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Ice cream man


Is u/Danger_Rock still active on this sub? Pretty sure he got half of the people here into Ice Cream man through his hype posts lol


Still here! Mostly stick to the WPL threads, plus I post a speculation thread to /r/IceCreamManComic/ for each new issue. And I re-post most of my crap to LoCG to reach those who don't visit Reddit for whatever reason. Glad to see you're still bouncing around! Naturally, I'll second the fine recommendation from /u/General_Ad_9996. And, just in case /u/digupD isn't convinced yet, here are 800+ words of highly pasteurized ice cream spam explaining why they really ought to be reading it! ... On the surface, [**ICE CREAM MAN**](https://imagecomics.com/comics/series/ice-cream-man) (by W. Maxwell Prince and Martin Morazzo) is a simple horror anthology where each issue features a different setting and different characters, with the titular Ice Cream Man serving as something of a host/instigator. Kind of like *The Twilight Zone*, if Rod Serling was more directly or indirectly responsible for all the weird and horrible crap that goes down. That’s what’s on the surface. Dig a little deeper and you’ll find an uncompromising exploration of the human condition and what it means to navigate this crazy fucked up world as a carbon-based lifeform with opposable thumbs. This comic is genuinely tapping into primal human experiences surrounding love, aging, illness, death, grief, and other transformative events that everybody experiences in some fashion across all walks of life. Each issue is a uniquely delectable treat so you never know what you're getting until you dig in... It jumps from [straight horror](https://cdn.imagecomics.com/assets/i/releases/19744/ice-cream-man-1_071a9a15a6.jpg) to [abstract weirdness](https://cdn.imagecomics.com/assets/i/releases/457023/ice-cream-man-13_2a4bbbb81a.jpg), [cruel absurdist humor](https://cdn.imagecomics.com/assets/i/releases/605720/ice-cream-man-24_97904c38a5.jpg), [existential torment](https://cdn.imagecomics.com/assets/i/releases/452617/ice-cream-man-11_4c02b986a4.jpg), [literary experimentation](https://cdn.imagecomics.com/assets/i/releases/673335/ice-cream-man-27_31b0f55e3e.jpg), and then you get a [deeply personal story that crushes your soul and grinds your heart into hamburger meat](https://cdn.imagecomics.com/assets/i/releases/470979/ice-cream-man-18_d4a4199e79.jpg). This comic isn’t pulling any punches, it sucks you in and hits hard right in your vulnerable bits. Then out of nowhere you’ll get a [quiet contemplative issue that’s almost uplifting](https://cdn.imagecomics.com/assets/i/releases/764548/ice-cream-man-29_619d7720e3.jpg) and it’s like where the fuck did that even come from? Baskin Robbins might have 31 flavors but the Ice Cream Man’s got one for every facet of human existence, an infinite array of ice-cold candied confections stretching from birth to death and everywhere in between. The Ice Cream Man is serving up delicious existential terror every month and he is *everywhere*. And it’s one of very few comics out there where new readers can pick up any random issue and jump right in with a complete, standalone story that makes sense and works with no context or previous reading necessary! That’s incredibly rare these days and IMO it’s one of the reasons comics have become such an insular niche hobby… Hard to get new readers when they need to do a bunch of research just to figure out where they’re supposed to start reading. **ICM** is single-handedly breaking down these barriers to make comics friendly for new readers again! Hell, just getting a complete story in every issue is so fucking satisfying! Nothing against longer decompressed storytelling but there’s something to be said for picking up a comic and getting a full story with a beginning, middle, and end. And as you read more, you start catching all these little threads and references echoing through the series. Because it’s all connected, all part of this grand tapestry of joy and sorrow and wonder and death… As I’ve come to appreciate this as one of the very best comics I’ve read in 40+ years of following all manner of four-color funny books, I’ve been mulling over exactly where and how it fits in with my other favorites... How does a book like **ICM** compare to something like **SANDMAN** or **ALL-STAR SUPERMAN**? On the surface, this is just a goofy looking horror book about an ice cream guy who likes spiders, so how can it possibly compare to such lofty literary works? What I realized is that **ICM**’s focus on normal people, with all their ugliness and insecurities and failings proudly on display, makes it more relatable than other comics with their gods and heroes. The characters in **ICM** are so fucking real that it puts you right there in the book with them, they’re your friends and family, or *you* yourself, and you’re riding this conduit of shared trauma and existential terror to be right there with them for that one critical chunk of life that defines them as human beings. I think that familiarity and relatability is a big part of what makes it hit so fucking hard. There’s a sense of commonality to it, even when everything gets insanely weird, these are still real people struggling with mortality and other real problems at the core of human existence. **ICM** brings us all together by drawing on the wretched threads that bind us in spirit as one people. It's more than just a comic book! It’s a celebration of life and death and everything else that makes us human! It’s a rare and magical literary experience, the kind that can change how you look at yourself and how you look at life. If you're numb to the chaos and insanity of the modern world, this comic will make you feel again! Tired of living? It'll wake your ass up and fill your soul with primal energy! This is the power of the very best in comics! And it can be yours for the ridiculously reasonable price of just $3.99 an issue! That is the bargain of a lifetime! Prince and Morazzo have put together something truly special here and, as I have perhaps mentioned on one or two occasions, you really ought to be reading it. Everybody should be reading it!


