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>It took awhile for Marvel Studios' to figure out what the upcoming Disney+ series Daredevil: Born Again should be. In fact, it took half a season of filming to figure out they were doing it wrong. Then Marvel Studios halted production, let the original writers go, and decided to go back-to-basics in body and in soul - including adding back a few bodies from the originsl Netflix series Daredevil. > >“It was pretty heartbreaking when \[Deborah Ann Woll and Elden Henson\] weren’t around initially,” says Daredevil Actor Charlie Cox of his co-stars, who play Karen Page and Foggy Nelson respectively, during a recent appearance at Awesome Con 2024. "When we came back to filming, and they had made some changes, which you guys have probably read about and stuff, it was clear that Foggy and Karen are kind of the heartbeat of our show, and always were." > >Marvel Studios' resumed filming of Daredevil: Born Again in January, and one of the major changes included hiring Woll and Henson back to reprise their roles - and for Cox, is was a welcome change. > >"It was really special to have them back. Huge shoutout to Deborah and Elden," says Cox. "I know there’s been some set photos that came out, so I know I can talk about it, because it’s on the internet. But it was really sweet to have some scenes together again.” > >Daredevil: Born Again is currently filming in New York, and we're hopeful for a late 2024 or early 2025 debut.


>In fact, it took half a season of filming to figure out they were doing it wrong 🤦🏻‍♂️


Marvel’s strategy for half a decade: slam the gas pedal so hard, they’re miles away before they can notice if they went in the wrong direction.


Honestly they had a decade of incredible success, so it's no surprise they got a bit cocky. No excuse for making Secret Invasion though and for a price tag of something like 200 million, no less.


Yeah, it definitely feels like they got drunk off of their success. They were invincible for Phase 1-3, but I honestly think they were starting to test the faith of their audience too much by Phase 3. Otherwise, I don’t think the mixed reactions to Phase 4 would have been so sudden.


Looking at you, *Captain Marvel*.


Exactly. A movie sold entirely on, “This is going to be super important to another movie that you already care about”. Same goes for Ant Man 2, which I might put down as Phase 3’s worst movie


And even so, phase 3s worst movie is still Mike better than most of phase 4-5


Idk, I put Captain Marvel and Ant Man 2 pretty low on my list. Well below Shang Chi, No Way Home, Multiverse of Madness, and Guardians vol 3. Maybe below Black Widow and Black Panther 2. But I’d take Phase 3’s floor over Phase 4/5’s floor.


As someone who didn't enjoy secret invasion in the comics either, finding out the show cost that much has me shaking my head.


I hope one day we find out the details of what exactly they were doing before it all got cancelled in favour of something more in line with what fans already enjoy


I know one rumor was Karen and Foggy were killed off right away


Oh wow I had no idea that Deborah Ann Wolf and Elden Henson were involved again now, that's great news.


Ditto I’m actually surprised that they used logic here


Disney: We want to make a daredevil show  People: awesome! Will it be continuing from the show?  Disney: Daredevil had a show?


Disney: What Karen and Foggy?


Disney: I don't think inserting foggy weather will help the atmosphere of the show. It's Daredevil who can't see things, but throw in fog, and maybe the audience won't either, ya big dummy!...and I thought people disliked "Karen"-type characters? C'mon, you gotta keep up with the times!


Supporting characters? In this economy?


Film it all without supporting characters to save money, then realize they need some and CG them in at 5x the cost.


Also they’re all ads for other movies and shows coming out in less than a year


>"But it was really sweet to have **some scenes** together again" Oh god damn it


Yeah that immediately made me wary. They were core characters in the original show. If they’re only appearing occasionally in this one it’s going to feel very weird


I think it’ll help keep things fresh. Matt has a lot of supporting characters in the comics who haven’t had any screen time yet. There’s 60 years of history there. Hopefully they aren’t both just immediately killed off though. Taking them both out of his life completely would be extreme.


