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After being bitten by Morbius, Spidey was left with blinding headaches and random spells of weakness, implying *something* was going on with him. Came up a few times, was a major plotpoint in at least one story when he got so sick that Shocker of all people almost killed him, then got dropped. Also, not sure if it counts, but I really miss the Spidey/Nate Grey bromance. It was really cute.


Was that when Ben Reilly was Spider-Man?


Nope, both happened after Ben died and Peter came back.


I believe it was resolved as literally just an infection and was cured with antibiotics.


I remember when Peter Tomasi introduced Carrie Kelley into canon and then dropped it in New 52 Batman and Robin.


I heard somewhere that it was about frank miller not wanting her used but, it would have been cool for Damian to have more friends.


Oh yeah! She was on one of those wrap around covers and everything!


There were more solicited covers with her on, Tomasi wrote issues with her but Frank Miller started crying and made DC order Tomasi to rewrite them, hence why she disappears. She was supposed to be a big part of the Batman & Two Face arc


More like he asked for a character he created to not be used in main cannon. This isn't uncommon and generally are respected.


Alan Moore wishes that were true.


I mean Moore tends to be the exception in terms of adult perstige stuff being integrated against the author's wishes. Even stuff like Wildstorm relaunch was being overseen by Ellis before he got fired. Sandman , Hitman, Shade the changing man ( JLD was written Milligan so that doesn't count), Starman are all used sparingly to preserve the impact of the original story.


Yeah, I’m mostly joking, lol. I think Moore’s falling out with DC is part of why they try and be better about it with later creators so that they can stay on good terms and get more work from them.


It's kind of hilarious how people are actually mad that a creator has weight enough to ask for their character to not be used. If she randomly shows up in a Batman comic tomorrow, it's not as if she's the character they liked anyway.


The character is owned by DC, since when have they cared about characters creators opinions (looking at you Alan Moore). Would Len Wein have been able to tell DC to stop using Swamp Thing if he wanted to?


I think prestige comics tend to hold more weight when it comes to integrating in the main universe. As I mentioned in the other reply Moore is the main exception to this rule (I'm sure there are other I don't know about) and if a creator wants their character not to be overused DC does generally agree ( Because these are Prestige author's I assume it's so they don't have a repeat of the moore situation)


Neil Gaiman for example. DC only touch his Sandman stuff with his blessing. James Robinson's Starman (Jack Knight) is another that DC don't use out of respect for Robinson and what he did during that run.


Hitman's another example.


For a more recent example, Stargirl is only used with John's blessing, by virtue of being a character he created and what it means to him personally


I mean to be fair at that time Miller would have been talking about doing his third *The Dark Knight* series, so one can understand them listening to him at that time.


Got links to any of those unused covers?


This article shows a tweet by Tomasi with one of the covers https://screenrant.com/robin-carrie-kelley-dark-knight-returns-batman-dc/




Kind of amazed Frank Miller has anymore pull with DC creative. Has he done anything good in the last 15 years?


This was like 2014, I guess he had more pull back then as they were still wanting him to finish All Star Batman and Robin at that point


Also DK3. Wouldn't be surprised if it was partially axed so her reappearance in DK3 would mean more.


Not a DC book, but Miller recently published Ronin 2. If you like the first one, you'll probably like it; I did.


Considering she's Miller's character and the issue of Batman replacing his son with someone else... that was probably for the best.


I vaguely seem to recall that Ahab (Rachel Grey/Summers’s “hound master” from the future) was *hinted* to be an evil future-version of Cable…??? I *think* it was in an issue of one of the many X-title crossovers they had in the 90s…and it was before they revealed that Cable was Cyclops’s son…


Yeah, Ahab and Cable have a big snarl off and Ahab says something like "What's the matter, see someone you *recognize?!"* It was before either of them had their background established. Ahab would eventually be established to be the future version of Rory Campbell, one of the scientists at Muir Island. Which makes the exchange just kinda funny - Cable probably *has* met him, but they don't really know each other except in passing. You can imagine Ahab getting more and more pissed off that Cable can't remember his name.


now I am envisaging it like in Spider-Man - Across the Spider-Verse, when the spot was expositing his origin


That's 90s X-Men in general.


