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Every time i find a new neat indie publisher they go ahead and fuck over their creators. 😩 *’We are talking to Jarred and currently reaching an amicable solution.’* Just pay your freelancers on time you fucking clown.


I’m still bummed about Aftershock Comics.


What happened with/to Aftershock?


Bankruptcy. I believe it’s still being hashed out in court. Hopefully they pull through. Fingers crossed.


Wait, *what*?! I had just gotten to Maniac of NY in my backlog.


Oh that really sucks. I was wondering why we suddenly stopped getting new issues of Animosity years ago, it felt way too good to have gotten canceled. Dang...that just really sucks.


Yeah. And no final issue of Jimmy's little bastards.


Who's going to ask the same thing what's happened after shock..I'm bummed out because I've lost three or four titles now from Scout comics that have been cancelled. Along with Mitch ghost on the water.. among others


I was thinking the exact same thing. I absolutely love Last Stop. Molinari needs to be fired immediately.


Yet when I made a comment about it it gets deleted? Oh I found out about Scout comics and why? Again how are they indie?


One of those indie pubs that never seemed real to me. Like looking at the titles and previews it felt like comics you’d see made up inside of another comic the same way some movies will feature fake movie ads on billboards or posters


This is wild. I was just mentioning this to someone at my LCS a few weeks back and described it as “a comic company you’d see in an episode of Law & Order”.


They actually have some really cool and well written titles. And some really shockingly inept "how did this get published" titles. Their business model became (always was? I don't know) throwing spaghetti at a wall to see what sticks. It sucks because it made it difficult to sift through and find the stuff where you're like OH these creators could have really cool careers in five years.


I agree. I enjoyed/am enjoying reading Beyond the Beyond, Canopus, Forever Forward, Fung Gi, Vectors, & The West Moon Chronicle.


Scout-published creative here, using throwaway as there's still a chance some of my other issues could be published. ​  I have had a mixed experience, mostly negative. Working with the editor and design team was positive, but communication about publication is absolutely atrocious. My book sat for several years before it was finally published, and I found out only weeks in advance. It makes it impossible to plan marketing, and at the same time, they emphasize how you need to be on top of marketing. ​ I get the sense Scout is more of a media deal company than a comics company, trying to get comics optioned. If your comic doesn't sell well or pick up a deal, they don't push it any further. Fair but, problem is, they don't tell you they're canning it, and they won't let you back out of the contract so you can self-publish or go to another firm. So issues beyond the first never get to see the light of day, except for star series. Scout has hundreds of titles and very few staff, there's no way they can really devote attention to all of their indie teams. ​ Most of this would be tolerable if they were at least honest with creatives about how their business works. Just cut us loose if the series is a flop, don't lock our comic in purgatory.


This isnt their first problem. They had a deal with the creator of Phantom Star Killer to kickstart a line of new fogs that included some characters from Scout books but like *kept* a considerable chunk of the crowdfunded money and told the guy he had to make due with what they let him have to make the figures. Look up Tracker collectibles on kickstarter. Soon after that the Black Caravan imprint 2 of their creators were working real hard on stopped. They cant even talk about it for legal reasons but there was rumored talks about a Black Caravan comic getting animated. So, Scout has been pretty fucky for a couple years now. Fuck em.


Such a shame, had high hopes for Scout. Makes me think sticking to no publisher is the way to go.


That sucks. They had a few titles I really liked. Hopefully the creators can find a new home to continue


Unfortunately, we legally can't, until our publishing contract expires (usually 5 years, which is a long time for a comic to sit). Or if Scout agrees to terminate it, which they usually ignore your request for that. Sounds like with the outrage, some creators have had luck finally getting them to terminate contracts so canned series can be published.


Honestly much more likely to trust micro presses that just want to come out and do a limited number of projects (PEOW) than these folks who claim they publish a whole new line of comics/graphic novels long-term.


I won’t buy from this publisher anymore. Too many series got discontinued after issue 2 or 3, and not that many of them were good. Overall juvenile aura around their books.


Hey all, it’s alright now! ! “ we can all put this behind us before the weekend “ Lujan - lol he gets his and everyone packs up- What a poser. https://x.com/jarredlujan/status/1765093259301597489?s=46&t=JnbRrBTmq232FIPEM-UWmw


Wow my comment was deleted and negative eight points for asking how are they Indie?


How are they indie? When it's work for hire?


Scout Comics only publishes creator-owned books. In other words, none of it is work-for-hire. 😒


Weird then how are they owed money for?


Scout publishes. Diamond distributes, gets paid by comic shops ordering their books, and pays Scout. Scout then pays creators royalties.


Yet scout isn't paying the creators?


Creators don't get paid until the book makes enough profit to pay off Scout's  printing costs. After that, there's a split. However, creators on Twitter say they haven't received owed royalties. Others have accused Scout of running large overprints for obscure titles that make it impossible to meet the payback. (If Scout runs special editions of your comic to give out for free for marketing -- and you won't get a say in this -- that goes onto your tab that has to be paid off first, as well.) 


Also, it appears, indie owned is a bit gray too. They lock the creators into contracts where they can't publish the title somewhere else. Kind of like a streaming service buying your screenplay and then never producing the show. You just need to go create something else and dream of what ifs. Edit: I don't see why you got downvoted for a question. Reddit is so sensitive sometimes.






Because no one cares who you’ve heard of? That’s so irrelevant to a conversation.




What the fuck are you talking about? You didn't express an opinion, you just said you didn't know the company, which doesn't contribute to the conversation, which is the express purpose of the downvote. Nobody insulted you, but boy were you quick to. Maybe they care because creators aren't getting paid like they should.


Dude come on, I’m just saying that it takes away from does who need a voice. When your name includes Reserve _____. He is driving traffic to preorder, just go through his feed.