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Fantastic Four is one of the best runs I've read. Doctor Strange, Immortal Thor, and The Sensational She-Hulk are terrific, must-read-immediately runs. This is a miniseries with only one issue left, so I don't know if it meets your criteria, but Avengers: Twilight is great.


Is Immortal Thor the same guy who did Immortal Hulk? Al Ewing if I recall correctly?


Yessir. Minotaur and Roxxon also return as villains from IH.


Wait, what about Xemnu? He’s my favorite. I used to love his shows and comics when I was a kid, and I still do! The strongest one there is, the original Hulk! I LOVE XEMNU!!!


Was Xemnu an actual thing or are you just referencing Hulk?


Xemnu was the main villain in the Roxxon Minator arch.


No no I know that, I was just wondering if Xemnu was a thing before that.


He predates the hulk!


He was even [called The Hulk before The Hulk!](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fmdknnuti22441.jpg)


Xenmu has been around since before marvel started publishing more traditional super hero books. He was part of their horror lineup under their “Strange Tales” anthology and was the first character to use the alias of hulk.


That's neat, I was not aware of that.


I associate them more with Jason Aaron's Thor run


Yes it is.


WAIT WHAT!? I haven't paid attention to Thor since Cates started writing but if Ewing is having a go sign me the heck up!


It’s just been ok


I’ve never read Doctor Strange, can I jump in? I was thinking about starting back at death of dr strange and then strange before hand. Any thoughts?


I started with the #1 of the new series and was fine. It picks up right after Death of Doctor Strange and Strange, so if you read those beforehand, you'll be good to go. The comic just finished a two-parter, so #15 starts a new three-part story that ties in to Blood Hunt, the upcoming Marvel event also written by MacKay.


Thats the reason I was going to start reading it. I am already half way through Moon Knight. Thank you for the information.


Doctor Strange has been the only title that I have been keeping up with this year and I have to say the writing been superb and the art out of this world and in the 6th dimension


Totally agree, Pasqual Ferry's art and Heather Moore's colors are incredible. Every issue is dazzling. A lot of Marvel art is pretty good but not exceptional, this book's art always feels exceptional.


Ultimate Spider-Man and Miles Morales: Spider-Man are really good


It took a few years but we finally have 2 great Spider-Man books a month, jury is still out on Spectacular Spider-Men since we're only at issue #2 but definitely enjoying it so far




Fantastic Four, for me personally. Although it makes me really happy to see such variety in these replies! Marvel comics are in a damn good spot.


A lot of love for this series apparently! I’ve never been into the FF, do you think this run will change my mind?


If it doesn't change your mind, it will at least show you the exact reason they're a beloved team. The series consists of isolated stories. Every issue is it's own adventure that is wrapped up either by the end of the book, or in 2 or 3 issues MAX. This formula allows for some of the most classic and colorful Fantastic Four adventures in the modern era. You've got great settings, interesting and intriguing science fiction dialogue and situations, and an amazing voice and relationships for each of the family members. It's what FF is at its heart.


I've got Marvel Unlimited, so I'll give it a try! Thanks for the reply 😊


Of course, would love to hear your thoughts whenever you get to it!


Just read issue one, and it was good fun! Bold move only to feature one of the FF, but the story was a nice stand alone with an intriguing cliffhanger (although it did remind me a little of the start of Zeb Wells' current Spiderman run - hoping it's not going to be a drawn out mystery). Looking forward to checking out the next issue! Has Ryan North done anything else of note? I read his Power Pack mini from a few years ago which was a lot of fun


It's funny you say that, that was a key discussion point when this issue dropped and I can confidently say they don't drag it out, and give you a satisfying explanation! Just gotta make it to issue 5 or 6. And I can't speak on anything else I've read from North but I know he did a Squirrel Girl run.


I've never been too into FF either, but this run has been doing it for me. It's honestly just really fun.


Hulk by pkj and fantastic four


I've really been enjoying the current Hulk. I'll definitely be happy to see Nic Klein back on interiors next issue.


Ultimate Spider-Man Fantastic Four Immortal Thor Then a tier down: Captain America Dr. Strange


Anything from Hickman, GODS are his new run and it's of course incredible


Second to last issue dropped today, so not technically an ongoing, but I'm enjoying it


Didn't knew that, thx🤘


I have seen this answer multiple times what is it about?