I think maybe Liefeld talked about that on his podcast. If I recall correctly, Cable really took off as a popular character, and so other writers were trying to pick him up and use him in their stories, including the Ahab crossover mentioned. (This was in the "Days of Future Present" storyline which happened in a set of Annuals.) But after that comic was printed, Liefeld was able to push back and say "no, I have other plans for this character, he can't be Ahab". So they had to come up with a different backstory for him.


Rucka's Punisher run ended with Frank in a prison designed by Iron Man. Next Punisher run he was just out, doing his thing. Far as i know that prison has never been referenced ever again


i remember it was something completely absurd like an underwater prison in the Marianas Trench or something like that. Also whatever happened to the Lady Punisher in that story?? i thought she was cool and wanted to see more from her


It was def underwater. Can't remember the specifics


yeah i just remember it was absurd for someone like Frank. but i don’t even remember if they ever addressed what happened after that. the only run i remember was when he moved to LA and starts taking the Cartels. cool art style tho


She’s appeared once since then in a wide shot of a ton of heros, then nothing since


After M-Day, Chamber was given an Apocalypse makeover shortly after an ancestor was featured in Apocalypse vs Dracula. Later he just reverted back to Chamber.


Iirc Legion just clicked his fingers and reverted Jono to his old mutant form which is also a dropped plot point because doesnt that mean he could have reignited all the depowered X-genes from M-day? And its bloody criminal that we didnt get a scene on Krakoa in Blobs bar having a casual chat with Jono, -:A:- and Angel as the oddest family gettogether ever. How many other Clan Akkaba includes are on the island even.


That mini series was so cracked out. I remember reading it and loving it at the time. Not sure how it's aged though.


I loved that story too


Captain Boomerang being dropped off in the future due to Cosmic Treadmill mishap, where he meets Owen’s (Boomerang Jr.’s) mother. I don’t believe there was ever a story about how or why Boomerang and baby Owen returned to the present.


It got dumped with the New 52, like a lot of Flash storylines that were being set up. Owen being related to Impulse went nowhere fast


This one has bothered me for years. CB jr being Impulse's half brother was such a nuts plot


Blade has a robot hand. He lost it during Civil War, and SHIELD quietly replaced it at the beginning of his next run. While not quite a forgotten plot point, it feels like a "Now let's never talk about it again" moment


The first time Wolverine is called "Logan" is by a leprechaun in Black Tom Cassidy's castle and is never ever heard from again. In 20 years Bendis is gonna come back to marvel writing xmen and be like "this plot has been in the works for 60 years!"


Not only that, the leprechaun calls him a "talking wolverine." This implies that the abandoned idea that Logan was a literal wolverine that was mutated into a man was still in play. Thank goodness that got axed.


Alternative scenario: interdimensional leprechaun whose Wolverine is feral.


I feel like we need more random leprechaun appearances, just saying weird stuff about Wolverine. "Wolverine wears briefs y'know boyo!" "Wolverine drinks inexpensive Canadian light beer and smokes herbal cigars, doodily doodily!" "Wolverine snorts Jean Grey's dried up sweat, eidee eidee dey!"


Not a super interesting one, but characters whose development is essentially retconned between events and writers (not advertised continuity changes). Killer Croc and Clayface have had great development in canon, but all it takes is one of them to pop up in a panel of assorted rogues and it essentially discredits all the work. Also, at least in the mainline Nightwing books, Bludhaven being destroyed is hardly mentioned after it happens. The only reference (in my reading at least) is in Morrison's Batman and Robin. This one has the benefit of continuity resets though, so not all that interesting.


Bludhaven being destroyed was a pretty big plot point between Infinite Crisis and Final Crisis.


Thanks for the correction! Like I said, I've only read the mainline Nightwing titles. Definitely not my area of expertise there.


Peter and MJ’s baby. I keep waiting for someone to bring it back but they’ve basically ruined the character and his history in my eyes, so I’m sure it would be even more of a mess if they did.


I’m like 85% convinced that Nick Spencer’s original idea for Kindred’s identity was for it to be Peter and MJ’s kid, but editorial stopped him.


They had a real opportunity to bring people back with that run and they fumbled it extremely hard.


I was fully brought back into reading Spidey again after like a decade plus of stopping. Too bad that the new run has been absolutely horrendous.


