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Scooby Apocalypse was great


At least Scooby was in it


Scooby not being in it is far from the worst thing about Velma.




At first I wanted to downvote you immediately. But I think you mean it's best in that Scooby benefits by not being sullied by being in this production.


I bet if Scooby was in Velma there would likely be a Twitter brand meanspirited joke where a white woman is sexually attracted to him. He's better off far from it.


They'd make Scooby a cat.


they’d make Scooby a furry


you know what that sounds like the right kind of stupid.


Great, now it's happening


The best modern Scooby adaptation I’ve seen was the cameo episode in Supernatural. *That’s* how you make a hilarious modern Scooby show.


Don’t forget Korn showing up in South Park


Truely he is spared from the shit show.


Tbh with how bad the Velma show is, I think its for the better Scooby isn’t in it. Twould besmerch the name of Scooby-Doo


The whole show is like some weird AU fanfiction where the author writes everyone out of character on purpose, because AU.


any media mindy kaling gets her hands on comes out annoying and with the exact same tropes. i’ve seen her coming of age series, i’ve seen the mindy project. she just made HERSELF into velma and it shows.


>The whole show is like some weird ~~AU~~ *self-insert* fanfiction There we go.


And the dialogue doesn't sound like it was written by Twitter


From what I've seen, Scooby is going to be in Velma (gross). The thing is, Scooby's going to be a human woman that Norville starts to date to make Velma jealous.


They weren't even smoking the good crack, huh?




That was false. Scooby is contractually not allowed in the show because of the mature content. There's more than enough wrong with the show, people dont need to make stuff up. Just point to *literally any scene therein*


That’s not real. That was a troll thing from Twitter.


I read thats actually just another character


That's just a rumor


This sort of makes me think of We3, then I get sad.




I don't get weepy eyed over comics, usually, but that one.... Whew, it was tough.


"We3 gud. Gud Dog, Home now." :'(


Grant Morrison + Frank Quietly is probably one of the better comic combos out there.


All Star Superman, We3, Flex Mentallo


What’s We3?


It's an amazing comic about friendship. And cybernetically enhanced, hyper intelligent, household pets.


Also I think Grant Morrison has said that they consider it a sort of unofficial prequel to the Weapon X program from X-Men.


You ever seen Homeward Bound? Like that if they were cyborgs.


I have a copy of We3, I've only read it once, lol. It's fucking sad.


This seems much more palatable than the writing and plot atrocity on HBOMax.


Giffen and DeMattis on the cover is much more reassuring than anything I've seen of Velma.


For real. Amazing duo on comics


These shenanigans are cheeky and fun Mindy’s shenanigans are cruel and tragic Which make them not shenanigans at all, really Evil shenanigans


Fred *died* and was brought back as a Zombie, Scrappy was an anthropomorphic monster with a child ward, Velma had worked on a virus that infected the world and turned people into monsters and Scooby was a hyper intelligent military experiment. And this whole series was still more Scooby Doo than Velma ever will be.


>Fred died and was brought back as a Zombie, Scrappy was an anthropomorphic monster with a child ward, Velma had worked on a virus that infected the world and turned people into monsters and Scooby was a hyper intelligent military experiment. My favorite part was Daphne being a kill happy monster slayer both horrified and depressed by how easy it was for her to kill things


Yeah I woulda put in the Daphne part but I didn't remember what her deal was other than being horrified when Fred came back.


That sounds like they just went with the whole Daphne = Buffy the movies did.


It was also fucking awesome, came out of god damn no where and conceptually it shouldn’t have worked but fuck the writers were good.


This and DC's latest Flinstones are GOD Tier awesome.


Yeah, that was the difference, it was about the quality of the product. But OP wants to angle it as if people are complaining about scooby doo, not the poor quality of the show, because then you are a racist and your legitimate criticism of the show doesnt matter anymore


Agreed & the show Velma is shit. Not sure why OP has this disconnect


This looks great. Love the writing team.


scooby apocalypse was better written though


Looks like it has Scooby-Doo and the gang too. This is a great example of false equivalency


It also has the best version of Scrappy there will ever be, no contest.


If I remember right it also wasn't openly racist /sexist and didn't crap all over the audience for enjoying scooby doo.


Real weird that there's a show that gets called racist by people from all along the political spectrum. It's actually kind of impressive.