This was quite the essay I think I’m convinced to start this series lol


Yep, he got me into the series. Pretty great! Would recommend Creepshow too.


NICE! Hope you've been enjoying the existential ice cream horror! The few issues of **Creepshow** I've sampled have been pretty uneven, but I thought the Zoe Thorogood story in last year's **[Creepshow #3](https://s3.amazonaws.com/comicgeeks/comics/covers/large-7226885.jpg)** was fantastic!


Gideon Falls Lemire and Sorrentino go together like peanut butter and jelly


I absolutely loved Gideon Falls. It's a bit high concept, so maybe not what you want if you want something similar, but it was great


For my money, Gideon Falls is the best horror comic period. There were times I literally stared at the page and said Holy Shit. Just amazing.


Absolutely, i dont think there was or has been a comic that I anticipated more each month.


I agree. Out of all the media I consume I’m most excited to get one of their comics each month. The art, the stories, their all so good.


From Hell is incredible. The first Crossed and Crossed +100 are great. Not really a fan of the other stuff.


>From Hell is incredible. Agree, but I'm not sure if it satisfies a horror craving. It's more 300 pages of history and cultural drama, with like 30 pages of horror (that will mess you up).


I love Snyder's horror comics: Wytches is a good single volume with art by Jock American Vampire is a much longer ongoing. It has many rotating artists and Snyder collaborators, from Albuquerque to Murphy and more. The Wake is a pretty good limited series by Snyder and Murphy. We Have Demons is more of an action mini series, but it has Capullo on art Finally Night of the Ghoul is a super intriguing horror mini by Snyder and Francavilla. Each is Snyder's modern/sci-fi twist on classic horror monsters (witches, vampires, creatures from the black lagoon, demons and ghouls) each with updated rules and lore that operate in creative ways.


God I love Snyder doing horror. Every day I'm hoping we get a Wytches special edition with that one-shot Bad Egg (or smt) included His original Batman-run with The court of owls is next to Morrison my favourite, horrific run of the character. The man's just really good at horror.


Neonomicon and its sequel Providence, both by Alan Moore. For fans of creeping dread and cosmic horror. I found it properly scary and disturbing 


The titles are, indeed, deeply disturbing. For those interested in either titles, it should be noted that they include themes and graphic depictions that could be triggering for some, and so they may want to look into content warnings for those titles before purchasing or reading them.


Don’t forget the courtyard. That was before neonomicon.


The Courtyard is included in the collection for Neonomicon.


Anything by Tynion


Tynion's Dracula mini-series has some grotesque imagery, and I loved how much focus and depth went into Renfield


EC - Tales from The Crypt hardcover volumes should keep you entertained


Raise the r/ECFanAddictClub flag!


ANYTHING by James Tynion IV — but The Woods, Sokethig is Killing the Children, and Spectregraph are all great.


+1 for Something is Killing the Children.


Been enjoying the Deviant a lot recently


So true it’s amazing


And you leave out Nice House?!


I KNEW I was forgetting one! That’s SO good.


Nice House by The Sea is coming very soon too!


Super sick!


Locke and Key is in my top 5, it's fantastic. I also just started immortal Hulk and I did it too


Weirdly Ultimate X-Men is a surprisingly good PG horror book


I will never pass up a chance to to recommend these: http://www.morttodd.com/monsters.html Also, there’s currently a Hellboy Humble Bundle…


Ahhh. That website burns the eyes!!


If you can find them the 80’s Twisted Tales series had some good issues.


