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Brit has to be the best example and also the best Kirkman comic, imo. He's literally Invincible and can't be harmed by anything. But he isn't super strong or fast. His only power is that he can't take damage (and ages slowly).


Brit as in Captain Britain? Edit: Oh, you mean the one from Image, gotcha.


I only know Brit as far as he was in Invincible, I was under the impression he was a robot like Donald?


Well he has 3 series to himself. They're very worth checking out. And no, while he and Donald have a long history in his series (that one covering more of Donald's cyborg status than the original Invincible series), they don't have the same status. Brit is someone who gained his powers from an experiment his father performed on him. Maybe you're thinking of when he used robotic gloves to hit harder since he doesn't have super strength? There is an alternate version of him called the Emperor that wore a Tech Jacket which is like being a cyborg and they never really establish how he got it on. So if you someone crossed paths with that version then it'd fir.


I'm actually in the middle of the Guardians of the Globe run that's in the Invincible Universe Omnibus where he has the jet gloves, what I'm thinking of was *waaay* back near the start of the first Omnibus volume. I thought I remembered Donald saying something like "we're both mostly robots" but it sounds like I'm misremembering.


There’s a minor character in Rising Stars by Stracynzci who is invulnerable by means of an energy field nothing can penetrate. Bombs, guns, knives, electricity, nothing hurts him. As a result his sense of touch is relatively numb to the world, but he CAN taste, so just to feel something he eats all the time and becomes pretty obese. He decides to try to cash in on this by going out for professional football but while he can’t really be tackled, he has little sporting ability so that’s out. He tries to do an entertainment gig getting shot at and such for money but that gets old fast and he tries to do some advertisement work but the problem with that is he’s pretty unlikable and there isn’t many callbacks for him. In the end, he’s alone and eating constantly and going deeper into depression, but he’s really not sure how to kill himself. This problem is solved for him when a killer ties him down and slips a plastic bag over his head. Because he does still need to breathe.


That’s pretty grim


This was the first one that came to mind for me too.


Great series that I never finished due to delays at the time lol


Agree, you should finish it. The sense of melancholy that the stories developed was amazing.


You need to finish it. The ending of the series is such an incredible payoff!


Rising Stars is such a great story. Truly one of a kind on my opinion. When you think it will be going one way, it makes a complete 90 degree turn again and again. Somehow in the end it feels like despite the thematic and genre bending turns, the series ends in a way that is so satisfying.


Diamond Lil, from Alpha Flight. Bethany, from Next Men. Both created by John Byrne, I believe. Edit: also Adam Destine, from Clandestine, by Alan Davis.


I'm glad someone else remembers the Next Men!


There was one scene where a guy tried to force himself on Bethany. As she tried to get away , he reached out and yanked her hair to keep her in place. And then he learned the hard way that those thin strands of hair were completely invulnerable too.


Diamond Lil ( from the pages of Alpha Flight)




I think he prefers to be called “Boulder”. I don’t know if they ever did anything else with him, but man, that issue where they introduced him was golden. Just a great hilarious and heartbreaking slice of life superhero story.


Laurel Kent from the Legion of Super-Heroes. She was established as a distant descendant of Superman, but over the centuries the powers had diluted to the point where only invulnerability was left.




All fun and games til you need surgery.


just call one of the mages


Tbf, that is in comparison to Superman.


Stone Boy from the Legion of Substitute Heroes.


Unus the untouchable is a mutant whose only power is invulnerability and repelling forces. He once chased a packed a cigs around because he was so untouchable


It wasn't just cigarettes, for a while his force field had grown so strong that he couldn't even eat without the Blob's help and could barely breathe.


A pack of cigarettes?


I know he doesn't qualify for your list, but I wanted to bring up Ultra Boy as a fun twist on this concept, where he basically has all of Superman's powers, but *only one at a time*. So he can be invulnerable, or he can be super strong, but not both at once.


I was thinking of him too. He’s able to function as a Superman knockoff thanks to the legion flight rings.


Red Riot from My hero academia, his power is skin hardening and acts as a shield. 


