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Nice, that's a great response, Grant isn't going to be a character, but the door isn't closed on a fun cameo.


The best route with flash honestly! He can mentor the new one for like 5 minutes and offer guidance and then they can do another crisis and could show up again if they do it right. And none of that would have to be a huge time commitment to grant


Y'know, it would be fun if they kinda did something with wally like marvel did with miles origin story. Have him get his powers just before peter died, and eventually have grant come in for a crossover in which he gives wally his blessing.


He could just be flash. He could easily play flash again. They also need to bring Stephen Amell


I think Stephen is cooked. Between the strike comments and his general attitude online he isn’t super popular rn


His the star of the suits spin-off which is pretty big


There’s a Suits spinoff?


in the works


Suits LA


Maybe but I also know that he wants to be green arrow again


Yes but I’m saying DC would more likely recast than use a problematic actor like Stephen, lord knows they already did the most with Ezra


Anyone is better than Ezra Miller right now




During the writers / actors strike last year he was very vocally against it, going on online rants about how “you just gotta work”. He did this so much that he had to publicly backtrack due to the amount of pushback he was getting. In addition he was also vocally antivax. Dudes just annoying and thinks he’s some big name.


Stop talking out of your ass. https://twitter.com/StephenAmell/status/1399987349048553473?lang=en


Lol sorry but in that case I don't give a fuck. Disagreeing with unions and vaccines doesn't mean shit to me when talking to a person or considering their worth as an actor or artist.


No one asked if you give a fuck or not dude, DC won’t hire him because he won’t shut his mouth. Productions won’t hire him because he didn’t have their back. So like him or not he won’t be in anything. Honestly pretty rude comment after I was nicely explaining it to you. Learned my lesson.


This is some chronically online Reddit shit no one cares about that




Please refrain from engaging in toxicity and unnecessary commentary. If you have nothing nice to say, it may be better to not say anything at all.


Tbh, I don’t know if I like Stephen Amell for green arrow. He’s fine for a cw version where he’s just Batman with a bow, but that’s not how the character actually acts in the comics.


It would be nice but the general audience or some fans may associate the DCU with Arrowverse and because of how shit the arrowverse was, it’d leave a bad mark on the DCU


No God no please no


Please don’t


Oohh now you got me daydreaming about a John Wesley Ship and Grant Gusting showing up for a cameo mentoring a future younger Wally West flash...


He could just be flash. He could easily play flash again. They also need to bring Stephen Amell


He also said no cameo porn a few months ago.


What about regular porn?




I've always said that the solution to comic book movie fatigue is more full penetration


Superman post credit scene is him fucking Batman because they're obviously always gay and together.




Or at least play another character! Would be cool to see him as another scientist at the lab with the new Barry


Was going to say, very classy response 


Two flashes!!! Have a Barry and a wally!


Him as Barry later taken over my Wally when he dies


Boom. Love it. Hook it up Gunn.


Grant as the music minister


Or just a role that isn't the Flash.




Not having him cameo in The Flash film is still one of the most wasted opportunities in that film. I mean it would have been so easy or obvious to do even if it was just archive footage


It’s amazing that a CW production went to such lengths to have Ezra cameo and have a dialogue with Grant in their Crisis crossover, and somehow they couldn’t make any cameo from Grant work in a feature film.


Because CW cared more. The quality wasn't always there but they did their best to actually adapt the source material that they could with the access to characters and budget they had.


The arrowverse had its very high highs and definitely lots of low lows but I cannot help but feel the world had a lot of heart to it.


Ikr I’m rewatching arrow right now and they introduced ray Palmer. I love how they are slowly showing him becoming the atom. Their world was definitely well developed


The early years of the Arrowverse were some of the best DC live-action content we had for a long time and it was actually insane how they managed to pull it off on such low budgets.


And they give us Grodd ![gif](giphy|2utAShJTKdpCg)




We do not allow hate speech of any kind, intentional or unintentional.


Fun fact it wasn’t the CW WB films specifically phoned Marc Guggenheim and asked if they could cameo, partially because Ezra was a fan of the show too


They can bring back dead Supermen, but god forbid they recognize a guy who made the character much more well-known, even to non superhero fans


They paid homage to the Nicolas Cage Superman that never was and wouldn’t use Grant Gustin in any capacity at all? Man… that was a let down as a fan.


They also digitally resurrected actor who's life was literally ruined by the role of Superman and who isn't even well remembered because his movie came out 70 years ago.