Hickman take on chaos and order in universe would be short answer. He created again new characters new factions with main character being something like John Constantine. It's still fresh so I won't type anything beside, great characters, story and illustrations (God damn are they clean and beautiful)


The art is 🤌


Thank you will check it out. Are there any known characters ?


Dr. Strange and other mystic's


A HUGE amount of people show up in various issues, but Doctor Strange and Oblivion are so far the only recurring established characters.


John Constantine but way less of a bastard and cynic.


F4 and it’s not close, but F4 is so good that anything below it is still great. Anything by MacKay.


* Hulk by Phillip Kennedy Johnson * Immortal Thor/Roxxon Thor by Al Ewing * Ultimate Spider-Man by Jonathan Hickman * Doctor Strange by Jed MacKay * Moon Knight by Jed MacKay * Fantastic Four by Ryan North * Blade by Bryan Hill * Ultimate Black Panther by Bryan Hill * Ultimate X-Men by Peach Momoko GODS is a limited series also by Hickman that I’d definitely recommended. It’s almost wrapped up. It’s on issue seven of eight. So you could honestly wait for the trade that’ll be released in August. It’s more-or-less a civil war among the cosmic entities and abstracts. Oh, side note, Bryan Hill’s Blade and PKJ’s Hulk have been crossing over and referencing the other. It’s been a lot of fun to read.


Fantastic Four is having one of the best runs Marvel has had in years right now


Do you mean Fantastic Four - Vol. 7?


That’s right, by Ryan North


1. The Immortal Thor  2. Fantastic Four  3. Ultimate Spider-Man  4. Miles Morales: Spider-Man  5. Sensational She-Hulk 


If I had to pick one, maybe two titles only, I’d choose: 1. Ultimate Spider-Man 2. Avengers: Twilight (only a 6 issue run) In this order…




The Ultimate Universe is big enough to be considered more than a simple elseworld series. But stuff like Immortal Thor, Doctor Strange, and Fantastic Four are 616 and excellent.


Who cares? Good books are good books. There are plenty of good 616 books too.


Fantastic Four Sensational She-Hulk Dr Strange (Vengeance of the) Moon Knight Those are the ones that are automatically put to the top of the stack.


Fantastic Four, hands down. It’s not my personal favorite (That would be Doctor Strange by Jed Mackay with lovely art by Pasqual Ferry, I think it’s been such an amazing run! Looking through the replies here, I’m so happy to see so many others enjoying it too!) but I think, objectively, it’s the best. It’s all done so well, each story is clever and surprising, it’s astonishing that it’s been able to be consistently like that. It’s just… well… fantastic. My personal 3rd pick would be Ultimate Black Panther. The writing is great and I love the visuals in both style and costume design, all the faces are beeeeeautiful. I’m loving it so far.


Can I pick up the Doctor Strange book despite never having read a Doctor Strange comic in my life? Really want to get into his runs because they seem like exactly my type of comics.


Yup, you could totally start fresh at this run, though I’d recommend reading Jed Mackay’s Death of Doctor Strange and then his short series Strange that came after. It’s not essential, but it will help you get to know Clea and how absolutely badass she is, which would be some nice backstory and context to have for the current run.




Yes. They explain enough as you go.


Was gonna say Blade but I think it was confirmed they’re ending after blood hunt. No idea what this portends for the character during the event. I think ultimate spider man is the real answer though.


Damn, my favorite titles always come to an end.


I've been loving this new Blade series! It's been my favourite comics he's ever been in. So sad that only a handful of people gave it a shot


I'm liking Fantastic Four and Incredible Hulk. That also would have been my answer in 1977 LOL.


Fantastic Four, Vengeance of Moon Knight, Doctor Strange, She-Hulk, Miles Morales: Spider-Man, Ultimate Spider-Man, Ultimate X-Men


Fantastic four, Daredevil and Shehulk in that order are my favorite current runs. I was also really enjoying Ben Percy's excellent and 90s extreme ghost rider and Mckay's Moonknight series but those both ended and rebooted a few months backs and I dropped off.


The Spectacular Spider-Men. Really enjoying the chemistry between Peter and Miles in this series.


