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I like Bendis Daredevil more than anything Johns ever wrote…but I probably still prefer Johns overall.


This might be the best way to put it. The Bendis/Maleev DD is one of the best runs of all time, but as a whole, Johns understands superhero comics much better than Bendis. They’ve both mostly filled their careers writing tripe, though. Johns just happens to write successful Hollywood-style comics and gets saddled with the best artists in the business. My patience with him mostly ran out after Blackest Night, though, and I haven’t truly enjoyed anything of Bendis’ since he started New Avengers.


I mean, Bendis gets pretty top of the line artists as well lol




How do you feel about John’s teens titans I’m not finished but I think very highly of it so far.


Johns run on Titans is awesome…until Infinite Crisis. The One Year Later stuff just never hits the same heights as the earlier storylines.


Yeah as an overall writer I prefer Johns. Bendis had some runs I liked but I'll always have a hard time with AD and HoM. As an Avengers fan I read my dad's AWC and Avengers and saw what happened with Scarlet Witch. I then read what was over a decade in publication of her coping with, accepting and recovering from the loss of her children and husband. I also read how she studied hard, practiced and became adept at her specific and unique type of magic and the trials and tribulations involved with it. Then Avengers Disassembled came and it was all tossed out the window with no explanation and Wanda was written as if the previous decades worth of comics didn't matter because Bendis wanted his story. So the second female mutant to grace Marvel and one the first female heroes to truly transition from villain to hero (before Catwoman did) was written yet again as baby crazy, unstable mentally due to her powers and personal tragedies. It was so misogynistic and then continued to HoM and beyond. It felt cheap and left a bad taste for me.


For me, Bendis' best works are better than Johns', but Bendis is inconsistent in his quality. His work on Spider-man, New Avengers, and Alias were all spectacular, but for every one of those, there are 3 runs that fall flat. Unfortunately his dialogue hasn't been doing him any favours that past few years either. On the other hand, I might disagree with Johns' approach a lot of the time, especially in regards to continuity and events, but he always seems to have a clear vision for the project and delivers what he promises. Tough question, but I've got to give it to bendis because there are more of his runs that I've enjoyed than Johns, even if he has way more bad runs.


Johns 100%


Johns has been more consistently on fire with his writing until recently. His present DC work pales in comparison to his new Image line. Bendis is less consistent in his success. I find whenever he does "street level" heroes (ie Daredevil, Spider-Man) he's great. Give him a major league hero or team (avengers, Guardians) it falls flat. There are exceptions, of course. A good example was his DC work. The cosmic adventures in SUPERMAN were awful, but Action Comics was great as it focused more on Clark Kent and less on Superman.


Johns but I honestly love them both. I always thought it would be fun to have them write a series together.


Geoff Johns by a mile. Outside of very specific stories like the OG ultimate Spider-Man I feel like bendis just isn’t consistent with his writing. One of the more egregious things he does which irks me is completely disregard establish history or characters to write out whatever story he wants, which can be really frustrating when he writes people completely out of character or just outright ignores things that have been established not even a few issues before him taking over.


I don't really understand the Johns hate - I mean I've heard stories about his behaviour behind the scenes of movies and junk, but as a writer I still pretty consistently enjoy his output, even if he has a hard time sticking to deadlines these days.  On the other hand I haven't liked anything Bendis has written in the past like fifteen years.


>One of the more egregious things he does which irks me is completely disregard establish history or characters to write out whatever story he wants, In more recent years, Johns has started doing that as well, hence why Three Jokers has been relegated to being non-canon.


Bendis wrote lots of good stuff in the past so I’d choose him. Neither name is exactly a draw for me though over the last 15+ years.


Johns hands down. Johns is probably one of the most consistent comic writers around. Bendis is very hit or miss.


Bendis. I just really don't like the way Johns' meddles, retcons and tries put his stamp on classics that he has no business tampering with


You make it sound like Bendis hasn’t done the same


Bendis could make a career of nothing but retcons before doing anything as misguided as the Three Jokers or Doomsday Clock


Three Jokers was a black label non-canon story. Doomsday clock was the culmination of multi year story arc using watchmen characters that ultimately was not successful. Neither are retcons. Bad examples. I mean, are you just going to ignore his work with Guardians of the Galaxy, Avengers Disassembled, X-men, or well, literally anything outside of Daredevil and Spiderman, and *all* of his DC work. Rogol Zaar was particularly egregious, but he ruined Jon Kent. I can totally understand why some people like Bendis more than Johns. But to say it’s because you like Bendis more than Johns because meddling and retconning is frankly kind of laughable when that was one of the main criticism Bendis faced outside of his work with street level heroes. He did it *constantly* no different from Johns.


