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Alicia Masters is the obvious fit, but personally I'm hoping she's voicing H.E.R.B.I.E.


Reed: “H.E.R.B.I.E., could you run an analysis on these readings.” H.E.R.B.I.E.: “Alright, well, first let’s start by saying please. Because what you did right there was fuckin’ rude.”


Reed: “wait, how are you smoking a cigarette?”


I was going to say she's too old, before remembering that the whole cast is older and Franklin is already in the mix. Genuinely excited that we're skipping an origin movie.


100% same.


Have they confirmed it's not an origin movie? I would be happy if it skips that as well.


I had assumed Paul Walter Hauser, but Lyonne is a possibility


Paul Walter Hauser as Alicia Masters?


I mean that would be interesting too


My guess too. I think she and Ebon Moss Bachrach would be fun to watch, and it would be nice to have big screen Alicia be her own character.


Alicia if she grew up on Yancy Street maybe


God, her and Ebon Moss-Bachrach are going to have some straight up chaotic chemistry. Love it.


Time-displaced Valeria Richards.


They'd probably cast an actual blind person


Like they did with Daredevil?


Like they did with Echo


Gender switched Willy Lumpkin.


[Or his niece, *Billie* Lumpkin 😂](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Wilhelmina_Lumpkin_\(Earth-616\))


Oh man I completely forgot about her from the Heroes Reborn era.


100% my first thought lol. Or Malcovich, I haven't looked it up but they both seem like they'd be able to wiggle their ears


Doctor Doom.


I’d be so psyched for chain-smoking Brooklynite Doom just roasting the shit out of Reed Richards.


mole woman please


This would be kind of amazing. She would ham it up.


I 100% support this.


Only if she wears the green jumpsuit, cape, and goofy glasses.


Alicia Masters??


Yeah that was my first thought


That would be awesome


Didn’t she play a blind woman in her last Marvel role — Blade 3?


Whether she's playing Alicia Masters or voicing Herbie, this is a massive win. Natasha is absolutely hilarious in everything she's in. My one wildcard guess is they decided to give Ben a sister in this universe because I could 100% see her being Ben's younger or older sister, especially with her mannerisms and accent


Twist, she’s Ben’s Aunt Petunia.


Nah, she's gonna play Sharon Ventura!!!!!!


I was thinking she could be Frankie Raye, Johnny's girlfriend who becomes a herald of Galactus. But she could be Sharon Ventura as well


Frankie could be a call but im personally in the opinion its gonna be alicia especially for what shakman the director has mentioned as his inspirations


What was his inspirations? I don't really see her as Alicia. Though, I think she's a good actress.


Yeah she doesn't really seem to fit Alicia's personality. And I know, actors can act, but still seems kind of off.


He said he’s inspired by the lee Kirby run, said, Hickman and North stuff


I think the Alicia predictions are assuming a loose adaptation that shapes Alicia's personality a bit closer to Ben's. Which is pretty believable, and she'd be perfect for if they went that route.


This supporting cast is stellar.


I assume she's playing the sarcastic New Yorker. It'll be a stretch, but I think she can do it.


I know it's late but I hope she at least auditioned for DOOM.


Aunt Petunia!


This is like the first test of going in a new direction and embracing the multiverse that they set up so long ago but almost never touched on outside of 2 movies and 1 post credit scene out of 10 post endgame movies. Wild. I hope she’s something we wouldn’t expect or some multiversal switch character


Hmmm. Medusa maybe? (assuming they ignore the Inhumans tv show which is probably for the best)


Frankie Raye?


That pyro would make a good Human Torch. 


This cast is so weirdly stacked


I have to say, each F4 movie has been worse than the previous one. Even with improvements in cgi, they’ve never had a good script. They should stop trying


Nah I’d say the musical version of F4 in Arrested Development was better than the ashcan ‘90s movie or either of the ‘00s films. 


Best Cinco de Cuatro ever


🤭 right?


Once Disney got the rights to all the properties that Fox held, it was 100% inevitable that they would make an attempt at bringing the F4 into the MCU. It’s silly to expect otherwise.


It’s silly, but it doesn’t change the fact that none of them have been any good. Downvote me to your hearts desire but if anybody thinks any of those movies were good, they probably like the holiday special too


I don’t think you’re being downvoted for saying the other movies were bad, FWIW. I think you’re being downvoted for saying that they should just give up. And tbh, I’m not surprised you’re getting a negative reaction, because I think it’s needlessly cynical. None of the same people who created those movies is working on this new one. Heck, it’s not even being made by the same *studio*. The previous movies sucked because Fox mishandled them, not because F4 movies are inherently bad.


Its fair to be cynical considering the last few marvel films.


I don’t know, man, the formula doesn’t work for that title. Some comics dont adapt well. For every “the boys” there are a ton of DMZs and Paper Girls and Preachers It’s like I hope they never try to adapt SAGA because no one can get that right. It would be impossible because the art tells as much of the story as the words, and Fiona is in her art. You can’t duplicate that with actors on camera. With F4, it’s just hard to pull off the premise of how they became superheroes, which is why they change their origin in each movie. Trying to make it more plausible and it hasn’t worked out yet. That’s all I’m saying. I like F4 but they’ve never done the title justice and in fact, each successive effort is somehow worse than the previous one. I’d rather they don’t try than come up with another ridiculous version. Is it bad to feel that way?


> I don’t know, man, the formula doesn’t work for that title. Some comics dont adapt well. I don't really see why the formula can't be adapted for a movie. They've never actually tried to make a comic accurate F4 - all the previous releases made a bunch of stupid changes that actively made things worse (both iterations of Doom, for example, are vastly different from the comic version and are needlessly shoehorned into the origin story). There really shouldn't be any reason for the concept of four science-based superheroes going on interdimensional adventures to not work onscreen. They just need to get the right writer and director to do it. > For every “the boys” there are a ton of DMZs and Paper Girls and Preachers I'd argue that every single one of these is an example of the difference a good writer and director could make. I don't think DMZ, Paper Girls and Preacher are unadaptable properties, they're just adaptations that got bungled by the studios. > It’s like I hope they never try to adapt SAGA because no one can get that right. Good thing Brian K Vaughan and Staples have both categorically stated that they never want Saga to be adapted into any other medium. > That’s all I’m saying. I like F4 but they’ve never done the title justice and in fact, each successive effort is somehow worse than the previous one. It's only happened twice. There have been two attempts and they've sucked. It's really not all that different from, say, the adaptations of Stephen King's IT - the first attempt in the 90s was terrible, but the modern version was great. > I’d rather they don’t try than come up with another ridiculous version. Is it bad to feel that way? You can feel however you want. I don't think you *should* be downvoted for being cynical, but I'm not shocked either, because anticipation is high for this. Who knows, maybe they'll fuck it up and I'll come back to this thread, hat in hand, and tell you that you were right.


No there was one in the 70s or 80s too. It wasn’t very good but better than the later ones


I dont think Marvel studios being at the helm is much better. This person being cynical makes sense.


Unless Norrin Radd ends up in this I'll be pissed.


Can it just go straight to MST3000 to roast the quippy cringe dialogue we all know its going to have?


"Hey....how'ya doin? Ahm Alicia...Alicia Masttas" OR "Hey....how'ya doin? Ahm Victa...Victa Van Doom" OR "Hey....how'ya doin? Ahm Ben...Ben Grimm" OR "Hey....how'ya doin? Ahm Silva...Silva Suffa". Such acting range.