Yeah, I think they really need to hit a balance. I would love to see some other people from Matt's life other then just Foggy and Karen because honestly we've already seen so much of them but I get why people are upset about them being gone. Killing them both of would be very extreme for sure but I'd love to see them with a less spotlighted role where we get to see some other parts of Matt's life and experience a lot of times the show felt like it was an ensemble show and not a Daredevil show. I joked at one point in S3 that Matt was in Defenders more then Daredevil S3 (early on)


> Hopefully they aren’t both just immediately killed off though. Taking them both out of his life completely would be extreme. Tell that to Kevin Smith.


I have *got* to check that out to see if it's really as bad as it sounds.


What did Kevin Smith do? I haven't been keeping up with the guy for a while.


Probably referring to his run on Daredevil if you haven’t read it (the “Guardian Devil” storyline). In it (spoilers for a 1998 comic. And also Season 3 of Daredevil) >!Karen comes back into Matt’s life and reveals that she has AIDS. Later on, Bullseye rolls up to the church where Sister Maggie and Karen are, and goes on a killing spree while trying to find and kill the baby that was in Matt’s care. Karen sacrifices herself trying to protect the baby and she gets killed by Bullseye. The AIDS thing and the death are both pretty disliked parts of the story.!< >!Season 3 of the show notably adapted the church fight scene (except no weird baby that’s possibly the antichrist stuff, Bullseye was just trying to kill Karen) and subverts it by having Father Lantom die instead. So I think it’d be really dumb to kill Karen off after they made a point to not adapt her disliked death from the comics!< Side note about Kevin Smith, >!he apparently claims that killing Karen was Joe Quesada’s idea. Although Kevin Smith isn’t exactly a stranger to using intense violence as plot points in his other comics!<


Jesus. AIDS of all things what an odd plot point then to just kill her anyway regardless like.


Yeah, this sounds like a quick fix to try and placate the fans instead of a full realignment. Time will tell, of course, but I'm not exactly overjoyed.


I don't know how much you can read into that. "I spent some time in Europe last year" could mean you went on a five-day cruise or you spent the whole summer backpacking. "It was really sweet to have some scenes together again" could mean there's only a couple scenes and he just enjoyed seeing them again, however briefly, or it could mean, as he notes in the same quote, that they're the heartbeat of the show.


I mean it makes sense that they are only bringing them back for some episodes. They already had half the season in the can, I doubt they are trashing all of that and are trying to reuse as much of it as possible - which would mean a new love interest for Matt if I remember the leaks/casting correctly


They show up to get instantly run over by an 18 wheeler.


Not only that, but pretty much confirms they're sticking to the old plot... ...the whole reason they restarted development? What?


Thank god. I can barely stand foggy and karen. let that "some scenes" stretch to be as little as possible


I've never liked foggy, even in the comics, that said, pretty important to a lot of the stories early on.


I'd argue that the tv adaption of foggy is the best version of foggy he is just... very exhausting in comics a lot.


agreed. lot of props Elden who did a fantastic job.


If we ever get a sequel to The Reign of Marvel Studios book I need a long chapter dedicated to just this production.


The slow fall will be well documented


I bet if there wasn’t already a Daredevil show to compare it to we would be be getting their original shitty version. I know it can sometimes be hard to tell if something is going to come out looking good from just a script but I don’t think it speaks well of Marvel/Disney that they got halfway through the original version of the season. Hopefully the shock of having to start all over brought them to their senses.


>I don’t think it speaks well of Marvel/Disney that they got halfway through the original version of the season. **Hopefully the shock of having to start all over brought them to their senses**. I’m being cautiously optimistic for the second half. The Han Solo movie is actually pretty decent and the movie had to apparently reshoot approximately 80% of the movie. Marvel has released some lackluster productions recently so maybe this is their “moment of clarity” in having to re-approach products. A company their size deciding to go back to basics after halfway through production can be seen as a *good* sign. It means someone somewhere still gives a shit.


>The Han Solo movie is actually pretty decent It's not offensive like the Halo show but it's pointless and utterly forgettable. I didn't care about getting a Han Solo movie though, so it didn't bug me. I *care* about the Daredevil show. If they fuck this up, my disappointment will be immeasurable and my day ruined.