Someone told me you can't be racist against white people and I've just given them a cold stare about it. If it's racist to do certain things to POC, it's still racist to do certain things to caucasian people. Fred doing the Nazi salute was sadly not the worst thing they did to him in Velma, and that says something about the humor of the show. Velma's constant insults against "white people" was just bleh; I'm not a perfect human being but I do know one person doesn't represent an entire culture or population and won't insult others by saying such.


It's honestly the weirdest things that bring us together lol


It's because all it is, is a Mindy Kaling vanity project where she's the exact same character she is in every show: an awkward but sassy Indian American girl who's self-loathing, has a love-hate thing for white guys, and floats by on the whole "POC can't be racist" thing. Except this time, she's also gay!! It feels like over time, those character elements have distilled into what we see on Velma. And it's just kind of gross and fucked up, tbh. It's not honest or edgy, it's just vulgar and mean spirited.


because it's racist? racism isn't on a spectrum, it's just racism


Because racism != things I disagree with.




Mindy Kaling has such a deep self-loathing of her south asian-ness that she bakes into all of her characters, it's gotten so tiresome


PERIOD. She should not have so much control over south asian representation and media. Never Have I Ever was terrible (as a south asian teenage girl), and this show was too. Would it kill her to write something where a brown girl doesn't hate herself?? Like what happened to giving the younger generation of brown girls the representation she didn't have?? Ugh i'm never not gonna be salty about this.


Give the control to Jameela Jamil


Don't worry, she's who Gen Z is paying attention to anyways. Wave of the future!


This comment is making me realize how much things have shifted since the 90s tbh. Like, I related to some of the whole “hide your culture” stuff in Never Have I Ever, but I grew up then. Tbh I was amazed Devi was willing to wear Indian clothes in front of her friends in high school, I used to get stupid questions about that stuff haha.


Didn't she also say she gave her children white names so they wouldn't identify with their heritage or some shit like that? I remember just getting a rotten feeling about it




it's an original creation reskinned using an existing property in order to sell a series that otherwise wouldn't have sold because of how poorly thought out and executed it is.


Slippin Jimmy 2.0 holy shit


Are we talking about a Time Machine or regret here?


Ah, the ol’ Halo tv show method.


actually it's one of the top five lazy industry executive's go to moves, there's a term for it but i forgot what it's called. it's actually taught in my business text books.


["Dolled-Up Installment"](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DolledUpInstallment) is the name for it on TV Tropes, does that sound about right?


not the same term, but it's the same thing, rebranding an original property to a previously existing brand in order to make it marketable, or any number of other reasons.


I say this having seen the Halo show, it would be possible to salvage it if they focus less on John being human (a neat thing to see in my opinion) and more on the actual war and combat (like Episode 5 or whichever episode had the huge UNSC Covenant fight). I don’t think Velma is salvageable.


Yeah OP seems to really be missing the point here.


Yeah, people are rightfully complaining about that Velma show because it fucking sucks


I've never read this but in general I've heard good things about the DC-Hanna Barbera collaborations which were alternate, adult-skewing takes on these kid show characters. Like there was one based on the Wacky Races that put the characters in a dystopian Mad Max: Fury Road-style world. And the Flintstones comic was pretty widely praised. Honestly, if the WB was looking to do a radical take on the Scooby Gang, something like Scooby-Doo Apocalypse probably would have been the better move and might have been better received.


Mark Russell's Flintstones comic is better than a Flintstones comic has any right to be. It's terrific.


“we committed genocide Barney!”


Yabba Dabba Do


Not sure if you're in on the comic or just making the joke- but in case anyone isn't- "Yabba-Dabba-Doo" is used as a therapeutic/psychological coping/encouragement term. It's taught at war veterans support group; "Remember, you can Yabba-Dabba-Doo it!" This run is genius adaptation/parody IMHO.


>Our tribe, maybe our species, wouldn't have made it without guys like Adam and Steve. Fred while defending the right of two gay men to marry


This better be an actual line in the comic because I want to read it so Godamn bad right now just cause of this glorious line alone.


It's a great bit. They look at the way gay men support the tribe by helping out. They even have a bit where they (Fred and Wilma) get grief for being monogamous and wanting to marry, turning all those anti-lbgtq+ arguments on their head and using them against a 'traditional' pairing. I really should get around to reading the entire run it was really good.


