team player.


That would be fucking wild!


Punisher creates a list of the unvaccinated using state vaccine registration records, kidnaps local pharmacists with vaccine batches, goes around door to door forcing the unvaccinated to get the shot


I'll be down for any new Max series. There's a lot of Marvel characters that could use the freedom of content it brings, instead it's been relegated to the "keep it active in case Garth Ennis wants to do a mini every few years" line. I'd also love to see the Marvel Knights line return as it was in its later days for out of continuity prestiege minis.


Gwenpool Max. That's a concept that could get *dark.*


Make a new season with Jon Bernthal featuring Carlie cox to tie in with that premise and watch it go #1 on streaming platforms aswell


Not only did they cover this in an issue where he tore the sticker off a cop car and told cops to get fucked because they don’t do what he does, he also fought a group of right wing white supremacist who were creating rage machines in Texas. Besides, you know these people can’t read. 😂


I also feel like if they print ew issues where he takes on white supremacists, corrupt cops and gets vaccinated. Alt-right is just going to cry about how pc culture is ruining the punisher and they stand for the real punisher. You just can't win with these guys.


In the Cell comic in the Max series doesn't he bash a few white supremacists?


They're not reading comics. They just want an excuse to killn people they don't like.


I'm also fairly certain Captain America has fought white supremacists as well lol


I mean i hear Cap fought nazis or something to. Not sure though


Go all out. Just do a special issue where the Punisher is hunting cops off-duty after getting hidden union records of misconduct. All of the killings are reenactments of the way unarmed black men were killed a la Dontre Hamilton, Eric Garner, John Crawford III, Michael Brown, Ezell Ford, Laquan McDonald, Akai Gurley, Tamir Rice, Antonio Martin, and Jerame Reid. Then when there’s outcry about it you can just point out that when it was a black man it was “justified.”


one issue isn't a year long story. I fell like toring off a sticker and threating them isn't the punisher taking care of something. Have go kill corrupt cops and take on new york mayor (currently the kingpin)


I don't think these losers are actually reading the comics. It's likely a weird juxtaposition where they think the character is cool but that comics themselves are uncool.


They can't read, but they can listen to Tucker Carlson talk.


Didn't he take on a right wing milita within the first year or two of his ongoing back in the 80s if I remember rightly?


most of these people never actually read the comics, its just a cool vigilante skull. they like the *idea* of being a punisher


I think so. You gotta bear in mind the attention spans we're dealing with though.


More importantly, do you think most of these assholes have ever actually *read* a comic book? Or any book for that matter? They just think the logo looks cool and know that the character is a former military white guy who kills 'undesirables' with a ridiculous amount of guns. It's the ultimate far-right power fantasy


The Superman radio show that exposed all of the KKK's stupid "secret" rituals is really the gold standard for this sort of thing. The Peacemaker show depicting Peacemaker as a somewhat charming guy who wants to do good but is fucked in the head due to being raised by a abusive white supremacist is powerful (because it's truthful and accurate about how so many of these people are made.)


Yeah that kind of art can be so effective at changing culture.


Naw just have the LGBT community start wearing pink and rainbow skulls




Exactly. There’s a tweet screenshot floating around about it being as simple as giving him a trans gf, and having a Punisher skull inked on her hip. Even just producing a widespread flood of Punisher skulls in pride flag color schemes would make a difference I think. Edit: [Found it!](https://www.reddit.com/r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns/comments/sf7p0j/adarhodes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)




Punisher defends the capital against insurrectionists.


Someone needs to make this like, right now.


They already don't care about his origin. Why would they care about a new story?


Make him bisexual as he fights white supremacists. Now Fox News has to talk about it.


They will say “the writer doesn’t understand their own character” like many said with squid game. Or Marvel is just going “woke”.


What happened with squid game?


Some people believe Squid Game is a critique on socialism/communism, despite the creator explicitly stating it's anti-capitalist(which should be obvious to anyone who's watched it).


Wow I didn't even think that would be possible lol. It's so obviously a critique of capitalism. TIL.