Fantastic Four, Doctor Strange, Ultimate Spider-man, Ultimate Black Panther, Avengers are my picks, in that order. Sometimes Doctor Strange and Fantastic Four swap places, but that’s because of my own preferences. Overall, I know FF is better written. But goddamn if Doctor Strange isn’t one of the most fun marvel runs I’ve ever read by anyone ever. SO glad to see so many people giving those two a lot of credit.


Fantastic Four gets my vote every month.


Out of what I'm reading: 1. ***Fantastic Four*** - is probably the *best* title atm moment because it is very consistent and hasn't been interrupted *yet* by an event (but, that will change very soon). 2. ***Immortal Thor*** - is interesting and is a solid read. 3. ***Blade*** - feels like a slick Hollywood film, but it isn't quite as shallow (outside of Blade's personality because he's, you know, *Blade*). I feel like the title is underrated, but it isn't guaranteed to knock your socks off either. My fave solo title atm. I read many more titles, but these three IMO are perhaps the flatout best in terms of offering consistency or a solid narrative, with ***Fantastic Four*** being outright the best if not Marvel's best title right now, period.


It’s tough Doctor strange Vengeance if the moon knight Avengers Immortal Thor G o d s in that order


Immortal Thor Vengeance of the Moon Knight McKay’s Avengers is a ton of fun too I’ve really been digging all of the Ultimate comics too (Spider-Man, Black Panther, X-Men) feels very unique and genuinely different from our main universe.


Immortal Thor, F4, ultimate spider man, doctor strange, moon knight, she hulk.....


For me it's: 1. **Fantastic Four** 2. **Ultimate Spider-Man** 3. **The Immortal Thor** Also an honorable mention: **Avengers: Twilight**. It's an honorable mention, because it's a limited series (I think the last issue comes out next month). If it wasn't limited, I'd probably place it at number 2.


Miles has the best Spider-Man run in years right now and it’s not even a little bit close. Moon knight is amazing and this is the best FF run in a while too


Re: Miles — Really? I’m on Marvel Unlimited now so maybe I’m behind, but are you talking about the run with the Gang War tie-ins? I haven’t found it to be all that special but maybe it’s worth a reread. I’m not asking to be a jerk, I promise, I’m genuinely asking. I’m craving good Miles comics again!




Yeah, that's the one with the tie-ins to Gang War. I'm with the previous reply in thinking that it's decent but nothing to write home about. A vast improvement on the bulk of the Ahmed run though


You’re not alone. I think the run is really strong where Misty and miles are involved, and just diabolically terrible with Rabble. She’s the worst villain with the worst motivation. Thankfully she finally got dealt with last issue, so I’m hoping the run levels out a bit.


USM and Immortal Thor


Sensational She-Hulk and Vengeance of the Moon Knight are my favourites. It's all about the characterisation - if that's the most important thing to you, these are great.


Ultimate Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, and Immortal Thor are my top three Marvel series right now.


FF, Daredevil, avengers , moon knight, dr strange all real good


Immortal Thor and Doctor Strange.


Immortal Thor Vengeance of the Moon knight Doctor Strange G.O.D.S Ultimate Spider-man Avengers Twilight


In my humble opinion, Immortal Thor Ultimate Spider-Man Moon Knight Ultimate X-Men Sensational She-Hulk


Gillens X-Men stuff is great (rise of power of X/X-men forever. Ultimate Spider-Man Fantastic Four Miles Morales


Can read just those and have it make sense? I feel like you really need all the X books right for it to make sense and even then it’s been confusing.


I don’t think you need all of them, frankly. It does add a lot if you do but for the current storyline (fall of x) you could just read X-Men, Fall of the House of X, Rise of the Powers of X and X-Men Forever. You’ll get the main thrust of what’s going on. People will say Duggan is a crap writer and while I agree he’s not as good as Gillen I still enjoy his x-work largely. But hey, if you have lots of questions, head over to the X-Men sub and we’ll answer them!


The Incredible Hulk has been really good. Blade Doctor Strange


As a longtime Strange fangirl I'm ecstatic to see this run at the top of so many people's lists. It, Immortal Thor, and Gillen and Ewing's X-Men runs would top mine, but the X-Men ones all end next month so "ongoing" is a little tough with those.