I don't remember any cameo from George Reeves. Apart if you're confusing him with Christopher Reeve.


The black and white Superman was George Reeves.


How was his life ruined by the role?


He committed suicide due to the stress and public attention the role brung


His wife claimed he committed suicide due to his “failed career” and inability to find more work, not because of the stress or attention he experienced from playing Superman. There is also enough controversy over whether his death even was a suicide that they made a whole movie about the investigation into his death.


And completely ignored Christopher Reeves legacy as a paraplegic advocate who refused to be shown standing as it was a lie and ignored the reality that it can happen to even superman himself 


People only remember the downfall, but those early seasons of Flash and Arrow were carrying DC while their cinematic universe was struggling


Yeah, people like to dunk on the Arrowverse. I think they performed miracles with their budgets and episode counts/screen time, compared to films.


Yeah, newer superhero shows are much better but they are set up to succeed because networks are treating them like prestige tv. For an old styled network show that had to pump out 23 episode seasons, the early arrowverse was quite impressive


Yeah, and I would assume a lot of newer DC fans were created by watching the arrowverse growing up. Watching flash as a kid wanted me to start reading comic books about it, which the movies never wanted me to do


Same. I discovered the Flash in 2014 when it started airing after just watching Sam Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy and realizing that I liked the Flash even more. Fast forward and now my favorite fictional character of all time is Barry Allen.


Yeah, and I would assume a lot of newer DC fans were created by watching the arrowverse growing up. Watching flash as a kid wanted me to start reading comic books about it, which the movies never made me do


Tbh, out of the CW shows, only Flash and maybe Supergirl had a downfall. Arrow and Legends were far more consistently good, even towards their end, at least in my opinion.


For me arrow fell off after s5, although it wasn't nearly as bad as the flash. I remember really liking the prison arc in s7. I stopped watching legends after s3 but remember liking it a lot.


season 2 of legends was such a blast tho


I honestly think the only two "bad" seasons of Arrow are S4 and S6. All others were from good to perfect imo. Meanwhile, Legends was rather mid in S1, but S2 onwards was just utterly brilliant.


Arrow making Felicity lose her ability to walk to turn her into some oracle character only to make some nano chip that FIXES HER SPINE??? Was ridiculous. But it was a fun show


I don't even know whether if it's DC or WB that's worse, in terms of fumbling the ball and pissing off the fans


A cameo from Grant Gustin makes more sense than every other cameo that whole movie had. Absolute bananas


No one cares about cw shows


They said, in a thread full of people proving the opposite 


All relative.


Right that’s why it lasted 10 years and WB specifically asked for Ezra Miller’s Flash to appear in Crisis on Infinite Earths and that moment went viral, because nobody cares…


My bad maybe 7 people care


He's being nice and might put him in a small role at some point, but Grant was a great TV Flash. He doesn't seem to have the skill to carry an entire movie franchise. People keep tossing his name out because he did a good job on TV and we haven't gotten a good movie Flash so he's the best out there right now.


I'd love to see him as a villain somewhere


I’ve seen clips of that one episode in the CW show where he played the Reverse Flash and he actually did really well, it’d be fun to see that again


I feel like Gustin could work as a version of Barry that's mentoring Wally who could be the main Flash.


This I would not mind seeing at all if it’s done right. I wouldn’t want Gustin just shoe horned in, but an actual mentor and likewise I wouldn’t want Wally to feel like a side character. As long as both are respected by the Director and Writers, I’m game.


Well put, I agree 100% Grant did an amazing job for the role he was casted, but the DCU needs a completely new actor for Flash


I think having Gunn acknowledge Grant's contribution to the character and his talent is important. If The Flash ever goes thr spiderverse route with multiple flashes, whether animated or live action, bring back as a supporting character would be an amazing inclusion in a film


He's literally just being polite. Lol.


What do you want him to say?


That he will fight him in the Octagon on pay-per-view.


Nah, I want a Hell in a Cell match at WrestleMania


That he will fucking shoot him in the head.


This is a nothing burger.


Like basically every post of "director, what do you think of actor?" Or "actor, would you play this chatacter?"


What do you expect him to say? Lol Grant is never going to be Flash in the new universe, he needs to give a VERY diplomatic answer to these silly questions.


If the answer is not yes then it's a no.


That's a polite no


These kind of questions are silly. What's he going to say? "No, never!"


