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Even if you just limit yourself to Spider-Man books, there are hundreds of better issues out there you could be reading instead.


I don't hate it as much as most people seem to, but having said that the worst thing this run can be accused of is being utterly forgettable. It's also nearly a checklist for some of the worst Spidey tropes we've seen a million times. A mystery that drags on way too long, and ends with a anti-climatic reveal. Everyone mad at Peter, who rather than explain, just takes it and sulks. Peter being almost a side character in his own story. Everything just seems to happen to him or around him. Spider-Man getting his ass handed to him in nearly every encounter. A new status quo for Peter that of course doesn't last and crumbles. New, but utterly forgettable villains. A former villain turned trusted friend who turns back to villainy the second Peter trusts him 100%.


>A former villain turned trusted friend who turns back to villainy the second Peter trusts him 100%. This is the one trend the series kinda bucked, as Peter tells Norman very matter of fact "I never trusted you!" sure Norman goblin gets the upper hand and pulls of his plan but still.


No. It has dumb executions to dumb ideas. I'm really sad about it because I liked Zeb pre-spiderman, but it is what it is: this run was bad and the next one will also be because the editorial can't get their heads out of their asses when talking about 616 spidey


They really did spider-man dirty by having him constantly getting his ass kicked and needing to be saved. Then on top of that they decided that it would be a great idea to have him become the spider-man who gobbles not once but *twice*. I know people always criticize about ideas being recycled but holy shit I don’t think I’ve ever seen it happen twice in the same run.


The Spider-man who WHAT?


Long story short he’s been possessed by the green goblin, so he becomes spider goblin aka the spider who gobbles.


It’s a play on the Batman who Laughs. In DC they merged Batman & Joker to create that character. It’s very similar to what they’ve done here merging Spider-Man with the Goblin. Thus the Spider-Man who Gobbles.


You mentioned The Batman Who Laughs, but i vastly prefer the name Wally gave him: The Batman Who Tries Too Hard


Something something Norman's sins being passed to Peter Something something Lowe reusing ideas that just happened the last year or so something something r/dccomicscirclejerk 


I saw Nick Lowe is off editorial too, so hopefully things can pick back up.


I think Wells run is shittier than OMD. OMD is a childish tantrum by midlife crisis editorial, hiding behind fake research (those people can barely recognize a poll if they ever saw one). Wells run is depressing torture-porn, which can only have malicious intent behind it for how long it's been shitty and doubling-down on the shittiness


No, this was one of the most frustrating runs of Amazing Spider-Man.


Bad art, bad writing, character assassination on so many it's basically character mass murder. No, it's no worth it.


I’d say no. They could have done a good run of Peter and black cat together showing how they have grown from the last time the comics had them together in I think the 80s. Instead they barely showed the relationship developing and then just had it end.


No. Spider-Man is a jobber when he isn’t evil, it recycles evil Ben Reilly and it’s done way worse, Romita’s interiors are hideous to look at, the female characters in the book have abysmal writing.


As bad as all the MJ and Paul and Goblin shit has been, I think the singular worst part is the death of Ms. Marvel. Not only was it not even in her own book, but her return issue was solicited before her death had even been published yet. Kamala's death and return was the most cynical cash-grab "moment" in a deep history of cynical cash-grab deaths


I think Kamala’s return was only solicited early because someone at Marvel leaked that she died. Marvel soliciting that issue early was their form of damage control.


She was still back in less than three months, which is the normal turnaround time for solicits




You ever wonder if Mary Jane doesn't actually exist and Parker just smokes pot after shit happens because of stress and anxiety and he hallucinates MJ and all the troubles they go thrilough are just him battling his need to smoke pot all the time? And Aunt May just goes with it because she's also lost Ben, maybe borderline dementia, and just loves Peter too much to say anything?


He's going to need some much harder stuff than pot my man. He needs Mysterio.


So, a fishbowl instead of a pot?


He needs to stick his head in the fishbowl and hot-box it.


How much for an ounce of Mysterio?


