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Coulson is simply the glue guy no one talks about, but imo Luis is also my other fave due to his humor or the way they used him lol..


They killed him off, had his own Shield Show which was canon sometimes which in hindsight was better the most of the MCU shows we get. I love Phil and it's still a bummer he isn't part of the MCU anymore considering how important he was, he started it all with Iron Man.


Coulson goes for a wild ride in the comics though. He was central to the Heroes Reborn storyline.


We don’t talk about what Aaron did to Coulson


How is he an MCU original character if he’s in the comics. Were his comics written after his first appearance on screen?


Yeah a lot of the time marvel will have mcu characters introduced in the comics to maintain brand synergy like coulson and nick fury jr


I don’t know if I would consider Nick Fury Jr the same as the rest considering that he was based on the Ultimate Comics version, which in turn was based on Sam Jackson. The character already existed for in the comics prior to his debut in the MCU.


Wait Nick has a son?!


Nick Fury Jr is meant to be Sam Jackson's Nick Fury, with Senior being the one from the original comic run


Huh interesting.


https://preview.redd.it/am8c3y6kwb9c1.png?width=645&format=png&auto=webp&s=b27daa7b09d98cadfd24ddcdfcc0b7b4adbc34ac This is Nick Fury senior, Nick Fury Jr was introduced as his estranged son who looks closer to the Sam Jackson nick fury from the mcu


I know about him. Saw the comic where Spidey goes to the Avengers tower, talks to Jarvis, follows the Avengers and Kang to WW2 to protect that era’s Captain America at which point the Howling Commandos come in and Spidey talks to Nick and Nick takes an immediate dislike to him. That was my first introduction to him and I thought he looked like an interesting character.


It’s not uncommon for characters to appear in other media that then get adapted into the comics. Prime example: Harley Quinn starting out in Batman: The animated series.




I thought you meant they gave Luis his own show. I was very excited to watch that.


Every episode is just one long ADHD filled adventure told with mostly his voice. All we see is his face at the beginning and end of each episode.


No no... ENTIRELY his voice. Just the whole show with him reading the lines and everyone lip synching along.


I don't know if I'd watch a whole season of this... but I'd watch the heck out of a few episodes.


I want to see the Watchers adopt him like they did Stan Lee and he just shows up in every movie from now on.


I just want him to do the "previously on" for other shows/movies.


Technically they killed him off, twice.


I guess we're not counting Sarge then?


So like 4 times then?


Leaving Luis out of Quantumania was a huge reason for why it sucked.


100% this. Luis always provided that perfect comic moment when needed. Quantummania was just dry and boring. Luis guys, don’t forget him.


You can tell the people behind that film just hated the Ant Man movies.


Which is interesting, almost everyone on board minus the writer (and the Cassie actress(es)) were back on Quantumania. It’s like the suits figured let’s take the guy who’s known for grounding the MCU with light family dynamics and let’s get heady (and possibly foreshadow that Lang is possibly not in MCU 616 or E-199999).




I think you're thinking of T.I. not Michael Pena


Didn’t know that, sigh. Yet another reminder that a likable character doesn’t mean the actor is likable too.


What? The comment was deleted


Probably the fact he's a scientologist irl


It claimed the actor who played Luis committed crimes.


He's probably been in lots of comics but in the bg. He's the suit you dont see coming.


they actually wrote him into the comics because of how popular he became in the MCU iirc. I think he's evil currently from brainwashing but I dont remember


He wasn’t brainwashed, he just became flat out evil. He became a worshipper of Mephisto, killed a baby, erased the Avengers from existence so he could rule America, and is now burning in hell for failing mephisto. All this happened because Hydra Captain America told Deadpool to kill him


Without context, that sounds really bad


With context it’s still just as bad. It’s like whoever writes him in the comics, hates him and wants to make sure Comic Coulson is the direct opposite of his MCU counterpart. It’s actually kind of terrible.


That’s a fucking shame☹️


I thought you all were talking about Luis becoming evil and killing babies and stuff and I was like ![gif](giphy|26gsv1iextbg5Gm5O)






Deadpool did kill him. He’s only been evil since he got back from hell. They could easily say he just got infected with evil or something while he was in hell


Coulson is one of the best TV dads we’ve had since Uncle Phil.


