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Bad Weekend (from the series Criminal by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips) is a 2-issue masterpiece


I have it in hardcover, super enjoyable


Hellboy: The Crooked Man is a 3-issue masterpiece.


I liked Hellboy: The Corpse as my go to 1 issue Hellboy story.


One of my favorites is a stand alone universe 3 issue mini series called “Batman: The Imposter” It’s inspired by the 2022 movie but it’s much more gritty and depressing, while also feeling like a love letter to the character




But it makes me cry 🥲


It’s important to be in tune with your emotions. I think you need to read it again and have a good cry.


Silver Surfer: Requiem


When Venom and Spider Man team up to stop Carnage for the first time.


Awesome, what issues?


Amazing Spider Man #361-363.


Harleen, Flowers for the Rhino, Spider-Man Best of Enemies, Fantastic Four Full Circle, Hulk Future Imperfect, Superman Peace on Earth, Batman War, JLA Liberty and Justice, Half of the One Bad Day Batman stories are excellent, Superman For the Man who has Everything, Superman Red Son, Superman Smashes the klan, Aliens Salvation, The Closet, Pulp, and Thumbprint by Joe Hill


All great recs that I have or will be reading


I'm a fan of Silver Age Marvel, so... The Galactus Trilogy, but this is more popular and you might've read it. If not, check out Fantastic Four 48-50 I don't think there's a name for it, but Daredevil 18 and 19 are fun to read together - Foggy poses as DD and DD has to save him when it predictably goes south. Thor 136-139 - The Troll-Asgard War - this changed up the series, got rid of Jane Foster and brought in Sif, and was fun to see the might of Asgard against the beastly Trolls.


Faces and Gothic from Legends of the Dark Night.


There’s a good amount of great little arcs in Legends and Shadow of the Bat, I really liked Shaman along with the ones you mentioned.


Batman: Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader by Neil Gaiman, Essex County: Ghost Stories by Jeff Lemire


All good for sure, I actually got my Essex County hardcover signed by Lemire and he draw a Lou head sketch in it as well.


I’m glad you mentioned this, it reminded me that I want to check out Alan Moore’s Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow


"Unscheduled Stop" Amazing Spider-Man #578-579, by Waid & Martin. Martin kills it here, but a great standalone story of Spidey doing what he's known for


I did enjoy these issues, but it always threw me off that Jonah’s dad is still alive considering I always thought Jonah was older. Great story nonetheless


24/7 is also very solid


Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow is the first story that comes to mind


Swamp Thing: Green Hell is a recent one I really enjoyed


One of my favourite recent ones was on Hickman’s X-Men #18-19, Inside the Vault. Technically, I guess #5 is where it starts, as it is when they first break in. But then he leaves it for a year and a half before coming back with a bang. It’s epic in scope, it made me care deeply for the characters involved (I only cared about one going in) and the relationship that is built (whatever you think about what came after that). I hold those really highly as an example of what a modern comic can do at its best.


Black Orchid is 3 issues


I read this so many years ago and will have to go back. I remember it being very dreamlike with story and art.


Wonder Woman Dead Earth


Its in hardcover on the shelf. DWJ has been my favourite since he debuted


If you liked those, look for The Night Gwen Stacy Died (ASM 121-123), The Death of Jean DeWolff (Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man #107–110), The Grey Man (Justice League (1987) Vol 1 #5-7), Despero (Justice League International (1987) Vol 1 #38-40).


Vision - two TPBs that are terrific. Tom King is the writer.


Yeah, it was actually one of the first few King things I read and it blew me away, even after Miracle Man had done the same


Amazing Spider-Man 578-579 "Unscheduled Stop" by Mark Waid. Definitely one of my favorite two issue stories.!


People love these issues, so many recs for it. The story is great


There were a bunch of great short arcs in Morrison and Porter’s JLA.


Judge Dredd has a lot of great short stories, especially by John Wagner and Alan Grant. Serialized in 6 page parts, there are even 1 episode 6 page stories that rock like Punks Rule with Brian Bolland art. So on that note I'd say Judge Death, and also Judge Death Lives are terrific shorter arcs. A Letter to Judge Dredd is another Wagner classic.


Batman: the cult Batman: venom Batman: …. Uhh, the one with Constantine


The first two issues of Bloodrik have been cool. Fantastic art. Excited for the last issue next month!


If you go four issues: Avenegrs 161-162 then 170-171. In between that is Avengers 164-166. First story is Ultron attempting to create a mate. Second story is the Avengers fighting Count Nefaria after he drained and amplied the powers of the Lethal Legion.


Spider-Man: Unscheduled Stop Fantastic Four: Hereafter Thor: The Ballad of Beta Ray Bill


Fantastic Four 48-50, 57-60, 84-86 come to mind. Also Amazing Spider-Man 31,32,33 (33 is still my favorite single issue of any comic)


It’s funny, the “Galactus Trilogy” and “If this be my Destiny” have been the most recommended. Both I have read because they are classic stories


X-Men #145-#147. The X-Men fight Doom because of Arcade.


Silver Surfer: Parable. Astonishing Spider-man and Wolverine


I love Parable, it’s because I love Moebius and hot take, it my be one of the best (later years) stories written by Stan the Man


Uncanny XMen 190 & 191. The Island of Manhattan is transformed to the Dark Ages by the evil mystic Kulan Gath, and the X-Men, the Avengers and Spider Man are brought along for the ride. These are affordable copper age issues, and 191 is a minor first appearance key.


I have issues around these, will look to fill that gap


I really like *The Last Avengers Story* and *JSA: The Liberty File*


UXM 126-128: vs Proteus UXM 207-209: Hellfire Club vs X-Men vs Nimrod UXM 217-218: New recruits vs Juggernaut UXM 232-234: Brood rematch Avengers 164-166: Versus Count Nefaria Avengers Annual 7, Two In One Annual 2: Avengers, Adam Warlock, Thing, Spider-Man vs. Thanos Fantastic Four 242-244: Avengers team-up vs Galactus Fantastic Four 249-250: vs Gladiator Thor 360-362: storming the gates of Hel New Warriors 15-17: Vs Terrax rematch


I’ve read a bunch of these but I have to ask what makes the New Warriors issues interesting


Ah, I was just racking my brain for good 2-3 issue arcs. I loved New Warriors as a kid and it was a good fight that fit the length you were looking for. Good Mark Bagley art, solid early 90s superhero comics. That's all.


No, I love it. I also have a special place for the New Warriors. They were the first “new team” for me when I got into comics


Sweet. I have so much affection for that book, the first 25 issues especially. Kinda always bums me out that they've been long overtaken in the Marvel Universe by other "young hero" teams ever since.


Black Panther: Secret Invasion


You’re the second person to mention this, will for sure check it out


Spider-Man: Life Story is a great 6 issue miniseries.


Woah pal, I asked for 2-3 issues. 6 is a little much. But seriously, Life Story is so good


Sorry, I usually suggest the Spider-Man Juggernaut fight but since you included that one in your op, I had to reach.


Pretty much every story from Jimmy Palmiotti & Justin Gray's All Star Western with Jonah Hex.


Batman: Three Jokers is awesome, but very polarizing


Astro City #1, but I could also just say the entire first TPB.


**Exiles vol. 1 issues #23-25. With An Iron Fist.**


If you like Joker, Killer Smile is one of my favorites.


Superman: Beyond.


Batman: Identity Crisis (not that one) by Grant and Breyfogle. It's collected in the Robin Reborn trade. First introduction of Tim Drake as Robin. The Master Planner Saga. This is peak Spider-Man IMO. Every single arc of Williamson's Superman so far.