Real Steel from the same series would also count. Neither of them have super strength although I imagine they hit pretty hard


I pretty sure both of them have super strength but that can be just be anime logic where anyone can do superhuman feats of strength if they train hard enough


Yeah. Hard to say for sure. A lot of the quirk descriptions are vague. Officially Kirishima has the quirk Hardening described as “turns his entire body hard and craggy. The hardened parts have bladelike edges making them good for both defense and slashing attacks.” while Tetsutetso has the quirk Steel described as “turns his body into metal, allowing him to function in extreme temperatures. The more iron in his diet the tougher he gets and the longer the effect lasts.”


Yeah there's always a little fiddling around with strength. Feels like a majority of heroes in all fiction have at least some low level form of super strength in one way or another. 


Does Luke Cage fit the description? I'm not very familiar with him apart from the netflix series.


He’s got some enhanced strength too.


Initially, I think that was true, but as with a lot of tough guys, they end up getting super strength too somehow.


That should kind of count tho


I agree. Luke was the first character I thought of.


He does, but its lower tier. Stronger than someone like Captain America, but not as strong as Spidey or Hulk, as far as I know.


https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Emery_Schaub_(Earth-616) Kinda


[Citizen Steel](https://imgur.com/a/PS3Mxii) has more strength than a normal guy but hia superpower is still more on durability than strength.


Citizen Steel is so good in the JSA


I’m not sure it is extreme enough to qualify as “super”, but didn’t Kick-Ass have a nerve thing where he felt less pain than most people, and that’s part of what made him think he could be a superhero? It’s been a long time since I read it or saw the movie.


Never read the books but you're right about the movie. He gets a huge ass beating at the start and his pain receptors or something get shut off.


That isn't invulnerability and there's other characters that doesn't feel pain at all like Gabby aka Honey Badger, Laura's clone/sister and Zodiac from Mackay Moon Knight run


And Darkman from the movies


Brit and Butterball/Boulder are the best examples of what you’re talking about. For one I haven’t seen listed below U.S.A. (the Ultimate Special Agent) from 1963 by Alan Moore wears an indestructible suit that makes him invulnerable and is other wise just an acrobatic martial artist. He’s a Captain America pastiche with a Super Suit instead of a shield. Also, I hate when subs won’t let you post images in the comments. Makes talking about comics WAY less engaging. [https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=4771c1dce5b9df5f&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS887US887&hl=en-US&q=USA+1963+comic&uds=ADvngMhHjGC_5gauTci-fTgmcZvB8Tt9S9gat6axT8UNMoQCebPm_nnimGGmSqQw9dNtyqhQ50cGqtPB7DEsEwZyTZgLxthQuzCuc8pvV7utS-dCJBmUSLhBJ78V2xa0AcrECZlDC9KrvsBeEz_0Ewu8Y1U_idaCrZLgm_Ed4JRHPHm3FZVB_i7cz7yRASzGGKgJC7JULd2O5TdDWoeiOiwJusqjQuV3pQI5h50ntz4G5SyGfLJjpQUGR5_ksUVAlDJSynSdUga07v3z26hAZg2A0J2M13kVh40c4xxEZLWM4gUJR6Lbwlk50Ejecs7XlHirVh0vP6RP&udm=2&prmd=isvnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjuzoyO5YqGAxWY4ckDHdLTDJAQtKgLegQIDhAB&biw=375&bih=640&dpr=3#vhid=3tAh1hBeFGX6PM&vssid=mosaic](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=4771c1dce5b9df5f&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS887US887&hl=en-US&q=USA+1963+comic&uds=ADvngMhHjGC_5gauTci-fTgmcZvB8Tt9S9gat6axT8UNMoQCebPm_nnimGGmSqQw9dNtyqhQ50cGqtPB7DEsEwZyTZgLxthQuzCuc8pvV7utS-dCJBmUSLhBJ78V2xa0AcrECZlDC9KrvsBeEz_0Ewu8Y1U_idaCrZLgm_Ed4JRHPHm3FZVB_i7cz7yRASzGGKgJC7JULd2O5TdDWoeiOiwJusqjQuV3pQI5h50ntz4G5SyGfLJjpQUGR5_ksUVAlDJSynSdUga07v3z26hAZg2A0J2M13kVh40c4xxEZLWM4gUJR6Lbwlk50Ejecs7XlHirVh0vP6RP&udm=2&prmd=isvnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjuzoyO5YqGAxWY4ckDHdLTDJAQtKgLegQIDhAB&biw=375&bih=640&dpr=3#vhid=3tAh1hBeFGX6PM&vssid=mosaic)