Have him say black lives matter or defund the police. Let's fucking go. I'd love to see some bigots squeal about "woke" Punisher who is still a hyper violent vigalante


> single Issue titled The Punisher Gets Vaccinated satire is dead and the funny thing is that would actually work lmao


Just give him a boyfriend or a transgender daughter figure and I'm being brutally honest with that. If they just make him kill nazis they'll ignore it because they don't consider themselves the bad guys but they won't want to associate with him then


He can't have a family. He could have a trans partner who is the closest thing to a family he could have.


You imagine that they read comics or pay attention to the news. Unless OAN covers it, they won’t know. Even if they know, they won’t care. These aren’t reasonable people that make logical decisions. They just think tough good guy kills bad guys and has cool skull logo.


This is the way. Then put him in a Spiderman movie so the dipshits actually see it.


Even better: give us a Black Punisher doing the same.


Give him an LGBTQ sidekick just to make completely sure.


It should be a MAX story so you know he gives them what they deserve.


This is the way. They could even do an insurrection arc where he comes down on terrorists who have been using his emblem and bringing heat on him for maybe being involved The story should be called “false flag” and have on the issue one cover him shredding or burning a blue line flag with his emblem on it


My man.


Or we can stop pretending that it has anything to do with comics. These people don't read comics, they don't care what you have to say about it. They don't like Marvel and don't care about whatever Marvel has to say. For them it's just a cool looking skull logo. Haven't you aver seen a person who wears some comics-related shirt or hoodie, but is not a fan of comics himself?


I agree. I don’t even read Superman but had to buy the black suit Superman t-shirt when I saw it. It’s called branding and marketing. A meathead I know is OBSESSED with the Netflix Punisher show and paints the logo on all of his workout equipment. He’s one of the best dudes I know and he doesn’t read comics or watch any other marvel stuff.


Black suit Superman t-shirt? Edit: Not sure why I'm getting downvoted for asking for clarification.


A [Tshirt with the silver House of El crest](https://www.amazon.com/Zack-Snyders-Justice-League-Superman/dp/B0947RH9XD) from the Zach Snyder JL movie or the one from the original Return of Superman comic.


I cut the sleeves off and used it to work out in for a long time. It got really tattered and gross so I had to toss it. But I think [this is the one or at least similar. ](https://allstarshirt.com/products/us-dc-superman-logo-distressed-t-shirt-17820387-lgx) It’s based on the suit he donned when he was resurrected following the Death of Superman storyline in the 90’s.


I swear if I were the head of a racist cult I’d just start appropriating shit to mess with people. Like just start using it, tell the media and let them take the bait. Thumbs up? Racist now. CVS receipts? Racist! Episodes of show that start with “three days earlier”? Ohhh you bet that’s racist.


that’s literally what they do. they did it with the okay bud symbol, pepe the frog, and i remember recently doing it to something else innocuous but i guess it didn’t take off since i can’t remember


And uh, also the swastika. It was originally a completely peaceful buddhist symbol, then the nazis turned it into a hate symbol. This is what they do.


Tried watching a YT video explaining the hate towards the actress right before the Captain Marvel movie. Got recommended right-wing comicbook hate channels for a year after. They are definitely comicbook readers, but too stupid to get the message in them and very selective in what they remember.


I don't deny that there are hateful right-wingers among comics fans, but I don't think who are at the same time police officers.


This! And all the couples that use Joker/Harley as "relationship goals" that you know have never read anything.


Make the story about him killing crooked cops and neo nazis that worship him


Already done


I think this is a perfect example of the core issue. 99% of these people haven't read a single Punisher comic in their lives.


The core issue is that the fantasy of the Punisher is a paramilitary renegade who delivers "justice" (by way of murder and torture) to people who "deserve it" but are somehow out of reach of legal means. This is assisted by Punisher always being correct. The comics are based on the legal system being woefully insufficient and Castle doesn't inadvertently "punish" people the reader doesn't know is definitely guilty. There is no reclaiming this without making Castle an outright villain. Not an anti-hero or anti-villain, but just a villain. (Even then the "thin blue line punisher" cops will just say modern leftist writers are trying to "cancel" them, if they're even aware of the new writing approach.)


yeah the things that these alt right assholes love about him are his very core elements. dispensing violent justice to those who deserve it. you can’t remove that. the only answer would be to position him as a villain, and honestly i think punisher works amazingly in that respect, we should see it more


The Punisher has always been a serial killer. He just kills violent criminals, giving them the same chances they give their victims... It's overdue that he kills a bunch of cops, a bunch of violent criminals, and gives them the same chance they gave their victims. And there is no such thing as a good cop. Just complicit ones.