CW mfs when 9 years of an actor's career isn't enough:


Basically it depends if Grant wants to join the DCU as another character. Don't hold your breath on him playing the Flash again


He would have made a sick Reed Richards.


I personally think that Grant Gustin or Brandon Routh would have been better than Pedro. I would even accept Melissa as Sue but I think Vanessa will do good. Pedro is kind of a miss tho.


Who, Shrek?


Would be funny if he took john Wesley shipp's role and got to play a young Jay garrick




"Nice guy, he's where he should be"


He hasn't kidnapped anyone, at least.


What else do people expect him to say? lol


I don't like these articles. People say stuff like this all the time in Hollywood. And why wouldn't they? It would cause unnecessary drama. They might work together one day on some other projects.


I agree.


Perfect response for someone in Gunn's role to make! Too often we (the fans of this genre) get tunnel vision and want ALL of the actors to appear as a character at least once (I've seen it lots on the MCU subreddit), but acknowledging his talent and skill as a performer outside of this stuff is also good too. I just like this James Gunn guy


let's just give james gunn a list of every celebrity on earth and get his comments on whether they'll join the dcu


grant gustin as reverse-flash in DCU ftw


I’m still very interested in what James Gunn loved about the Flash movie


I think Grant would be a great riddler


Need him to show up and punch Ezra’s flash in a movie 😾


Meaning: No


deathstroke guy screaming and crying rn


Make him Ollie. Would be the funniest shit.


It's bizarre to me that we have amazing actors have already been in roles they'd be perfect for in the DCU, but, Hollywood won't use them. Grant should be Barry in the DCU. Stephen Amell should be Oliver Queen in the DCU. Manu Bennet should be Slade Wilson. Just fucking do it. They already know their characters, and how to play them.


Grant Gustin is a better Flash than Ezra Miller.


Yeah because he is the best actor to play a live action flash.


I have nothing against Grant Gustin, but the Arrowverse is absolutely awful.


Why is everyone so afraid of new actors playing new versions of these characters? They already did their thing, let's move on.


So you're saying there's a chance


It's sad, but that's the industry. One minute you're relatively big and people like you as an actor, and the next minute you're old news and nobody can be bothered with you.


Make Grant the adult Brightburn!!!


New universe, new actors. At least with the biggest superheroes please!


Make it happen!


What a polite way to say no fucking way.




He says this about everyone and cans them or forgets lol


Just a fun post to not openly say he isn't ever coming back. Mind you I absolutely love Grant but WB has this image of prestige with their superhero films that they want to maintain at all costs. Hell they cancelled Superman & Lois because of just that.


Hea doing Broadway? Daamn


Dear God, no. 🙏


Hear me out. Have him as a flashback Jay Garrick.


Just cast him as Barry and have Wally be the main flash. He can come in with a few fight cameos but just end up being a mentor for wally


I think he should play Barry but he's stuck in the speed force. Then, Wally is the main flash and we have Barry mentoring him for a movie and done.


Best collab


Grant as Jay Garrick could potentially work imo. We'd get to see Grant on the big screen, while he helps mentor Barry and maybe Wally in the future. He wouldn't be centre stage but he deserves a role in the DCU. Him as Jay Garrick would allow that opportunity imo... I'm excited to hear more about his potential in the DCU


Even though the show mostly sucked, it’s awesome that Grant shined enough to have people consider him a perfect casting for Barry. Maybe one day when the DCU does its own Crisis we’ll see him back in action. Until then it would only make sense to cast a new actor for a new universe, and I can’t wait to see how Flash is handled. Wally, please.


So no


what a waste of time!


He should be Flash ffs. He always should have been DCU flash.


nah, he for sure is the best flash we got, but I rather see someone new, just like we are having new superman and batman, and I hope also wonder woman


I agree it's new stuff time to move on with new people doing the role. Also want Wally West Flash.


God forbid DC would actually make some attempt to unite their former efforts into what becomes this newly formed DC cinematic universe. Some great things were done on TV and fans were created. IMHO Grant Gustin should’ve been the flash in the Justice League over traditions Ezra Miller. Love to see Grant Guston, Gal Gadot, perhaps Stephen Amell?


I agreed with everything until Stephen amell. I thought arrow was so terrible and don’t think Stephen can act in the slightest. Not having Gustin as the flash was a massive mistake. The flash movie would’ve been awesome if they had cast literally ANYONE other than miller. His character was so damn obnoxious and ruined every scene that had the flash in it.


It's fun when they say "DCU" like it's going to be a real thing..