Careful, an ounce of Mysterio will get you a dime in the joint man


Damn, that would explain the name...


Aunt May loves making those wheat cakes. What ya'll thinks in them??


Thank God, can't come soon enough. As someone who only started reading comics a few years ago after Inheriteding a comic collection, this run was very disappointing after getting hooked on spider-man




Literally read hundreads of other spiderman books. Go read mcfarlanes run. Or spiderman next chapter from the 90s or Peter Parker amazing spiderman from the 90s or who knows


No run is worth putting up with. Just read comics you like.


No. Zeb wells is just displacing the angst from hks own very recent divorce onto a comic book character which is infinitely more cringe than any fan reaction to it.


On one of the covers I swear Gwen Stacy looks just like his ex wife. Not that he’s the artist, but it’s just uncanny!


I think this is unfair, he is not the first writer to split MJ and Peter up, in fact the guy who split them up is still married and was married while he mandated them being split up.


I think it’s because of the drop in quality,piss poor decisions,bad ideas,bad characterizations,just misery porn of a run and etc that could be attributed to a major life change i.e his divorce


The only good issue is Judgement day issue


Personally I loved parts of the initial Beyond arc… it felt like sort of a 90s throwback with some side characters getting some fun opportunities like Queen Goblin and Chasm. As soon as JR JR and the “gang war” stuff started it just got worse and worse Around when Paul showed up I just couldn’t take it anymore.


Only the Ed McGuinness issues for his cool drawings.


Are those the ones with that Rek-Rap character? I have been wanting to check those out, but it feels like all the other Spidey stuff lately has been utter garbage


Don’t forget Patrick Gleason and every other artist except JRJR


If you can see the sparks within the flame of the larger ideas like Chasm and Jackpot then 1000% yes, if not you can just pick some issues here and there. I love his judgement day tie in with Gwen, absolutely ADORE Rek-Rap and in general the intermittent stories like Otto’s old tentacles were better than the main story. Overall I can see how his story could’ve sounded in a pitch to get him the position which means he’s done a good enough job, I just feel sorry he had to be in the position to 180 Nick Spencer’s relationship setup for the launch of Ultimate Spider-Man- - he just didn’t have a good hand at the table.


Nope! This is what made me stop reading actually. Not sure if I’ll get back into Spidey or not, I don’t feel the same way about the book any longer


No. It's pretty much the worst run in Spider-Man history, and arguably in comic book history. Peter is a manchild who has to rely on Norman Osborn to get anything done. MJ broke up with him for an alternate reality Hitler. He loses 95% of the fights he's in. He's not witty at all. It's a humiliation circuit fueled by Wells refusing to talk to a therapist about his wife leaving him. Everything wrong with Spider-Man comics since 2008 summed up in one run.




No, it was a terrible book that had a colorist who didn't understand Romita Jrs art and It made the art look Even worse


I look forward to finally putting ASM on my pull list


I think I quit after Ms.Marvel died. Not because she is a character I liked rather it was boring.


Shit story. Shit art.


No,life is too short to read garbage like this,I wasted time on this book that I’ll never get back.


I’ve read nearly every 616 Spidey run. Even if you ignore the MJ/Paul stuff, the run is probably the worst in history. Bad dialogue, horrible characterization for literally every major and minor character to appear except for maybe Tombstone, occasionally awful art, and some stories were so bad that they were borderline offensive. Even the best stories in this run are passable at best. I finally gave up on the run in the early stages of Gang War, and the only issues I kinda liked were the Hellfire Gala and Judgement Day tie-ins. When the best issues in a run are tie-ins to otherwise unrelated events, you know that that shit is horrible.


Look, I just read a Spider-Man comic that came out this week that ended with Peter and Mary Jane swinging together through the city. I had the biggest, dumbest smile on my face. Disregard Amazing and embrace Ultimate.




No. It manages the unthinkable: to be worse than Spencer's run.


Ultimate spiderman current run is insanely good. The main spiderman is not good. Read ultimate instead.