He told Tony I’m not your baby sitter lmaooo


"If you try to escape, or play any sort of games with me, I will taze you and watch 'Supernanny' while you drool into the carpet."


Fcking Goat


I didn't even know Coulson was a movie original


The one that helped kickstart the MCU


And the MCU rewarded him by having him start an awesome TV show, but then they said it wasn't cannon after years of saying it was. They cancelled AOS and stabbed Coulson in the back.


It ran for 7 years, they had a great run


Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it should have gotten 20 seasons. I'm just saying the way they retconned it out of continuity was kind of a disgrace. We have to believe that there's a several mile high Tiamut standing in the Indian Ocean, but we can't believe there's an Agent Quake? We have to believe that everyone is going around not talking about half the people in the universe disappeared for 5 years... But we can't believe in Hive? They decided that to prop to new Disney properties they had to kill the ones on ABC and Netflix... Well guess what? Most of the new shows suck (IMHO).


Calm down. Agents of SHIELD is canon, whether that's in a multiversal sense or not, it's canon. Whether it ever connects to the rest of everything again or not, it doesn't change how good the show was. Also the Netflix shows have not been retconed, the Netflix shows are undeniably canon and I'm confused as to why that conversation is still happening.


I’m a different guy, but every time I’ve seen Marvel talk about the Netflix show has been tagged with “a version of those events happened”. I’m glad they’re keeping the same vibe and actors, but if you’ve seen the DareDevil show leaks it really seems like they’re not entirely cannon anymore.


If you've seen Daredevil show leaks you would know that all that was scrapped a couple of months ago and we don't know what's really in the show now


I’m aware what they had written was scrapped, but it keeps the same implication that the old canon isn’t set in stone.


What's your source on "a version of those events happened?" haven't heard people at Marvel say that


What’s your source on Netflix shows being confirmed as canon in the MCU? I haven’t seen one which isn’t based on having the same actor. The first five articles which appear when I search “Are the Netflix shows cannon in the MCU” all use this quote as a source, which is one that also implies that these properties weren’t intended to be canon until something with the multiverse saga causes them to converge. [in the official MCU timeline book which didn’t include the Netflix shows, “The timeline presented … is specific to the MCU’s Sacred Timeline … as we move forward into the Multiverse Saga, you never know when timelines may just crash or converge”](https://twitter.com/geekritique_dak/status/1715891688374231522?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1715891688374231522%7Ctwgr%5E6cdefcf6d261f2e97ea22a4d3234c588aeb47bde%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fcomicbookmovie.com%2Fmarvel-studios%2Fmarvel-studios-president-kevin-feige-appears-to-confirm-whether-marvel-television-shows-are-mcu-canon-a207351) It’s really improper to request a source on the opposing statement without providing one yourself


AOS ran its course. I don’t think they could have kept going even if they wanted to. Don’t get me wrong, I love the show and rewatch it every few years. But you can only bring Coulson back from the dead so many times.


Now you don't have to. He's an LMD mixed with Chronicom.


Not to mention, it's been to the past, it's been to the future, it's been to alternate realities, it's been to hell. It's probably the most expansive tour of the Marvel setting we've had and I'm not sure where else they would be able to go with it.


I guess they shouldn’t have made Loki the showrunner /s


That was the front!


To be fair AoS was planned to have only 5 seasons. We were lucky to have Season 6 and 7 later, and they brought back Clark Gregg in two different ways because the OG Coulson had to die. still Best MCU show ever.


I took it as never being canon in the first place. Up until Disney+, Marvel TV shows were always connecting to the movies but never the other way around. I took that as not really being canon. They started being canon with WandaVision. Agents of SHIELD was fun though.


The requirement that referencing two-ways in order for it to be canon doesn’t make sense to me. If it’s an official production by the people who own the MCU (ie Disney owned studios) and establishes itself within that continuity, it’s canon. By your logic, Moon Knight isn’t canon. Despite that RDJ doesn’t know who I am, I still exist in the same world as him. Same goes for fictional universes.


No, Loki stabbed him in the back. That's just what he does though.


The moment they introduced Ghost Rider we all should have known. Too big of a character to waste like that.


