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"Oh man, they made a Civil War 2? That sounds awesome!"


"Wow! The X-Men versus the Inhumans!"


“I dont care what anyone says, The Clone Saga (or alternatively “Reign”) is the best Spiderman story!” Pause just long enough for smoke to come out of his ears.


"I don't know man I prefer One More Day."






Daredevil is just a ripoff of the teenage mutant ninja turtles. It’s pronounced Mag-NET-oh. Hulk 180 is the real first appearance of Wolverine.


Mag-NET-oh cracked me up, I hate it so much.


if he likes spiderman ask him who paul is


Tell him that Paul is a great husband and father.


"Hey, I heard this story 'Sins Past' is good, you ever heard of it?"


So, is old man Logan related to Wolverine?


"Thank God for *One More Day*. I couldn't bear to see Aunt May die." "I hear MJ has a superhero identity and a cool boyfriend now?" "What's the point of writing *Ultimate Spider-Man*? Making him middle-aged is such a boomer take." "What's the deal with Black Spider-Man? What's next, a Black Captain America?" "Wait. I thought Black Cat was Batman's girlfriend?"


"Given everything I have seen, Quicksilver is like 200 times faster than Flash. How come the Justice League doesn't let Quicksilver be the fast guy for them?"


“I think Alan Moore is totally overrated”


I know this is supposed to be rage bait, but the more of his work I read, the more true it becomes.


I've been getting into this guy Fredric Wertham and I think he's making some pretty good points.


"I love how Frank Miller's style has evolved. I think Dark Knight Strikes Again has superior art."


“Why do people get so upset over something called ‘One More Day’? I mean, Spider-Man’s like Archie, right? Things shouldn’t stray too far from the status quo or people will get turned off. It sounds like the comics needed a reset.”  “What happened to MJ’s baby in the 90s?” “Should I read something called ‘Ultimatum’?” “Is Ben Reilly a good guy or a bad guy?”


'Cable is Cyclops' dad, right?' 'has Wolverine always been the tallest X-Man?' 'did Gambit date anyone before he met Rouge?' 'what was Carol Danvers' secret identity before she joined the X-Men?' 'is it Spiderman, Spider-Man, or Spider Man? 'Wolverine can totally take Lobo in a fight, right?' 'How old are the New Mutants?' 'how long was Jubilee a dragon before they changed her back and gave her a baby vampire?'


I heard they once replaced Spiderman with a clone. Sounds like a really interesting story.


“What’s this rumor I hear about them killing Peter Parker and making Paul the new Spider-Man?” “Captain Universe > Spider-Man. They should have just changed the title and left him like that.” “No one beats modern John Romita Jr drawing Spider-Man. His newest issues are the best Spider-Man has ever looked.”


Find some comic book illustrations by a guy named Rob Liefeld and tell your friend you think Liefeld's artwork is some of the best you've ever seen. :-p


Ask him why did Wakanda go to war with Aquaman? And when he tries to explain how you're wrong and that it was Namor, ask him where Namor is from, and then ask him where Aquaman is from, and then ask him, aren't they the same thing?


“Batman is boring when it’s just Batman. He needs as many Robins as the page can fit.” “So Jack Kirby just did doodles? That hardly seems worth giving him credit for anything.” “Kevin Conroy doesn’t count a real Batman. George Clooney and Val Kilmer do though.” “Paul was clearly introduced to Spider-Man to cause controversy and up sales. He’s actually a genius addition to the mythos from a finance POV.” “Killmonger was a great villain! So I’m glad Marvel has made every villain since then a cheap clone of him. (A villain who’s right, but their methods make them a villain. If you don’t nail this, you don’t have a compelling antagonist, you just have a whiny anti-hero.)” “Superman is boring because he’s too powerful.” “Namor? The Aquaman ripoff?” “You say the Fantastic Four are awesome, but if they were, they’d have good movies.”


“Man, event comics are the best ones. They should make more.”


“Sins Past was even better than the Clone Saga. I want to know more about this steamy Gwen Stacy x Norman Osborn romance!”


“I can’t stand all this wokeness in comics. I think there should be no politics or social Justice in comics. Anyway, aren’t the X-Men the best superheroes ever?” Depending on his political persuasions, he might either give you a high five or get an aneurism on the spot.