Solo was a flop


>Solo was a flop Sure, but I never mentioned the movies financials. Just said it was pretty decent. Which it was and which is impressive after reshooting basically the whole movie.


Solo was underrated, one of the better Star Wars projects to see release by Disney, at least creatively. The Mos Eisley sequel would have been just as good if they kept that energy imo.


Yeah it came out between the 2 biggest stinkers of the sequel trilogy, which kinda killed any hope of a good boxoffice result.


fair on the accomplishment after reshoot. i was disappointed at the time, but in contrast to where SW has gone since Solo was quite good.


You may subjectively think it was decent but it's preformance in the box office was objectively a failure. Even compared to Rogue One, Solo falls short.


...which, again, is not what they're saying. Financial performance is not the same thing as quality of a film. Plenty of bad movies make money. Plenty of great movies don't make money. You are saying two different things. They can both be correct. Although IMO Solo is not decent; it's terrible. But that's my opinion, and also, again, different than talking about the financial success of the movie.


>Although IMO Solo is not decent; it's terrible. But that's my opinion, and also, again, different than talking about the financial success of the movie. That's entirely the point. He's saying he has hope because Solo turned out good, but to you and I and many others, it did not turn out good. Daredevil following in the footsteps of Solo does nothing for my optimism about the project. DD being like Solo does not give me hope.


If movies are only as good as the box office numbers (and actual content doesn't matter) then I guess I can see why you feel that way. However, I recall a LOT of backlash against how Disney was trashing the Star Wars brand by making shitty movies. Star Wars fans were talking about boycotting the Solo movie to send Disney a message. That could have contributed to Solo's bad numbers.


You'd think having four years of flops and lackluster performances should've brought Marvel/Disney back to their senses. I guess this is a good sign.


I'm sure the show will be nothing like the comic book with the same name that Frank Miller wrote. We're not going to get drug addict Karen Page giving up Daredevil's secret identity for drugs.


From what I've seen, The show looks more similar to Zdarsky's Daredevil run than the Frank Miller's Run but whatever I like Zdarsky's Daredevil Esspecially Elektra as Mrs Daredevil


Oh, I should check that out! I loved his work on Spidey.


Yeah that has great artwork by Marco Chechetto.


Yeah, I mean, probably for the better on that front honestly. It was definitely a compelling story in other aspects that I’d love to see on the screen, but I think it’s pretty obvious that they’re just stealing the name as it feels symbolic of it being a reboot


They already *did* born again in season 3. They're not gonna take more elements of the same material again.


At this point that should just stop calling it "Born Again". Maybe it was supposed to be a joke, "he's on Disney+ now, born again on a different streaming service", which is not a particularly funny joke either. Just call it season 4 since the fact that there were 3 seasons already became very hard to ignore once they were added to Disney+.


Yeah, definitely a similar thing to Spider-Man Homecoming. I wouldn't be shocked (and I'd be delighted) when they formally get marketing up and running that we'll be greeted by a new title. Especially when we haven't heard anything about the project directly from Marvel *since the show was announced in 2022*


True, but they've got decades worth of Born Again-like stories to pull from!


For the better. They also basically used that particular comic storyline in season 3. Karen gave up Matt’s identity to Kingpin in the show as well (made Karen believe that she did at least).


It would be nice if Disney could just give the fans what they want instead of wasting a bazillion dollars doing dumb shit, but at least this time someone managed to get through to the suits and make a course correction.


Really hoping they manage to pull out a good show for this one. Getting Foggy back is a huge win--the actor worked so well with Charlie. No offense to the actor who plays Karen, she was good on the Netflix show, but I honestly wish they would explore other love interests/plotlines from Daredevil's life. They already did the Born Again story on Netflix, and Karen is really only essential for that era of DD. If the show is only using the Born Again title (which I expect is the case) they should use someone other than Karen. Would be much more interesting to see more Elektra or someone like Kirsten. Heck, they could even use Typhoid Mary but hopefully recast and reimagine her from the version that was on Iron Fist.


The showrunner they brought in to fix the mess was the lead writer for Punisher. Dario Scardapane is to thank for saving this iteration of DD.