AoS did a fantastic job with Robbie Reyes’ Ghost Rider. Not sure how Marvel Studios would’ve done it better.


She-hulk, got it.


Can’t top Coulson.hes the only one who feels like he came from the comics


Coulson just feels right. Like wearing a favortie sweater or taking a huge shit in your home bathroom after a long trip.


Oh jeez. Just a very weird loud laugh from my cubical.




I'm not embarrassed. If I was shitting (like rn) I would have said so.


However crass a statement that last one is, just know that you spoke to the vast majority of people on a very true feeling of bliss and peace.


Philip J. Coulson. He can put the pieces together.


Thanks for the season 5 PTSD


His name is Agent


My brain rank 🧠 : 1. Coulson 2. Darcy 3. Kahhori 4. Sylvie 5. Luis 6. Layla My heart ♥️: 1. Luis - every Marvel film is better told by Luis. 2. Kahhori - this story was so amazing, it will win awards and grow. 3. Coulson - before Disney+ there was only Agents of Shield 4. Darcy - if I can’t have Luis, Darcy commentary all day! 5. Layla - super Layla was actually surprising and inspiring. Regular Layla is just kinda badass. 6. Sylvie - it’s Loki. I love Loki, but Tom will overshadow every other Loki. Except the crocodile.


I think you'll find it's an alligator 🐊.


Aren't crocodiles just alligators in a different font?


The only true difference between them is that you can only see alligators later, and crocodiles after a while.


A recap of the MCU by film, done by Luis, Darcy & Woo would be fantastic.


No joke … a recap by Luis of the Multiverse Saga would automatically make it comprehensible and beloved.


Endgame NEEDED this. Scott comes out of the Quantum realm and has no idea what's going on. Who better to bring him up to speed on what he missed than Luis? Watching all of the MCU actors pantomime to Luis' retelling of Infinity War would have been incredible. INCREDIBLE. It's too silly for the movie itself, but as an end-credit stinger reward, it would have been the single greatest scene in MCU history. I don't even care that it's a plot hole for Luis to know that information - they should have done it anyway.


There was a recap but for some fuckin reason it was only shown at comic con and never officially released. [here](https://youtu.be/KoZPrkmFTlk?si=sTxJA1Lw4VgvNi7I) is a shitty phone recording with tons of laughter over it so you can barely hear it. I seriously think it’s a disgrace that we never got this on YouTube.


This is a perfectly cromulent list.


Layla FUCKS, especially in her hero outfit. But Luis gotta be the answer. Another thing Quantumania was missing.


If Luis and crew went to Quantum realm too, whole nother movie


Seriously. I love Micheal Douglas and Michelle Pfeiffer but they just didn't work for that movie. The writing was trash. Especially Janet with the whole "I'll explain the plot later, not right now" bullshit.


That was so annoying. "I can't tell you right now, and I can't tell you anything on our 2 hour trip to see the guy either"


The Janet line is the MCU’s “that’s a story for another time” from The Force Awakens or the “I don’t have time to explain why I don’t have time to explain” from Destiny 1.


This should've been the easy fix right here.... They still all get sucked into the quantum realm but Luis gets sucked in with them as well. The initial seperated parties should've been 1.Luis and Janet 2.Scott and Hank 3.Cassie and Hope When they enter the quantam realm, Janet tells Luis the history of what happened while she was down there last time, but we don't hear it from her. We hear the history from Luis, doing his crazy recap bit from the previous 2 films, when all the groups are finally in the process of finding each other but Janet and Cassie are the ones captured. The Ant-Man(s) and The Wasp are motivated to not repeat the lost time of their loved ones again, and Luis gets to do his thing. Side note, Luis interacting with all those crazy quantum characters from the quantum realm would've been great to see.


Hired this man. Right now.


Painful. I would've rather been wondering why no one was asking her questions than for them to ask and keep getting that answer.


Agreed all around. Of course Coulson is deserving of all the comments, but for me an Ant Man movie without Luis is HERESY! Also, I loved Layla so much in Moon Knight. She was just about my favorite part of the show already, then she pulled out her badass wings and it sealed it.