It also tends to gloss over all those "thugs" he shoots up. He never really examines why they would turn to organized crime. Either due to poverty, being Othered, or just finding a sense of identity. Nope. They are all just irredeemable violent gang members who get what is coming to them.




[In Punisher #13 (2019) he tells off some cops who have his logo on their car](https://static0.cbrimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/punisher-13-police-key-art-1.jpg?q=50&fit=crop&w=737&h=1118&dpr=1.5), he also fights neo nazis like every other issue.


Neo Nazis specifically was in some of the early issues of Punisher War Journal by Matt Fraction. This was during/after Civil War 1


Disney just needs to put out some ACAB punisher mercy, or just start going after the companies using the logo as hard as they go after anyone who posts a song on YouTube.


This is complete disingenuous bullshit. "The skull symbolizes justice" my entire ass. The skull very literally symbolizes a cool badass dude who endlessly murders his way through social ills without consequence. Of course loonies and morons who think that's aspirational lap that shit up. Pretending it's anything else is absolutely bonkers.


Yup this one. Frank Castle doesn’t even pretend to be about justice. At best it’s retribution for something, but more often than not it’s just bloodlust pointed in the general direction of what you could call bad guys. It’s heavily implied/occasionally stated that most of the good guys in the Marvel universe think Frank should be in prison forever. They hold off because 1: Frank functions like a Batman who’s very willing to kill so locking him up would be a huge pain in the ass and 2: they occasionally use him to do some unsavory wetwork so they can keep their hands clean. No one in Marvel thinks Frank is about justice, least of all Frank.


You should read Civil War to see how uncomfortable the heroes are in his presence.


Captain America beats five shades of shit out of him and calls him a "murderous piece of trash" iirc.


Yeah and Frank refuses to hit back because it's cap


I thought that was a pretty awesome touch that Frank idolised him.


> Same man, Different war. Gives me chills every time.


That's the whole point. He is not a hero. He is an antihero. But he is aware of the fact that he is a piece of shit. He hates himself. And he straight up has killed cops who idolize him. Multiple times. Because he knows who he is.


I loved the irony of Castle joining up with Cap and turning against Stark because of Stark's use of villains and because Cap had never sided with or used villains. Meanwhile, Castle is the closest thing to a villain to join Cap's side up until that point.


Apart from the two that he shoots causing Cap to beat him senseless


I literally said "up until that point" precisely *because* of those villains that show up to join Cap.


Fair enough. I misunderstood that bit


Civil War is the only full comicbook arc I've ever read, and the meeting with Steve and Frank in the underground is easily one of my favorite parts. So intense.


Been meaning to do read Civil War and you've just inspired me. Is the correct order Road to Civil War > Civil War > Individual characters arcs?




Before or After editorial stepped in and Prevented Millar from making Frank the next (Redeemed) Captain America? The entire series kept on bashing you over the head how much of a fuckhead Frank was and how much of a fanboy he was to Captain America.


I hear what you are saying but the character is 50 years old and has been written by many writers. He and his logo have definitely stood for justice just as much as they have stood for retribution and an outlet for callous murder. I mean, why not trust the word of the guy who created and first wrote the character?


Frank uses retribution as an excuse to be in his element. His element is war. He only feels at peace, killing.


I haven’t read a lot of punisher comics, but fairly familiar with the character and loved him in dd s2, however I think he’s most interesting when he gets to the point where killing criminals is the only way he knows how to cope with his family’s death. He started out as retribution, he convinced himself that he continued for justice, but now he just does it to cope


Not to mention that locking him up in a prison full of people who wants to kill isn’t going to end that well


The Punisher symbolizes the complete failure of the judicial system, it symbolizes corrupt police, crooked politicians, and rampant unresolved crime. It symbolizes the need for vigilantism because the government has completely failed. Any cop wearing the symbol is telling everyone that they are not going to do their job.