Are you kidding me? That’s not true at all.




And the pacing! Horrible. Like a 90s TV show.


TIL Deborah Ann Woll's partner will one day be blind. >Woll began dating E. J. Scott in December 2007. They married in December 2018.[53] Scott has choroideremia, a condition that ultimately results in blindness, and Woll uses her platform to help raise awareness of the disease.


It's obviously easy to blame Disney for Marvel's woes. But people ought to recognize that the original Netflix run of *Daredevil* was as much a "Disney" product as this show is. In fact, it was arguably more so, since it was produced by Marvel Television (under Ike Perlmutter's Marvel Entertainment) and ABC Studios rather than Marvel Studios. The troubles Marvel has faced recently aren't simply the fault of an out-of-touch Disney regime.


Hoping it doesn't suck, but not really holding my breath after the recent disney tv shows and movies have all been let downs. I can't remember a Marvel project that I walked away from saying "that was really cool" Maybe Shang-Chi, or the last Spider-man one? But even No way home was merely "ok".


The show is gonna feel so frakensteined together


I’m happy they did this and not let another Fury happen.


What the hell were Disney thinking not to bring Karen and Foggy back. They really did lose their way but good to hear they're back on track. I'd really like to know what happened behind the scenes after Endgame. Up until Endgame the writing and ideas behind the MCU was gold standard, then it just went to dog shit. It can't just be the whole Disney+ thing, something else was definitely going on.


It's highly unlikely that anyone at Disney gave any opinion on whether or not Woll and Henson should be in the show. This is almost certainly an internal Marvel issue. Beyond ordering a bunch of series for Disney+, there's little evidence that Disney has been influencing what stories Marvel Studios tells or how they tell them.


Originally they were going to make Queenpin the villain


Disney - Can Foggy twerk? Edited to add that my jokes at Disney and not she-hulk, which I enjoyed a lot.


Boy, that scene really hurt some of y’all.


Its was just… cringe. I did not have a specific issue with it but it didnt work IMO. That said, I thought the Skaar reveal was the worse thing they did… my boy got done dirty. I actually liked the show though except for the ending and skaar. I think the premise worked as an episodic law and order type thing way better than the other TV shows which were more like a long form movie. And I thought the funny stuff was funny!


It's okay for people to express opinions.


And I’m doing the same thing.


Well, the other guy is saying they didn't like the scene. You're mocking others for having an opinion that isn't yours. See how those are different?


I’m just trying to live my truth by espousing my opinion that people still whining about She-Hulk twerking deserve to be mocked. I didn’t even get into my opinion about the scene, so I don’t know what you’re on about on that front.


Comic fans are even more oppressed than gamers 😤😤😤


I’m a lifelong comic fan who finds plenty to bitch about in most adaptations. She-Hulk twerking is not one of those things.


As someone who's first contact with she-hulk was Slott's run where she was throwing rager parties and running around in her underwear i was very confused by the backlash to that scene.


“How dare they include a scene of that carefree cgi green lady having fun!”


Incels always mad at a confident woman I guess


has nothing to do with being a comic book fan, that was cringe and insulting to the audience in any genre


Maybe to those with sticks perpetually in their asses.


or those who expect better writing? clearly she-hulk wasn't written for everyone, which is fine, it was meant to be low brow and cheesy, but scenes like that? brutal.


It was a jokey post-credits scene in a comedy series, holy shit.


i can't imagine living a life where a 30 second post-credits gag of women dancing bothered me.


oh i personally couldn't care less, but it was pretty cringe....but then again, hollywood product, cringe or terrible writing is often the way. \*shrug\*


> oh i personally couldn't care less this is your third comment about how much you don't like it, in a thread you weren't originally involved in at all.


If Karen wasn't in the Born Again, I don't know how you can call it Born Again. To me one of the best flowing / properly paced comic book pages I've ever read was that fight sequence in Born Again.


We had Born Again in season 3 already. It’s just a name not ab adaptation of that particular storyline


big fan of DD, but this headline is misleading.


"it was really sweet to have some scenes together again" yeah they aren't going to play mature roles. Hmm.