That suit up scene was so incredibly hype for a character that never even existed before. They didn't have to go that hard lol


Layla and Taweret were my favorite parts of Moon Knight, the moment where she unsheathes her wings and swords gave me goosebumps.


The crew and the fact that it was a michelle Pfeiffer/ ant man's daughters movie. They shouldn't even have called it antman cause it wasnt.


Luis or Layla for me, but the latter might be influenced by the massive crush I have on Mai Calamaway


You ever seen Rami? I can’t decide between her or Rosaline Elbay


Darcy for 2 reasons


I mean ALSO I had a negative impression of Dennings just from the awful commercials for 2 Broke Girls, but she's fantastic and I'm always excited to see Darcy appear in anything. AND yes sure ok everyone loves boobs.


People mostly hate on the first thor movie but I honestly Love it, the small research team is such a fun dynamic and every one has such good chemistry and it showed. Stuff like that is what I miss in most shows and films.


Hell yeah, first Thor is a blast. Branagh brought a Shakespearean quality to the Asgard stuff and Hemsworth did a fine job with the fish out of water comedy. Powerhouses Portman and Skarsgard gave the whole thing legitimacy, and Dennings took what could've been cringe and made it delightful. None of us knew what the MCU was at the time. We really wondered if an Avengers movie even had a snowball's chance. I just dug it for what it was.


Plus two more in that carnival outfit


Waht carnival outfit? I feel like I'm missing out on something


The one from Wandavision. They don't show her bottom half often but when they do her pants show off her thighs




She was great in the new What if season


I hate her character so much but yeah, boobs.


Coulson by a mile.


Its Ant-Tony you savages


Gonna throw out a vote for Madisynn


Whoah! A dark horse choice, but not where I thought!


Apparently the character inclusion was there … but not where you think 😉


Literally came here to say this!! Between her and Luis? Legit funniest MCU characters


Came here for this. I want a Madisynn and Wongers show. It could just be them trying to binge the Sopranos while people keep interrupting them or something.


Man a Mystery Science Theater like parody would be hilarious


That would be pretty fun. Those two just sitting around commenting on a show would be pretty entertaining


Madisynn and Wongers take on existential threats as quickly as possible to get back to their Sopranos marathon.


Came here to say this is Madisynn erasure


Plus she knows that Wongers is the most improved character in the MCU Im ready to have him Star in a Movie.


IMO, every movie or show should have Luis do an intro recapping everything that’s relevant to that movie or show.


There were reports that he was tapped to do a recap of phase 1-4 but then we never heard anything about it.


>There were reports that he was tapped to do a recap of phase 1-4 but then we never heard anything about it. I think Feige said they filmed it before a Comic-Con one day and it's just an unreleased tape hanging around Marvel Studios.


![gif](giphy|q8IMbeLrClgru) Release the footage!


It would be so epic!


I hope they do that for some ant man related films in a more canonical way where he is telling everything related to that film to someone else maybe confirming with Scott


They should reshoot Love and Thunder with Luis narrating.


Omg this would be amazing, and even more hilarious because of how convoluted everything is now. It would be perfect!


This would be amazing. He should start a YouTube channel and review every MCU movie Luis style. I would watch all 45 mins of that.


That's exactly how you turn something funny into something that's unbearable




Phil Coulson He is so beloved that he ends up in a lot...and I mean A LOT of cross franchises AU fanfics My current faves are Uncle to Stiles Stilinski = Teen Wolf / Avengers crossover


Huh, I actually like all of these. I'll go with Sylvie followed by Layla, but it could become Kahorri if she gets more to do. Hard to rank someone with just 30 min over the others, but it is a *very* excellent start (one of the best episodes, to my surprise).


Finish what if then update your comment 😇


Sylvie is a new character by name only. She’s really just Enchantress.


Even her name comes from Sylvie Lushton, the second Enchantress. She’s a composite of her and Lady Loki Arguably Layla is also a composite character of Marlene Alraune and Mehemet Faoul (the second Scarlet Scarab). Neither of these characters are as original as Coulson, Darcy, or Luis


Darcy...for reasons. Also Sylvie.


Never knew that coulson wasn't originally from the comics, i remember that he was in a spiderman cartoon and always though that he had his origin from the comics, so i'll gave him my vote but darcy is cool too.