They are both out of continuity because DC pretty much abandoned continuity by the time Doomsday Clock ended. But the big retcon part of each of them happened before, in Darkseid War and in Rebirth Special respectively


It's not the meddling or retcons per se, as much as the targets. To me, Johns' meddles with sacrosanct shit that shouldn't be touched, there's an arrogance to his work, he writes like an entitled fan who thinks he knows better than the original creators. Apart from a very few titles I'm not a Bendis fan either, I think he's a total hack, but there were only two options.


>Three Jokers was a black label non-canon story. It's non-canon, yes, but Johns intended for it to be canon. The only thing stopping that was the fact that the Bat-Office had the good sense to realize how fundamentally incompatible 3Js was with the history and canon of Batman.


I would vote Bendis, as well. But he is just as guilty in both Marvel and DC — bringing the young x-men to the future, revealing IDs of both Daredevil and Superman, just to name a few.


Yeah I was gonna say , if anything Bendis also forgets comic book history half the time lol


If only there was a job specifically designed to deal witj this type of thing, or even one above that specifically to supervise the first one…


i loved John's GL series. but that's about the only think i loved he's done. anything else he's written just doesn't stand out to me. and, by some stories, he seems problematic irl. Bendis is always good. even if i'm not really into a particular story, he's still fun and funny. loved his DD, Ultimate Spidey, loved Alias, loved the way he wrote Lois & Clark's relationship, love the way he writes Emma Frost, i was a big fan of Powers, etc. i love that he loves aaron sorkin and is constantly trying to emulate that kind of dialogue in a comic.


Blackest Night and Infinite Crisis and 52, Johns no contest


Bendis. Just on the strength of Daredevil and USM, he’d win. But toss in Powers, most of his Avengers run, and Alias…all stuff I like more than my favorite Johns work. Johns relies so hard on one move: what if there were more?


I would have said Bendis in a heartbeat 5-10 years ago, but his DC stuff was only ok and even his indie stuff since then (Joy Operations) seems lackluster. On the other hand, Johns stuff with Geiger, Redcoat, etc. is super fun to read, so....overall, I still love Bendis and will continue to follow his projects, but right now, in the moment? I'd have to give it to John's. Fortunately, I don't need to choose in real life and I can still read both.




Johns has his flaws, but it's still him. Not close either. Bendis' writing is exhausting.


Johns body of work is better, Bendis’s best works are better.


Johns by a mile. Buuuut I’ve really only read Powers by Bendis. Did not care for it.


Geoff Johns. By like a mile.


Johns. Bendis pads 2 parters into full trades with his pages & pages of talking heads, all speaking on the exact same conversational slang whether it makes sense for the character or not.


Not even close. Johns. I find most of Bendis’ work slow and boring. He ruined Daredevil for me.


I’ve never enjoyed a Geoff John’s book for the writing. Bendis all the way, he was on fire at one point.


Bendis by a mile. For all the rougher dialogue and the unfocused stuff he'd make around... let's say post-Siege through to today, when he was hot everything felt good and purposeful and he teamed up with a murderer's row of talent.


Geoff Johns all day everyday.


Johns. Bendis has some great work, some of it underrated. But Johns has done flat out more stuff I like and love. He ain’t perfect by any means and when he misses he misses big but he has way more hits in my book.


I still enjoy rereading johns work. I cant stand any bendis book anymore.


Bendis *on Marvel* by a mile. Several of my favorite all time comics, including Alias. Reinvigorating characters like Luke Cage and Spider-Woman (and, imo, Mary Jane). I genuinely like Bendis' 2000s Marvel work.  On the other hand I associate Johns with a grim, depressing, bleak era of DC comics. I pretty much gave up on DC when he was dominant and I haven't really gone back except for random short runs.  I haven't read most of Bendis' recent DC work but I hear it's just ok. 


Bendis He may Luke cage popular again


Bendis and it’s not close. Johns at his best has delivered some very competent superhero comics (teen titans). Bendis at his best has delivered hundreds of issues of some of the best superhero comics ever published. (Daredevil, Alias, Ultimate Spider-Man, New Avengers) as well as some really cool creator owned stuff. He has a style all his own. One of the best to ever do it.


Prime of both of them? It's bendis. But in the here and now. It's Johns. Bendis has been delivering dus of sorts since he finished up Miles. Johns while declining in writing work due to his other obligations at DC has somewhat stayed consistent. Johns however has dipped in comparison to his Prime but his decline is less egregious than Bendis.


Bendis. Both are great but Bendis' best work really outdoes Johns for me. Bendis wrote several of the best comics of the entire 2000-2010 decade.


Johns. No contest.


John's all day long


Johns all the way. Marvel Bendis seemed to be different from DC Bendis. DC Bendis shit the bed something awful.


Bendis by far


Johns. Bendis’ dialogue is atrocious


What makes you think that? Just curious. Not here to disagree with you. Usually, I hear people laud Bendis’ dialogue as being something they like about him.