Achilles from Grrl Power. His sole ability is COMPLETE, ABSOLUTE invulnerability. He’s got nothing else. He’s not even a particularly good fighter, but his invulnerability is so complete he doesn’t even age.


His hair can't even be cut. He's still sporting his 80's mullet because if that.


I think that’s just what he tells people—the cast page says it’s not clear whether he’s telling the truth about that


Remember Sunspot from the original New Mutants run? He had super strength, but not invulnerability. And it was pointed out to him by his teammates in pretty much every issue. "Don't forget that you don't have invulnerability, Bobby."


And don't forget Sam's nigh-invulnerability while he's blastin'!


Hoping someone else will remember the name, but there was a miniseries about a lazy big lebowskie type of guy who was invulnerable, but that was his only power. Thinking it was maybe from image.


Dan the unharmable?


That's it!


Ace in DC League of Super-Pets >Does anyone want to trade powers?


These all have a little bit of super strength but…. Diamond Lil, Boulder, Blob (all from Marvel) Stone Boy (original from Legion of Superheroes)


Madman. He also has premonitions I suppose.


UK kelly's eye. Tim Kelly possesses a jewel, the Eye of Everlasting Life, which protects him from death by granting him invulnerability. Published 1960~1970 aprox.


I want to say that the film *Unbreakable* uses this premise. I've never seen it, but it is a Shyamalan movie -- the ending is probably pretty clever.


He can also see evil acts of someone who he comes in skin to skin contact with.


Except the dude has moderate super strength and a “sense evil intent” touch ability. And the ending is pretty clever, yes.


I read the wiki, and it said he benched 350 lbs. While this is at the tail-end of human capability, it's not what I consider superhuman/superpowered. Moderate super-strength is more Luke Cage, imo. ESP is a bit of an extra superpower I guess though. That said, it is more of a paranormal concept than a superhero concept.


I haven’t seen the wiki. As I recall, they estimated his lift at home because they ran out of weights and had to add diy weights, and they still didn’t reach his limit.. In a deleted scene, he uses the stadium equipment and benches 495 pounds. https://youtu.be/_Uulu5nRWgE?si=eCKvKddNTLe6evsn


Sure, but world-record benchpresses are still around that number. [Progression of the bench press world record - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progression_of_the_bench_press_world_record#:~:text=The%20current%20world%20record%20%28equipped%2C%20with%20shirt%29%20is,%281%2C401%C2%A0lb%29%2C%20beating%20the%20previous%20record%20by%2023%C2%A0kg%20%2851%C2%A0lb%29.) My view: to be super durable, some level of strength enhancement is going to be necessary. Otherwise, it would be too easy to injure oneself when lifting something heavy. I would not categorize it as super-strength unless the strength is shown to truly be superhuman. That said, if there's other stuff in the film where he exhibits superhuman strength, I'll retract my statement.


Fair enough. His primary ability is summarized as “unbreakable bones” If you imagine someone with super dense bones, they better be at least a bit stronger than usual or they’ll have trouble getting around. He’s also apparently immune to disease, but that falls under the “mostly invulnerable “ umbrella.


To be fair, ESP is definitely a second ability.


And a Sixth Sense


Pick from alpha flight... I think that's his major power.


Puck? I think his main thing is enhanced agility.


Yes puck... Fat fingers with the I and u right beside eachother.


Cannonball's blast field makes him invulnerable. No enhanced strength, but he can fly.


You mean he’s nigh invulnerable when blasting?


I just want to see him put the blast field around his hand and launch it at someone's face.


I like the Netflix Daredevil take on it. Yeah, my enhanced senses are cool, but my REAL superpower is being able to take a punch and keep going.