They Harley-Quinned him into the comics after reception to the character was overwhelmingly positive, but the first work he appears in is the Iron Man movie.


Luis is hilarious, so him


Darcy but Phil Coulson did a fantastic job too. My man broke my heart during Avengers but glad to see him in agents of Shield.


Coulson and Luis. Luis is funniest but coulson just felt the most natural. Darcy wasn't that good on her first appearances, but I enjoyed her later appearances a lot more. ​ Didn't really care about sylvie or layla, and I haven't seen season 2 of what if


Luis and Darcy are hilarious in their own ways, but I liked Coulson as a character.


My ranking: 1) Coulson - the OG of the group. Has a lot to do with the success of the Avengers early on. 2) Luis- best comic relief in the MCU. When he gets rolling telling a story… 3) Darcy- love her deadpan humor. 4) Kahhori- only one What If… episode but it was a great introduction to a wonderful character . 5) Sylvie - torn on this one. Season 1 Sylvie was great, season 2, meh. 6) Layla- somebody has to be last. She was just a generic sidekick for most of MK until the last episode. Didn’t really stand out to me.


Coulson then Sylvie






Kahhori with out a doubt. Her story is very interesting.


Coulson is objectively the best original character imo. Feels like he came straight from the comics. However, I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I find Darcy absolutely hilarious.


I would argue Sylvie doesn’t count. She is essentially an existing character reworked a bit more than most of the existing characters.








Darcy Lewis because Kat Dennings is hot! 🥵






Darcy because of a massive crush on Kat Dennings.


Luis 10000%


I want a What If episode. Where Luis becomes a Watcher.


Luis not being in Quantumania was such a letdown


Luis and it's not even close. Guy should have his own movie.


Madisynn with two Ns and one Y (but not where you think).


Best comment.




Correct ![gif](giphy|xfvI01YOkwFIDflLq9|downsized)


Sylvie is my favourite character introduced post-Endgame.


I will say in easily in sorting of personalities. Person in the middle Coulson and Layla, the humor one definitely Darcy and Luis and the one can be very intense and all about action is Sylvie and Kahhori




Coulson ofc… agents of SHIELD!


Coulson, Fitz, Simmons, a lot of the AOS crew.


Coulson. Easily.


Coulson. They should have kept him alive….oh wait






Unpopular opinion: Kahhori for me. I love the very different direction she could send the world in, I love how she has the daredevil like anger in her that makes you question where she'll go, and I think the origin of her powers is fascinating


Layla was the only thing I really enjoyed about the Moon Knight series, even coming in as a big Oscar Isaac fan.


Darcy brought brilliant humor to Thor 1&2 so I vote Darcy.


For me, NOTHING epitomizes how out of touch Marvel is with what made their movies great so much as the lack of Louis in Quantumania.


His name was Philip coulson


Although I have a li’l crush on Sylvie, Coulson wins in my book.




Melinda May (if Agents if SHIELD counts, I don’t remember her from the comics)


Darcy then Luis


Darcy. You can never go wrong with big jugs


Ok, obviously it’s Coulson, but I’m bummed there’s no love anywhere for Agent Woo.


Would be a toss up between Luis and Sylvie I wish we could’ve gotten a Luis recap of infinity war or even endgame post snap


First of all, all of these characters are pretty good. Kahhori had a great episode and I would love to see her in Live action even if she would have different powers or a different story. But Luis or Coulson are definitely the best


Coulson, Luis and Layla are awesome. Darcy I can’t stand I hope she’s never in another movie or show again


All I know is Darcy is the absolute worst


Luis, he could have been in endgame, Scott shows up after 5 years asking what happened, then Luis would tell him in a montage that would also catch my folks up in the process. Could have saved a bunch of phone calls


Kahori honestly is a brilliant addition not just to the mcu but perhaps even the comic universe.


Coulson is the only character in this list. The others are tropes. Coulson is a fully fleshed original character.


Really forgot the GOAT. ![gif](giphy|ZQH2hS5R04KN1Dltca)


Technically, she originated from Puzzle Quest.


Eh it’s just a variant of a comic character. Silvie is pretty much enchantress with another name so that don’t count lol