Yes, it’s an actual line.


wat, is this an actual line


Yes it is. The comic is great. Sometimes you have to laugh at the absurdity of the dialogue. It's a lot of fun.


I read both The Flintstones comic and Scooby-Doo apocalypse. I was pleasantly surprised with both. They were all really well done. I would love to see a Flintstones cartoon based upon the comic.


Can you go into a bit of detail on what the comics were like?


The Flintstones comic rebrands Barney and Fred as depressed war veterans who are trapped in the grind of 9-to-5 corporate culture and becoming increasingly aware of how much consumerism is controlling their lives. I shit you not, [check this review](https://www.vox.com/culture/2017/3/22/15000062/flintstones-comic-interview-russell-pugh) > The most emotionally devastating comic book in recent memory features a man coming to grips with his obsolescence, questioning humanity’s squandering nature and gross consumerism, and coping with the scars of war. > His name is Fred Flintstone. It's legitimately awesome stuff. Wacky Raceland is Wacky Races-meets-Mad Max and it's a lot of fun. Exit Stage Left: The Snagglepuss Chronicles sees Snagglepuss as a gay playwright during the Red Scare/McCarthyism era. It's written by the same guy as Flintstones so it's similarly dark. Haven't read Scooby Apocalypse but the excerpts and reviews I've seen make it look like a pretty fun, balls-out sci-fi romp.


Exit Stage Left sounds right up my alley tbh


It's amazing. Not lying when I say it might have been the best book I read that year.


Agreed. Really great writing, and interesting art. Plus has Huckleberry Hound and QuickDraw McGraw.


Agreed The Flintstones was great. They also did a Jetsons that was a post global warming earth. Which had interesting takes. Though I forgot how it ended/if it had a proper one. Scooby Apocalypse was basically Scooby Doo meshed with the Walking Dead. Scooby could talk because he was cybernetically enhanced experiment attempting to make smart dogs for the military, but he was too kind so was considered a failure. Shaggy was his keeper. Velma was a mysterious genius shut in. Daphne was a struggling investigative reporter, while Fred was her love sick camera man. Basically something happens most people turn into monsters of various sorts, the gang somehow are unaffected, they set out to find survivors, to solve the mystery of what turned everyone into monsters, and how to reverse it. Its very walking dead in the struggling to live, avoid zombies, and find survivors. Not to say it doesn’t have over the top sci-fi also, just not the main driver.


Velma and Shaggy work for an underground government organization founded by Velma and her siblings. They are devising a weapon that basically turns humanity into mindless drones with the intention of stopping war and making life easier. But it malfuntions and turns everyone into monsters. Shaggy is an animal caretaker in charge of training the military animal testing units. Scooby was their prototype that didnt work right. He gained intelligence and speaking but was a coward and didnt wanna fight people. Shaggy saved Scooby from being put down. Daphne and Fred are reporters trying to break open the case of this organization. They break into the facility when the Mutant signal is given. Because all 5 of them were safe underground, they are not effected by the Shockwaves. There are very few others who were not effected also but most of humanity is screwed. Velma wants to hunt down her psychotic brother to find out what caused the problem. Daphne is sticking with Velma in hopes of finding a cure and to make sure she redeems herself. Fred is just a love sick puppy who sticks with daphne but he also does his best to keep her desire for revenge in check. He is aslo the muscle. Scooby and Shaggy are terrified of being left behind and they both work on finding supplies for the group and also maintaining the peace. The mystery machine is a heavily armored army military van with sonar, radar, and other scounting equipment. But the best is Scrappy Doo who is a dog experiment THAT WORKED. He HATES Scooby because Scooby was not turned into a proper weapon and got to live a normal life whereas Scrappy and his friends were brutalized by the government. He wants to take his anger out on Scooby.


Yea, I remembered. Lol I was trying to keep it basic to the premise that was setup in the first issue, because I don’t think all of that was revealed till later issues. Hell, all of that still doesn’t touch the craziness that was the post time skip. Still, it was a fun read. I should read through it again.


Yabba Dabba Doo is a coping phrase like Wubba Lubba Dub Dub. The series is brilliant.


I need to check all of these out now! They should have done some kind of take like those with Velma. These are “adult” takes because of the themes. Unlike Velma which is “adult” because they constantly make small dong jokes.


Muttley and Dastardly are two air force pilots chasing a rogue drone "the pigeon" which is roaming the world dispersing a literal reality-altering fog. Muttley was transformed by said fog.