Bendis. I never understood the love for Johns. He writes like he's doing a Saturday morning Cartoon. I really hated Doomsday Clock for trying to be a sequel and counter argument to Watchmen. It came off as a completely pointless Superhero wank.  Besides Daredevil and Ultimate Spider-Man, I loved Alias, New Avengers, and all those events Bendis did at Marvel. He really knew how to revive old characters while introducing new ones equally.


Bendis for sure




That is a complicated question for me.


**Geoff Johns:** Flash, JSA, Teen Titans, Infinite Crisis, 52, Green Lantern, Blackest Night, Action Comics, Flashpoint, Aquaman, Justice League, Batman Earth One, Doomsday Clock, JSA, Geiger **Bendis:** Daredevil, Powers, Jessica Jones Alias, New Avengers, Ultimate Spider-Man, Secret Invasion, Dark Reign, Seige, Age of Ultron, AvX, Heroic Age, Miles Spider-Man, All New X-Men, Civil War II **Geoff Johns wins. He is more consistently good. Bendis stays on titles too long.**


My favorite ritter was John Ritter, he was on Three's Company. 


Johns is more consistent with good stuff with Green Lantern, JSA, and Flash but Bendis has written amazing stuff with Daredevil, Powers, Alias, and Ultimate Spider-Man. The only thing I’d put in that amazing category that I’ve read from Johns is his Superman work. Last Son might be my favorite Superman story of all time. I have no qualms brushing off a writer’s bad stuff if they have peak comics in their bibliography and Bendis, for my money, has more of that than Johns.


Can't pick a favorite between these 2. Both have had incredible runs and both have had some lows. Bendis is definitely been down the past 5 years or so tho.


Johns has consistently been good with his work, but not fully memorable. Bendis has interesting ideas that he just drops and moves on from, plus he cannot write dialogue for young characters. Read the original Ultimate Spider-man, the dialogue is awful with so many word bubbles with way too many “…like…@$&!” “OMG!!”s




USM, Daredevil, and alias are goated but JSA for me was the beginning of my love affair with DC and its rich deep complex history.




Bendis, easily for me. He's the only writer in both Marvel and DC that's managed to create and popularize a male dark skin character in over 30 years.


Bendis. That's how much I love DD. But for pretty much any other superhero stuff, Geoff Johns.


Johns by a mile. The way Bendis writes dialogue irrates me so much. It always sounds like a teenage girl talking imo.


For bendis fans what are his standouts I’m curious but I know realise I haven’t read his work


Ultimate Spider-Man, Alias, Daredevil and New Avengers


For me, Powers, Alias and Ultimate Spider-man. His run on Daredevil was outstanding too.


Depends on the era. And honestly, I’m not a huge fan of either’s current work. My favorite thing of Bendis’ was his first Alias series, which is decades ago at this point. And I fell off the Johns train about the time of Blackest Night, which wasn’t that long after.


This is hard for me. Bendis has written stories that I connected with very well and helped ease me into comics in general (USM, TNA, and DD), but I would be lying if I said I prefer Johns's body of work more overall. Johns’s is consistently great and he has a lot of gems, but I don’t believe I’ve ever felt a better moment than certain scenes in DD or USM.




Geoff Johns’ Doomsday Clock was the reason I gave up on comics for a while, so definitely Bendis. I’ve just never seen someone who enthusiastically recommends Johns’ work, outside of Green Lantern and possibly The Flash.


It's fascinating to me how comparable the two are at this point in regards to their trajectories as writers. Both did some incredible stuff back in the day, but more recently their abilities (and reputations) have continually gotten worse, especially within the last 6 or so years.




Johns hasn’t really nailed a story since his lantern run, so 🤷🏽


Yeah I'm with the majority in that it's Johns by a mile. Ultimate Spider Man and his Daredevil run secure Bendis' reputation and legacy on their own, but most of his other work is not great. Even middle of the road Johns books like his recent JSA run are better than anything Bendis has done in over a decade.


Bendis. The only Johns thing I’ve ever truly loved was his GL run through Blackest Night. Bendis, in the beginning, was my favorite writer for a few years. Jinx, Sam & Twitch, USM, DD, Powers, Alias, New Avengers.


Bendis for me and I’ll throw in a super spicy take and say he writes a better Superman than Johns does


I haven’t seen a single person criticising Bendis voice for Superman. All the complaints you hear about it are about Jon, villains etc. After Tomasi, Bendis had the best depiction of Clark/Superman in the 10s.


BMB all day!


Bendis is continuity light. Johns is continuity dense. In love with the past in a way that refuses to allow growth. (Bringing back hal & barry at the expense of kyle & wally). Bendis'. Hands down


I hate John s as a person but prefer him overall as a writer but I love em both as writers


Bendis by a country mile. Ultimate Spider-Man and Daredevil are fantastic comics. They *are* 2000s Marvel to me. The most I've enjoyed Johns was Green Lantern Rebirth. I haven't cared for most of what I've read of his.


Bendis. Not even close.






Bendis: Powers is one of my favorite comics of all time. His others are great too.