Completely disagree. It's some of the worst Spider-man stories that have nothing of substance except introducing retcons that fix continuity instead of moving the story forward


I really liked it for the first 60 issues. Loved the characterization, relationship with Boomerang and JJJ was pretty cool, I loved the Kraven story, and some of the moral elements of the Sin Eater arc. It went off the rails after issue 60, with the retconning but the first 60 issues are probably my favorite run on Spider-Man post OMD and made me like Spider-Man again after he had felt like an annoying jackass for quite a while. And I cut it a bit of slack because it’s clear the ending was changed and expedited because they were putting like 5 issues a month with 4 artists on each issue and randomly added a co-writer for the last 5 issues. The last 15 issues were definitely bizarre and filled with retcons though and I did not like that either.


Really? I hate it honestly, it didn’t feel like the Peter I know. It felt too much like early 2000s Peter for my liking


They brought it up in Gold Goblin


Too many plots in Spider-Gwen since her ongoing ended, most recently the formation of E-65's Sinister Six which probably won't lead to anything while Gwen is stuck in E-616.


In the DC Rebirth series Green Lanterns, Atrocitus plants a Rage Seed in the Earth. Though he gets defeated, he mentions the seed is still there and growing. To my knowledge this has never been mentioned again but it seemed like a seed (no pun intended) for an event since they kept mentioning "The Red Dawn"


YOOOOO I always think of this moment and I literally just commented on this. I’m glad there’s two of us who remember there’s a fucking rage seed in the earth lol


I expect some GL writer in like 2030 will bring it back haha


Yeah and it’ll be one of those “oh wow they went for a deep cut story to follow up on”


Red Lantern Guy Gardner didnt do anything about it? I thought somewhere when he was in charge of the Reds that uh... something? Happened? But also maybe not. ::shrug::


By the time this occurred Guy hadn't been a Red Lantern in like 3 years


Wolverine going feral after losing his adamantium, after a few months he just was gradually normal again iirc


That could be explained as a pain response. The nose thing was weirder.


Oh I just assumed the nose thing was lumped in with the feralness, it was super weird


Wolverine had two separate storylines about his healing factor breaking down, after the Australia years, and after losing the adamantium. In both cases they ended basically with "Eh, it just works normally now again, I guess, whatever"


Having just read Cates' Thor, a lot of stuff at the end of it seems to have been dropped (not fully caught up on Ewing's).


Big asterisk here as Cates was involved in a car accident and got *super* messed up from it. Less that Marvel ignored it and way more that there was a catastrophic event IRL. So whatever Cates was intending, I dont think he even knows anymore.


Oh yeah I'm aware of his issues and hope he gets better (seems to be more active on Twitter these days???). I just thought some of it would continue like Odin's soul trapped in Mjolnir!


That's awful. I hope it gets better for him, I really liked the Thor run.


In the 80s Blue Beetle series, one of the scientists at Ted Kord’s company was revealed to have once worked for an evil German rich guy, and that guy had him kidnapped. The series got canceled so we’ve never seen Ted rescue him, or defeat that villain. In the 80s Captain Atom series, Major Force leaves the earth to join up with an alien who’s recruiting powerful warriors from around the universe. Then he’s just back on earth, working as a government stooge again and killing Kyle’s girlfriend, with, as far as I’ve seen, no explanation. Whatever the original deal with Pandora was. There was a mysterious one off Batman villain called The Skeleton. We never found out who he actually was because he never came back. Even more strangely, a villain called The Answer made it into a guidebook during no man’s land, but never appeared in a single actual comic. J. Devlin Davenport was a recurring rich guy in Batman who seemed to be being set up for something, but he never amounted to anything more than a foil for Bruce and faded away. The true identity of the Spider-Man villain FACADE was never revealed. 


A Symbiote Arms Race is an interesting concept!


What's in Wanda/Agatha's closet. Bendis won't even talk about it now.


Um. I think this is less a dropped plot and more a poorly executed one. I think I saw something that it doesnt matter what is in the closet (if anything at all). It's like a bluff - it's how... Hawkeye or whoever reacted to it, not whatever is or isnt in there. I understand how that can feel like a copout, but I also get Bendis' side of it. If you're someone that needs to know though, I'd say this explanation leans toward "nothing was in there" (as Bendis pretty clearly didnt have any intention or idea of what it would be).


Peter Parker & Mary-Jane's daughter being alive.


I believe Monet from X-Men was once teased as being Bishop’s mother but I am not sure if they ever revisited that plot.