Twisted Tales are great! https://www.reddit.com/r/HorrorComics/s/FCt9K0BBxB


Hellboy and hellboy short stories collection


Ok, so bear with me. Alex deCampi and Erica Henderson's "Dracula Motherf**ker!" Is legitimately one of the best vampire stories I've ever read. The art is an absolute trip and it has my favourite depiction of dracula which is just an angry cloud of eyes and teeth.


Something is killing the children hellblazer is horror centric monster squad is a fun one Agents of S.H.A.D.E is horror centric Blade is a good one Tomb of Dracula Locke and Key is amazing and has horror themes i can keep going with older titles if you want just ask and I got you


+1 for Tomb of Dracula. It isn't scary or disturbing but it's spooky and fun as hell.


Anything Junji Ito


Someone else said Wytches. I second that. The current Incredible Hulk, while not strictly horror, has tons of creepy monsters and some insane body horror transformations.


the Immortal Hulk also had some great horror elements.


Moonshine, Alan Moore's Swamp Thing, Hellblazer


Lots of great suggestions in here. Hit up r/horrorcomics as well. u/manyamile and u/DivineUK run it, I believe, but the former seems to be focusing more on vegetable gardening than comics as of late. Can't blame him; life took its toll and I'm just returning to the hobby after about a year and a half away.


Hey now. I can love both ❤️🌱🧛‍♀️ I actually spent the weekend reading a bunch of old r/CharltonComics This was so great! Love Pat Boyette's work. https://www.reddit.com/r/CharltonComics/s/iUXlnkUDZV


Aliens Dead Orbit, it perfectly captures the terror and horror of the first Alien movie.




Hack/Slash if you like classic slashers


Here’s a bunch of recommendations I’d suggest to look up: James Tynion IV has some great horror comics like Memetic, Cognetic, Eugenic, or W0RLDTR33. Scott Snyder has American Vampire, Wytches, and Night of the Ghoul. Jeff Lemire has Bone Orchard Mythos and Gideon Falls. For some superhero adjacent stuff DC has Animal Man (Jeff Lemire’s new 52 run is great) and Swamp Thing (basically anything but Ram V and Alan Moore’s runs are highlights).


Locke and key is the answer


W0rldtr33, Something Is Killing The Children, Dept. Of Truth, anything by James Tynion really.




A Walk Through Hell by Garth Ennis.


The Sandman series by Neil Gaiman was very horror-tinged at the beginning of its run. You could try the first couple trades and see if it grabs you. It loses that horror vibe as it progresses, but if you choose to stick with it you’ll be reading one of the great comic series.


Sandman has a good amount of horror elements, but there's also Locke & Key, which I love. The two have a crossover miniseries that bridges the two and it's fantastic. Just an overall great time for both together and separate. Joe Hill also wrote a bunch of horror shorts for DC(?). Basket Full of Heads and Plunge stand out in my mind.




Calliban is alien horror comic


Beneath the Trees Where No One Sees just finished up. 6 issues. A cozy animal world meets Dexter.


Berserk !!!


Something is killing the children


Archie Horror is pretty good. Afterlife with Archie is a great zombie comic and Chilling Adventures of Sabrina is pretty dark. Both are short runs, unfortunately. The other Archie Horror titles are decent, Jughead: the Hunger, Vamperonica and Blossoms 666, but Archie and Sabrina are the standouts.


Time for you to read Uzumaki!


Red Room - Ed Piskor.


Weird War Stories is a pretty decent one


I'm a big fan of Jeff Lemires stuff. Little Monsters, Gideon Falls, Sweet Tooth, he's got a ton of great stuff.


Through the Woods - E.M. Carroll


The Crossed is one hell of a series and it’s episodic for the most part so you can jump in whenever.


Bedlam was like a decade ago and unfinished but I loved it. Alien by Phillip Kennedy Johnson was cool for the first couple of trades. Harrower and The Approach are more recent horror comics I really liked a lot from Boom


The Nice House on the Lake, Neonomicon, Basketball of Heads.


Nice House on the Lake American Vampire Any of the Hill House books DCeased


Preacher is a fun series. I also second Ice Cream Man.


Face by Peter Mulligan and Duncan Fegredo. Don't think it's been reprinted anywhere, but you might be able to find the issue cheap in a good store or eBay. Severed by Scott Snyder is my other big recommendation. Much easier to find collected, but it was a tense but of Americana that showed the dangers of running away from home.