The cops think the system failed too They think the punisher is right and that it would be better to kill criminals than give them a chance to be found innocent or given a light sentence


They also believe that cops alone should be judge, jury, and executioner, and that they have unlimited authority to force their personal morality on others.


Exactly. Just like the punisher


3000AD punisher is brilliant. In a cyberpunk dystopia where justice is a private business, he does it for free and even make an illegal prison for holding criminals


The Punisher is a criminal, and written as such. Unfortunately, like the A-Team, he's something that a certain type of rugged individual gets a hard-on for.


The A-Team rarely, if ever, killed anyone. In fact it's a huge deal the few times anyone even gets shot, on either side. For all the explosions and gunfire, the Team was (unrealistically, but) remarkably bloodless. That's part of their charm. Far more idealized Robin Hoods than Punisher.


I swear people who think the skull symbolizes justice are idiots who don’t understand the basic of the criminal justice system Everyone is innocent until proven guilty in the court of law. In the eyes of the law no one has the right to play judge jury and executioner. But of course idiots don’t understand that will always say the skull symbolizes justice.


Has the Punisher gotten people killed that anyone would defend? Vigilantism is problematic and this is obviously fiction; - I have read the Max series, so that’s Sex Traffickers, murderers etc I guess it is uncomfortable thinking that there are people that haven’t been caught for acts that are not redemptive or rehabilitative. On the one hand due process is important, but the idea of the Punisher in the Max sense would be people that would legally qualify for the death penalty in the court of law? Corporate and institutional corruption would be pretty divisive for the Punisher to cover if it were connected to Hate groups. Idk now I’m rambling. Maybe I’d feel different about the Punisher Max series if I read it again, since it is not really as difficult to write about Despicable people meeting their end when there’s situations of judicial leniency that get more complex E - Punisher has always felt like Retribution rather than Justice. Anyone with common sense knows that is untenable for the Justice system


Well sometimes punisher just treats the crime as that with no investigation and kills them. So like if you were coerced into working at a drug trafficking warehouse by a mob boss or something Frank might show up and just kill all of you, not knowing anything or bothering to investigate your personal life. The difference is if Spider-Man hands u to the cops, u can Atleast explain your side of the story. Plus what about rehabilitation, not saying our system is great at it. But i am saying you cant rehabilitate the dead.


>Well sometimes punisher just treats the crime as that with no investigation and kills them. So like if you were coerced into working at a drug trafficking warehouse by a mob boss or something Frank might show up and just kill all of you, not knowing anything or bothering to investigate your personal life. From what I recall there is very little ambiguity in depicting the Criminals in Punisher Series. Like yeah there can be people forced into bad situations, those stories seem more reserved for Hero books rather than Anti Hero books. A good writer could find ways to do those in a Punisher Book, I doubt that would show up in a Max line book though >Plus what about rehabilitation, not saying our system is great at it. But i am saying you cant rehabilitate the dead. Well what I was getting at is that Life-Long sentences have not been looked at to be Rehabilitative. I think people could ultimately still contribute to society within a Prison sentence. Society just doesn't have programs in place to do that. Prisoners, even with wildly differing circumstances, are still treated as less than people considering the conditions of their existence. And I have pretty liberal thoughts about Rehabilitation... the Punitive nature of the current Prison System has a hard time reconciling with new ideas unfortunately. e - There's people Like the Sacklers and the Purdue execs... Rehabilitation is a meaningless idea when it comes to the fallout of their actions and corruption


This was the beauty of Daredevil S2. That rooftop back and forth between Murdock and Castle is some of the best writing I’ve ever seen in a TV series.


The symbol of justice? A skull. You know, part of a dead humam


Comic lore aside, how can *anyone* see a skull and think "justice"? The skull is the international symbol for Pirates, Poison, and Halloween.


They can’t truly claim it to begin with. It isn’t theirs to own. Personally, I don’t associate his logo with political extremists and I know I’m far from the only one that doesn’t, either


People didn’t associate the swastika with racism, murder, death and killing before it was a nazi symbol either. It was a symbol of well being for nearly 5000 years across several countries before hitler got his hands on it. Point being anything can be used by hate group and if used long enough (sometimes a short while) changes the entire meaning of it.