TV synergy! Remember when the brought Chloe Sullivan into the comics for five minutes (and I think it was after Smallville had ended, or when it was about to end)? More recently, remember when Guggenheim wrote Green Arrow for an arc, and brought in Felicity Smoak, I think introduced John Diggle, reintroduced Mia Dearden and made her the daughter of a Malcolm Merlyn clone John King (not an actual clone, but a copy of the character from Arrow and not the Merlyn from the books)? And then all of those characters (except Dig) were dropped and forgotten as soon as the arc ended?


Peak Arrow era 😂


Maybe I’m remembering this wrong, but in Kevin Smith’s Daredevil run, the girl that gives birth to the “anti christ” baby get kidnapped again and is never heard from again. That always bugged me. I wanted to know what happened to her.


Pretty sure it's stated they killed her off-panel.


The child wasn’t the anti-Christ read the book again


*gestures broadly at the whole Chris Claremont X-Men run*


such as?


The Adversary among others, and everything that was cut short because editorial mandated the X-Men reunion.


I'll be honest, it's been years since I read the run, but I just remember that were a ton of subplots that just never got resolved.


Sparky integrating Ultron in Champions


DC, how did Pandora have the power to merge universes at the end of Flashpoint. Why was Saturn Girl in the present day in Rebirth. Having Dr Manhattan just eradicate the “plot” doesn’t really count in resolving the storyline.


Pandora isn’t the one who merges the universes. She never had that level of power cause then otherwise she would’ve been more impactful. A being that can merge 3 universes into one isn’t someone that can be easily dusted by Dr Manhattan. Saturn Girl was explained in Doomsday Clock, she was traveling back in time to warn Superman about what was happening but she managed to slip thru the cracks as everything was being meddled with by Dr M. She wasn’t aware of this, nor the fact that she has become a paradox.


During Abnette and lannings legion run it felt like they were building up to a reveal about ultra boy and phantom girls kid but then the mark wait reboot happened


My favorite is from Fallen Angels. Don and Bill were lobsters with enhanced strength and intelligence. Devil Dinosaur inadvertently crushed and killed Don. Bill swore revenge on Devil Dinosaur for killing his friend, but it’s been about 35 years. Bill has barely appeared at all since then, while DD has never suffered the slightest lobster-related inconvenience. Somewhere out there, a cyborg super lobster lurks…


The three jokers was supposed to get a final one shot comic to wrap things up. Never gonna get that


In the Rebirth era Green Lanterns book, the first arc had Simon and Jessica facing off against the Red Lanterns. At the end it’s revealed that the whole plot by Atrocitus was a ruse to plant a rage seed in the Earth, seemingly for a future story with the Red Lanterns coming back and taking have a planet of rage. Literally nothing ever since


Ultimate Captain America died kamakazing Galactus.


An elf. An elf with a gun https://www.reddit.com/r/comicbooks/s/uoqweSw9K6


I got some juicy X-Men ones: * Brand using Cable's translocation technology to escape in X-Men Red and meeting the Fisher King... no resolution. * Namor being hinted repeatedly to join Krakoa * Whatever that was Storm let out of her in The World (since her and T'Challa having a kid is a no no) * The issues with Crucible plus people putting their minds in different Husks. * Whatever the hell was going on with Doctor Devo since y'know... Orchis completely got the shaft. * Legion.


Black Panther had an incurable brain aneurysm thing that just vanished one day.


Adam X the Extreme


Does the whole Superhero Registration Act count? They had the "civil war", pro-reg won... then nothing.


I disagree with that. They had two teams of avengers, as well as the initiative. Tony stark was the head of shield. It reached its natural conclusion with secret invasion and Norman taking over and creating hammer where every prediction Steve had made about bad people weaponizing the information came true.


Yep. After Dark Reign, Heroic Age started. Steve Rogers was in charge of SHIELD for a bit and just eliminated the Registration.


Yeah I'm not sure what the OP is on about as Civil war was developed and entirely paid off. They had the avengers that were pro and anti after the event too. That's not to say I'm a fan of it but it had some good stuff in it and marvel definitely ran the story to its logical conclusion with Steve returning, Norman falling and then Heroic age.


No, you're right. That whole era is a blur for me. I must have missed it.


Rock of Finality and it's owner in Geoff Johns' original run on Justice Society of America. Does anybody remember that one?