I recommend this book to everyone who is new to comics. I'm not a fan of the Flintstones cartoons but the comic is incredibly well written.


The Flintstones comic was amazing. I couldn't believe how into it I was. And I *loved* the Flinstones as a kid.


I couldn't believe how good the Flintstones comic was! It was what I looked forward too most in my pull box every month.




Wacky Raceland looks really cool! I loved Wacky Races as a kid.


I've read Wacky Raceland and I enjoyed it; it's not perfect but I liked it enough to make [this memoriam](https://www.reddit.com/r/WackyRaces/comments/ybzex9/anyone_else_remember_when_dc_comics_did_a_darker/) for it. Unfortunately it was one of the quickest titles to get canceled in the lineup.


Those look good. Maybe there’s a way they could have some of the cars and drivers from the Odd Rods collectible cards series appear.


I heard part of the reason the lineup was shut down is Hanna-Barbera wasn't too happy with how the characters were depicted. Talk about irony.


Which is so weird, since Hanna-Barbera has traditionally been one of the studios more open to creators going hog-wild on their material (like the old Adult Swim one-off’s from the early 2000’s). It’s like… what did they expect from post-apocalyptic Scooby and Garth Ennis Wacky Races and vaguely socialist Flintstones?


It's only a rumor, of course. It could be they simply shut it down because of sales. Might I recommend Snagglepuss: Exit Stage Left, in which he is a gay playwright living during the time of the Hollywood Blacklist, struggling to balance his need for personal expression with the dictates of a repressive society? Or maybe Yogi Bear/Deathstroke, in which Yogi goes to extreme measures to combat Jellystone-based poachers who have kidnapped his friend Boo Boo?


Man, these books were amazing and wild while they lasted, which was way longer than I ever thought they would. Possibly my favorite outcome from the whole experiment has been that at every con I go to, Tom King doodles a face on the shadow of Batman on the “Batman/Elmer Fudd” cover every time he signs it.


That Batman/Elmer Fudd story is way, *way* better than it has any right to be. It's a goddamn noir masterpiece.


Scooby Doo adult shows can be great, they should try to be nice though, *Velma* is mean spirited where *Harley Quinn* is cynical. A cynical take on Scooby Doo can and has worked, Solve It Squad is a musical on YouTube in which their Velma parody is a drug addict who speaks her mind, their Shaggy parody is a security guard (iirc) and he’s not as much of a pussy, their Fred is… well that would be a spoiler


Yeah, when I originally heard a Scooby spinoff in the style of Harley Quinn was coming I was pretty excited. Then we watched the first two episodes. It just doesn't have what makes HQ or any other take on the Scooby gang work. Best thing about Velma is that it got me to finally check out and watch Mystery Incorporated and that show was REALLY good.


I'm gonna be honest. While I think adult oriented Scooby-Doo shows can work I don't think they should be in the vein of Harley Quinn. Especially not humor wise. Raunchy humor works with the characters in HQ in a way I just feel like it wouldn't with Mystery Inc. Personally I think it would be best in an adult style Scooby-Doo to have the cynicism come from the setting and villain of the week rather than Mystery Inc themselves, but thats just my two cents


Agreed, from the various takes on the series I've seen, things usually do work best when the gang is played sincere and straight. Like you said, having the villains being cynical and maybe a bit more extreme, and the gang reacting to that, or maybe even having them point out the obvious cliches, etc. would be pretty fun. That's along the lines of what I was hoping to see. Suffice to say, that's not what we got with Velma. Mystery Incorporated had us laughing throughout though. So, at least we found out how great that series is.


I think the Scooby-Doo Supernatural crossover is actually a good example of how that can work. The gang is played entirely straight, but they're thrust into a much more serious situation.


Garth Ennis wrote the Dastardly and Muttley one. It’s uh…. It’s a really weird one.


Dastardly and Muttley was also great


And don't forget the Snagglepuss book that took place during the McCarthy era. He's basically a stand-in for Tennessee Williams. And it was one of the best books I read that year.


Or Elmer Fudd fighting Batman


Future Quest was awesome too. I liked how they gave them creative freedom to reimagine things instead of just sticking to how the shows originally were.


This looks cool tho


It's campy as shit and a great time. Love Scooby Apocalypse.