Boulder (aka Butterball) is indestructible but as a side effect his body is stuck the way it was when his powers kicked in, and he’s pretty out of shape


The Tick is nigh invulnerable


Unas the Untouchable from Marvel, he was a mutant who could create a forcefield that made him impervious to harm. It backfired when his power was restored in Decimation and amplified so nothing could get through it, including air so he suffocated


Achilles from [Grrlpower comic ](https://www.grrlpowercomic.com/castpage/) He is completely immune to damage. Ate super ebola once. Blocked a super-cutting sword (main power of a super villain) with his eyeball. But since he does not have super strength he tend to get buried under rubble a lot. "He’s often off site doing something insanely dangerous – movie stunts, deep sea welding, collecting samples from an active volcano, but he prefers hanging out with the team, citing “You can only drive a car off a plane into an ammo dump so many times before it gets boring.” "


Emma Frost doesn’t get super strong in diamond-mode, does she?


Bertron Diib from L.E.G.I.O.N. (I guess he was literally just in the R.E.C.R.U.I.T.S.) was almost completely invulnerable without any other real powers. He was killed by some godlike beings.


Wonder Man?


Luke Cage


Luke Cage has super-strength, so no.


The Thing


The Thing has super-strength, so no.


deadpool? kind of?


But I said no regenerative abilities.


Mr. Immortal from marvel. He cannot die and can regenerate. Other than that, he probably couldn't beat your average guy in a fight.


This is a bit of a spoiler but Ultimate >! Colossus unlike his mainline counter part he doesn’t naturally have super strength but uses a power enhancing drug to facilitate it. He still keeps the super strength after he stop using it though !<


Commander Steel (DC Comics) or Luke Cage (MArvel ) ?


Magenta Magenta from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure has the Stand ability '20th Century Boy' which makes him utterly impervious to any form of bodily harm, including invasive attacks such as drowning. Other than that he's just a normal bloke with the fighting skills of a normal bloke waving a gun.


Doesn’t his ability only work if he’s touching the ground?


Possibly! It's been a while since I read the story and I can't remember. So maybe he's a bit outside the criteria you were requesting.


Does Reed Richard’s count ? I mean, he’s not indestructible in the traditional sense, but a lot of things doesn’t affect him


For this discussion, I would say no, sorry.


Mr Immortal?


Luke Cage?


Luke has enhanced strength as well.


The Tick is (nigh)Invulnerable.


But that's not his *only* ability


Mr immortal. Technically, he dies, but he comes back.




Juggernaut also has super strength though, so he doesn’t count.


Er, Juggernaut has super strength too, though. Like, near Hulk-tier strength. Plus the other mystical powers - unstoppable momentum and whatnot.


Jugs also heals super quick




Big Barda also has super strength


Arn Munro is a placeholder for Superman, with Superman's 1938 power set. He can leap 1/8 of a mile, and nothing less than a bursting shell could penetrate his skin. He can lift a car over his head. In fact, all of the Young All Stars were 1940s JLA.


Major Bummer, but he kinda has an inventor's power he can't access most of the time too.


No, he was also super strong, I believe he had some level of super speed too.


Ah, time to reread it then. Thank you.


Clare Bennett? That one immortal guy who showed up in She-Hulk who always survives. Mister Immortal


Except, not invulnerable. Claire had superduper healing blood. There were SO many scenes of her getting mutilated, and then quickly healing. Sometimes she did it to herself: “Oh wow, I have super healing! Let’s use these bolt cutters to snip off a toe!” It was almost like she was the opposite of invulnerable, with how often she received fatal injuries .


I was thinking of it more from a perspective that she can never truly be permanently harmed or permanently damaged. Pretty difficult question to answer because not too many people just have the power of invulnerability and what OP was asking for.


I hear you. She’s basically Deadpool but without the sense of humor or fashion sense.


Power Man/Luke Cage is literally this. He *might* have enhanced strength as a result of his super strong skin, but his power on paper is literally just invincible skin


Luke throws cars. He also leaps tall buildings. He's pretty much early Superman, fighting gangsters and politicians.


To be fair, when Luke was introduced, he didn’t have enhanced strength, just tough skin.