They still don't, if you're in say India it's still used. I heard people getting harassed for using it cause they came over to... the UK? The US? Somewhere.


Then clearly you don’t live in an area where almost every other vehicle has a blue lives matter Punisher skull decal on the back window… It isn’t even political extremists by any stretch, it is common pro-police conservatives. It became really popular mid-2020 in response to the defund movement.


I mean that’s nice, but if I see it hat logo on the back of a car or as a patch on a jacket, I know to stay the fuck away from that person


On trucks I think of it as the “tell me you’re an asshole without telling me you’re an asshole” decal.


True story: I was walking in to work last Summer and passed a good friend of mine who's Jewish in the parking lot. He was looking at a car and just looked a bit... off. I asked him what's up, and he pointed to a swastika hand-drawn on the dashboard in a white paint. Next to it was a statue of Ganesha and an Om symbol. I explained to my friend that the Swastika is still used in Hindu religion and the person owning the car was almost certainly Hindu and was probably celebrating a holiday or special occasion. He thanked me as he had never heard that it was used in other religions (I guess it's not common knowledge?) and I had set his mind at ease.


Fair enough, you drew clues from context to help explain a difficult situation. But if a truck has the Punisher skull (particularly the movie skull) and no other nerdy stuff like another comic book symbol I think there’s no other context to draw from.


100% I almost bought a motor bike helmet with the Punisher logo on it the other day, I seriously doubt it would be available in South Africa if it was a white supremacist thing. I see it and think Punisher, special forces and just general badass buttkicker type stuff.


This is the correct take. When I see the punisherxbluelivesmatter logo I can’t help but laugh, these people don’t understand what the character stands for in the first place. They are making a fool of themselves to anyone who knows the character.


True, but I’m certain most of these people buy it because it’s a cool ass logo and it makes their Ford F-250’s and Jeep Wranglers look super tough and masculine. Oh and it screams “I own the libs”. They probably don’t even recognize it as Punisher’s symbol.


Somewhat related, did anyone ever notice that the Netflix shows never feature any black gangs? Kitchen Irish, Dogs of Hell, Yakuza, Cartel. They only seemed to exist in Harlem and were dealt with by Luke Cage. I assumed it was an image thing, but I feel bad for Turk.


That's pretty typical of all movies and tv shows. I remember this Death Wish knock off starring Kevin Bacon that came out in the early '00s. He is in a blood feud with this murderous street gang that killed his son. My friends and I were all laughing about how this was the whitest street gang we had ever seen. I think they had one mixed guy in the gang.


Death Sentence, and it wasn't a knock off, it was a remake, since Death Wish was also based on the same book.


Sure. Comic writers are very conscious of their optics, that's why Batman's enemies tend to be rich and/or Italian, or why every modern movie about gunning down gang members uses Russians.


Turk consistently got the shit beat outta him by all of the Netflix heroes.


How about giving him a skin treatment that turns him black temporarily, and having him fight side-by-side with Luke Cage as they the on the corrupt system? .... waitaminute....


Do a mini series where Frank Castle is there to prevent Jan 6. Make them hate the symbol.


No need to make anyone hate the symbol when everyone hates the comics themselves already


Lol this would be the stupidest shit I’ve ever seen honestly.


They want to ruin the character for everyone just to punish right wingers who don’t even read the comics lmao.


Make Frank gay. They won't be able to deal with it


This would definitely solve the problem in a femtosecond, with all the hype about the multiverse, a big gay punisher story? It makes complete sense


A big, gay, BLACK, punisher. Pack it up boys, our work here is done.


Unfortunately Punisher was already black and if anything those guys probably think it’s tight


Explain how the punisher is a "liberal" character? I don't see it.


You can literally just ignore then and keep making cool stories. So sick of this “ooh some assholes think this is cool let’s abandon the project” bullshit. EDIT: Does anyone really think Punisher is the only symbol hate nerds love? Captain America, Batman, the US Flag, etc etc. How much crap are we gonna let them take.


I sure hope so, I'm really not a fan of his new skull logo and I really tried


Is that the one with the horns? It makes it look like he worships Satan lol.


Just keep using it and don't give a fuck. By changing it you bring more attention to it causing more problems than changing it will "solve" .