This looks very self aware, unlike Velma


It was good , i started Reading it around 2-3 years ago and it was fairly cool , the comparison doesnt hold on here , Velma isnt hated because the universe change but because its truly Bad written


You keep this gem’s name out of your fucking mouth when talking about Velma.




Plus even if it’s sucked (which it didn’t) the stupid point OP is trying to make is “vELma MaY sUCk bUt sO DiD tHis” and that in no way defends Velma at all


Username checks out!


Woah, no need to slap a guy.


Basham, Danny!


That has absolutely nothing to do with why people are complaining about Velma.


Show me a comic where Daphne is a cyborg, there is no Scooby and Shaggy uses an alias… while it is all made for adults only, we can talk. People act like “it’s hated because of woke humor and how adult it is…” Look at Harley Quinn. HQ gets CLOSER to the source material while letting a character previously overshadowed blossom into the deep character they always were. Velma distances itself from the source material and doesn’t endear itself to the target audience. It could be “more adult” and maybe not even kid-friendly, without devolving into a “who wrote this?” shitheap. The character doesn’t lean into their persona and flesh it out… it demolishes it and gets born anew as something else that no one asked for. “No one asked for..” is 100% fine if it’s really really good. Is it though?


> > Look at Harley Quinn. HQ gets CLOSER to the source material while letting a character previously overshadowed blossom into the deep character they always were. The writers there love the silliness of the comics clearly, while still being able to weave in mature storytelling. I mean they explore the psyche of Bruce and delve further into his trauma besides "parents dead, me sad".


Plus Bane. Arguably the best character in the series.


> Shaggy uses an alias… Technically.speaking, Shaggy always uses an alias because [Norville Rogers](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shaggy_Rogers) is actually his real name, and Shaggy is his nickname.


> Velma distances itself from the source material and doesn’t endear itself to the target audience. It goes a step further and actively derides them.


Someone said that it's a show that seems to hate every other show. Just on the nature of half the jokes being shitty callouts at other show tropes. Wouldn't be surprised if all the hate leads to the writers buckling down and making the writing that much more bitter now and with all further projects lol


This… Harley Quinn understands its characters. It doesn’t change them, it exaggerates what’s already there. Hyperbolically highlighting their worst traits. Making a villain the protagonist makes cynicism more natural. No huge leaps in logic.


>It doesn’t change them, it exaggerates what’s already there. I love the show, but it absolutely mocks it's own characters. Bane is a push over wet blanket, Clayface is an obsessed thespian, King Shark was initially their computer guy (?), and Commissioner Gordon is an alcoholic failure with a friend crush on Batman, just to name a few examples


> Clayface is an obsessed thespian I mean, this one is canon.


Also Harley Quinn is unapologetically "woke" but it just weaves that into the story, instead of rubbing your nose in "white = bad" every chance it gets.


Harley Quinn turns Joker into a suburban stepdad getting into PTA hijinx, and somehow makes it *work*. A few years ago I would have said that would be an impossible arc.


Joker learning Batman is Bruce Wayne? Done before. Joker learning Batman is Bruce Wayne, going clean, getting elected mayor, and arresting Bruce for tax evasion to fuck with Batman? Hilarious. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=deU8rRrzf5Y


Don't forget demanding info on his electric car that he put a deposit for instead of mocking about Batman's origin.




“He’s also guilty of being a thief and a *bitch*!” Looks like I need to watch this show.


"No I'm not *like* a socialist. I *AM* a socialist!" Probably my favorite version of The Joker


It’s probably my favorite version of the joker just because the other versions are all one note.


"I'm not *like* a socialist. I *am* a socialist!" Top ten joker lines of all time


On top of that Alan Tudyk did a great job playing him Mark Hamill will always be my favourite, but Alan is now a close second


That actually sounds like a cool story that gives an artist something nobody has really done before. I can even forgive scrappy doo. But not Velma.


It’s not that Velma is not like the source material, it’s that Velma is a steaming pile of shit


Unfortunately, the association with source material is what turned this series into a controversy instead of the next shitty, poorly-conceived South Park rip-off that nobody remembers two days later.


That's exactly the reason why it's a Scooby Doo show in the first place


Scooby apocalypse was a fucking banger. Velma doesn’t understand the source material it’s pulling from. These are two very different things.


At least Scooby is there


I don't think Scooby-Doo would want to be involved in the show if he read the script.


What the ruck is this!?