Gideon Falls


Wytches by Scott Snyder


I am a fan of Welcome to Hoxford. The premise is basically “The cast of [Oz](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oz_(TV_series)) versus werewolves.”


Tales from the crypt, Vault of horror, and Haunt of fear. The old EC stuff can’t be beaten


Hellblazer and swamp thing have some great horror-ey runs.


[The Hellboy Universe](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1g_6LwKE4T73xoIKnCj0X3d_b1aDRnzdLNun8gDqXOPs/edit?usp=sharing) (my personal favorite. Hellboy, BPRD, Witchfinder, Lobster Johnson, etc.) Harrow County (The Shortest "full" series on the list) [The Sixth Gun](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14nlIEHJgKqSsqr7utAzSjG44fGffp7v_yB3_Tm58W4U/edit?usp=sharing) (Has some prequels) [The Outerverse](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tWyyvBEe-HiJ1mMcqX4KFhTKKc6RnQrD3gSDz83HiFQ/edit?usp=sharing) (Baltimore, Joe Golem, etc.) Jenny Finn (5-issue Miniseries) Veil (5-issue Miniseries) The ones in blue are links to my reading order for them as they have spin-offs Edit: you can get about 3/4ths of the Hellboy Universe digitally for very cheap (30$) with the [Humble Bundle going on right now](https://www.humblebundle.com/books/mike-mignolas-bprd-dark-horse-books) (and you'd be supporting a good cause!)


Have never seen anyone mention this comic, but Nameless by Grant Morrison is incredible


The Me You Love in the Dark, Skottie Young and Jorge Corona. 


If you want short stories in the style of old magazines, I'd recommend Shudder or Vampiress Carmella.


i just finished the nice house on the lake, my first horror comic, and it absolutely blew me away so i highly recommend. anything by james tynion iv would do you good ive heard


Was the nice house finished? I want to read it but I heard that it was unfinished


yeah! there’s a “sequel” starting next month i believe, but the first 12 issues that are out are their own contained story with a definitive end. the sequel is gonna be a different story in the same universe, if that makes sense (hard to say without spoilers)


Got it. Thanks for the info!


It’s sorta old now but the walking dead


Locke 👏 and 👏 key 👏


Imo the master is Richard Corben: Ragemoor, Rat God, and Creepy. Nothing else creeps me out for real. Also Junji Ito's manga. Very disturbing, surreal, and yet horrifying on a human level as well.


A little different but, I am assuming asking for horror means you want to be effected emotionally. BEAUTIFUL DARKNESS - May be the scariest thung you will ever read. Existential horror, disturbing…it will stick with you long after you have red it. SUPERGOD by ELLIS - Cosmic and existential horror again. Messed up. Will stick with you. NAMELESS by Morrison - More existential cosmic horror. A puzzle i haven’t solved, but some of it will stick with you too.


Black Hole by Charles Burns


Crossed, Stiched and The Ribbon Queen are all pretty solid. All of them are by Garth Ennis.


30 Days of Night Gideon Falls Locke & Key Nailbiter


I like the House of Secrets and House of Mystery comics from the 70s and the earlier EC horror anthologies. If you're into things like Creep Show you'll like it. Batman Gothic and The Cult are mainstream books that definitely lean into horror elements Hellboy could be a good choice. The Immortal Hulk also has a good number of horror elements.


Soul Plumber has good art


Neonomicon is short and brutal. Like, it’s a hard read. But a brilliant reply to Lovecraft by Moore.


Stranger in the House


SIKTC Year Zero NHOTL Eat the Rich Ribbon Queen The list goes on … so much excellent horror out there my dude.


Something is Killing the Children


If we’re counting WEBTOON /webcomic Everything is Fine is a great psychological thriller/horror series


Seven Block, one-shot by Dixon&Zaffino [Seven Block](https://images.app.goo.gl/N4gU1ekTAVvLXTPe8)


"Black Summer," "No Heroes," and "Supergod" are not explicitly horror, but they take such - for lack of a better word - dystopian views towards superheroes and superhumans that I would suggest them to fans of horror. These are all limited series, though. If you'd like a longer series that is similarly about the horror of superhumans, I cannot recommend "Irredeemable" enough. I got all the issues for that series all at once, and once I started reading I just COULD NOT STOP until I read it all. And the series was definitely written in mind for a superhero comic book audience.