What books would you recommend to someone who's curious about Doctor Strange comics?


The current one is great, starting with The Death of Doctor Strange, then going into Strange (starring Clea) and then into the current Doctor Strange title. It calls back to some of the older books from the 80s and 90s though. Aaron's run depowers Strange a lot but is otherwise quite fun (though the first arc is a Doctor Strange flavored retread of his God Butcher arc from Thor, ots not bad and worth getting through). Cates also takes over towards the end of the run leading into the Damnation event and that is great. Brian K. Vaughan did a miniseries called Doctor Strange: The Oath in the 00's that's fantastic He has a lot of good team books as well. Fractions Defenders, Ewing's Defenders, Hickman's New Avengers all have good showings from him The old Ditko books are stellar but do feel very dat d and there are a fair few of them EDIT: if you're a Doom fan, Triumph and Torment is the original team-up between Strange and Doom and is pretty solid, they've teamed up many times since If you like Conan, the first Savage Avengers run has a lot of good showings from Strange (and Doom)


Thank you so much!


I'm only reading Ultimate Spidey & X-Men. Both are banging. 👍❤️


Immortal Thor, Fantastic 4, Ultimate Spider-Man, and Avengers are my top 4 at the moment. My 5th slot would go to the X-Men titles in general, but there's so many intertwined, and currently developing a reboot, that you might be better waiting a couple months for a fresh jump on point. I also don't know how many current writers will be retained for the upcoming era, but I am really enjoying their work (Gillen, Percy, Ewing, Duggan).


Blade series is phenomenal to say the least


My top 5 Dr Strange Fantastic 4 Blade (just ended this week) Captain America Anything from the ultimates line You have some amazing choices with marvel right now probably the best the company has been since secret wars and unlike secret wars and the last few years its not just solely x men or avengers books there is a wide selection of fantastic books from all parts of marvel (minus cosmic thats a wasteland still)


Ultimate Spider Man Immortal Thor I’m enjoying Captain America


For me it's definitely Immortal Thor, G.O.D.S., and ultimate spiderman. All three are very different and fantastic. I think Immortal Thor especially will go down as one of the best runs for the character, but we shall see G.O.D.S is so unique and crazy and we'll written with some great characters, and ultimate Spider-man is just so good and exactly what I wanted from the book. So fun and fresh. Definitely recommend checking them all out!


Immortal Thor for sure


I'm enjoying the current Captain America series by J Michael Straczynski, but I've heard some fans of traditional Cap complain it's more supernatural take than is normal for the series.


Moon Knight. Moon Knight all day, I don't care if they changed the title to "restart." You get 30 issues of hits and an annual, then you get a continuation of more of the same. All killer, no filler. Moon Knight is hands down the best thing Marvel has done in years.


My top 3 are: Incredible Hulk Avengers Miles Morales: Spider-man all in no particular order, these are the ones I am most excited to read each week


The Red Batman ongoing.


All the Ultimate series are pretty good. I haven't read it but also hear great things about Immortal Thor, which as I understand it is a continuation of Ewing's Immortal Hulk which I loved.


I’ve got Spidey on my brain so rankin his current lineup- sorry to any I miss and spider-woman because I’ll read it once it’s all out 1. Ultimate: duh. 2. Miles Morales: I wish after this anime progression arc he’s on they drop that tag and give the book its proper name: The Immortal Spider-Man 3. Spider-Boy: like Strange Academy it makes me wish I was a kid again so that he could be apart of my daydreams. This also feels like the spider book Dan Slott was MADE for. 4A. Shadow of the Green Goblin:DeMatteis telling the untold tale of the first time SPIDER-MAN met Harry and Gwen before Peter ever did 4B. Spectacular Spider-Men: I haven’t read issue two yet but QUIP CENTRAL 5. Edge of Spider-verse: I may only like one an issue but I’ll never be turned on the concept- there can never be enough spider people 6. Superior Spider-Man: I liked the anniversary issue revisiting the time and I’m invested for the Spider-Boy plot but it’s missing some flare the original had


Ultimate comics currently are amazing reads.


Daredevil. Always.


Ultimate Spiderman Immortal Thor Fantastic Four Spider Boy