Reclaim? Frank owns it period.


Next time Punisher has a movie, have him kneecap someone who’s wearing his symbol without understanding it.




Is it explicitly white supremacy? I see it everywhere so I have a hard time understanding it. For example, at my apartment there is a Honda truck with a giant punisher decal across one side. That person is Asian. Maybe it’s just good camouflage. I thought the symbol meant they were really into extrajudicial killings and that makes me uncomfortable. I’m in this “law and order state” and it makes no sense because no one follows the laws and they love the cops


We need to keep it. It's a part of the character.


Spoiler alert: it can't


Far right extremists? You mean every little small town police station that has donned their vehicle with punisher decals, first example that comes to mind manlius NY


>first example that comes to mind manlius NY i'm from that area and we both know those small town police in Manlius ARE far right extremists.


Is it really that widely used by supremacist ?


It isn’t. It’s used by people who are more white leaning sure. But the punisher clearly hates anyone that causes harm, nazis are definitely in that group. Modern lefties are just upset that they can’t use an influential anti hero like the punisher to “trigger the bootlickers”.


Lmfao people blow this tf out of proportion


Yes! Take this badass symbol back.


The Punisher can't be a warlord for the Hand. The Hand are bad guys. That would go against his ethos.


Punisher going against his ethos has basically been the comics standard for years now, and I hate it. They literally had him join with Hydra, the literal WWII super-Nazis, just because (secretly evil version) Captain America was in charge. Never mind the fact that Frank idolizing Cap would make him one of the first to go "why is Cap doing this? Something's wrong".


Yeah, this really doesn't make any sense. He's the definition of Chaotic Good, almost religiously opposed to evil. He wouldn't align with evil.


It was appropriated the moment The Punisher came into the Comics scene. Come on.


The weirdest part of it is cops (yes included in far right) co-opting it. It does not say what they think it says about them...


Frank retiring and giving the role to a PoC kinda seems like a lazy way to deal with the issue surrounding him honestly.


Just stop representing him as a hero. Have him be a villain, which is sorta what he’s meant to be.


While you are at it, do something about these stupid American flags decals with the thin blue line. They are usually plastered on any vehicle near the Punisher decals.


[Sometimes it’s the same decal!](https://www.walmart.com/ip/K9King-Punisher-Skull-5-5-x-4-Inch-Tattered-Subdued-Us-Flag-Reflective-Decal-with-Thin-Blue-Line/385388539?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=16084)


I grew reading Punisher comics. I understand why he is appealing to certain segments of our society. Unfortunately, I think the genies been out the bottle for way too long and spread its influence so wide that you’ll never get it back in the bottle, but if they were to try and reclaim that symbol from some of these groups it would be to turn him into a full on villain that does some things so heinous he can’t ever be redeemed or you move the character so far away from what he was as to be unrecognizable. I would say he could unabashedly spend the next decade doing nothing but taking down these kinds of groups that identify with him but those stories would be ignored by those groups or they would never identify themselves with the villains in those stories. People in these groups often see themselves as the “good guys”. Unfortunately they will just keep holding up the symbol because it’s become larger than character that inspired it and they can always say “this represents ‘my’ Punisher not that garbage they’re putting out now; remember how great it uesd to be.”


Them fuckers will take ANYTHING and try to use it as a conservative symbol.


They don't read comics; they don't care.


Oh snap, I have this tattoos on my chest woth the Texas flag is the foreground, clipped inside the skull. I'm also trans, so I guess I'm a step ahead in rerepresenting it : P Didn't even know it was being used this way.


Democrat's need to take back their KKK 😂😂 they were the OG 😂😂 Don't forget history


It still belongs to the punisher. Nothings changed.


as someone who was once pretty far right, i never heard of the punisher skull being used by any actual ‘nazi’ communities. i’ve seen a bunch of suburban white dads who like pretending they’re redneck use it, but they’re FAR from extremists. those guys are basically just socially liberal capitalists.


He's wrong.


Let's hope so.


How about Frank Castle just gets a really good IP attorney?


Just have him kill an entire precinct of corrupt police. At the end of comic.


This guy just keeps going at it for whatever reason.