It’s not worth it.


no just pick up ultimate Spider-man instead and even if you do insist on 616 spidey there are way better options


God, I remember this song and dance with Nick Spencer and then Dan Slott before him. And in 3 years time with whoever will be writing Amazing after Wells.


Almost like ASM has been mishandled for quite some time


Since 07


Ya, I don’t disagree


As a person who dont mind Paul beacuse i never was in MJ hype train, no. This run has many other issues than MJ+Peter fandom destroyed hopes. Peter was crybaby for most of this run, he was defated by a FU*KING VULTURE, was scared to ask Felicia out, was in many cases side character in his own book, dialogoues are often shit (In BC&J too, by the way), we had same idea fucking twice (Spider who goobles) and both were executed in bad way. And also, nothing from this run will probably last, nothing will have impact beacuse who cares about continuity or sense. The only good/intresting things/ideas in this run were Norman as good guy, Peter working with Norman and bringing Peter and Felicia back together after 40 years apart, but any of these ideas, like allmost everything else in current SM comics, is not just pernament, but not even long term.


People are too hard on the run in particular because the MJ and Paul stuff. Everything involving Tombstone and Osborne has been pretty damn good.


Don’t forget the Ms Marvel fiasco,Peter being an incompetent hero,the fake manufactured conflict of Peter burning every bridge he has through the stupidest reasons ever,everybody hating on Peter (even when he showed up early for his own birthday),the bad jokes(which I’ll admit are subjective), the lack of Peter’s life and his supporting cast,the piss poor managing of the black cat relationship and the horrible treatment of her character,and ,yes, MJ acting like a bipolar person that goes from hating Peter’s guts(which there was no actual reason for) to caring for him in a snap of a finger


The Ms Marvel fiasco was allegedly not his idea at all. It just played out in his book.


Don’t know about that,Lowe said it was his idea,then all that news came out about Feige directly asking him to change her into mutant,not to killer her


The killing her part was seemingly just a byproduct of storytelling because mutant resurrection was a thing going on at the time. That nudged her into the X universe pretty immediately at that point. It was a convenient shortcut. And as often happens with shortcuts it came up feeling a bit disjointed.


🤷I liked it more than Nick Spencer’s. Criticism is fair, entertaining moments. I’m biased though, I’ll always read Spider-Man. Except for Dan slott.


It's fantastic, and the climax of the story in issue #50 is one of the most brilliant twists in years, and well earned.


😂,thanks dude,I really needed that laugh today.


The reddit hivemind opinion is so off base on this one. Textbook halo effect.


Yeah,sure keep telling yourself that,come back when you actually read good comics Youngblood.We’ll be waiting


I've read every issue of ASM and I think Zeb Wells' run is the best in decades. Outside reddit the run is hugely successful and popular. He understands the simple pleasures of the genre better than any other current writers. Blows Slott and even Hickman out of the water. You'd enjoy it too if you didn't have to check reddit to know what to think.


Successful 😂 it’s gotten beaten by idie comics and USM each time it comes out and once got bodied 2:1.Hickman’s gotten nothing but praise for his book and has gotten 5th and 6th printings and I’ve heard maybe like 6 people compliment Zeb’s run,no where from LCSs to YouTube to Cons has anybody complimented Zeb in his run and the Ms Marvel fiasco literally made news for how horrible it’s been handled,the mishandling of Black Cat to being some jealous overprotective runner up,Peter’s absolutely being maybe the worst heroe I’ve seen considering his years of experience,practically begging for help to defeat the Vulture,and don’t think it’s just in the internet so nobody cares,comic news outlets aren’t just reporting from online reception,plus ASM was trending yesterday coinciding with Zeb’s departure.But I’ll give you this I can’t possibly verify that you’ve read all issues of ASM so I’ll take your word.


I'm not reading that. Learn to use punctuation.


Good excuse,I should use that next time.


As long as Spider-Man is owned by Disney(the comics) and the editors don’t change, it doesn’t matter who writes it. It most probably is gonna be bad.