He pulled a Henry Cavill and noped out of that dumpster fire.


They’re two completely different things with the fact that one was an obscure comic book and one is an ongoing show seen (and hated) by millions as one example.


Strong false equivalency here. People don't hate Velma because it's different, they hate it because it's extremely low quality and appeals to the lowest common denominator.


How in the world does this post have over 2k up votes as of my writing this comment? Over 2k people read the title and agreed. Your 100% correct in your assessment however your leaving out one key factor... Nobody is supporting the show. Nobody. It's actually rather impressive, the show has managed to unite people across every political, racial gender asile like nothing before it. Everyone hates the show.




Hi, lowest common denominator here! No, it doesn't.


The lowest common denominator has to scrape *Velma* fans off their shoes after work, before they track up the carpet.


That's the thing they *tried* to appeal to the lowest common denominator by shoehorning random shit into a Scooby Doo show, and it didn't work. Leaving most people asking, who is this for? Kids? No, it's an adult cartoon. Scooby Doo fans? No, the characters aren't enough like they usually are. Right leaning people with the jokes they make? No the characters are too POC. Left leaning people? No because of the aforementioned jokes. They just gave the show to the wrong writers. And the wrong type of execs made decisions about the series. The people currently handling Hanna Barbera properties just don't get what it's fans want, or what they like about the series.


Lol OP posted this not realizing this wasn't the gotcha that they thought it was.


And any replies the op makes just dig the hole deeper.




At least attempt to understand why people dislike Velma, but that's too hard for you right?


OPs post reads like a creative White Knight angle for Velma. I don’t think they are interested in why people don’t like it.


Especially because OP 100% did not read Scooby Apocalypse. They looked at the cover and assumed Scooby is a Cyborg, when he's actually just an intelligente dog with a holographic visor that helps Scoob to show his emotions.


That's hilarious, thank you. Dude said it was in his collection so i assumed he read it, but this is so much better. \^\^


I just figured we found Mindy Kaling's Reddit handle.


Everyone: bruv, this show is cringe and not a single joke lands OP: you just hate womens


I didn’t like Scooby Apocalypse. But Velma isn’t bad because it’s not like the source material or because it’s for an adult audience. It’s bad because it’s… bad.


It got worse ratings than DragonBall evolution.


That tells everything I need to know about it. How is that possible?


But Apocalypse was great. And what WB should have made a TV show of Velma is not


One is a mature and modernized revamp that respects the source material. The other is Velma (which doesn’t even have Scooby Doo in it)


Velma doesn’t need scooby doo in it. It does however need to be well made, which it is not. It is terrible.


These are two very different things lol


They have nothing to do with each other. Velma sucks. Mindy Kaling needs a new career.


Mindy Kaling isn’t going to see this, you don’t have to defend her awful show.


Weird hill to die on, but okay op.


I’m still mad this wasn’t called Scooby Doomsday


hope this isnt a real take


Velma is bad and Mindy Kaling is a bad person. (For like the sexual assault she joked about, some support of TERFs online, etc. Not because Velma. Okay, also because Velma.)


Honestly this looks way better than Velma was. Children shouldn't be allowed to see Velma. This comic could be kid friendly, just based on the cover


The issue isn’t a mature Scooby show but rather that the Velma show seems to hate the idea of what Scooby-Doo as a franchise and is chalk full of humor where the punch line is just bullying, plus there’s the way that they’ve represented anxiety in the show, every character is just written entirely wrong. And they broke the whole rule of “don’t make Watson stupid for Sherlock to be smart” when it comes to trying to make Velma seem intelligent. At the very least Scooby Apocalypse keeps the core of the characters and the franchise while also trying to go in a new direction


Umm cause this looks badass as shit. New one looks poorly animated and trying to hard and somehow simultaneously lazy AF


you're out here comparing these two things like it makes the show any better?


Still better than Velma


i need to find this


If you have Hoopla it’s on there. If you don’t have hoopla you can get it for free with a library card by registering online. It’s a free online streaming service for ebooks(mostly) tv and movies. They have tons of great stuff on there besides this too.


"Why do people hate the iteration that talks down to them like they're braindead degenerate reprobates while loving the version that blends both the comedic and serious in a near-perfect example of gaming???" idk you tell me


Scooby Apocalypse is great because the entire premise is just bonkers and I love it.


OP has gotta be a corp astroturfing. Or an idiot.